[討論] 英國人與義大利人差別 ?

看板Chelsea作者 (衝阿 同志們)時間15年前 (2009/03/07 21:32), 編輯推噓22(2202)
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不知道有沒有LAG 朋友翻的 大家參考一下 文略長 ! -------- Italy v England: 30 Cultural Differences 超好笑的 英國人跟義大利人真的是天差地遠的兩個民族 不過我還是最愛英國 哈 Italy v England: 30 Cultural Differences 義大利vs英格蘭: 30項文化差異 Goal.com Feb 23, 8:00 am EST On The Pitch 球場上 1) In Italy on Sundays, it's church, match, home for supporters. In England, its pub, match, pub. 義大利的週日活動是教堂, 球賽, 回家. 英格蘭是pub, 球賽, pub 2) In Italy, pasta and meatballs with a glass of red wine is the pre-match meal. In England, kebab and chips with a pint of beer on the way to the stadium does the trick. 義大利看球前吃義大利麵, 肉丸跟一杯紅酒. 英格蘭是沙威瑪(Kebab), 洋芋片然後手拿一大杯啤酒往球場前進 3) In Italy, the police will allow you to throw oranges at a team bus. In England you'd go to jail. 在義大利 警察會讓球迷朝球隊巴士丟橘子. 在英格蘭降做就坐牢了. 4) Italian fans behave when going abroad, but go berserk at home. English fans behave at home, but go stark-raving mad when in Europe. 義大利的球迷出國看球很守規矩, 在國內看球則很瘋狂. 英格蘭球迷在國內守規矩, 一出國看球就發瘋. 5) In England, fans sit on the stadium seats. In Italy they use them as weapons. 在英格蘭球迷坐在椅子上看球. 在義大利椅子是球迷的武器. 6) In England, the stadium stewards watch the crowd. In Italy, the stewards watch the match or, as in the case at Catania, are actually club Ultras. 英格蘭的球場警衛背向球場看守球迷. 義大利球場警衛都顧著看球, 甚至還是最激進的瘋狂球迷. 7) In England, if you want something to eat at a game you have to go and buy it from the stadium snack bar. In Italy, you just shout 'A Bibitaro' at the guy selling snacks 20 metres away, and then push your money along the row of fans as he passes a cornetto back. 在英格蘭看球要吃東西一定要到球場內的賣店. 在義大利只要對二十公尺外的球場小販大叫冰淇淋, 然後把錢傳過去, 其他的球迷會幫你把冰淇淋傳回來. 8) In England, if you are fast, strong and powerful, and can run nonstop for 90 minutes you are a great player, even if you have the touch and skills of a donkey. In Italy, if you are tactically and technically excellent, you are a good player, even if you have the speed and mobility of a snail. 在英格蘭只要跑得快, 夠壯, 可以整場球賽跑不停, 就算腳下工夫爛到爆, 還是個優秀的球員. 在義大利, 只要腳下工夫一流, 就算跑得比蝸牛還慢也還是個好球員. 9) In England, if SKY Sports says that Peter Crouch is the best player in the world, the whole country believes and preaches it. In Italy, if SKY Italia says that Simone Loria is the best defender on the planet, the whole nation cancels their satellite subscription. 在英格蘭SKY電視台說Peter Crouch是全世界最棒的球員, 整個國家都相信還大肆宣傳. 義大利SKY電視台若說Simone Loria是全世界最好的後衛, 整個國家都退訂SKY 10) In Italy, ‘the end justifies the means’, and shirt-pulling, diving, cynical fouls and fooling the referee are seen as important parts of the game. In England, these things are seen as cheating, and the philosophy that ‘the means justifies the end’ is followed, with fair play more important than winning at all costs. 在義大利, 結果比方法重要. 只要贏球, 拉衣服, 惡意犯規, 欺騙裁判都只是球賽的一部份. 在英格蘭這樣做的人被視為作弊, 方法重於結果, 公平競賽比不擇手段贏球更重要. 11) In Italy, defending is an art. In England, defending is anti-football 在義大利, 防守是藝術. 在英格蘭, 鼓吹防守就是反足球份子. 12) In Italy, if a team is 3-0 down, the players all give up, while the fans abuse the team, smash up the worst player’s car, and invade training the next morning. In England, if a team is losing 8-0, the players continue to fight and chase every ball until the last minute even though the cause is lost, while the supporters continue to sing and cheer on their heroes. 在義大利主隊0:3落後, 球迷會噓全隊, 還會把表現最差的球員的車砸爛, 隔天到球隊訓練場攻城. 在英格蘭, 主隊0:8落後, 球員還是到球賽結束為止全力拚搶, 球迷也繼續唱歌支援球員. 13) In England, a bad referee is incompetent. In Italy, a bad referee is corrupt. 在英格蘭, 爛裁判是無能. 在義大利, 爛裁判一定有收黑錢. 14) In England post-weekend football shows are 99% highlights and 1% analysis. In Italy shows are 1% highlights, and 99% analysis (or slow-motion replays). 英格蘭週末晚上的足球精華99%是比賽精彩片段, 1%是球評分析. 在義大利, 1%是精彩片段, 99%都是球評分析. 15) In England, you rarely hear from chairmen, who often mind their own business and stay out of the press. In Italy, the presidents are utterly insane at times, regularly making controversial remarks, with Palermo’s Maurizio Zamparini the most infamous. 在英格蘭很少有球隊老闆發言, 他們都顧著自己的事業很少跟媒體互動. 在義大利, 球隊老闆三不五十就抓狂, 對其他人做顛三倒四的咒罵. Off The Pitch 球場外 16) In Italy, bribery and corruption is a part of life. In England, a backhander is a tennis shot. 義大利賄賂及貪污是日常生活的一部份. 在英格蘭, backhander(收回扣, 反手拍)是網球的一種打法. 17) In England, you are innocent until proven guilty. In Italy, you are guilty until proven innocent. 在英格蘭, 判決有罪之前均視為無罪. 在義大利判決無罪之前就是有罪. 18) In Italy, children are first given alcohol when they are nine months old, and learn how to respect and enjoy liquor. In England, children are banned from drinking alcohol until they are 18, and then proceed to massacre the stuff. 義大利的小孩在就九個月大就開始喝酒, 學習如何尊敬及品嚐酒類. 在英格蘭, 18歲以後才能喝酒, 然後就成為醉漢. 19) In Italy, sons are cradled by their mothers until they are 40. In England, sons have their own house and are looking after themselves at the age of 16. 義大利媽媽會照顧小孩到40歲. 英格蘭小孩滿16歲就搬出去住自力更生. 20) Italian men are already shaving before they are 11-years-old, and need to use a razor every day to stay smooth. English men don’t start shaving until they are 18, and then have to wait five years just to grow a little bit of stubble on the end of their chin. 義大利男人11歲就開始刮鬍子, 還要天天用刮鬍刀修. 英格蘭18歲前都不用刮鬍刀, 想要在下巴留點鬍子還要等個五年. 21) In England, punctuality and timekeeping is extremely important. In Italy, being on time is arriving 30 minutes late. 在英格蘭準時是絕對重要. 在義大利遲到半小時就是準時. 22) In Italy, no one who travels by train buys a ticket. In England, everyone buys a ticket, even though the prices are a scandalous rip-off and it would be cheaper to take a taxi. 在義大利沒人買票坐火車. 在英格蘭就算火車票貴到比計程車還貴, 大家還是乖乖買票坐火車. 23) In England, breaking the law is something you usually keep to yourself. In Italy, breaking petty rules is a source of amusement and something worth boasting about. 在英格蘭有前科通常不會張揚. 在義大利犯法是可拿來自吹自擂的笑點. 24) Italians who go on holiday blend into the surroundings and will turn brown in the sun. The English, who spend most their holidays recovering from sunburn, have ‘tourist’ written all over them as they trudge onto the beach with Hawaiian shirts, and socks and sandles. 義大利渡假者會與環境融為一體, 曬成古銅色. 英格蘭旅客身上寫滿觀光客三個字, 穿夏威夷衫, 涼鞋還搭襪子. 而且第一天就曬傷. 25) In Italy the idea of wearing head-to-toe sporting clothing is considered unfashionable. In England wearing anything other than head-to-toe sports clothing is considered feminine. 在義大利全身穿運動服飾叫土. 在英格蘭不穿運動風的衣服叫娘. 26) In Italy, no one queues up, instead pushing in at the last minute after pretending they know someone at the front. In England, people queue up for hours, and then when they are still turned away at the end, they leave without a fuss. 在義大利沒人排隊, 都在進場最後一分鐘假裝前面有認識的朋友拚命往前擠. 在英格蘭, 大家都願意花幾個小時排隊, 最後沒排到也會乖乖的離開. 27) In Italy, politics is a matter of life and death depending on which side of the fence you are on. In England it is not as important as 'Big Brother', a show where a bunch of talentless nobodies do nothing all day. 在義大利, 政治是生死相關的重大議題. 在英格蘭, 政治就像一堆無名C咖整天不知道在演什麼的電視節目沒人在乎. 28) In Italy, it is normal for two people of the same sex to greet each other with a hug and kiss on both cheeks. In England, you are not heterosexual if you do this. 在義大利, 兩個同性的朋友見面是擁抱及親吻臉頰再正常不過. 在英格蘭這樣做的絕對不是異性戀者. 29) In Italy, if you go to a dinner party, you are guaranteed a six course meal, a doggy bag, and you have to refuse even more food at least 10 times before the host finally accepts no for an answer. “Are you sure, you don’t want some more?”…”Yes, I am bloody sure!” In England, you are asked to bring a bottle with you, the sausage rolls and Quavers run out after 10 minutes, and you have to make a stop at the McDonalds drive-thru on the way back home because you are still hungry. 在義大利參加晚宴, 保證是六道菜的大全餐吃不完還可外帶, 吃不下了還要至少拒絕十次主人才會接受你吃飽了. 在英格蘭, 主人會要求你帶一瓶酒, 熱狗捲跟餅乾十分鐘就被吃光, 回家還要去吃麥當勞得來速因為根本沒吃飽. 30) In Italy, TV babes include Juliana Moreira, Ilary Blasi, Christina Chiabotto, Ilaria D’Amico and Michelle Hunziker, to name just a handful. In England its Jordan or Jody Marsh. 義大利電視上出現的名模辣妹不勝枚舉, 英格蘭就只有有Jordan跟Jody Marsh. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/07 21:34, , 1F
03/07 21:34, 1F

03/07 21:40, , 2F
03/07 21:40, 2F

03/07 21:41, , 3F
03/07 21:41, 3F
eslite12:轉錄至某隱形看板 03/07 21:41

03/07 21:42, , 4F
03/07 21:42, 4F

03/07 21:44, , 5F
可憐的Loria XD
03/07 21:44, 5F

03/07 21:45, , 6F
純推Jordan和Jody Marsh. XD
03/07 21:45, 6F

03/07 21:51, , 7F
就27點來說 我們有點意大利
03/07 21:51, 7F

03/07 23:05, , 8F
03/07 23:05, 8F

03/07 23:06, , 9F
Kebab好好吃 台灣好少有喔 都是假貨XD
03/07 23:06, 9F

03/07 23:13, , 10F
03/07 23:13, 10F

03/07 23:18, , 11F
03/07 23:18, 11F

03/07 23:20, , 12F
03/07 23:20, 12F

03/07 23:38, , 13F
我今天在銅猴肉丸義大利麵+啤酒 這樣算哪邊?
03/07 23:38, 13F

03/08 00:34, , 14F
03/08 00:34, 14F

03/08 00:38, , 15F
03/08 00:38, 15F

03/08 11:02, , 16F
我覺得在酸英國呀 XDDDDDDDD
03/08 11:02, 16F

03/08 20:50, , 17F
03/08 20:50, 17F

03/08 21:02, , 18F
我要吃Kebab 台灣哪邊有好吃的Kebab???????????????????
03/08 21:02, 18F

03/08 22:07, , 19F
台灣的確和義大利蠻像的 XDDD
03/08 22:07, 19F

03/08 22:31, , 20F
5) 在台灣,球場沒有椅子。
03/08 22:31, 20F

03/08 22:41, , 21F
03/08 22:41, 21F

03/08 22:51, , 22F
話說我在香港都沒找到 Kebab ... orz
03/08 22:51, 22F

03/08 23:35, , 23F
03/08 23:35, 23F
lightmyfire:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 03/12 13:49

04/29 11:23, , 24F
希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz
04/29 11:23, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #19idTK4- (Chelsea)