[情報] 盧卡庫外租國際米蘭一個賽季

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間1年前 (2022/06/30 02:18), 1年前編輯推噓15(1613)
留言20則, 18人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/2022/06/29/lukaku-loan-confirmed Lukaku loan confirmed 29 Jun 2022 Romelu Lukaku will spend the 2022/23 campaign with Inter Milan after completing a season-long loan move from Chelsea. https://i.imgur.com/EnLSR5z.jpg
The Belgian returns to the Italian side where he previously spent two years and won the Serie A title. Lukaku came back to Stamford Bridge last summer, 10 years after initially joining the club as a teenager, and resumed life in the Premier League by scoring in a win at Arsenal, before netting twice in his first home game as we defeated Aston Villa 3-0, scoring his first goals at Stamford Bridge. He found the net again against Zenit St Petersburg but that would be the last time until the return match with the same opponents three months later, as he struggled to shake off the effects of an ankle injury suffered in another European tie against Malmo in October, which restricted his appearances in early winter. Lukaku scored in back-to-back Premier League games against Aston Villa and Brighton between Christmas and New Year, before helping us to lift the FIFA Club World Cup trophy for the first time at the beginning of February. He scored the only goal as we beat Al Hilal 1-0 in the semis before opening the scoring in the 2-1 final win over Palmeiras. https://i.imgur.com/hFyWjVN.jpg
Lukaku's Club World Cup final goal The striker contributed further goals in the FA Cup before helping us secure a third-place finish in the Premier League in May, with a brace in a 2-2 draw against Wolves and completing the scoring as we beat Leeds 3-0. Combined with his first spell at Chelsea between 2011 and 2014, Lukaku has made a total of 59 appearances for the club, scoring 15 goals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1539354978350948359 上午5:10 · 2022年6月22日 ˙€8m loan fee guaranteed. ˙€4m in add-ons related to performances. ˙Salary reduced from €12m net to €8m net this season. ˙No buy option or obligation clause. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1542025319607140352 下午2:01 · 2022年6月29日 Inter will cover Lukaku's full salary. €8m guaranteed fee plus add-ons to Chelsea. https://twitter.com/SkySportsNews/status/1542215056796024832 上午2:34 · 2022年6月30日 BREAKING: Inter Milan sign Romelu Lukaku on loan from Chelsea. Last summer Chelsea paid £97.5m, they now are getting a £10.3m loan fee, not the best bit of business --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1542208849540784129 https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1542211295356653568 上午2:10 · 2022年6月30日 ˙Lukaku signing was driven by Tuchel — MCFC & FCB also interested ˙The hugely damaging fallout from Sky Italia interview ˙Breakdown in relationship with Tuchel ˙Tuchel chose the group over the individual ˙Lukaku went to Boehly to accelerate exit ˙Boehly's relationship with Roc Nation key ˙He adopted 'baseball mentality' suggesting player trades @SJohnsonSport, @AdamCrafton_, @David_Ornstein & @JamesHorncastle on how his CFC return unravelled - & why everyone is to blame. https://bbs.hupu.com/54502582.html https://bbs.hupu.com/54502657.html 虎撲06月30日訊 切爾西最終還是同意讓盧卡庫回到了國際米蘭。國米已經支付了800萬歐元外加 附加費來租借這名比利時國腳,他是國米2020-21賽季奪冠的英雄之一,同時關於29 歲球員的薪水和表現獎金的條款也已經被接受。經過幾天的談判,據了解,切爾西的 新共同所有人伯利和邁克爾˙約馬克(Roc Nation 經紀公司的主席,在促成盧卡庫 的轉會中發揮了重要作用)之間強大的商業關係對達成協議至關重要。 兩家俱樂部之間的協議既不包括在租借期結束後買斷這名前鋒的選擇,也不包括 任何強制買斷,這讓切爾西對這名在下賽季結束時仍有三年合同的球員的未來計劃產 生了疑問。 儘管有消息稱,伯利以一種“棒球模式”來進行談判,希望交易球員作為租借盧 卡庫的一部分,但國米不會交換任何球員。切爾西不認為這將是今後做生意的常規方 法,認為伯利的首要任務只是在種種情況下獲得最好的交易,有時這將包括詢問談判 桌對面的球員。 在幕後,盧卡庫在推動轉會的過程中發揮了重要作用,而他的律師塞巴斯蒂安˙ 萊杜爾 (Sebastien Ledure) 也被義大利媒體稱為重要人物。在國米,首席執行官馬 洛塔和體育總監奧西里奧領導了討論,主教練西蒙尼˙因扎吉決定了盧卡庫在他的計 劃中的位置。 對於盧卡庫來說,轉會一直就是他的所思所想,因為他在上賽季結束時就下定決 心,他不會在圖赫爾麾下在切爾西取得成功。切爾西高層所發出的信號也是複雜的。 功勳門將切赫這個月被引述說盧卡庫在西倫敦俱樂部會有一個“偉大”的第二賽季。 但他卻先盧卡庫一步離開了。 事實上很多知情人士相信,切爾西之前的老闆和管理結構不會同意盧卡庫離開。 盧卡庫的離開在很大程度上是因為之前提到的伯利與 Roc Nation 的關係,也因為新 老闆必須支持主教練圖赫爾,以他的形象重塑球隊。 雖然國米的財政情況讓永久簽下盧卡庫成為一個不可能的奢望,但從6月初開始, 伯利就參與了租借或球員交易的討論。伯利對交換球員的開放態度 — 儘管這是國米 不願接受的想法 — 證明了一筆交易是可以達成的…義大利俱樂部曾經擔心不可能達 成的交易現在感覺可以實現了。 國米也知道他們有籌碼,因為球員只想加入他們,盧卡庫和他的切爾西教練都認 為最好是分道揚鑣。兩家俱樂部舉行了一系列電話會議,開價500萬歐元,無法滿足 切爾西提出的1000萬歐元附加費用的要求,雙方最終在折中的範圍裡完成了妥協。 6月20號是一個關鍵的時間節點,國米又在忙著貝拉諾瓦的轉會、也在為小因扎 吉的續約做準備,而張康陽也將他的法拉利停到了國米總部的門口,這讓人們感到意 義重大。在24小時內,與切爾西的交易幾乎就完成了。 但對於盧卡庫和切爾西而言,似乎不應該這麼覆水難收。事實上,雙方關係惡化 到了這樣的程度:俱樂部創紀錄引進的盧卡庫親自找到了伯利,告訴他自己希望盡快 回到國米。那麼,為什麼這麼快就走到了這一步呢? 首先是最顯而易見的 — 義大利天空電視台的採訪。雖然這次談話的主要目的是 為了與幾個月前他離開的國米球迷和解,這些球迷一直在社群媒體上嚴厲批評這位前 鋒的離開,但他最終因為暗示自己在圖赫爾執教的切爾西感到失望而登上頭條。 圖赫爾立刻表達了他的不滿。盧卡庫在1月2日主場對陣利物浦的比賽中被罰內部 停賽,還被罰款兩週的工資。值得注意的是,在對克洛普的球隊進行比賽之前,主教 練與若日尼奧、阿斯皮利奎塔、坎特和魯迪格等自身球員進行了商議,並決定不讓這 名球員上場。 隨後,盧卡庫發表了私下和公開的道歉聲明,後者在俱樂部的 Fifth Stand 應 用程式的鏡頭前以一種相當尷尬的方式道歉。當時很多人都說,大家對於盧卡庫所說 的有些反應過激了,圖赫爾在公開場合採取的也是一種非常慎重的策略,大多數主教 練都希望明面上能大事化小、小事化了。 但多個消息來源告訴 The Athletic,圖赫爾在幕後非常憤怒。在一月份與利物 浦的比賽之前的一次訓練中,他把所有球員召集到球場上,強調在俱樂部不知情的情 況下不要接受採訪的重要性,他說在這樣一場重要的比賽前,如果沒有這樣的雜音, 他們就可以取勝,而發生的事情並不是身為一名切爾西球員的意義所在。 俱樂部當時否認這件事,但內部人士堅稱這個場景是真實存在的,並指出這是多 麼尷尬的演講,因為當圖赫爾發言時,盧卡庫就站在其他人中間。 值得注意的是,俱樂部這次站在的是圖赫爾一邊,之前的切爾西教練在高調簽下 一名球員出現問題時都承受著壓力。然而,高層可以看出圖赫爾對發生的事情感到震 驚。他們也不喜歡這種情況。 在採訪最終播出前的幾週,兩人一直就盧卡庫在球隊中的位置進行積極的對話, 但這也無濟於事。而且他在12月對陣阿斯頓維拉和布萊頓的比賽中都有進球,這讓人 更加樂觀。但一旦盧卡庫在採訪中的這種態度被曝光,所有的努力都付諸東流。可以 理解的是,人們最初的反應是難以置信和困惑,不知道這些話是從哪裡來的。 算是為盧卡庫說話吧 — 俱樂部也在一定程度上考慮到了這一點 — 他發表這些 言論時正處於低潮。10月中旬對陣馬爾默的比賽中腳踝受傷,他已經缺席了五週的比 賽,可以理解的是,一個月後他沒有在對陣前俱樂部曼聯的比賽中首發,這讓他有些 沮喪。 也有人認為他在球場外很掙扎,所以第二天當義大利天空電視台問到他在切爾西 的生活時,他的心情不是很好。但正如當時所解釋的那樣,盧卡庫的隊友並不知道他 打算公開表達自己的不滿,也沒有任何跡象表明他不高興。所以說,球隊內部和球隊 外部都不支持他。 六個月來,盧卡庫的行為給球隊造成了很大的困擾,而更衣室裡的絕大多數球員 都贏得了去年五月的歐冠決賽,所以 The Athletic 被告知一些球員對此有強烈的反 應,指出盧卡庫加入的是歐冠冠軍,是盧卡庫給一些人留下了這樣的印象 — 有意或 無意 — 他比他們更好。 消息人士接著解釋說,圖赫爾被夾在中間,做出了對整支球隊最有利的決定,選 擇了群體而不是個人。但盧卡庫希望成為焦點,獲得無條件的信任和支持。那些曾經 和他緊密合作過的人覺得他需要一個苛刻的教練,但他也需要一個主教練給他的信任 和愛,他與孔蒂的緊密聯繫是他在國米兩年成功的關鍵。與他關係密切的消息人士說 盧卡庫每次為切爾西出場時都患得患失,無論對錯。 說盧卡庫在俱樂部沒有朋友是錯誤的,任何人只要看到他與齊耶奇和馬朗˙薩爾 的互動,就會發現情況並非如此。但一旦他將自己的焦慮公之於眾,許多人就認為他 已經在尋求離開 — 坦率地說,他們是對的。 https://theathletic.com/3372150/2022/06/29/lukaku-inter-loan-chelsea-transfer/ How Romelu Lukaku's Chelsea return unravelled – and why everyone is to blame Simon Johnson, Adam Crafton and more - Jun 30, 2022 -- "Gracchus, something more cheerful." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgUPSBZV_pM
- Rome: Season 1, Episode 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1656526680.A.BE0.html

06/30 06:43, 1年前 , 1F
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06/30 14:06, 1年前 , 8F
我覺得 他已經超越他的同胞庫爾圖瓦了
06/30 14:06, 8F

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06/30 23:16, 1年前 , 17F
想當初回鍋第一場殺爆阿森納 結果虎頭蛇尾成這樣
06/30 23:16, 17F

07/01 01:21, 1年前 , 18F
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07/01 11:48, 1年前 , 19F
把他ban掉 不要再用了
07/01 11:48, 19F
https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1542186199464513541 上午12:40 · 2022年6月30日 @NizaarKinsella: "Somebody told me… Romelu Lukaku was chatting to Thomas Tuchel watching a Spurs Premier League match, and Tuchel said 'there's your daddy' about Antonio Conte. It was just a joke, but it didn't go down very well." [via @ItaFootPod] 原文已被刪除 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1542422961579298816 下午4:21 · 2022年6月30日 I've seen that this has gone viral through the social media ecosystem. Just to say that it is something 'one person' told me (as I say here) so don't treat it as absolute fact and I wasn't in the room. I have had denials since it went viral so it's just a story I've been told.

07/01 12:11, 1年前 , 20F
07/01 12:11, 20F
https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852647950209024 https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852649539833858 下午8:48 · 2022年7月1日 Romelu Lukaku's lawyer Sebastian Ledure: “The question was how a player who was sold for more than 100 million euro's one year ago could return to the same club that don't have the money to buy him.” Ledure: “Also it has to be mentioned last year during the transfer the relationship between Inter and ex Chelsea directors was very very tense. I doubt that this transfer would be possible if the ownership didn't change” https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852650890321923 https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852652161171458 Ledure on if contacts were taken the same time as the infamous interview with Sky Italia was made: “No, that interview was made with his heart and maybe it was clumsy and wrong. It was an initiative he made by himself and that he probably wouldn't do again.” Ledure: “He suffered the consequences of that the rest of the season & it made his daily work environment harder. However Romelu told me he's 29 and at the prime of his career, he couldn't afford to lose another year. It's not a secret him and the coach don't share visions” https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852653461520386 https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852654925332480 Ledure: “However the negotiations only started at the end of the season. He lowered his wages, but not as much as they say. He'll be the best paid player in Serie A. Everyone renounced of something, but my part is to get Romelu the best deal possible. He pays us, not the clubs” Ledure: “Big clubs I can't tell the name of wanted to sign Romelu, but it never became concrete because he decided very early that he wanted to join Inter. He talked to the coach a lot just like he did with Antonio Conte in 2019 so he was sure they shared the same visions” https://twitter.com/SiavoushF/status/1542852663192297472 Ledure on Lukaku returning to Chelsea in 2023: “He'd have three years left on his contract, however nobody can say anything about that now” Personal opinion: Tuchel leaving is the only way Romelu comes back to Chelsea. ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 07/01/2022 23:24:44
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