[外電] 公牛當然肖想Howard, 但是...

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (Tree666)時間13年前 (2011/05/30 00:36), 編輯推噓24(24026)
留言50則, 14人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Of course, we'd all love Dwight Howard, but... http://tinyurl.com/444hsm7 by Doun Thonus Much like Carmelo Anthony, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Pau Gasol, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, and virtually any other superstar who ever switched teams or thought about switching teams, Chicago Bulls fans are now dreaming about Dwight Howard. Much like the previously listed stars, there's a good chance that Dwight Howard leaves his team (among that group of guys rumored to potentially leave only Kobe and Wade stayed). The writing is on the wall. When Magic ownership says they've already offered Dwight extensions, and Dwight responds that they can't legally offer him anything, nor has anything been offered, you can tell that things aren't going to end well. Dwight doesn't want to deal with the fact he hasn't signed an extension, so he's pretending one doesn't exist. If you're a Magic fan, that's not good news. If you're a fan of any other team, then the news is pretty good. Is Chicago in the running? Chicago seems like a natural destination for Dwight. Derrick Rose and Howard know each other through Adidas, Dwight has referred to Rose as his little brother. They seem reasonably close, at least as close as Rose is to any star. Chicago also has a large market which is likely appealing to Howard as it is to most star players, and of course, Chicago has a great chance to win a title. However, Howard has said he wants to be the man wherever he goes. That's not going to happen in Chicago, especially with Rose hailing from the windy city. He's also expressed a desire to stay in a warm climate. Ric Bucher recently noted that Dwight's top choices presently were Orlando, Dallas, NJ, and LA (may have the order wrong, but Chicago was not mentioned). How would a Dwight Howard trade work Let's ignore whether Chicago is in the running for a moment and examine the dynamics of a Dwight Howard trade. First, Orlando has to decide that they'll consider trading Dwight. I'll tell you this, there is a 0% chance of this happening prior to the new CBA. One of the things owners are going to push for is a franchise tag. A franchise tag might give Orlando leverage to keep Howard for a couple more seasons, and so there's a chance Howard won't leave in the near future. Also, there may not be the same type of deal in 2012 like there is in 2010 where a bevy of attractive destinations have open cap room. Chicago is capped out, New York is capped out, the Lakers are capped out. Dwight Howard may not have quite the attractive destinations to choose from, and Orlando may simply say "hey go find somewhere better than here", and Dwight may come back. However, if Dwight does apply enough pressure, takes some negative publicity, and demands out, then he'll likely pick his destination, or at least limit it to one of a few teams. Thus, if Howard wants to leave, odds are his list of preferences will be important. Let's say Dwight wants Chicago and Orlando is willing Given what we presently know, that Orlando says they won't trade Dwight no matter what and would rather lose him for nothing, and that Dwight doesn't have Chicago on his list presently (at least from the rumor mill), the odds of these two things happening don't look particularly promising, but if.... The trade probably looks something like this: Joakim Noah, Luol Deng, Kyle Korver, (Taj Gibson or Omer Asik), and draft picks for Dwight Howard and Hedo Turkoglu or Joakim Noah, Carlos Boozer, Luol Deng, (Taj Gibson or Omer Asik), and picks for Dwight Howard and Gilbert Arenas Either trade gives the Magic some pretty good players and dumps one bad contract onto Chicago. Granted, the Bulls would be dumping Boozer back for Arenas, but there is no way to match salaries otherwise. Is it worth it? Heck yes. I love Joakim and Deng, and it's possible this trade might set you back for a season, much like the Knicks are temporarily set back by trading a bunch of medium level players for Anthony, but at the end of the day, it's easier to find some more average to good players than it is to find the best center and a top 5 player in the NBA. Should we dream bout this all summer? Probably not. Look, if there's any chance of it happening, the Bulls will make it happen. However, there likely is no chance that it's going to happen. We don't need to call up Gar and tell him to work the phones. No need to call Bulls management stupid for not making it happen. If it has a chance, it will be explored and everything possible will be done to make it go. Sadly, that doesn't mean it has a chance. Until there's at least a rumor that Orlando will consider offers, or Dwight is interested in Chicago, there simply is no reason to think this has a chance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/30 03:31, , 1F
05/30 03:31, 1F

05/30 08:49, , 2F
05/30 08:49, 2F

05/30 08:49, , 3F
05/30 08:49, 3F

05/30 08:51, , 4F
第2個方案 要丟BOoo Noah Deng+Taj or Asik
05/30 08:51, 4F

05/30 08:52, , 5F
一次丟掉3先發+1好用替補 換DH+0號 交易後感覺不賺
05/30 08:52, 5F

05/30 08:55, , 6F
第一方案Noah+Deng+KK+ Taj or Asik換DH+火槍比較划算點
05/30 08:55, 6F

05/30 14:34, , 7F
真是猶豫 又想要魔獸 但又不希望球隊的基礎整個打掉
05/30 14:34, 7F

05/30 17:10, , 8F
魔獸對球隊戰力影響滿大 好中鋒難求 他才26歲 防守跟籃
05/30 17:10, 8F

05/30 17:11, , 9F
板就是頂級算目前第一中鋒 他的防守 老席應該會很愛用他
05/30 17:11, 9F

05/30 17:13, , 10F
但要換魔獸一定會把團隊打亂 只是希望失血能降到最低
05/30 17:13, 10F

05/30 17:14, , 11F
目前的總管不會隨便被搶劫 搶太多頂多就不換 就像換甜瓜
05/30 17:14, 11F

05/30 17:15, , 12F
如果魔獸的願意來公牛 大不了等他約滿再搶人 這樣損失小
05/30 17:15, 12F

05/30 17:16, , 13F
類似當初簽boo 熱火簽前龍王跟LBJ 魔術能撈到好處也最少
05/30 17:16, 13F

05/30 17:17, , 14F
約滿搶人? 野得看公牛有薪資空間搶嗎 應該只有交易一途吧
05/30 17:17, 14F

05/30 17:25, , 15F
05/30 17:25, 15F

05/30 17:28, , 16F
以魔獸續約薪資 公牛可能會丟noah+Deng
05/30 17:28, 16F

05/30 17:29, , 17F
但續約先簽後換 算是能得魔獸又對球隊戰力傷害最小方法
05/30 17:29, 17F

05/30 18:35, , 18F
以後會不會有先簽後換這條款都不知道 能早點交易過來才是真
05/30 18:35, 18F

05/30 18:37, , 19F
C:DH PF:Boo SF:Hedo SG:Bogans PG:Rose
05/30 18:37, 19F

05/30 18:38, , 20F
Asik(or Gibson) + KT + Brewer + Watson
05/30 18:38, 20F

05/30 18:39, , 21F
雖然DH是防守怪物 可是SF去了Deng 來了Hedo...
05/30 18:39, 21F

05/30 18:42, , 22F
這樣陣容 也許把Brewer提上SF較好 不過外線很糟就是.....
05/30 18:42, 22F

05/30 18:44, , 23F
05/30 18:44, 23F

05/30 18:53, , 24F
到時應該就有好一點的SG了吧 SF擺小酒 SG擺強一點的
05/30 18:53, 24F

05/30 18:53, , 25F
火槍去守開特力比較實在XD 對他防守不敢恭維
05/30 18:53, 25F

05/30 19:07, , 26F
5月初的外電 魔獸說想被交易到籃網 尼克 湖人 和 小牛
05/30 19:07, 26F

05/30 19:08, , 27F
05/30 19:08, 27F

05/30 19:09, , 28F
不知道現在會不會改口考慮公牛?公牛戰績比籃網 尼克好
05/30 19:09, 28F

05/30 19:10, , 29F
05/30 19:10, 29F

05/30 19:45, , 30F
05/30 19:45, 30F

05/30 19:46, , 31F
超級巨星跟普通明星的差別是不一樣的 今年對熱火很明顯
05/30 19:46, 31F

05/30 19:47, , 32F
季後賽就是球星的天下了 能搶到DH一定要搶
05/30 19:47, 32F

05/30 19:47, , 33F
05/30 19:47, 33F

05/30 19:50, , 34F
看看LBJ季後賽的變身 整個系列賽靠他第四節殺爆公牛
05/30 19:50, 34F

05/30 19:55, , 35F
重點是魔獸不用說明書 Boooo真的不太會用...
05/30 19:55, 35F

05/30 19:56, , 36F
同意樓上看法 超級巨星難得 有機會一定要梭下去拼了
05/30 19:56, 36F

05/30 19:59, , 37F
除非公牛上下願意替布另闢戰場 我覺得P&R像上一代在用的XD
05/30 19:59, 37F

05/30 22:04, , 38F
05/30 22:04, 38F

05/30 22:06, , 39F
湖板還有原文 文章代碼(AID): #1DojAIdh (Lakers)
05/30 22:06, 39F

05/30 22:06, , 40F
只是當初公牛還沒打進東冠 湖人還沒被淘汰
05/30 22:06, 40F

05/30 22:07, , 41F
魔獸的確不用說明書 今年季後賽 一個人力拼老鷹
05/30 22:07, 41F

05/30 22:08, , 42F
魔獸boo兩個都有20pt10reb 的實力 希望能在公牛合體成功
05/30 22:08, 42F

05/31 00:03, , 43F
05/31 00:03, 43F

05/31 00:04, , 44F
05/31 00:04, 44F

05/31 00:05, , 45F
05/31 00:05, 45F

05/31 00:05, , 46F
05/31 00:05, 46F

06/01 08:13, , 47F
DH+Booo+Rose 又一個作弊的開始QQ
06/01 08:13, 47F

06/01 12:55, , 48F
06/01 12:55, 48F

12/10 13:30, 5年前 , 49F
火槍去守開特力比較實在 https://muxiv.com
12/10 13:30, 49F

04/19 03:29, 5年前 , 50F
直在場下實在不怎麼好看 http://yaxiv.com
04/19 03:29, 50F
文章代碼(AID): #1DudOhzu (ChicagoBulls)