[外電] Biggest Questions Before 13-14 Season

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Biggest Questions Chicago Bulls Must Answer Before 2013-14 Season http://ppt.cc/7PuO BY JAY WIERENGA (FEATURED COLUMNIST) ON JULY 14, 2013 The Chicago Bulls achieved something truly unique last season. Despite taking a step backward in wins, they simultaneously had a disappointing season and exceeded expectations. The obvious answer for this situation was the injury to Derrick Rose and the lowered expectations that that brought for this Bulls squad. Essentially, the Bulls were given a pass for last year. However, that free ride the fans gave them will certainly be revoked this season. This is a team, at least on paper, that is built to challenge anyone in the East—including the defending champion Miami Heat. That being said, there are still some questions that need to be answered heading into next season. 芝加哥公牛隊在上一季達到了一個獨特的境界。 儘管離獲勝只差一步,他們同時有著令人失望與超出期待的表現。 這情況最明顯的答案便是Derrick Rose的受傷和對其陣容的小覷。 實際情況是,去年的成績還是拿到了季後賽門票。 但是,今年公牛的的球迷可不會滿足只拿到季後賽門票而已,這是一個球隊,至少字面上 來說是,公牛隊的建立是為了挑戰所有的東區球隊(包含冠軍-熱火隊) 話雖這麼說,仍然有多問題在新球季來臨前需要回答。 Will Derrick Rose be given big minutes? Derrick Rose還能重回他的榮耀時刻嗎? The biggest debate around the Bulls last year was the ongoing drama surrounding Rose's potential return. 上一賽季最大的爭議就是Rose是否會上場的戲劇 The Bulls didn't do their star guard any favors by keeping the door open to a return during their series against the Heat. 公牛隊在對上熱火時球隊並沒有強推Rose出賽,反而是保持一個若有似無的情形 It turned into an absolute soap opera, as fans were split into the "should he return?" and "could he return?" camps. 這根本就變成了球迷在爭辯"應不應該上場"和"能不能上場"的肥皂劇 That debate is over, but a new one will emerge. 爭辯結束了,但新的將會出現 There is little doubt that Rose will be ready once the season begins in late October. The question becomes: How big of a role should he have initially? 關於Rose的爭議最遲在今年八月還會再炒一遍,但問題會變成"他復出時所扮演的角色是甚 麼?" There should be at least a couple of schools of thought on this topic. Some people will probably say that Rose needs to be babied. Bring him along slowly and let him get a feel for the game. Perhaps the biggest obstacle he faces in his return is mental, as he needs to know that his body won't fail him. 有些人說照顧Rose像在照顧小嬰兒一樣,就放她一個人慢慢地找回對比賽的感覺。也許面 臨最大的障礙是心理障礙:害怕她的身體會在一次的讓他失望。 This certainly is a valid stance. 這無非是一個說法 However, there should be another side of this debate. 然而,也有另一種說法 Perhaps the best thing for Rose is to dive in. Let him come back strong and immediately get back into the groove. Obviously, he shouldn't be playing 40 minutes per game, but there is no reason that he can't play 30-32 right off the bat. 也許對Rose而言,最好的方式便是去克服自己,讓他上場找回比賽的律動。顯然他不需要 每一場比賽都打40分鐘,但也沒道理他不能只打個30-32分鐘找回球感。 Right now, there are too many people questioning his toughness, both mentally and physically. Rose needs to answer these critics the best way he can—on the court. 現在有許多人開始懷疑他生理和心理的堅毅度,Rose必須在場上做出最好的回答。 Can Jimmy Butler handle the shooting guard role? Jimmy Butler能否扮演好得分控衛的腳色? As of now, the Bulls really don't have a true shooting guard on the roster. 現在來說,公牛隊其實不需要真正的得分後衛。 However, if you look around the league, shooting guards are starting to evolve somewhat in general. There are very few dominant shooting guards left. 然而,環觀整個聯盟,大多數得分後衛都才開始成長,擁有強大主宰力的得分後衛並不多 And ironically, the team that sported the greatest shooting guard of all time heads into the season without one on the roster. That being said, Jimmy Butler likely will be handed the position now that the Richard Hamilton experiment is mercifully over. 諷刺的是,在這支擁有史上最好得分後衛的隊伍(指Michael Jordan)在這個賽季卻面臨到 沒有任何一名得分後衛可用,話雖這樣說,Jimmy Butler最好能夠在Richard Hamilton結 束了悲劇性的實驗後頂替上陣。 Butler brings a lot to the table. However, one thing he does not bring is a ton of scoring. Butler帶來了許多東西,然而,他唯一沒帶來的就是得分能力。 To be fair, the Bulls don't really ask him to do that. His calling card is stellar defense and energy. The Bulls have plenty of other options to pick up the scoring slack. 公平來說,公牛隊並沒有要求他去得分,他被要求的是防守能力和他的體力,公牛隊還有 許多其他的得分點。 But they do need Butler to be efficient. In a lot of ways, Butler could occupy a role similar to Thabo Sefolosha in Oklahoma City. Butler needs to be a shutdown defender who can also spot up and knock down triples. 但它們卻需要要求Butler打得更有效率,許多方面來說,Butler可以扮演雷霆隊Sefolasha 的角色,Butler仍然需要有效地擊敗防守者。 The name of the game for Butler will be to avoid hurting the offense. They don't need him to score 20 points per game, but they do need him to take smart shots. Therefore, a lot of times the offense won't go through him, but it shouldn't stop at him either. 但Butler卻不能打亂進攻的節奏,公牛隊不需要他每一場都拿到20分,他需要打得更聰明 ,這樣一來大多數的進攻便不會透過他,但也不應該刻意忽略他。 How big of a role can Tony Snell handle? Tony Snell能夠打得多出色? The Bulls aren't often a team that leans heavily on rookies. 公牛隊不常將重點放在菜鳥身上 To be fair, they usually don't draft high enough to have impact rookies on the roster to begin with. But this year, that could change with the Tony Snell pickup. 主要是因為它們通常拿不到高順位的選秀籤,但今年它們卻選到了Tony Snell The book on Snell is that he's a shooter who didn't always play consistently at New Mexico. 它們將Snell定位成走動射手。 He is long, lean and athletic but not overly strong. 他雖瘦弱但精實、體能勁爆但卻不會太過頭。 He played mostly as a catch-and-shoot player in college yet his three-point percentage of 39 percent doesn't really fly off the screen. 大學生涯中大多數他都是扮演catch-and-shoot的角色,39%的三分命中率卻也沒有太超過 For Snell to have value to the Bulls, he will need to make shots, plain and simple. They won't be asking him to play stellar defense or drive to the hoop. This is fortunate, as he will likely be overpowered by bigger guards and forwards, and his ball-handling needs work. Snell的價值在於它能夠投,樸素而且簡單,球隊不要要求他成為大鎖或殺入禁區,但幸運 的是,球隊有許多大型後衛、前鋒能夠幫他做掩護,而且他的運球也需要再加強。 What will get Snell minutes will be if he can catch-and-shoot and provide a nice change of pace to Butler and Luol Deng off the bench. Snell能把握的機會就在於Butler和Luol Deng在場下休息時的替補上場時間 However, the Mike Dunleavy signing likely will take some minutes away from the rookie. 然而,它的上場時間很有可能會被另一名球員Mike Dunleavy所瓜分。 This will be an interesting situation to keep tabs on. 這將會是一個值得關注的有趣現象。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/14 23:38, , 1F
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07/15 01:02, , 6F
PG however開始兩段 目前聯盟中大部分的PG都在成長中,擁有
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07/15 01:03, , 7F
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07/15 01:04, , 8F
ironically一段 greatest shooting guard of all time指MJ
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07/15 01:13, , 12F
外電翻譯斷電很久了XDD 感謝你的灌溉^^
07/15 01:13, 12F
※ 編輯: LardsCom 來自: (07/15 08:58)

07/15 08:59, , 13F
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07/15 08:59, , 14F
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07/15 11:47, , 15F
有心翻譯最重要 推
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07/15 14:13, , 16F
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07/15 14:13, , 17F
辛苦了XD 麻煩你替我這不負責任的轉貼者翻譯XD
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07/15 15:13, , 18F
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07/15 23:01, , 20F
推 辛苦了!
07/15 23:01, 20F
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