[情報] 鬥士安切洛蒂

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http://www.chelseafc.com/page/LatestNews/0,,10268~1719438,00.html IT'S ALL ABOUT RESPECT Posted on: Sun 12 Jul 2009 Carlo Ancelotti may have admitted to being a 'fighter' but the Italian is intent on building a good relationship with the Chelsea first team. 安切洛蒂或許是個鬥士,但他決心和球隊建立良好的關係。 Not a man to shy away from his responsibilities, Ancelotti confessed to being a difficult opponent as a player, but insists his experience on the pitch allows him to respect the players who currently train under his regime. 'When I was a player I was not always quiet, on the field I was a fighter and I didn't want the opponent to come into my territory. "我以前當球員時可不是乖乖牌,我是個鬥士,我可不喜歡人家入侵我的領域。" 'But in Milan I was a normal person and I wanted to have a good relationship with the players, because the player is the most important person in the team and I want to be myself in a relationship with a player,' said the former midfielder, who played alongside Ruud Gullit at AC Milan, winning the European Cup in 1989 and 1990. "但在米蘭我只是個普通人,我想跟球員維持良好關係,因為球員是球隊裡最重要的 角色。" 'For me it is about the player having respect for my position, I am the coach, I have to make the decisions and at the same time I have respect for the players. This is my system to bring forward a relationship.' "我希望球員尊重我的地位,我是主教練,必須做決定,但同時也會尊重我的球員, 這就是我帶隊的風格。" http://www.chelseafc.com/javaImages/f3/2f/0,,10268~6500339,00.jpg
Carlo Ancelotti displays his abilities in training Obviously not concerned about building rapport with his squad, Ancelotti's biggest worry comes from selecting the best team available when the time comes. 'The most difficult thing is choosing [the team] because of the players work and the players are interested in playing, so when you have to choose, it is not easy. "最困難的是挑選先發,因為球員努力訓練,他們都想上場,所以我必須做出選擇, 這並不容易。" 'There is always a moment when you have to choose. It is very easy to choose if a player doesn't work or has a difficult private life, but if all the players work the same and are great players, then the choice is not easy.' "總是有做出抉擇的時刻,當某些球員不認真或是有私人事務時,做選擇很容易, 但當每個球員都很認真,而且都是頂尖球員,那就很難選了。" The players will have to be aware of the Champions League-winning coach's style, and have a work rate to match, because Ancelotti was born to be on the turf, originally as an admired footballer, but now as a manager. 'My message to work is to stay everyday on the field. I like to stay on the field; and now it is my passion to work with a player in training. To do the training, to work hard at training, that is my passion.' "我的訓練風格是親自下場,我喜歡參與訓練,跟球員一起,這是我的熱情。" Which is why he is looking forward to working alongside another man who lives and breathes football, his assistant first team coach Ray Wilkins. http://www.chelseafc.com/javaImages/f5/2f/0,,10268~6500341,00.jpg
Carlo Ancelotti and Ray Wilkins share a joke in training 'Ray is important because he was assistant before and he knows the players, for me that's important to support my work. He speaks Italian and this is important as well, but I want to speak [English] with my players.' "威爾金斯很重要,因為他之前就是助理教練,他了解球員,所以他對我的支援非常 重要。他會說義大利語,但我希望我能用英語跟球員交談。" That work, for Ancelotti, encompasses two main objectives: 'Identity, we want to improve the identity of the team, to have an identity in the play, and keep the same identity or style against different teams. 安切洛蒂的工作有兩大目標: "風格,我希望改善球隊,然後建立一種風格,並保持 這種風格,不論對上什麼球隊。" 'My vision is also to create a team. Football is a team game, with team work, and my vision is to create this teamwork, have players who can play well together and stay well together.' "另一個目標是建立團隊,足球是團隊運動,所以要建立團隊合作精神,讓球員能 互相合作。" It is obvious Ancelotti is here to win trophies, but whatever team he creates for next season will be missing an important player as we begin the Champions League campaign, but after admitting he was once a fighter on the pitch, the Italian understands a footballer's emotions. 'To lose Drogba for four games in the Champions League is not easy, this is a disappointment for us, but it has happened and we have to look forward. "在歐冠失去德羅巴四場比賽不是件輕鬆的事,這讓人很失望,但木已成舟,我們只 能往前看。" 'The problem is that I was a player and it can happen, where in a moment, in a game, the mind is not cold, you get carried away by what happens. It is not a good situation for Drogba, but it can happen.' "問題是作為球員,這的確可能發生,因為在比賽時頭腦無法保持冷靜,會被某些事 件牽著走,對德羅巴來說這不是件好事,但那確實可能發生。" The refereeing during our Champions League semi-final clash with Barcelona was the reason Drogba's reaction after the game. Now, as a manager in the Barclays Premier League, it is Ancelotti who will have to get used to a new style of refereeing. 'It is a different system for referees in England. In England a referee lets you play on. In Italy it is different; there is a lot of interaction in the game. "英格蘭的裁判是另一種風格,他們會讓比賽保持流暢,義大利就不同了,比賽總是 被打斷。" 'I prefer to play on because in England a referee blows the whistle 35/40 times a game, in Italy it can be 60/65. This is not a good way to play.' "我比較喜歡讓比賽繼續,在英格蘭,一場比賽的犯規次數可能只有35-40次,但在 義大利,可能是60-65次,這對比賽的流暢性來說可不是太好。" Finally, when asked if he could make Chelsea one of the biggest teams in Europe, Ancelotti's answer was simple. 'Chelsea already is one of the biggest teams in Europe. When a team plays five Champions League semi-finals in six years it is one of the best teams in Europe.' "卻爾西是歐洲最大的球隊之一,當六年裡進入歐冠半決賽五次,這就是歐洲最好的 球隊之一。" By Christian Collison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.163.com/09/0712/17/5E1OM9TI00051CCL.html 2009-07-12 17:22:08  來源: 網易體育  作者:馬可范 安切洛蒂一直以來給人的印象都是憨態可掬溫文爾雅,但被部分球迷戲稱為「安 胖」的安切洛蒂也有強硬的一面,他在接受星期日鏡報採訪時透露,在球員時自己就 是個敢在場上和對手幹仗的硬漢,當教練時同樣也對自己的隊員們這樣要求。 「當我還是個球員時,我在場上可不安分,我是個鬥士,從來不會讓對手在我的 地盤裡搶到哪怕一英吋的便宜,我當然也希望我的球員和我當年一樣。我記得我和英 國球員在場上動過手,那還是我效力AC米蘭的時候,和索內斯幹過一架」,索內斯是 利物浦歷史上最偉大的中場之一,他踢球時被人稱為「硬漢」,還入選了英國史上十 大球場惡人,在職業生涯晚期,索內斯曾到桑普多利亞發揮餘熱,就是在那裡安切洛 蒂體會到了傳統英國足球的好勇鬥狠。 「他可真強壯,比桌子還硬,簡直像個鐵人,但是我也不含糊,我很享受那次幹 架」,安切洛蒂雖然在球員和教練時代從未出過意大利的國門,但是作為羅馬、米蘭 和意大利國家隊的中場,他也經常和英國球隊交手,因此對英格蘭足球也頗有瞭解。 安切洛蒂信奉的足球教條實際上和傳統的英格蘭足球頗有相同之處,「奉獻精神 和求勝慾望是足球場上的一切,必須為勝利拼盡全力,就算最後輸了也沒什麼可後悔 的。」 上賽季德羅巴在和巴塞羅那的歐冠比賽中因為攻擊裁判被罰停賽,但安切洛蒂對 魔獸到沒有責怪之意,「我也當過球員,我理解他那個時候的衝動,他被停賽四場對 我們是個巨大損失,不過我們仍要向歐冠發起衝擊,我有信心我們能捧起大耳朵盃, 這也是我來這裡的目的。」 不過安切洛蒂在藍軍正式比賽的第一仗還是要從國內賽場打起 — 8月9日,切爾 西要和曼聯在社區盾中相遇,這將是安切洛蒂在切爾西的開山之作,而對手是曼聯, 過去三個賽季的英超冠軍,更是讓這場比賽對安切洛蒂充滿了挑戰意味。 「我已經等不及和弗爵開戰了,」安切洛蒂非常憧憬慈社區盾,「其實我和他是 很好的朋友,每次到曼徹斯特打完客場我和他都會喝上兩杯,自從我在這裡(斯坦福 橋)上任以來,我們還沒有過交流,我想我們會在8月9日談談的。和曼聯競爭是一件 很刺激的事情,我希望那場比賽可以給我一些積極的東西。」 在AC米蘭的時候安切洛蒂和曼聯在歐冠賽場經常相遇,安切洛蒂的勝率較高,04 年和07年,米蘭兩次在歐冠淘汰了曼聯,但這次到了切爾西這麼一個全新的環境結果 會如何?讓我們拭目以待。 -- 當我漫遊在斯坦弗森林時,我看見了雀爾西,米爾斯的女兒,在傍晚初升的明月中, 在泰晤士河旁一處林地空間上翩然舞蹈。所有痛苦的記憶都離開了我,我像落入迷離 幻境中一般,因為雀爾西伊露維塔兒女中最美的一位。她身上那襲藍色的衣裳宛如 萬里無雲的晴空,她灰色的眼睛像是傍晚群星閃爍的天空;她的斗篷上繡著金色的花 朵,她的頭髮漆黑如暮色中的陰影。她的榮光與美好,就像樹葉上的光芒,像是潺潺 流水,像是這迷離世界上方閃爍的繁星;她臉上有閃亮的光輝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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樓上好色 ㄎㄎ
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