[情報] Fernando Llorente 略倫特接近加盟

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間6年前 (2017/08/30 20:34), 6年前編輯推噓87(87046)
留言133則, 40人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2017-08-30/doc-ifykkfat2384066.shtml 2017年08月30日13:54 新浪體育   切爾西今夏失去了科斯塔,但是買來了莫拉塔。不過球隊的鋒線還是存在隱患, 巴舒亞伊難堪大任,考慮到今年還有歐冠的壓力,孔蒂希望球隊在鋒線上在引進一名 球員。來自《每日鏡報》的消息稱,切爾西看上了斯旺西的西班牙高塔略倫特。   13/14賽季,略倫特曾經和孔蒂在尤文圖斯合作過,如今孔蒂希望能將略倫特帶 到斯坦福橋。《鏡報》稱,切爾西希望給32歲的略倫特開出1500萬鎊的報價,他們希 望斯旺西能夠接受這個價格,放略倫特加盟切爾西。   上賽季略倫特打進了15個英超進球,幫助斯旺西艱難保級。不知他本人是否有加 入切爾西的願望。來到藍軍,略倫特肯定是要擔任莫拉塔的替補,出場機會肯定會受 到限制。但是另一方面,在切爾西略倫特會有更好的機會衝擊冠軍,也可以在歐冠的 舞台上表現自己。 (雷利) http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/chelsea-fernando -llorente-transfer-swansea-11077509 Chelsea closing on Fernando Llorente transfer from Swansea after missing out in January By Neil McLeman - 09:15, 30 AUG 2017 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4835698/ Chelsea could sign Fernando Llorente on Wednesday for £15m... but Swansea want to bring in Wilfried Bony before letting the Spanish striker leave By Simon Jones And Jonathan Spencer - Updated: 10:55 BST, 30 August 2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2017/08/30/alex-oxlade-chamberlain -turns-35m-chelsea-transfer-hope-liverpool/ Matt Law, Football News Correspondent - 30 August 2017 ‧ 11:37am The Blues have received better news on Fernando Llorente and could agree a £15m deal today after talks late on Tuesday night, and they remain in negotiations aimed at reaching an agreement to sign Ross Barkley from Everton and Leicester City's Danny Drinkwater. 週二晚上會談後,略倫特有希望在今天以1500萬英鎊加盟;同時巴克利和德林克沃特 也的交易會繼續談。 Llorente has told friends he expects to join Chelsea for a fee of around £15m, while it has emerged that Drinkwater handed in a transfer request at Leicester around a month ago aimed and trying to force a move to the Blues. 略倫特告訴朋友他預計能以1500萬英鎊左右加盟。 -- 當我漫遊在斯坦弗森林時,我看見了雀爾西,米爾斯的女兒,在傍晚初升的明月中, 在泰晤士河旁一處林地空間上翩然舞蹈。所有痛苦的記憶都離開了我,我像落入迷離 幻境中一般,因為雀爾西伊露維塔兒女中最美的一位。她身上那襲藍色的衣裳宛如 萬里無雲的晴空,她灰色的眼睛像是傍晚群星閃爍的天空;她的斗篷上繡著金色的花 朵,她的頭髮漆黑如暮色中的陰影。她的榮光與美好,就像樹葉上的光芒,像是潺潺 流水,像是這迷離世界上方閃爍的繁星;她臉上有閃亮的光輝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1504096493.A.77A.html

08/30 20:40, , 1F
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http://www.espnfc.com/chelsea/story/3067909/ By Liam Twomey, Chelsea correspondent - Feb 24, 2017 (二月的新聞發布會) Asked if reports of Chelsea's interest in Llorente were true, Conte said: "This is the past and it is not right to talk about the past. We must be focused on the present. I have great admiration because he is a great player. We must pay great attention tomorrow... and I stop." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4523906/ By Riath Al-Samarrai - Updated: 09:53 BST, 20 May 2017 (五月的略倫特專訪) 'I know Chelsea wanted me in January,' he says. 'I said straight away that I wanted to stay here. We were fighting relegation, there was a cause. I could not go. If a big club comes in for me in the future who knows because every player wants to play for a big club. But I am very, very happy here.

08/30 22:11, , 11F
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※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/30/2017 22:20:43

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08/30 22:47, , 20F
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08/30 22:48, , 21F
是該出現一些panic buy的名字才對了
08/30 22:48, 21F

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08/30 22:50, , 23F
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08/30 22:54, , 24F
我覺得不缺戶口本欸? 倒是缺英國人
08/30 22:54, 24F
http://www.espnfc.com/soccer-transfers/story/3192183/ By Peter O'Rourke Swansea are ready to sanction Llorente sale, but only once they bring in a replacement with Manchester City's Wilfried Bony their top target. ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/30/2017 23:39:28

08/30 23:42, , 25F
08/30 23:42, 25F

08/31 00:04, , 26F
據說65m歐再度騷擾Sandro 應該又要再被打槍一次了吧
08/31 00:04, 26F

08/31 00:19, , 27F
08/31 00:19, 27F

08/31 00:21, , 28F
那是不知名義大利媒體 Sandro應該是放棄了
08/31 00:21, 28F

08/31 00:34, , 29F
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08/31 07:43, , 30F
08/31 07:43, 30F

08/31 09:00, , 31F
能來一個就偷笑 現在大家沒進是不會出的
08/31 09:00, 31F

08/31 09:00, , 32F
08/31 09:00, 32F
http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11668/11012974/ By Sky Sports News - Last Updated: 31/08/17 6:04am Chelsea are in talks with Swansea over a deal for striker Fernando Llorente, according to Sky sources. Sky Sports News understands there has been no official bid from Everton for the former Spain international at this stage, despite reports linking the Toffees with a move. 糖還沒出手 ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/31/2017 13:35:56

08/31 15:10, , 33F
幹 被熱刺跟了 再被搶就無言
08/31 15:10, 33F
http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/41107780 By David Ornstein & Dafydd Pritchard Tottenham have had a bid accepted for Swansea striker Fernando Llorente, who had been expected to join Chelsea. The Premier League champions had been close to a reported £15m deal for the 32-year-old, who played under Antonio Conte at Juventus. Chelsea are expected to make a counter offer and Llorente's destination is said to be too close to call. 預計會再報價
還有 66 則推文
還有 8 段內文
08/31 19:44, , 100F
08/31 19:44, 100F

08/31 19:47, , 101F
曼市2個熱刺板凳足夠深 真希望聖誕賽程還笑得出來
08/31 19:47, 101F

08/31 19:48, , 102F
08/31 19:48, 102F
https://twitter.com/bbcsport_david/status/903221952222986240 下午7:44 - 2017年8月31日 Llorente undergoing medical at Spurs as we speak. Pochetinno trying to convince him. But not done - Chelsea still in mix #THFC #CFC #SwansFC

08/31 19:52, , 103F
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08/31 19:52, 105F
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/31/2017 20:01:57

08/31 20:03, , 106F
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08/31 20:04, , 107F
現在情況比較像 盧卡庫=錢+魯尼 一樣
08/31 20:04, 107F

08/31 20:05, , 108F
但是現在買的到Bony就不用陽森了 熱刺優勢大概就是
08/31 20:05, 108F

08/31 20:05, , 109F
08/31 20:05, 109F
https://twitter.com/JPercyTelegraph/status/903225016761843713 下午7:56 - 2017年8月31日 Janssen loan to Swansea was discussed yesterday as part of Llorente deal but now unlikely due to Bony signing 博尼讓揚森機率降低 ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/31/2017 20:07:31

08/31 20:07, , 110F
Mahrez出現在巴傻機場 補強結束了嗎XDD
08/31 20:07, 110F

08/31 20:07, , 111F
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08/31 20:10, , 113F
X在一線隊試過水溫的小將直接賣= =
08/31 20:10, 113F

08/31 20:10, , 114F
奪冠後的下一個賽季 制服組腦袋都會破洞
08/31 20:10, 114F

08/31 20:10, , 115F
跟盧卡庫87趴像啊 不想被搶 結果通通被撿走 廢到笑
08/31 20:10, 115F

08/31 20:10, , 116F
08/31 20:10, 116F
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/903227038919782402 下午8:04 - 2017年8月31日 Chelsea have rivalled the bid for Llorente but he is currently having a medical at Spurs #CFC THFC ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 08/31/2017 20:16:27

08/31 20:15, , 117F
08/31 20:15, 117F

08/31 20:16, , 118F
落倫特無所謂 另外喝水matt law說非常接近了
08/31 20:16, 118F

08/31 20:16, , 119F
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08/31 20:27, , 123F
其實我比較不懂這條的意義 是有大事會發生?
08/31 20:27, 123F

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08/31 21:48, , 127F
08/31 21:48, 127F

09/01 00:11, , 128F
09/01 00:11, 128F
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/903283793037074432 下午11:50 - 2017年8月31日 Swansea want Vincent Janssen still on loan as they prepare to let Llorente go to Spurs. This is as well as their Bony deal. 還是要混搭啊....

09/01 03:17, , 129F
09/01 03:17, 129F
https://twitter.com/bbcsport_david/status/903330895905599489 上午2:57 - 2017年9月1日 Chelsea miss out on Llorente. Move to Tottenham is progressing & will go through if/when Swansea sign replacement (Bony) 略去熱刺只待博尼 ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar (, 09/01/2017 03:25:58

09/01 03:56, , 130F
09/01 03:56, 130F

09/01 06:30, , 131F
09/01 06:30, 131F

09/01 07:12, , 132F
似乎說車車開1+1 熱刺開2+1
09/01 07:12, 132F

09/01 07:48, , 133F
09/01 07:48, 133F
文章代碼(AID): #1Pfh3jTw (Chelsea)