[外電] Do The Bulls Have What It Takes?

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (穿白襪的小熊與公牛)時間13年前 (2011/05/09 19:29), 編輯推噓7(708)
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看這標題就知道是在討論公牛有沒有可能拿冠軍。 以下就讓我們來看看跟大家的想法是否一樣吧! Do The Bulls Have What It Takes? 公牛有奪冠該具備的條件嗎? By: Joel Brigham Last Updated: 5/9/11 12:34 AM ET | 1960 times read Yes, Bennett Salvatore's phantom whistle was confusing, and yes, the game could've ended a whole lot differently had something gone differently in the way that was handled, but the way Game 4 ended in Atlanta had little to do with one odd play and everything to do with a game plan that just isn't going to work every night. 是的,裁判Bennett捉摸不定的哨音的確令人混淆;是的,比賽的確有可能用完全不一樣 的方式結束,但是在亞特蘭大吞敗的第四戰其實與那詭異的判決沒有太大的關係,真正決 定比賽勝負的是公牛隊那不可能每個晚上都成功的作戰計畫。 Actually, both the Chicago Bulls and the Atlanta Hawks have game plans that are flawed. In Atlanta's case, it's all about hitting jump shots and getting the most out of the team's versatility on defense, and for Chicago it's pretty much all about giving Derrick Rose the ball and getting the heck out of his way. 實際上,芝加哥公牛以及亞特蘭大老鷹隊都採用著有缺陷的作戰計畫。 以老鷹隊而言,他們試圖靠跳投以及運用各種不同的防守方式來獲勝。 而公牛隊呢?他們則打算把球交給Derrick Rose然後──別擋住他的去路。 As we've seen in this series, when these teams get their way, they win the ball game. When they don't, things get very frustrating very fast. In Game 3, Atlanta's shots just didn't fall and Rose got everything he wanted. On Sunday night it was the exact opposite, and that's what ended up costing Chicago the game. 我們從這系列戰看下來,當兩方按照他們的作戰計畫走時,他們就會贏得勝利。但一旦他 們沒辦法按照計畫進行,那一切就會崩潰得很快。 拿第三戰來說,老鷹隊投不進球而Rose卻拿下了他想要的一切, 第四戰則剛好相反,而這就是為什麼公牛付出輸球的代價。 While we knew Atlanta had flaws long before the postseason began, Chicago's inability to close out games against a streaky offensive team like the Hawks has shown how vulnerable they really are in these playoffs. Great teams have a game plan that can't be stopped no matter what anybody else does, but Chicago has shown time and again over the course of the last few weeks that shutting them down isn't as impossible as, say, shutting down the HEAT or even the Mavericks. 雖然我們從季後賽一開始就知道亞特蘭大的缺點在哪裡,但無法在面對這種進攻不穩定的 球隊時把比賽結束掉卻顯示出了公牛在季後賽裡的弱點。 真正偉大的球隊會有著不論別人怎麼做都無法阻擋的作戰計畫,但公牛隊在過去幾周裡卻 一次又一次的顯示出他們並不像熱火或者小牛那般難以抵擋。 If the Bulls do make it to the Eastern Conference Finals, they're primed to face a team in either Boston or Miami that is versatile and experienced enough to exercise their game plan against a young Chicago team making their first real run at the postseason. That lack of experience is going to catch up to them eventually. Had their first two opponents in the playoffs not been so beatable, it might have caught up to them already. 如果公牛隊真的成功挺進了東區冠軍戰,那他們將會面臨到塞爾堤克或熱火隊兩支多才多 藝又有豐富經驗的球隊之一來對今年才初次在季後賽成形奮戰的年輕公牛使出他們的各種 作戰計畫。 而經驗不足終將讓公牛陷入泥沼。 如果不是因為前兩輪的對手那麼好擊敗,也許公牛現在就已經被擊垮了。 The fact is fans in Chicago truly believe their team is going to win the championship this year, and with the Lakers out of the equation there's a slightly increased possibility of that happening. But winning 10 more games over the course of the next month isn't going to be easy, and as the Bulls continue to prove, they aren't the most dominant #1 seed in the history of the league by a longshot. 現實是芝加哥的球迷們是真心地相信他們的球隊可以在今年贏得總冠軍,而湖人的出局更 是讓這個機率小小地上升了。但是要在下個月的賽事中再贏得十場比賽可不是一件簡單的 任務,況且公牛正在漫長的比賽中逐漸顯現他們並不是歷史上最有宰制力的第一種子。 They've shown they can exercise their will, and when that game plan gets executed they're probably the best team in the NBA. When Derrick Rose shoots thirty shots and only makes a third of them, though, it's hard for the Bulls to hang in there. 他們展現出當他們體現他們想要的作戰方式時,那無疑是全聯盟第一的球隊的樣子。 但是當D.Rose出手三十次卻只投進三分之一時,那就是場公牛沒辦法打贏的比賽了。 Everything hinges on Rose, and that's such a dangerous thing. 一切都取決於Rose,而那是一件多麼危險的事啊! Unless, of course, Rose is killing it, in which case the Bulls could very well be your 2011 NBA champs. But there's a whole lot of hoop to be played before that happens, and until Chicago can prove they can be consistently good, it's hard to buy into them as champs, at least for this year. 除非,Rose主宰了一切,在那樣的情況下,公牛隊會是2011的總冠軍。 但是那可是還有一大段路要走的,而除非公牛可以證明他們能持續優異地表現,不然要大 家相信他們會是冠軍是很沒有說服力的,至少在今年是不可能的。 沒錯,事實就是這樣! 所以大家得失心少一點歡樂看球吧! 對我個人當球迷而言,總板的酸言酸語要虛心接受,因為公牛的確還太嫩,陣容不夠完整 彼此也不夠了解,戰術熟練度不足,球員磨合也還不夠,今年季後賽的重點就是在學習, 拿到冠軍固然很好也很幸運,拿不到也沒關係,這樣才有更大的動力來展望跟期待下一季 啊!!哇哈哈哈~~~(最後一段變個板了) http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=19729 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 19:31, , 1F
第三戰的第一節 Booz跟Rose的高位真的配很好
05/09 19:31, 1F

05/09 19:31, , 2F
05/09 19:31, 2F

05/09 19:34, , 3F
05/09 19:34, 3F

05/09 19:35, , 4F
回歸現實 球季開打目標就是設定打到第2輪 現在已經超乎預期了
05/09 19:35, 4F

05/09 19:36, , 5F
就算打不到總冠軍 這還是個非常成功的球季 不是嗎 so 輕鬆看球
05/09 19:36, 5F

05/09 19:38, , 6F
05/09 19:38, 6F

05/09 19:49, , 7F
回pro大 可是球季初沒想到最後戰績能聯盟第一
05/09 19:49, 7F

05/09 19:50, , 8F
戰績第一又是coy+mvp 至少打進分區冠軍戰比較不會被笑
05/09 19:50, 8F

05/09 19:51, , 9F
希望今年公牛能打進東區冠軍戰 不要讓球迷失望
05/09 19:51, 9F

05/09 19:52, , 10F
就算東區冠軍戰採敗給熱火 球員經驗多少也會增加
05/09 19:52, 10F

05/09 19:56, , 11F
05/09 19:56, 11F

05/09 19:58, , 12F
就算東區冠軍戰慘敗給熱火 球員經驗多少也會增加
05/09 19:58, 12F

05/09 20:00, , 13F
希望教練能多設計內線得分戰術 不要只有把球給玫瑰戰術
05/09 20:00, 13F

12/10 13:28, 5年前 , 14F
就算東區冠軍戰採敗給熱 https://noxiv.com
12/10 13:28, 14F

04/19 03:26, 5年前 , 15F
沒辦法~牛牛跟玫瑰的拼 http://yaxiv.com
04/19 03:26, 15F
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