[外電] Bulls officially waive Bogans

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (Tree666)時間12年前 (2011/12/17 12:12), 編輯推噓14(1404)
留言18則, 11人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/78qtmvd By K.C. Johnson, Chicago Tribune reporter 7:22 p.m. CST, December 16, 2011 INDIANAPOLIS — The Bulls unofficially waived Keith Bogans on Dec. 9 when they pulled him from the floor moments before the first practice of training camp. They made it official Friday, days before Monday's deadline for picking up his $1.73 million team option. In starting all 82 regular- and 16 postseason games, Bogans drew criticism from fans seeking an upgrade at shooting guard. But coaches and teammates appreciated Bogans, praising his toughness and professionalism. Asked one question about Bogans on Friday night, Ronnie Brewer, who battled for minutes with him, took 2 minutes, 18 seconds to answer. "Man, he summed up our team," Brewer said. "He took the ego out of it. He did his job. Thibs asked him to start, play as hard as he possibly can. Sometimes he didn't get back in until the start of the third quarter, but you didn't hear him complain once. "He brought it every day. He was a great teammate to me. He pushed me to work hard every day. He will be missed." The Bulls also waived Jannero Pargo, who also wasn't in camp, dropping the roster to 13. That's where it will stand for now, though a reserve big man could be added. "We have great appreciation for what Keith did," coach Tom Thibodeau said. "He had an unbelievable year for us. He filled his role, played great defense, knocked down open 3s. He's the consummate professional. We wish him well." Bogans has drawn interest from several teams but was extremely unhappy with the way his Bulls' stint ended. "Hopefully, he can get on with another NBA team and find a home quickly," Brewer said. "He worked hard this offseason getting healthy and he was in great shape. We're a family. And that's like a brother not being on the team. We're definitely going to miss him." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/17 12:13, , 1F
祝福他 感謝Bogans上一季的貢獻
12/17 12:13, 1F

12/17 12:19, , 2F
12/17 12:19, 2F

12/17 13:48, , 3F
突然間裁掉這兩人 是有要補進誰嗎 還是純粹省錢?
12/17 13:48, 3F

12/17 13:50, , 4F
賽程緊湊 板凳是非常重要的 希望不是真的只為了省錢
12/17 13:50, 4F

12/17 13:51, , 5F
反詹大將軍還沒人搶耶 可守SG/SF又有外線 考慮一下吧
12/17 13:51, 5F

12/17 13:55, , 6F
祝福Bogans~!! 老席應該很捨不得吧? XD
12/17 13:55, 6F

12/17 14:27, , 7F
反詹大將軍Stevenson嗎 這個不錯 也不搶手 符合公牛的型
12/17 14:27, 7F

12/17 15:40, , 8F
12/17 15:40, 8F

12/17 16:32, , 9F
Bi-Annual Exception 兩年3.8M 可以試試看
12/17 16:32, 9F

12/17 19:40, , 10F
Bogans防守不是不錯嗎 怎不留下來當小鎖
12/17 19:40, 10F

12/17 21:06, , 11F
12/17 21:06, 11F

12/17 22:49, , 12F
12/17 22:49, 12F

12/17 22:55, , 13F
KB的空缺就是RIP來補呀XD 而且Roster要留給禁區
12/17 22:55, 13F

12/17 23:13, , 14F
12/17 23:13, 14F

12/20 10:46, , 15F
Bogans防守還滿不錯的, 若被東區強隊簽走當然不太好
12/20 10:46, 15F

12/20 14:32, , 16F
哈 他沒熱門到可以讓強隊為了他放棄進攻啦
12/20 14:32, 16F

12/10 13:33, 5年前 , 17F
不過公牛有錢搶他嗎?? https://noxiv.com
12/10 13:33, 17F

04/19 03:31, 5年前 , 18F
KB的空缺就是RIP來 https://moxox.com
04/19 03:31, 18F
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