[外電] Rookie Thomas is spoiled, rotten(上)

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (what?)時間17年前 (2007/02/08 11:36), 編輯推噓3(300)
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How's that adage go? Better to remain quiet and let them think you the fool than to speak and remove all doubt. 那句格言是怎麼說的? 沉默是金 Yes, folks, introducing Tyrus Thomas. 各位,為你們介紹Tyrus Thomas The Bulls rookie, likely spending time these days in the Latrell Sprewell school of public relations, was justifiably fined by the team for his astounding comments that his participation in the All-Star Game dunk contest was purely mercenary on his part. 這幾天都在Sprewell學校上公共關係課程的公牛菜鳥,因為他說參加灌籃大賽只是為了錢而 被球隊罰了錢 You could just see NBA Commissioner David Stern with his head in his hands, another of his kids saying the darnedest things. The discussion at NBA headquarters Tuesday was whether to throw the bum out of the contest. 你可以看到David Stern又抱著他的頭在燒了,又出現一個說出放蕩不羈言論的年輕小子. NBA總部正在討論是否要把這位乞丐踢出灌籃大賽之外. After all, here was a player appearing to confirm just what many believe, that the NBA is composed of a wandering band of ungrateful thugs who are selfish, spoiled brats just in it for the riches they can gain. 畢竟,現在出現一個球員讓大家確認他們所一直相信的,NBA只是由一幫自私,不知感恩的惡 棍和得到大量財富而被寵壞的小孩所組成. My experience over the last quarter-century is that is not true, that the vast majority of players, despite the occasional Rasheed-ish or Fortson-esque outburst, are decent people who truly appreciate and treasure the game. 過去25年的經驗告訴我這並不是真的,除了偶爾發生類似Rasheed或Fortson之流,大多數 的球員都是懂分寸且珍惜這項比賽的. Not jerks like, yes, Thomas. 不像這個笨蛋,是的,就是Thomas This is one of those things you hear at parties from reporters, the stuff we don't write. See, we are not as bad as advertised. In fact, we try to write about the games and try not to embarrass the players. We really are more guilty of romanticizing the players than tearing them down. 這種事你通常只會聽到記者互聊,但我們不會寫出來.看吧,我們不像廣告商這麼壞.事實上, 我們試著只去寫比賽的事而不去糗球員.但幫球員寫好話比拆他們的台更讓我們覺得罪惡. It's one of those unwritten rules, like ignoring Gary Hart's philandering in the 1984 presidential race. Reporters knew about it, but that was his private life. If he wants to live like that, fine, even when he is running for the nation's highest office. 這是一條不明文規定,就像忽略Gary Hart在1984年總統選戰調弄女性一樣.記者都知道,但 這是他的私生活.他想這樣活,可以,即使他正在角逐這國家最高的位置. It's especially so in sports. Publish or perish! Nonsense. 這一條規定在體育界尤其明顯,"公開就毀了!" 胡說八道. Those kinds of stories are mostly unheard of. 那種故事是最不會被大家知道的. Everyone deserves their privacy and if it doesn't interfere with your job or you don't make a spectacle of yourself, well, it's just good party talk. 每個人都有隱私權,如果這並不影響你的工作或你沒有做的太過明目張膽,這只是派對上大 家瞎聊的話題. But once Hart challenged everyone to prove it, well, sorry, your cover is blown. 但當Hart要求每個人提出證據時, well,你的護身符就會被風吹走. Make a public fool of yourself, then the Bull has no clothes. (不太懂,大概就是你耍了大眾一頓,你的事就會被揭開) Same with Thomas. Thomas也是一樣 He has been one of the most difficult rookies to come along in the NBA in years-angry, defiant,condecending, arrogant, and having little time or interest for anyone below his self-perceived stately place in life. 他是NBA幾年來來最難搞的菜鳥之一,暴躁,目中無人,咄咄逼人,自大而且對任何低於他自 我意識階級的人都顯得不耐煩且不感興趣. You want to be like that? Fine. There are plenty of other players to talk to. Good guys. The Bulls really are filled with them. 你想成為像他這樣的人?可以,還可以舉出一堆例子出來.至於好傢伙,公牛隊上一堆. Like Thabo Sefolosha. What a wonderful young man. 就像Thabo,多棒的年輕人 I was watching this scene one day in the Bulls locker room. 這是某天我在公牛的休息室看到的 After games, the players are ripping off tape and dirty clothes, tossing them into a big basket or tub for good-natured equipment man John Ligmanowski to dispose of or clean. Despite the fact they are supposed to be some of the best marksmen in the world, Ben Wallace excluded, the clothes and tape rarely seem to hit their mark. Everyone gets up and leaves. But Sefolosha went over to pick up his clothes or litter and deposit them where they belong. He apparently didn't want to make more work for Ligmanowski. 比賽結束後,球員們撕下繃帶和脫掉髒球衣,把它們扔到一個大籃子或盆子讓裝備人員John Ligmanowski丟掉或拿去洗.他們應該是世界上準心最好的人之一(Ben Wa例外),但衣服跟繃 帶往往沒有被丟進籃子裡.每個人起身且離開.但是Thabo過去撿起他自己的球衣和垃圾把它 們放在它們應該在的地方.很明顯的他不並想為Ligmanowski增加工作負擔. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/08 11:56, , 1F
02/08 11:56, 1F

02/08 12:13, , 2F
02/08 12:13, 2F

02/09 09:37, , 3F
02/09 09:37, 3F
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