[情報] 閃靈在 Explicity Intense 的報導內容分享

看板ChthoniC作者 (lsc)時間17年前 (2007/04/12 19:47), 編輯推噓16(1600)
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Devani S. (2007). Chthonic. Explicity Intense, 26, 16-18. Written by Devani Sarjoo Chthonic Music that which is expressed in more than one creative way goes onto make a lasting impression. Such can be said for Taiwan's Chthonic, a black metal band not afraid of experimenting yet keeping to true to their heavy metal roots. Frontman Freddy rang me up from his home in Taiwan to discuss their best sounding album to date, "Seediq Bale", and what makes his band so daringly evil and fascinated with the paranormal. 以超過一種以上的創意方式所呈現出來的音樂可以使人印象深刻,台灣的閃靈樂團正是 這樣的一個創意樂團,閃靈是一個不斷嘗試新意而又保有重金屬感的黑死金屬樂團。閃 靈的領魂人物Freddy有一天從台灣打電話給我,和我討論他們至今做得最好的唱片“賽 德克‧巴萊”,同時也聊到是什麼原因促使他們樂團如此堅持要維持邪靈作風和那令人 著迷的超自然感覺。 EI: Being a black metal band from Taiwan, do you find it easy or hard to compete with black metal bands of the same style from Europe? Chthonic: "It's not easy for us to compete with them (Euro black metal bands) in the European market. It's not easy for us to compete in the US market either, but in the Eastern Asia territory it's much easier for us since we have the same culture here and we can easily communicate with the metal fans. So all of the metal fans in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore can understand our music, lyrics, and the meanings are easier." EI: 身為來自台灣的黑金屬樂團,如果要和性質相同的歐洲黑金屬樂團比較,你認為這 樣的競爭是簡單的,還是不容易的? 閃靈:「對我們來說,要和歐洲團競爭是很不容易的,甚至說要和美國團競爭也很不簡單 ,但如果是在東亞地區,由於我們的文化背景類似,也比較能夠和這些金屬樂迷溝 通,因此這種競爭對我們來說就容易多了。因此所有在日本、中國、香港、台灣和 新加坡的樂迷都比較能夠瞭解我們的音樂、歌詞、和歌詞所要表達的意義。」 EI: What are some of the elements which make Chthonic's stlye of black metal very atmospheric and evil sounding? Chthonic: "I think, we just like evil songs. Mainly the songs are written by myself and Jassie, the guitarist. Both of us like ghost stories since our childhood. We like movies and all kinds of evil stuff. We like lots of literature about ghosts. We just like this kind of stuff; I think it's quite natural," Freddy commented. EI: 是什麼元素造成閃靈樂團成為兼具藝術性和邪靈感音色的黑金屬風格? 閃靈:「我想,我們就是喜歡這種聽起來邪邪的音樂,這些歌大多是由我和吉他手 Jassie寫成的,我們從童年時期開始就很喜歡這些邪邪的東西,我們喜歡許多神 鬼文學,就是喜歡;我想這是很自然的事」Freddy說道。 EI: How do your lyrics about Taiwanese pro-independence stance tie in with the brutality of your group's music as it's not a dark subject matter? Chthonic: "Actually we did not think about as to how to connect our music to the pro-Taiwan issue. I think it's very natural that we live here and writing something about it as it is easy to be a pro-Taiwan or pro-independence band. All of the songs are about here, so it's quite independent, it's quite Taiwan. We found out that when we write stories about here, we write lyrics about Taiwan, its legend, and write ghost stories of Taiwan. It's easy for us and the people to support Taiwan more or to spread the values of Taiwan more." EI: 我想這也不是什麼密秘了,請問你個人支持台灣獨立的言論,如何與你們樂團音 樂的殘暴性取得平衡? 閃靈:「事實上我們沒想過要如何將我們的音樂和台獨結合在一起,我們住在台灣,於 是就寫下有關台灣的一些事,我想這是再自然也不過的事了,所以我們也就很容 易變成支持台灣或支持台獨的樂團。我們的歌都是有關台灣的事,這樣很獨立, 也很台灣。我們也發現,當我們寫下與台灣有關的故事,這同時就是在寫台灣、 寫台灣的傳奇、和寫台灣的神鬼故事,在這種情況下,我們這一群人當然就會傾 向多支持台灣一些,或者多宣揚一些台灣的價值。」 EI: You also mix an ancient Taiwanese instrument (er-hu, a two-string violin that dates to Tang dynasty (618-907)) within your music, so do you believe there is enough room to mix traditional Taiwanese music with that of modern extreme metal Chthonic plays? Chthonic: "Ya, it's very easy to do that since I listen to this kind of er-hu music in my home. I've been listening to this instrument my whole life. It's connected to my life. When I try to write a tune I find out that I need something very sad since all of the concepts of our albums are sad stories. So I need an instrument to express this kind of emotion. Then I found that all the rock instruments like guitar, bass or even keyboards cannot have that type of tone. When we started to use er-hu as an instrument, we just let more people know that this kind of traditional instrument can be played with modern music, with our own er-hu plyaer," the vocalist stated. EI: 你在你的音樂中也加入了一種台灣的樂器〈二胡,一種可追溯到西元618-907年 的唐朝的二弦琴〉,請問你認為在現代極端的金屬閃靈作品中,還有足夠的空間 可以混雜這些傳統的台灣音樂嗎? 閃靈:「可以啊,因為我在家裡就是都在聽這種二胡音樂,所以將二胡放進我們的音樂 裡是很簡單的一件事。我這一輩子都在聽這種樂器,它跟我的生活連結在一起, 我在寫曲時,由於我寫的都是悲傷的故事,所以我發現我需要一種可以表現這種 悲傷情感的樂器,我認為所有搖滾樂的樂器都做不到這一點,不論是吉他、貝斯 、甚至是鍵盤都做不到。當我們開始將二胡加入我們的音樂,我們便讓越來越多 的人知道,這種傳統樂器是可以和現代音樂一起演奏的,而且我們有屬於我們自 己的二胡演奏人」主唱人說道。 EI: I also noticed in your lyrics that you've mixed lyrics from the Taiwanese language alongside English. Do you ever find it difficult to express your emotions when working with two complicated languages? Chthonic: "I think it's okay; it's easy. You know the Taiwanese parts, I learned those because they are too hard to translate. I think all of those parts can be expressed good only in the Taiwanese language. The English parts, we don't translate them but we try to write them, so we have a Taiwanese version here, in all Taiwanese language, but the English verion which we do not translate, we try to write them like a poem. I like English and I like English literature, so I think English lyrics have different kinds of feelings. It's very easy for me to het into the spirit." EI: 我也注意到在你的歌詞中,中英文是夾雜著用的,請問你是否覺得在使用這二種 複雜的語言時,會不容易將你所要表達的感情表現出來? 閃靈:「我想我沒有這方面的問題。你知道台灣話的那些部分,我覺得我很難將它們翻 譯成英文,而且也只有用台灣話才能將那些部分完善地呈現出來。那些英文的部 分,我們不翻譯,但我們忠實地把它們寫下來,所以我們保有台灣話版本,也保 有英文部分,並把它們都寫得像詩一樣。我喜歡英文也喜歡英文文學,所以我認 為英文歌詞可呈現不同的感受。我很容易就可以盡入這種精神狀態」。 ***這一段不太瞭解Freddy要表達什麼*** EI: How did you feel receiving your "Best Rock Group" award from Taiwan's President at the 14th Golden Melody Awards? Chthonic: "I think it's very good because it looks like the president endorses black metal. Then the people will feel like 'okay we should listen to more different kinds of music', not just mainstream or pop rock. If I look at it in this way, it's good." EI: 當你從台灣總統陳水扁手中接獲第14屆金曲獎的最佳搖滾樂團獎時,有何感想? 閃靈:「我想這是很好的一件事,因為這就好像總統親自為黑金屬音樂背書一樣,這樣 之後人們就會覺得“好啊,我們應該去聽更多不同類型的音樂,而不是只有聽聽 所謂的主流音樂或流行搖滾樂”。假如我這樣看待這件事的話,這是好事。」 EI: What makes your new album "Seediq Bale" different than your last three releases and do you feel this is Chthonic at their best? Chthonic: "When we started Chthonic in 1995, I found that it was impossible to find musicians to play [with me]. There were no musicians who wanted to play black metal [with], so I had to find some friends to [play with]. They were not into black metal... Some of them were in pop rock bands and jazz bands. In the beginning it was very hard to write songs myself. Then after a couple of years, the members changed, they were not suitable for this band and left. In 1999, Jessie, the guitarist and Doloris, the bassist joined Chthonic. If we go from 1999 'til now, three of us, and more new members joined the band, the drummer, the keyboard player and the er-hu player. We can write better songs than the original lineup," Freddy admitted. According to Freddy, 'Seediq Bale' is their best record. EI: 請問你的新專輯“賽德克‧巴萊”與你的前三張專輯有何不同?你覺得這次這張 是閃靈有史以來最好的專輯嗎? 閃靈:「1995年閃靈剛開始時,我發現我根本找不到可以一起玩團的音樂人,那時候沒 有人想要玩黑金屬樂,所以我必須找一些朋友來一起玩團。他們都不是玩黑金屬 樂的,有些人算是流行搖滾樂的,有些人算是玩爵士樂的。剛開始時,光靠我自 己一個人寫歌是很辛苦的,之後過了幾年,我們的成員改變了,他們因為不適合 這個樂團而離開。到了1999年,吉他手Jessie和貝斯手Doloris 加入了閃靈。如 果從1999年算起到現在,我們有三個基本成員,接著有其他成員加入,包括鼓手 、鍵盤手、和二胡手,所以我們現在可以寫出比原來團員在的時候更棒的歌。」 Freddy承認。因此根據Freddy的說法,“賽德克‧巴萊”是他們目前為止最好的 一張唱片。 EI: Where did the nice bound format packaging idea for your latest DVD, two live CD set come from? Chthonic: "It's our 10th anniversary, so we just decided to make it as good as we could." EI: 你們將在美國發行最新的DVD和二張現場CD組,這樣精彩的音樂合輯來源為何? 閃靈:「這是我們的出道十週年的作品,我們會盡全力將這張音樂做好來。」 ┌----------------------------------------------┐ │"We like lots of literature about ghosts. │ │ We just like this kind of stuff; I think it's│ │ quite natural." Freddy │ └----------------------------------------------┘ 翻得好累 希望這樣沒有觸犯著作權法,有的話再自D好了 跟大家分享這份全國人民的喜悅 請問有人有閃靈的“深耕”或“祖靈之流”可以賣我嗎? 或是能否伸手要求一張閃靈的大海報嗎? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lsc2k 來自: (04/12 19:49)

04/12 20:02, , 1F
推 辛苦了
04/12 20:02, 1F

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推 辛苦了
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04/13 02:15, , 7F
辛苦你打那麼多 推
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04/13 04:07, , 8F
借轉家族 謝!!
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04/13 12:15, , 11F
我可以轉到八卦嗎 單純想讓大家認識他們...可以嗎
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文章代碼(AID): #167XnF8G (ChthoniC)