[情報] 球迷在里爾高唱阿布之歌,宣稱制裁是未審先判

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間2年前 (2022/03/17 12:01), 編輯推噓1(100)
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https://www.163.com/sports/article/H2L6ECQB00058781.html 2022-03-17 07:47:22 來源: 網易體育 3月17日凌晨,切爾西客場對陣里爾。賽前,切爾西球迷聚集在場外,他們高唱 球隊老闆阿布的名字,以此來表達對阿布的支持。他們還譴責了英國首相對阿布的制 裁。在此過程中,切爾西球迷與法國警察發生了一些小的衝突。 https://i.imgur.com/4Qcpf7r.jpg
近日,英國政府對阿布進行了制裁,凍結了阿布在英國的所有資產,切爾西的未 來變得非常黑暗。若不能在5月31日前完成易主,這家百年俱樂部有可能破產。對於 阿布遭受的處罰,切爾西球迷普遍是不滿的。之前,他們在英超比賽中曾用高呼阿布 名字的方式來支持俄羅斯人,但英國首相發言人公開制止了切爾西球迷,要求他們停 止這麼做。 顯然,切爾西球迷並不會按照英國政府的要求來做。今天,切爾西球迷跟隨球隊 一同出現在法國。賽前,切爾西球迷聚集在里爾的一家酒吧外,他們一起高唱阿布的 名字,情緒激動。過去的19年中,切爾西球迷深深地感受到了阿布對球隊的愛。他們 一直都非常熱愛阿布。 https://i.imgur.com/ufF097f.jpg
切爾西球迷譴責英國政府的行為,他們認為英國政府在沒有經過審判的情況下就 宣判阿布有罪,這是錯誤的。一個來自烏克蘭的球迷指出:“我們認為阿布執掌切爾 西是非常夢幻的。他是一個真正關心俱樂部的人。我相信阿布應該得到公平和尊重。 無論如何,阿布都將永遠成為切爾西隊史的一部分。他將永遠被銘記。” 在唱歌支持阿布的同時,切爾西球迷還唱起了有關英國首相鮑里斯˙強森的淫穢 歌曲,他們指責強森對阿布的制裁是缺乏依據的。 全套防暴裝備的法國警察趕到了現場維持秩序。隨後,警察與球迷之間爆發了衝 突。切爾西球迷向警察投擲瓶子,警察則發射了催淚瓦斯,並動用了警棍。警方發言 人表示:“在收到了投訴後,我們趕到了酒吧,並封鎖了道路。”而切爾西球迷則認 為他們遭到了警察的暴力執法:“我們正在唱歌、平靜地喝酒,我們不知道為什麼警 察要那麼幹。” https://i.imgur.com/7SKRxyL.jpg
本文來源:網易體育 作者:風過鄉 責任編輯: 馮昊天_NSJS2656 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10620605/ Chelsea fans chanting 'Roman Abramovich' throw bottles at French riot police who respond with tear gas ahead of Champions League tie with Lille By Peter Allen In France - Updated: 19:29 GMT, 16 March 2022 Many claim that Mr Abromovich has been found 'guilty without trial' following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Rustam Doroshenko, a 27-year-old from Poltava, in central Ukraine, was among those Chelsea fans speaking up for Mr Abramovich. While having absolutely nothing to do with the violence, Mr Doroshenko said: 'His ownership of Chelsea has been a dream. He is somebody who really cares for the club, and it looks like he is being found guilty and punished without any attempt at trial. 'I am not a politician, but I do believe that Roman Abramovich should be shown justice and respect. It is absolutely right that Russia is sanctioned for what it is doing in my home country, but punishing a British football club does not feel right.' Mr Doroshenko said there were 246 members of the Chelsea supporters' club in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, alone. He was on the Polish border last week, after helping to get his mother and brother out of the country, but still has family members there. 'The war is horrendous, and everything has to be done to bring it to a close, but that should not include attacking football clubs. Whatever happens, Roman Abramovich will always be part of Chelsea's history, and he will always be remembered for that. 'I've supported Chelsea for 15 years, and there are plenty of other Ukrainians who love the club.' Diana Ataniyazova, 23, lives in Prague, and was carrying a 'Prague Blues stand with Ukraine' sign before the game in Lille. 'This is to show that we are united with all those campaigning for the war in Ukraine to end, but it does not mean we have all disowned Roman Abramovich. If he is found guilty following a trial, then that's a different matter, but at the moment this has not happened.' -- "Fighting the war on drugs... one brutality case at a time." "Girl, you can't even call this shit a war." "Why not?" "Wars end." - The Wire: Season 1, Episode 1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1647489685.A.08C.html

03/18 13:38, 2年前 , 1F
03/18 13:38, 1F
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