[新聞] 新專輯的小消息

看板Christina作者 (East 2 West)時間15年前 (2009/10/02 09:53), 編輯推噓8(804)
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製作人Tricky Stewart(Umbrella、Single Ladies)加入新專輯的製作群, 接受採訪的時候有提到Christina新專輯的消息,不過當然都是好話啦~~ 確定的是: 專輯已經完成,Xtina正在後製。 明年才會發,因為要先拍電影。 名稱和首支單曲都還沒確定。 Tricky Stewart說這是繼Stripped之後他認為Xtina最好的專輯, Xtina會延後發是不想要因為拍電影而沒時間宣傳這張專輯, 言談之中好像雙方都蠻滿意的~ “It’s just great(指B2B). I wouldn’t say that it’s alternative, I wouldn’t say that it’s different,” he shared. “Christina’s always been an artist that moves the bar and that’s what the great ones do. They don’t stay in the same place for too long and this album is just another move for her.” (接著談新專輯) “I really feel it’s one of her best bodies of work that I’ve heard since Stripped. I think it’s really, really amazing and I think it’s well put together.” “She’s mixing it up again. She’s singing R&B again, she’s doing pop. She’ s doing it all, but she’s found a way to make it all meet in the middle because she’s so many different things. She’s a real serious musician, she’ s a real serious pop artist, and she’s a real serious singer. She’s making all her audiences happy at the same time.” The mother of one had previously revealed a collaboration with M.I.A. “I know that she did it,” confirmed Tricky, “and I know that there’s a lot of other cool features, like I know that she has Santigold and Flo Rida on there. ” Fans will have to wait until next year for the album while the pop star focuses on Burlesque, her musical co-starring Cher. “She’s gonna do the film first. She didn’t want to not be able to promote this record because it ’s gonna be a big record for her,” explained Tricky. “The album is finished. She’s mixing. She hasn’t made a final decision about what the first single is, but I know everyone feels good about their options.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/02 10:14, , 1F
stripped後最好的一張?? stripped後也才一張b2b…
10/02 10:14, 1F

10/02 10:20, , 2F
10/02 10:20, 2F

10/02 10:21, , 3F
10/02 10:21, 3F

10/02 12:55, , 4F
10/02 12:55, 4F

10/02 13:51, , 5F
10/02 13:51, 5F

10/02 16:14, , 6F
在我心裡b2b的確比不上stripped 但都很棒啦~~
10/02 16:14, 6F

10/02 17:17, , 7F
10/02 17:17, 7F

10/02 17:24, , 8F
10/02 17:24, 8F

10/02 18:03, , 9F
我都很愛~不一樣的風格啦~有時想聽B2B 有時想聽脫衣秀
10/02 18:03, 9F

10/03 12:49, , 10F
10/03 12:49, 10F

10/08 20:03, , 11F
10/08 20:03, 11F

12/06 02:32, , 12F
12/06 02:32, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1AnLq7TI (Christina)