
看板Christianity作者 (雅古蟹)時間15年前 (2009/02/11 08:16), 編輯推噓5(503)
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攝理教聘請八位知名律師辯護,又不斷糾纏受害者要求和解, 然而,這不但完全沒有減輕刑罰,昨天南韓首爾高等法院反而再將刑期延長到十年, 真是罪證確鑿。 下面是 Strait Times 引述法新社(AFP)的報導 http:// www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Asia/Story/STIStory_336458.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cult head jailed for sex crimes 邪教領袖因性犯罪被囚 SEOUL - A SOUTH Korean cult leader who told followers to have sex with him to purge their sins was jailed for 10 years on Tuesday. 首爾 一名告訴其跟隨者與他交合來除去他們的罪孽的南韓邪教領袖星期二背判監禁十 年。 Jeong Myeong-Seok - whose JMS sect stands for both Jesus Morning Star and his initials - was convicted of raping or sexually assaulting four women between 2001 and 2006. 鄭明析於2001年至2006年間因強姦和性侵犯四名女性被判刑。鄭明析的教派是JMS,JMS指 耶穌晨星會(Jesus Morning Star)或鄭明析的英文縮寫) An appeal court added four years to a lower court's sentence of six years. 上訴法庭在地方法院判處的六年徒刑上,再加上四年徒刑。 'The accused committed serious wrongdoing by taking advantage of his status as a religious leader,' the court said in a statement, adding the victims were 'hurt severely.' The court was crowded with some 70 of Jeong's followers, some sighing and others shedding tears at the sentence, media reports said. 法院在宣判時說,『被告利用他宗教領袖的身分地位做出嚴重的罪行』,並加上受害者「 嚴重受傷」。報導的媒體說,法庭上擠進了約七十名鄭的跟隨者,聽到判決時,有些嘆氣 ,也有些痛哭。 Jeong, now in his early 60s, fled South Korea in 1999, one day after rape allegations against him were broadcast on national television. He was formally charged in absentia with rape in 2001. 現年六十多歲的鄭,1999年在疑似強姦的事件在全國新聞上被報導後第二日逃離南韓, 2001年的時候在未到案的情況下正式依強姦罪起訴。 The cult leader was arrested in Hong Kong in 2003 for visa violations but later fled an extradition hearing. China extradited him to Seoul in February last year. 這名邪教領袖於2003年在香港因違反入境條例被捕,但在引渡公聽會前逃離香港。中國政 府於去年二月將其引渡至首爾。 The offences for which Jeong was convicted were committed with followers while he was on the run overseas, but South Korean courts said they had jurisdiction because his victims were Koreans. 雖然鄭是在海外流亡時對信徒幹下這些罪行,但是南韓法院說他們有裁決權,因為受害者 是南韓公民。 Former cult members, mostly young girls, have told police they were instructed to undress for health checks and to have sex with Jeong to expunge their sins. 這些前邪教信徒,大多數是年輕女性,她們告訴警方說,她們被要求脫下衣服進行身體檢 查,然後被要求與鄭明析發生關係來減輕罪孽。 The girls said they were threatened with spiritual death if they spoke of what happened, according to previous media reports. 根據先前的媒體報導,受害女性被威脅說,如果她們把所發生的事情說出去的話,將下地 獄。 News reports have said Jeong, who founded his cult in the late 1980s, was still believed to have thousands of followers. -- AFP 新聞報導說,鄭於1980年代建立了這個邪教,相信仍約有數千信眾。 --法新社 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 要找鄭明析二審的相關韓國新聞資料, 在基督信仰板上找關鍵詞「攝理」 /一審偵訊時承認對受害者做出「不適當」行為/ /一審中與鄭明析談和而出庭作假證反遭偽證罪起訴/ /受害者公佈一審判決書部份內文/ /二審聘請請知名律師辯護,舉國譁然/ /當庭裝病,閃躲受害人質問/ /以「非宗教審判」為由嘗試阻斷受害者陳述曾如何相信鄭明析/ /鄭明析當庭否認自己是彌賽亞/ /農曆年間四處騷擾受害者求和解,受害者親戚亦難倖免/ /原判決日攝理申請延後宣判欲與受害人和解/ /鄭明析二審更裁,罪行重大,求處十年徒刑/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 補上昨日(二月十日)日韓新聞報導影音片段 http://0rz.tw/13ldz ※ 編輯: jacobcrab 來自: (02/11 08:52) ※ karst10607:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 02/11 09:26

02/11 10:54, , 1F
還有第三次審判嗎 ? 不知道ms們會不會上訴
02/11 10:54, 1F

02/11 11:43, , 2F
02/11 11:43, 2F

02/11 11:53, , 3F
02/11 11:53, 3F
opoj:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 02/11 13:46

02/11 14:34, , 4F
02/11 14:34, 4F

02/11 16:22, , 5F
你們的同伴被關了 還這麼開心啊
02/11 16:22, 5F

02/11 16:41, , 6F
02/11 16:41, 6F

02/12 16:16, , 7F
02/12 16:16, 7F

02/12 16:16, , 8F
02/12 16:16, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #19aXZxJB (Christianity)