[情報] 庫里巴利:來英超是我的夢想 26號意義重大

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https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ dreamer-koulibaly-determined-to-repay-chelseas-confidence Dreamer Koulibaly determined to repay Chelsea's confidence 03 Aug 2022 Kalidou Koulibaly is finally a Chelsea player after years of dreaming about the move and now the defender is just determined to repay the faith shown in him by the Chelsea hierarchy. https://i.imgur.com/RhssNra.jpg
The Senegal skipper recently completed a move from Napoli and fills a void left by the double defensive departure this summer of Andreas Christensen and Antonio Rudiger. While the 31-year-old is eager to be judged on his own merits rather than compared to predecessors, including John Terry whose No.26 shirt he is set to take, he also admits that he owes a debt of gratitude to the Blues for bringing him to south-west London on a four-year contract and making his long-term ambitions a reality. 'I thought this was a good time to come to the Premier League,' he said. 'I have the experience, I learned a lot in Italy and now I have to learn again in the Premier League so I'm really excited. https://i.imgur.com/yrCJh8w.jpg
Koulibaly addresses the media at a Cobham press conference 'It's important that Chelsea gave me four years. For me it's proof that they have confidence in me, that they know that I'm a professional player and I like to take care of my body. 'I didn't have many big injures so for this they have confidence in me. I know that I can give them these years and even more, with a lot of energy and everything that I can give them.' Dreaming is important to Koulibaly, who has ambitions to lift major silverware at Stamford Bridge following his triumph at the African Cup of Nations earlier this year. He was hopeful of making the switch from Naples to Chelsea prior to this summer but wasn't able to get the move finalised and instead extended his Serie A stay to a total of eight years. 'In 2015 it was [Antonio] Conte and I spoke with him,' he explained. 'It was after my first good year in Napoli, but I had three or four years left on my contract there. 'I don't like to fight with my owners and my supporters but I asked respectfully to the owner that I wanted to leave for Chelsea. He told me it was not possible so I waited a bit, continued with them and I decided to renew my contract to stay in Napoli. 'It was a bit hard to say no to the Premier League because my dream was to play in the Premier League since I was a child but I knew one day it would happen. I had to wait but I had a lot of patience and I'm here today so I'm happy.' Koulibaly has developed a reputation as one of the most respected defenders in Europe and so Chelsea was not the only option available to him this summer, though it was the only club he could really see himself moving to at this stage of his career. 'I don't like to think or speak about it because today I play for Chelsea,' he added. 'It's true that other clubs were interested in signing me and it could happen before but the best thing is I'm signed for Chelsea today and I'm really happy to play with the Blues. 'I knew that everybody was thinking I'd never come to the Premier League and I would never play for another club than Napoli but I make my choices along with my family, my friends and the people who love me, and I decide. 'I never stopped believing and this is the most important thing, to have some dreams, and then some dreams happen. My dream with the national team was to win the first AFCON and I did it so for me you never stop believing because if you believe so strongly then it can happen.' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/ koulibaly-on-rudiger-differences-his-defensive-principles-and-adaptation 庫里巴利:我與魯迪格不同,我有自己的踢球方式 03 8月 22 庫里巴利已經準備好了,他希望在英超聯賽中成長。 https://i.imgur.com/AU0neOs.jpg
這名後衛將於週六在古迪遜公園球場上演他的切爾西處子秀,比賽開始前三天, 他在科本的新聞發布會上首次接受了英國媒體的採訪。庫里巴利回答了一系列問題, 這裡我們關注的是他所說的關於球場的事情,首先是為什麼他不想被視為魯迪格的直 接替代品。 “魯迪格是一名非常優秀的球員。”庫里巴利說道,“我知道他為切爾西做過什 麼。他在羅馬的時候我和他交過手,他在切爾西做了很多,當他加盟皇馬的時候,我 為他感到高興,但對我來說這不是壓力。” https://i.imgur.com/nanEqHi.jpg
在切爾西效力五年後魯迪格轉會皇馬 “我不想成為那個取代魯迪格的人。我是庫里巴利,是另一個球員,不是同一個 人,我不像他那樣踢球。我有不同的技術,另一種風格,另一種足球理念,我會盡自 己所能給球隊帶來穩定。” 穩定是庫里巴利經常提到的一個詞。考慮到將在英格蘭面臨的挑戰,他更詳細地 解釋了自己的能力,這清楚地幫助他成為了一名後衛。 “我喜歡對抗,我喜歡一對一的對抗、捍衛防線,後衛位置對我來說很合適。英 超有很多優秀的攻擊手,有些是世界上最好的,對抗將是困難的,但我很適應,我想 證明自己可以成為每個人都期待的那種後衛。” “我的第一個想法是不要讓球進。”他補充說,“如果我們能做到這一點,我們 還有很多天才球員,很多隨時隨地都能進球的頂級球員。如果我們保持後場穩固,他 們在前場就不會擔心,他們會進很多球。” “我來自義大利,適應英超很困難,但我已經準備好了,我真的很有動力,我想 向每個人展示我已經準備好為英超效力了。” 庫里巴利被問到,英格蘭足球會給他帶來什麼樣的挑戰? “一切都更快。我必須更快地思考,頭必須更快地轉動,眼睛必須更快地轉動。 對一個剛剛來到英超的球員,這是最困難的。在義甲,一切都更需要思考、更冷靜, 這是我首先要改變的。” “3-5-2 陣型對我來說是新的,我必須適應。我很感謝球隊的工作人員,他們幫 助我理解了一切,和我聊了很多,還有其他球員,比如蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦和阿斯皮利奎 塔。” https://www.instagram.com/reel/CguJb5MIiX6/ “最重要的是要有良好的行為習慣,以便快速理解一切,”庫里巴利繼續說道。 “我肯定需要時間。我不可能在第一場比賽中就成為所有人都期待的球員,但我會慢 慢來,盡自己所能,我知道兩三個月後我會成為所有人期待的那種球員。” “現在我真的很平靜,我在思考一場又一場的比賽,準備在週六幫助球隊,如果 教練給我首發機會的話。我想為俱樂部付出一切。他們對我很有信心,我想在球場上 向他們證明,他們選擇我是正確的。” https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ koulibaly-on-rudiger-differences-his-defensive-principles-and-adaptation Koulibaly on Rudiger differences, his defensive principles and adaptation time 03 Aug 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ koulibaly-feeling-the-love-from-family-team-mates-and-chelsea-legends Koulibaly feeling the love from family, team-mates and Chelsea legends 03 Aug 2022 New Chelsea signing Kalidou Koulibaly has revealed how he phoned John Terry to ask for his squad number, quizzed Gianfranco Zola on the club before joining and was persuaded to make the move by friends and family, including two of his Blues team-mates. https://i.imgur.com/O85fSYo.jpg
The defender completed his transfer from Napoli during our pre-season tour of the USA, becoming our second arrival of the summer after Raheem Sterling. Speaking to the media at Cobham for the first time since that move, the Senegalese international explained how he did his research through Chelsea legend Zola, before asking Terry's permission to take the No26 shirt which has been vacant since the former captain's departure five years ago. Thankfully Terry is happy for his successor to wear that shirt, even if he initially needed a bit more persuading that the phone call wasn't some kind of prank. 'I wanted to know which numbers were free and speaking to the team manager he told me some numbers and he didn't tell me the 26,' explained Koulibaly. 'I asked him for the 26 and he told me John left it in 2017 and nobody took it from this time. So I was a bit asking myself: “is it retired or maybe nobody wanted to take it?” 'I know Gianfranco Zola very well because we have the same person working for our business in Italy. I talked to him because he told me the story of Chelsea. I have to know everything when I go somewhere so I asked him a lot of questions about the club, about the structure, about the supporters. Then I asked him for John's number, because I wanted to ask him about the jersey. https://twitter.com/kkoulibaly26/status/1554122396646400003 'He gave me his direct number and at the beginning when I called him he didn't believe that it was me, he believed that it was a joke, so he put down the phone and called the team manager to ask if it's really me. 'After I asked him very respectfully if I could take his jersey number. I know that it's a number that's very important for him. It's also a very important number for me, because I took it when I went to Napoli and I wanted to keep it for here at Chelsea. When he told me “yes” I was very happy because I know what he did for the club, I know what he did for the supporters, what he did for the city here. So I knew it was important to ask him first because I don't want to be disrespectful with a legend of the club.' It wasn't just former Blues who helped persuade Koulibaly that Chelsea was the right club for him either. The 31-year-old knows Edouard Mendy well from their time together with the Senegal national team, especially after Koulibaly captained them to glory at this year's Africa Cup of Nations, while he spent several years as a team-mate of Jorginho’s at Napoli. He remains good friends with both and confirmed they had been eager to persuade him to join them at Stamford Bridge. 'Edou is a brother for me. We talk a lot about Chelsea when we are with the national team, like I talk a lot about Napoli. When he was on vacation he sent me a few messages saying to come and play with him at Chelsea and Jorginho did the same, so I had double pressure on me. But it was not bad pressure, it was friendly because I like them, they are very nice guys. https://i.imgur.com/mm11MSM.jpg
Mendy and Koulibaly catch up on the plane during our summer 'I am used to having good moments with Jorginho at Napoli, we spent a lot of years together, win some matches together, we were used to being together every day and when he asked me to come to Chelsea I was not sure because I did not know if the owner wanted me to come or not. 'But it started with Jorginho and after Edou all the time was speaking to me and after we won the AFCON together and I had the opportunity to join him here I was really happy. In the last weeks we were always speaking because he wanted to know if I would come or not and when I told him that I signed we were really happy, because all our families can spend more time together here in London. https://i.imgur.com/74rjWQk.jpg
Koulibaly and Jorginho enjoy a joke in training during their time at Napoli 'And with Jorginho because I missed him a lot. When he left Napoli I lost something but now I'm here with him so I'm really happy to be with those guys and everybody with the team gave me a good welcome. So I'm really happy to be here.' If the blessing of two Chelsea legends and persuasion of two current Blues wasn't enough, it appears it was the unquestioned desire the club's new owners showed in wanting to bring him to Stamford Bridge and be successful here which convinced Koulibaly beyond doubt this was the right move for him. 'They gave me a big good impression because when I talked with the owner he told me he wanted me to play for Chelsea. At the start we didn't have a big discussion, he just told me he wanted me to play for Chelsea, that he wanted me to be part of this scenario. 'It's true that it's a big transition and everybody has to adapt. Maybe I'm new at this club but everything is new for everybody here because there is a new owner and the owner is doing everything to make the team competitive in every game. So I think it will take time but the time will be good for everybody to adapt and I think it will be a good future for Chelsea.' However, the list of people who were eager to see Koulibaly in a Chelsea shirt seems to go on and on, with his own brother and seemingly every football fan in Senegal excited by the prospect, meaning the defender has been left in no doubt his summer move was a wise decision given the reaction he has seen. 'I had pressure also off my brother, because he's a big fan of the Blues from when we were children. He would watch the games and he would get me to watch Chelsea's games, so when I signed here he was the first one happy. 'I think this helped me a lot and when I saw all the Senegalese people happy I signed for Chelsea and I got a message from Moussa Sow, a big friend of Demba Ba, telling me Demba is really happy I signed here, I was really certain of my choice. https://i.imgur.com/Zf7eu8R.jpg
Mendy and Koulibaly were crowned 2022 African champions as international team-mates with Senegal 'Now I play with Edou for the national team and here at Chelsea, we all love Chelsea in Senegal now. Also in Naples, because when I signed here even the Napoli supporters said that they will support Chelsea. 'So I'm really happy with my choice and I'm really happy that I bring a lot of love with me. This was really important for me.' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ koulibaly-on-texts-from-chelsea-legends-and-why-26 Koulibaly on texts from Chelsea legends and why 26 04 Aug 2022 Yesterday, he revealed how his brother had pressured him at an early age to take an interest in Chelsea games and now Kalidou Koulibaly has shared some more memories of those days. https://i.imgur.com/gEV0VVM.jpg
Speaking to the media for the first time since becoming the Blues' newest defender, Koulibaly had pointed out his brother Abdoulaye is a big Chelsea fan and is delighted with his move. Taking the memories further, he recalls his brother visiting him at his former club Napoli where the name Gianfranco Zola, a legend both in that city and at Stamford Bridge, was mentioned. Abdoulaye was suddenly very interested. 'He said he wants to meet him, and this is the first thing I think of when he speaks about Chelsea with me,' Koulibaly says. 'When I was younger, I used to watch the games, like when Didier Drogba came from Marseille to London and to Chelsea, it was a big step, and when they won the Champions League and he scored the penalty, it was everything on mind, so when I signed and he texted me, I was really happy. https://i.imgur.com/ZXcPVXc.jpg
Gianfranco Zola and John Terry - two who have been in touch with Kalidou Koulibaly 'When some legends like him, Gianfranco Zola and John Terry text me and told me I made a good choice, I am really thankful to them, and I want to show them that I will give everything for this club and can be a really important player for this team.' Koulibaly has confirmed he will be wearing the 26 shirt and has spoken to JT about taking on his famous number. The Senegal captain has also explained why the number is important to him. https://i.imgur.com/vXNBuC8.jpg
Koulibaly's number 26 shirt He had begun his career at Metz wearing No.25 and then No.5 in Belgium at Genk. When he moved to Napoli neither of those numbers were available. 'So I spoke with my family and with my wife Charline and with everybody and I was born on 20 June, so 20/6, and my wife was born the same day in the same hospital in the same city as me so I decided to take the 26.' -- When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running. You believe in power. It's mental power. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1659692309.A.762.html

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