[外電] Behind Rose, Bulls Adjust And Wallo …

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (穿白襪的小熊與公牛)時間13年前 (2011/05/16 23:39), 編輯推噓10(1004)
留言14則, 11人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://espn.go.com/nba/dailydime/_/page/dime-110516/daily-dime CHICAGO -- After a sluggish first half, replete with turnovers, late defensive rotations and miscues that left the Chicago Bulls tied at the intermission with the Miami Heat in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference finals, Derrick Rose decided it was time to step up. 經過了一個懶散、充滿了失誤以及緩慢的防守輪轉的上半場後,公牛隊與熱火隊在東區冠 軍戰的第一場中場休息時打成平手,而這時候,Rose決定挺身而出。 The league's MVP felt responsible for his team's sporadic play and needed to be held accountable. "Just by nature, I'm quiet," Rose said. "But being in this position, being the point guard, being one of the leaders on this team, you have to talk a little more." 身為聯盟的MVP,他認為他必須為球隊零散的進攻負責,並且挺身而出。 Rose說:「我的天性是比較安靜,但是在這個位置上,身為一個控球後衛以及球隊的領 導者之一,我應該多說點話。」 So Rose got the undivided attention of his teammates in the locker room and spoke up. "I told them it was me," Rose said as he relayed the message he gave the team at what proved to be the most pivotal point of Sunday night's 103-82 victory over the Heat. "Careless turnovers. I'm the point guard. I have to do way better." 於是Rose引來了更衣室中隊友的專注聆聽,說:「我告訴他們是我不好,粗心的失誤,身 為一個控球後衛,我必須做得更好。」Rose在重述這個做為今天的勝利中最為關鍵的一點 時說到。 LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and the Heat didn't know it. But it was at that time -- halftime, tied at 48-48 -- when the game changed from one that was hotly contested, intense and competitive to what would eventually become a statement-making rout. LBJ、D-Wade、Bosh以及熱火隊並不知道,但正是這個時候,這場在中場仍然以48-48打平 的高度競爭、張力十足並且旗鼓相當的比賽成為了一場宣示意味濃厚的擊潰戰。 Rose's halftime accountability session was the step-back-and-breath moment that jump-started Chicago. The Bulls went into the locker room with nine turnovers. They committed only one the rest of the game. Rose's talk was the only time the Bulls might have been out of character the entire night. Rose在中場所做出的究責發言對公牛來說是一個退一步,喘口氣之後得以快速啟動的關鍵 。公牛隊在上半場帶著九次的失誤進入休息室,但整個下半場只有一次。而Rose的發言成 了公牛隊整個晚上最不像公牛隊的時刻。(最後一句應該是指Rose自動自發的發言,讓公 牛打出符合公牛本色的比賽,而Rose這突如其來的發言是平常不常見的。) Fueled by their top-rated defense, their seemingly endless depth, their relentless energy and their uncomfortably vocal catalyst, the Bulls walloped the Heat and established just why the path to the NBA Finals in the East must run through Chicago. 注入了他們頂尖的防守、看似無盡的陣容深度、永不間斷的能量以及讓敵隊煩躁的吵鬧主 場,公牛給了熱火重重的一擊,也說明了為何東區球隊想打入總冠軍賽必須要先過芝加哥 這一關。 The Bulls thoroughly took over the game in the second half by outscoring the Heat 55-34, knocking down 7 of 14 shots from 3-point range and pounding their way to a 19-6 advantage in offensive rebounds that led to a 31-8 edge in second-chance points. 公牛們徹徹底底地在下半場掌控了比賽,以55-34的得分壓過熱火,以14投7中的命中率命 中三分球以及以19-6的進攻籃板優勢締造了31-8的第二波進攻得分差距。 Team Toughness blew out Team Talent. 團隊的堅韌吹熄了團隊天份 Chicago's hustle dominated Miami's hype. 芝加哥的拼勁宰制了邁阿密的高調 In setting a definitive tone at the start of this series, the team that missed out on the biggest three players in free agency last summer overwhelmed the squad that landed them. 藉由將這個系列賽定調為防守戰,這支錯失了簽下那三個最大的自由球員的公牛隊壓倒了 簽下他們全部的那支球隊。 When Oprah takes over the United Center for Monday's farewell show, she's going to have a tough time following the week's opening act in that building. 當歐普拉接著進入聯合中心準備禮拜一的再見秀時,她將會為如何在這禮拜的第一天就有 這麼精彩的活動後炒熱場子感到辛苦(這句話我還真的不會翻,只知道5/17有歐普拉秀, 但是不知道為何會是tough的,總不可能是場地髒亂吧?所以我先依照她的職業以及這個 場地的活動來猜測,請知道怎麼翻的板友不吝賜教!) "You have to give credit where credit is due," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said in assessing the damage the Bulls inflicted on Sunday night. "They did what they normally do. We took it on the chin ... virtually in all the effort areas. We got away from things we normally do. We went a little sideways from a lot of those effort battles that we surrendered." Spo在評價公牛隊熱火所做出的傷害時說:「你不得不稱讚他們值得讚美的地方,他們做 到了他們平常會做到的事,而我們受到全面的打擊*,事實上在所有的層面都是。我們無 法達到我們平時的表現,我們試圖逃避了那些被我們放棄的戰鬥。」 (*took it on the chin=to receive the full brunt of something) It's never a good sign when there are words such as "surrendered" are tossed around at any point this deep in the playoffs, let alone in Game 1 of a series with so much at stake. 在季後賽的這個階段,不論什麼時候,當"投降"或"放棄"被拋出來時,那都不會是一個好 的徵兆,更別說是至關重大的系列賽第一場。 But clearly, the Bulls' aggressive play put them in position as the team that advanced its agenda. Meanwhile, the Heat were the squad that retreated into what will be three days of internal adjustments, media scrutiny and lingering concerns about easily their worst loss in these playoffs. 但無庸置疑地,公牛積極的打法使他們成為取得斬獲的那一隊。同時,熱火卻因為這場季 後賽最大的慘敗而成了那即將經歷三天的內部調整、媒體討論以及揮之不去的擔憂的那一 方。 At the same time, the Bulls will try to bottle the formula that led to victory without becoming intoxicated by their Game 1 success in a series in which all they've done so far is hold serve. 在此同時,公牛則必須收拾那因打出勝利方程式而帶來的第一場勝利的情緒,避免沉醉其 中,畢竟公牛所做的也只是守下了主場而已。 "It's an important win," Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau said. "For us, we want to go step by step. So we don't want to feel too good. We know there's things we have to clean up. For the most part, our team has done a very good job all year with their approach. Each day, they concentrate, they strive for improvement, they study the opponent, and they don't look behind. They're not looking ahead. They're just getting ready for the next step." 老席說:「這是一場重要的勝利,對我們來說,我們想要一步接著一步來,所以我們不能 感到太滿足,我們知道還有些東西必須改善。大體上來說,我們的球員整年有一套方法也 都表現的還不錯。他們每天都專注著,為進步而奮鬥,研究對手,而他們不會活在過去。 他們也不會好高騖遠,他們就只是按部就班地為下一步準備著。」 That next step comes Wednesday in Game 2. 下一步會是在禮拜三的Game 2 By then, the Heat hope to regain some of their footing after an opening performance in which James and Wade combined to shoot just 12 of 32 from the field and committed half of their team's 18 turnovers that led to 22 Chicago points. 到那時候,熱火隊會希望找回他們的立足點,改正這開幕戰的表現, 其中包含LBJ與Wade 32投12中的命中率以及那全隊18次失誤中的一半,這18次失誤讓公牛 得到了22分。 The fact that James and Wade struggled against a Thibodeau-designed defense shouldn't be considered an aberration. Actually, it should be more of an expectation of sorts, considering it was Thibodeau who, as an assistant in Boston the past several seasons, orchestrated the schemes that frustrated James while with Cleveland and wore out Wade in Miami before those free-agent reinforcements arrived. 實際上James與Wade對老席所設計的防守打的這麼差並不能視為失常。反之,這應該是一 種可以期待的結果,畢竟就是老席在波士頓當助理教練的時候精心策畫了這讓當時還在騎 士隊的LBJ感到沮喪以及在邁阿密孤軍奮戰的Wade累壞了的戰術。 Now, Thibodeau's ultimate postseason challenge after being named NBA Coach of the Year is to concoct a scheme capable of containing them both for the duration of the series. Chris Bosh scored 30 to lead the Heat, but that was offset by the 28 points from Chicago's bench, 28 from Rose, 21 from Luol Deng, 14 from Carlos Boozer and Joakim Noah's game-high 14 rebounds. 現在,被選為COY的老席在季後賽面臨到的終極挑戰就是要設計出一個可以在這個系列賽 中同時擋住這兩人的策略。Bosh得到了全隊最高的30分,但這被板凳的28分、Rose的28分 、Deng的21分、Boozer的14分以及Noah全場最高的14籃板抵銷了。 "That's the biggest thing we worry about," Rose said. "They've got great players. We did a good job of making them see bodies. We were hustling. Tonight, it just went our way." Rose說:「這是我們最擔心的,他們有很棒的球員,我們成功的讓他們不斷面臨防守, 我們拼鬥著。今晚,一切照我們的方式進行。」 See, Rose is still working on that communication thing. He's too bashful. It just didn't go the Bulls way on Sunday. Chicago snatched control of the game and never looked back. The Bulls made the Heat look slow, passive, timid and -- frankly -- disinterested at key moments of the game. 看吧,Rose還在努力學會溝通,他真的太害羞了。其實禮拜天根本沒有照公牛的方式進行 ,芝加哥奪走了比賽的控制權並且一去不回。公牛們讓熱火隊看起來又慢、又被動、羞怯 以及,說白一點──在比賽的關鍵時刻顯得冷漠。 Rose's halftime talk with his team provided the emotional boost the Bulls needed in the locker room. But on the court, there were three dunks that defined Chicago's dominance. Rose對他隊友的半場發言讓公牛在更衣室裡獲得了所需的激發。在場上,則有三個灌籃定 義了芝加哥的主宰性。 You don't see Wade get slammed on the way Taj Gibson posterized him early in the second quarter. If you missed it, check YouTube. Gibson did to Wade what Wade did to Anderson Varejao last season. 你很難看到Wade在第二節初被Taj灌成海報的景象,如果你錯過了,去Youtube上看, Gibson做的正是去年Wade對米粉頭做的事。 And then there was Ronnie Brewer's emphatic baseline dunk on Bosh to put Chicago ahead 80-66. Topping it all off was Gibson's exclamation point dunk on -- what else? -- an offensive rebound in the final seconds of the game. 接著是Brewer那在Bosh頭上的底線猛力一灌,為芝加哥帶來80-66的領先。而最精采的則 是Gibson在比賽最後階段灌的 ─灌什麼?當然是進攻籃板啊!─ 那令人驚呼的一球啊! "We took a beating tonight," Bosh said. Bosh:「我們今晚被打敗了。」 Yep, especially on the boards. 是阿,特別是被釘在板上打。(應該是指一直被灌籃跟搶籃板,背景都是板"boards") But this wasn't a case of the Bulls doing something they don't normally do. That's who they are. They swarm the perimeter with relentless defense. They attack the paint and rebound with reckless abandon. They keep the scores low and games relatively tight until crunch time. 但這並不是因為公牛做出了什麼特別的表現,這就是他們。他們用堅韌的防守擠滿了三分 線,他們用奮不顧身的狂放進攻禁區並搶下籃板。他們壓低得分並且保持比賽的緊密度直 到最後時刻。 And then they turn the keys over to Rose the close out games. 然後他們把鑰匙交給Rose來終結比賽。 That's the formula. 這是他們的方程式。 Only this time, Rose remixed it a bit and led with his words before his actions kicked into gear. 不同的是,Rose這次稍為Remix了一下,在他換檔之前先告訴他的隊友了。 "It's only one game," Noah said. "There's a lot of basketball to be played. We will never underestimate the guys in the other locker room." Noah說:「這只是一場比賽,還有很多籃球要打,我們絕對不會低估在另一間更衣室裡的 傢伙。」 Don't underestimate the impact of what happened in the Bulls' locker room Sunday night, either. 當然,也別低估了那在公牛更衣室裡發生的一切所帶來的影響。 翻完這篇有種看小說的感覺~這記者也太會寫了XD 有看不懂或覺得翻得不好的地方歡迎提 出!!!! -- Every rose has its thorn Just like every night has its dawn Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song Every rose has its thorn -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 23:42, , 1F
05/16 23:42, 1F

05/16 23:43, , 2F
場子第一天就被公牛幹熱 接下來的Oprah 就得擔心
05/16 23:43, 2F

05/16 23:44, , 3F
哈~這記者寫得很有趣XD 希望公牛接下來一樣有好表現
05/16 23:44, 3F

05/16 23:44, , 4F
05/16 23:44, 4F

05/16 23:45, , 5F
05/16 23:45, 5F

05/16 23:48, , 6F
05/16 23:48, 6F
※ 編輯: bluesky3330 來自: (05/16 23:49)

05/16 23:58, , 7F
05/16 23:58, 7F

05/17 00:03, , 8F
05/17 00:03, 8F

05/17 00:10, , 9F
Rose的助攻其實真的有在減少 今天是一開始比較不穩
05/17 00:10, 9F

05/17 00:42, , 10F
這篇可以幫助我背GRE 辛苦了
05/17 00:42, 10F

05/18 02:08, , 11F
05/18 02:08, 11F

05/18 12:38, , 12F
05/18 12:38, 12F

12/10 13:29, 5年前 , 13F
場子第一天就被公牛幹熱 https://muxiv.com
12/10 13:29, 13F

04/19 03:27, 5年前 , 14F
這篇可以幫助我背GRE http://yaxiv.com
04/19 03:27, 14F
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