[情報] Do we have an image problem?

看板Chelsea作者 (宅哥一號)時間15年前 (2009/06/19 19:41), 編輯推噓37(37011)
留言48則, 25人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.chelsea.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=514888 Do we have an image problem? 切爾西的品牌危機? Things are pretty good. I'm getting married in nine weeks, the Summer is in full swing, I get paid next week and I'm happy. There is considerable room for optimism with Chelsea as well. Even my Dad thinks we are ok and that we are going to do well next season. 一切都很順利 作者要結婚了 下個禮拜發薪水而感到高興 作者的爹也對球隊現狀感到 滿意 And yet, there are niggling doubts. I cannot settle and find myself deep in thought, preoccupied with the threads of conscious consideration as they run across my mind. 但作者仍舊感到心煩 Tempting though it is to think all is well and that things are fine, I am not sure. I think we've got a problem. An image problem. 我們有麻煩了 品牌 品牌危機 Nobody wants to sign for us. We've been linked to even more players than Sp*rs have this summer, and have signed even fewer of them than they have. Zhirkov isn't interested in coming to Chelsea, even though we all thought it was a done deal. In fact not one of the players we've been linked with has come out and said that playing for us would be an honour, or that they fancy a move. Are we becoming the footballing equivalent of Butlins? The sort of place you were forced to go to, and spent your whole time there not really enjoying yourself, because you were wishing you were in sunny Spain instead? 沒有人想跟我們簽約 我們傳言的球員比熱刺隊還多 而我們簽下的人比熱刺隊還少。 當我們以為日爾科夫已經簽約 日爾科夫說他對切爾西沒有興趣。事實上沒有任何一個 球員說他很希望來我們這踢球 很想來之類的 一個都沒有! 我們是否已經成為足球界的 Butlins(一個昂貴的主題樂園)-一個你被逼去的地方 被逼待很久但是一點都不好玩 因為你其實是想待在陽光普照的西班牙? The fact is, if the tabloids are to be believed, none of the top players want to come here. Are we not viewed as a top club any more? 如果小報傳言可以相信的話 沒有一個人想來這 難道我們不是頂級球隊了嗎? Reasons not to come to Chelsea: 不要來切爾西的理由 We've never won the Champions League, and nobody could have failed to have seen the stitch-up job UEFA did on us last season via Tom Henning Ovrebo. We are destined to be the European nearly men - who wants to go somewhere where you know you will never win the Champions League, no matter how well you do in it? 我們從來沒贏過冠軍聯賽 沒有人會錯過歐足聯藉著挪威之恥澳夫博所動的手腳 我們注定 成為邊緣人 一個你知道你永遠不會贏得冠軍聯賽的地方 不管你做得多好 不是嗎? We only have a small stadium which is a sellout for most games, but is quiet as the grave usually, unless we are winning. Its a lovely ground, but its not the San Siro or Nou Camp is it? 我們只有一個小球場 而且票常常賣光 但是卻安靜的像墓園一樣 除非你在領先 但在諾坎 普 勝西螺就完全不同 不是嗎? We sack managers all the time and are not a stable ship. Players want stability - we are a very unstable proposition. 我們無時無刻的在解雇教練 球隊永遠不穩定 球員需要穩定 我們的隊伍一直都不穩定 We cannot absolutely guarantee first team football in any position as we are strong in all departments already. 我們無法保證主力位置 因為我們每個位置都是公認的強者(這句話好像似曾相識?) Players can go to on be local heroes at Chelsea, but will be universally despised by everyone else. Being a hero at Barca means the whole planet loves you, but do it at Chelsea and you'll get lies made up about you in the media and people sniping at you all the time. You'll be despised and derided, booed and screamed at wherever you go, just because you are a Chelsea hero. Does anyone really want to be hated? 球員們可以成為切爾西人民的英雄 但是會直接被所有其他人唾棄。成為巴薩的英雄代表 著全星球的人都愛你 但是在切爾西這樣做 你會被全體媒體跟人民唾棄 它們會鄙視你 嘲弄你 噓你 吼你 不管你去哪裡 就因為你是切爾西英雄 有人想要這樣被鄙視嗎? Failure to live up to expectations will see sections of your own fans boo you, even after a short time, because they are spoiled and have no patience for anything less than 4-0 wins every week. 如沒有達到要求 你會被一部分原本支持你的球迷噓 甚至被追殺 因為球迷們已經被寵壞 了 他們無法接受少於傳統比分的勝利 If the papers are to be believed, we are run by a dictatorial Russian oligarch who demands instant success - you have no comfort zone at any top club, but even less of one at Chelsea. 如果報章可以採信 我們的老闆是個俄羅斯獨裁者 他想要的是快速的成功 你在任何頂級俱 樂部都沒有甚麼緩衝期 但是在切爾西 我敢肯定一丁點都不會有 Whoever you are - Villa, Aguero, Pato etc - you'll never be top dog here - Frank Lampard and John Terry are top of the pile and will always be bigger than you at Chelsea. 不管你是誰 韋拿 阿龜羅 怕拖 你都不會成為老大 蘭趴得 獎特里是老大 他們會一直 凌駕於俱樂部之上 The weather in England is much colder and it rains a lot more than it does in Spain. It snows and sleets a lot in the Winter. Who wants to play football in hail and icy wind? 英格蘭的天氣比起西班牙總是很冷又下雨 誰想在刺骨的風寒下踢球? If you are an England player you will almost certainly destroy your England career by coming to Chelsea, because the powers-that-be wont give you credit for what you've done and are doing, and the England fanbase will turn on you with boos and jeers just because you play for Chelsea. 如果你是英格蘭球員 來切爾西就代表毀了你的職業生涯 因為你永不會成為英格蘭真核(? 英格蘭球迷會噓你嘲弄你 只因為你在切爾西 You could earn £200K a week at Madrid. We cannot and will not pay you anything like that much. It used to be all about the money, but Madrid, Man City and Barca now pay much more than we do. 在真馬你可以領二十萬週薪 我們不能 錢以前是主要的原因 但現在真馬 曼城 巴薩都可 支付比我們高的薪水 You have to deal with Peter Kenyon. 你要與肯羊打交道 We cannot guarantee trophies - we havent won anything really big for several years and finished third last season. Chelsea could be turning into League also rans, ala Arsenal - can you really take that chance, of coming fro trophies but not winning the big prizes? 我們不保證獎盃 我們這幾年來沒贏下真的大尾的獎杯而且去年還排名第三 我們有可能變 成像阿森納那樣的腳色 你能接受這樣贏一些小獎盃但不會有大獎杯嗎? With all that in mind - what are the reasons to come to Chelsea? 接下來我們看看 來切爾西踢球的理由 Man City aside, we probably pay the best out of all the British teams so you wont be on the breadline, put it that way. 除了曼城 我們大概是英國支付最高薪水的球隊 所以你不會沒有麵包吃 We are a rapidly expanding brand and are seen as a big club - players want to play for big clubs. There are several bigger clubs, but we are a big one now, certainly. 我們一直在花錢也被認為是大俱樂部 球員想去大俱樂部踢球 還有幾個更大的俱樂部 但是我們肯定也滿大的 Aside from a minority of idiots, our fanbase is pretty good and our away support one of the best in the land. We will probably make up a song about you if you are any good. 除了一些笨蛋 我們的球迷還不賴 我們的客場球迷是地表上最好的之一 如果你表現夠好 他們還會幫你寫歌稱頌 London is a big, cosmopolitan city where you can meld into the masses and not be followed around by an army of photographers when you go to Waitrose for some cat food etc. It is certainly the best place in the UK to live - bar none. The crime rate and the schools are better here than up north as well. If you are going to come to England, then South West London is the place to be. 倫敦是個現代化都市 你在街上不太會被糾纏 他是英國最適合居住的地方 犯罪率低 學校比北邊的好 如果要來英國 倫敦西南是第一選擇 You have the opportunity to play alongside some of the best players in the world. Lampard, Cech, Essien, Terry, Cole, Drogba, Malouda etc. 你有機會與世界頂級球員踢球 蘭趴得 切嚇 安心 特里 柯爾 德羅巴 馬路達隊 Chelsea are clearly an ambitious club and will challenge for everything they play in - in sporting terms the club is an exciting prospect. 切爾西是有野心的球隊 純以競技角度來說 是值得盼望的 So there you have it - many more reasons not to come to Chelsea than reasons to come to Chelsea. I think the longer we go on in this rut of not winning any major trophies and sacking managers left right and centre (or appointing the absolute wrong ones in the first place, if we are being really honest) then the more we are going to encounter this image problem. I think the club gives off an air not being totally clear in what they want and how they want to achieve it, and we have nobody who is genuinely universally respected pulling the strings behind the scenes. 以上得知 不要來切爾西的理由比要來的多得多 如果我們繼續下去無法贏得大獎杯 繼續 解雇教練 或是誠實的說 從季初就安排錯的教練 我們就會面對更多品牌問題 我覺得這 俱樂部給人一種不知道到底要甚麼 也不知道如何達成的氣氛 我們也沒有一位受大家尊敬 的幕後主謀 We are not just 'new money' but if we are really honest with ourselves we act like it too, and as well as alienating the footballing establishment, we alienate everyone else as well, and this comes back to haunt us when it is time to buy players. Most of them just turn us down flat because of who we are. Indeed, so bad has it gotten now, that we are in fact used as the mythical "big bad wolf" by teams, players and agents alike all across the world - in a negative way - "pay me more or I'll go the dark side because the boogeyman will come and get me" - its all rubbish of course but the fact that we are used in this way is telling in itself. Being the Dark Side club, we struggle to attract the best players for this and many other reasons as listed above. Whether it is this, or just a criminal lack of determination and motivation to get our transfer business done early on, we will probably never know, but one way or the other, it is obvious that the club has an image problem, when it comes to attracting the great and good to play in Chelsea Blue. There is also a wider issue of a general lack of.... something when it comes to how we are perceived and how we are run as a club. We've got an image problem - no question. 我們不再是暴發戶 但是誠實的說我們自以為是暴發戶 並且漸與足球圈疏遠 我們跟所有人 疏遠 而當我們要買球員時 影響就大了 大多數人一看到我們就拒絕了 情況已經糟到: 我們被球員及經紀人喻為"大壞狼"這樣的負面形象 "給我加薪 不然我就加入邪惡帝國 因為邪惡帝國會來找我加入他們"身為邪惡帝國 我們在爭取好球員時更加艱難。 不管如何 我們面臨了品牌危機 當招募賢人來穿上切爾西藍時。另一個問題是我們俱樂部 的形象還有給人運作不明的感覺。 What can be done about this? I think to be taken seriously amongst the elite, of which we yearn to be but are not yet a member of, we have to win the Champions League. It is surely a question of how much longer can we be denied it for spurious and suspicious reasons? Then there is the question of the way we conduct our business. We give the impression of being 'small time' judging by the Robinho, Avram Grant, Andrei Shevchenko and other fiascos, and it is high time the club started to address the way it does business and started to take a higher line. I'll stop short of calling the powers-that-be unprofessional, as I think they have a unique set of restrictions to work around, but even so, we need to stop being held to ransom all the time, to take a much more pro-active approach in terms of our transfer business, and to inject some real world thinking into how the club is run and administered on a day-to-day basis. It is shortcomings in these areas that allow the media to continue their open season on us. 我們要怎麼做呢 首首先是像頂級球會看齊 也就是我們一直想卻無法達成的事-贏得冠軍 聯賽 我們擺脫以假的 疑點重重的方式被搞掉而贏得冠軍只是時間問題。還有就是做生意 的方式 我們必須擺脫追求短期成功的形象 而做些長遠的打算。當然我們有自己的獨特 麻煩(被勒索),但是我們必須做點事 改變媒體對我們的看法 I think the focus of this article is that our image problem exists largely because the media are nurturing it. We have an image problem with them. So powerful are the media now, that what they say and print is treated as gospel - much of it is rubbish of course, but people believe it. They want to believe it and they want to hate us. Sadly, whilst the media are against us, we may never succeed fully, as certain aspects of true success are unrealistic whilst there is a media vendetta against us. Make them respect us, and we will find things much easier for ourselves. We are not the fecking Boogeyman - we are Chelsea Football Club. No more, no less. 這篇文章的重點是指出我們的形象問題很大 尤其是對媒體 它們的勢力強大到寫出來的 東西被當作教義傳頌 雖然大多數都是垃圾 但是人們相信。它們選擇相信媒體 來反對 我們。必須讓媒體RESPECT我們  Until these issues are addressed, we are going to struggle. We can only hope that lessons have been learned and that the last three years have been valuable experience. Only then can we shake off this image problem. CAREFREE!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/19 19:46, , 1F
都是光頭啦 大概沒人想被光頭表所以都不來吧 = =
06/19 19:46, 1F

06/19 19:49, , 2F
中間是不是有什麼誤會 熱刺跟車車一樣都還沒簽任何人阿 XD
06/19 19:49, 2F

06/19 19:50, , 3F
跟光頭沒什麼關係 這是過去幾年的問題 懶得重提一次
06/19 19:50, 3F

06/19 20:03, , 4F
真的很多老問題 >_______< 不過天氣是無解的
06/19 20:03, 4F

06/19 22:14, , 5F
06/19 22:14, 5F

06/19 22:48, , 6F
06/19 22:48, 6F

06/20 00:18, , 7F
06/20 00:18, 7F

06/20 02:04, , 8F
我佛慈悲 天佑巧喜
06/20 02:04, 8F

06/20 15:11, , 9F
06/20 15:11, 9F

06/20 15:15, , 10F
今年簽人真是困難 每個都天價 話說巴薩要搶Ashley Young
06/20 15:15, 10F

06/20 16:23, , 11F
帕拖到底想不想來 安胖發揮你得魅力好嗎XD
06/20 16:23, 11F

06/20 17:38, , 12F
30M耶 我靠 阿楊身價快追上SHEVA了
06/20 17:38, 12F

06/20 18:10, , 13F
快去出手挖Villa阿 瓦倫主席要幫你們勸球員來英超XDD
06/20 18:10, 13F

06/20 18:49, , 14F
06/20 18:49, 14F

06/20 19:31, , 15F
怕脫不錯耶 不要太貴就可以買
06/20 19:31, 15F

06/20 19:31, , 16F
06/20 19:31, 16F

06/20 19:55, , 17F
06/20 19:55, 17F

06/20 20:38, , 18F
06/20 20:38, 18F

06/20 20:40, , 19F
06/20 20:40, 19F

06/20 20:47, , 20F
fucking disgrace很中肯阿
06/20 20:47, 20F

06/20 21:39, , 21F
06/20 21:39, 21F

06/20 21:43, , 22F
PTT誰不認識吉諾拉ㄉㄉ 他說要負責就要負責!!!
06/20 21:43, 22F

06/20 21:46, , 23F
他跟U熊都是甲賽派的嗎 ?
06/20 21:46, 23F

06/20 21:47, , 24F
fucking disgrace我覺得只是剛好而已
06/20 21:47, 24F

06/20 22:07, , 25F
不知道大家感受如何啦 不過我覺得樓上某巴薩的嘴滿髒的
06/20 22:07, 25F

06/20 22:10, , 26F
06/20 22:10, 26F

06/20 22:20, , 27F
幹 在PTT上沒人說你迫害他或你不尊重他就不錯了啦
06/20 22:20, 27F

06/20 22:21, , 28F
不爽可以叫他去甲賽啊 科科
06/20 22:21, 28F

06/20 23:50, , 29F
06/20 23:50, 29F

06/21 00:12, , 30F
06/21 00:12, 30F

06/21 00:13, , 31F
06/21 00:13, 31F

06/21 00:13, , 32F
06/21 00:13, 32F

06/21 00:13, , 33F
06/21 00:13, 33F

06/21 00:15, , 34F
06/21 00:15, 34F

06/21 00:17, , 35F
06/21 00:17, 35F

06/21 00:18, , 36F
06/21 00:18, 36F

06/21 00:18, , 37F
06/21 00:18, 37F

06/21 01:28, , 38F
06/21 01:28, 38F

06/21 01:36, , 39F
06/21 01:36, 39F

06/21 01:36, , 40F
吉諾拉哭哭 XD
06/21 01:36, 40F

06/21 03:24, , 41F
德羅巴只是太誠實了 代表他不夠邪惡 加油好嗎
06/21 03:24, 41F

06/21 10:38, , 42F
06/21 10:38, 42F

06/21 15:39, , 43F
06/21 15:39, 43F

06/22 09:55, , 44F
06/22 09:55, 44F

06/22 10:00, , 45F
G先生的老毛病就是這樣,將就一點將就一點。( ̄o ̄||)
06/22 10:00, 45F

06/22 11:00, , 46F
我們又不認識那亂叫的巴薩野狗 幹啥要將就它啊~~~
06/22 11:00, 46F

06/22 11:04, , 47F
06/22 11:04, 47F

06/22 17:36, , 48F
06/22 17:36, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #1AEtbJnH (Chelsea)