[情報] 切爾西球迷音量排英超第六

看板Chelsea作者 (請叫我兩分男 冏rz)時間16年前 (2008/01/13 16:04), 編輯推噓7(703)
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http://www.chelsea.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=503432 Chelsea fans 6th loudest in the land The question as to which fans are the loudest and the quietest in the Premier League throws up some interesting statistics, with Chelsea fans emerging a creditable 6th loudest. 對於英超哪隊球迷最吵鬧和最安靜的問題上做了一些統計,切爾西球迷令人嘉許的得到了 第六名的排名 Researchers from 118 118 measured the volume levels at the 20 Premier League grounds during August and September in an effort to resolve the age-old question as to which fans are the best in the country. Decibel readings were taken across key points in each match - players emerging from the tunnel, kickoff, when goals were scored, just after the start of the second half and the final five minutes of each game. 118 118來的研究,在去年八月至九月之間,測量了二十家英超球會主場的球迷的音量, 希望測出哪家俱樂部的球迷才是本土最大聲的。研究員分別在不同的時段測量球場的分貝 數─ 在比賽的關鍵時刻、球員走出比賽通道時、比賽開始開球時、入球時、下半場開始 時以及比賽最後五分鐘時。 The results allowed 118 118 to order the fans` by noise level: those fans at the top of the table can be proud of their constant, vocal and noisy support for their club. Those near the bottom are, frankly, a bunch of plastics. 在以下的數據排行榜裡,排名前面的的球迷可以以他們持續性的、大聲的嘈雜的為俱樂部 歡呼支持而感到驕傲,而排在下半部的球迷,老實說,只是一群塑膠制成的垃圾。 The bottom club is Chelsea`s little brother neighbours, Fulham. Not surprisingly, the ground is small and the fans have little to cheer about this season. Immediately above are the sedate supporters of Reading, presumably scared to ruffle anything in leafy Berkshire, followed by (plucky little) Wigan. 最後一名的是切爾西的小弟鄰居富樂姆,這並不意外,她們的主場不但小,她們的球迷 今年也實在沒什麼值得大肆慶祝的點XD。在她們上方的是同樣安靜的讀書人球迷,也許她 們害怕呼喊會弄亂地上很多落葉的伯克夏郡(讀書人主場),再上面是短小精悍的威肝球迷 。 Extremely embarrassingly, the 4th quietest ground in the country is also the largest, Old Trafford. Then again, the lack of vocal support from the Manchester United fans has long been criticised: we all remember Roy Keane`s 'prawn sandwich` rant, and just before Christmas, Fergus also blew his fuse about the passive nature of United`s supporters. One wonders whether the researchers shouldn`t have taken readings as to the noise levels when Cristine Ronaldo performs yet another pointless stepover. 非常難為情的,倒數第四的主場,也是全國最大的場地,老特拉夫球場。然後再一次的, 缺少曼聯球迷高分貝音量支持的老特拉夫已經多次被批評。我們都記得羅金的"龍蝦 三明治"的言論。然後聖誕節前,Fergus也對主場球迷的消極心態不爽開罵。然後有人質 疑研究員不該選在C羅一次又一次的無意義的摔倒時測量音量,這會降低數據XD。 Chelsea emerge a very creditable 6th best in the table: noise levels at Stamford Bridge are constant and deafening. This must come as quite a surprise to the popular perception of Chelsea fans as being Johnny-come-latelies, the idle rich offspring of oligarchs who were supporting Manchester United 5 years ago. Clearly those that go to The Bridge go with the full intention of damaging their vocal chords … and hammering the eardrums of those around them, supporting their team with passion. Considering that the 2 month during which the readings took place were far from successful, Chelsea`s place in the table is worthy of praise. 切爾西得到了令人嘉許的第六名,史坦夫橋的音量有持續性並且震耳欲聾,這應該令許多 人感到意外,這些普遍被認為只是爆發戶的富裕子弟球迷,並且五年前都應該還是曼聯球 迷的戰績球迷。很明顯這些人去史坦夫橋為了破壞自己的聲帶。並且想把附近人的耳鼓震 破,用激情支持她們的球隊。考慮到八月到九月切爾西的戰績不甚理想的情況下測量到的 數據,切爾西球迷聲浪的第六名的排名值得嘉獎。 Indeed, those that are above Chelsea are surprising: in 5th place is Everton, displaying the real Merseyside passion. Manchester City are in 3rd place, which indicates that the City of Manchester stadium (rather than Old Trafford) is a place for committed Mancunian football supporters, Aston Villa are 4th, and (bewilderingly) Tottenham Hotspur have the 2nd loudest supporters in the land. This is a placing that deserves nothing but respect, rather than any of the habitual brickbats or sarcasm that comes so naturally from Chelsea when it comes to mentioning Spurs. 排名切爾西之上的球隊讓人驚訝,第五名是艾芙頓,真正展現出默西塞德人的激情。 曼城排第三,顯示出曼切斯特城市球場(而不是老特拉夫球場)才是真正死忠曼切斯特人的 聖地。阿斯東維拉第四名,然後令人震驚的,托特漢熱刺球迷是國內第二大聲的球迷, 這樣的排名只能讓人感到尊敬,在切爾西球迷來說,除了時不時的對熱刺的戲謔之外來的 一點點鼓勵。 And the best supporters in the land? Everybody knows that the bestest football supporters in the World, and therefore in England, are those Koppites bursting their lungs bellowing out 'You`ll Never Walk Alone`, Liverpool fans. One doesn`t need measurement or any kind of study to confirm a truth that everybody who knows anything about football holds to be self-evident. 然後是全國最優質的球迷(嗎)(?),每個人都知道全國乃至全世界最優質的球迷就是 那些唱著"妳永遠不會獨行"的立物浦Koppites球迷。我們甚至不用工具測量都能夠確定 這點。 Hang on, we do need such a study. Far from being the bestest supporters in the world, Liverpool come in at a DISMAL 16th place in this table. 16th (or to put it another way 5th worst)???????? That really is shocking, a damning indictment on the pathetic delusions of a bunch of fans that never fail to send us to sleep with their litany of guff as regards their passionate fans, steeped in history and glory. It would appear that the history is one of silence; the mythical Anfield Roar really is just that: a myth. Far from being a roar, it`s the squeek of a mouse with laryngitis. We would be very curious to hear the excuses of our Liverpool regulars here as to how it could be that the supporters that are lionised to the extent that their loutish and criminal behaviour overseas is the subject of such indulgence, those fans that support their team by snatching cup final tickets from the hands of children, are actually waving their flags and badly-spelled banners in silence. Don`t tell us: the hapless 118 118 researchers took their readings during the Anfield minutes` silence to commiserate that Robbie Fowler`s postman`s cousin`s goldfish sadly passed away. 等等,我想我們還是應該看一下數據,遠遠不及世界上棒中之棒的球迷,立物浦得到了 悽涼的第十六名(或著應該說是倒數第五名),這真是太令人震撼了,這絕對是一個該死 的對於一個所謂激情的立物浦球迷的謊言跟詆毀,對於一個死忠的,有著崇高歷史跟榮耀 的球隊。不過在這兒,神話化的安菲爾德的怒吼其實真的就是僅此而已─一個神話。 與其說是怒吼,不如說是老鼠被踩到時的叫。我們想問問立物浦支持者,為什麼在國外可 以那麼邱的做出一些像暴民似的犯罪性舉動,比如說從小孩手中搶奪決賽門票這些事,然 後回國安靜的坐在球場揮舞著寫的很差的標語跟旗幟?不要跟我們說那些118118研究員是 選在安菲爾德為了弔念羅比福樂家的郵差的表哥養的金魚死去而默哀一分鐘的時候測量音 量的。 Moving from Highbury to The Emirates seems to have benefited Arsenal. Whereas once Arsenal played at a stadium nicknamed, for its lack of atmosphere, as 'The Library`, now the Gunners are 12th in the table, two places below the Upton Park regulars. Newcastle, a team which mythologises its own support, come in 9th. We wonder whether that`s because it`s difficult to bellow when you are suffering from pneumonia as a result of not wearing anything from the waist up. 從海部裡球場移到酋長球場似乎對阿森那取得一些進步,阿森那曾經在一個被戲稱為"圖 書館"(The Library)的球場踢比賽。現在槍手們已經是第十二名了,只比西火腿低兩名 新堡,一支球迷們認為自己的死忠程度是神的球隊,只取得了第九名,我們懷疑那是因 為有些球迷因為喜歡腰部以上不穿衣服來看比賽,所以得了肺炎叫不出來的關係。 And the loudest supporters in the land, since these are not Liverpool? That honour goes to Sunderland. Average peak volume of the Sunderland crowd at home reaches 129.2 decibels - louder than a rock concert (115 decibels) and almost as loud as an air raid siren/military jet (130 decibels). Sunderland may have only recently joined the Premier League, but their fans can be proud that they are already champions on one count. 最後,全國呼喊聲最大的球隊,既然不是立物浦,這個榮譽歸給了新特蘭,她們的球迷平 均音量高達129.2分貝─這比開搖滾演唱會(115平均分貝)還吵,等同於戰鬥機發出的音量 。新特蘭今年才加入英超,但是她們的球迷可以因為她們已經在這項統計中封王而感到 驕傲。 NOISE LEAGUE TABLE: 以下是球迷噪音排行榜 1. Sunderland 2. Tottenham Hotspur 3. Manchester City 4. Aston Villa 5. Everton 6. Chelsea 7. Middlesbrough 8. Derby County 9. Newcastle United 10. West Ham 11. Birmingham City 12. Arsenal 13. Portsmouth 14. Blackburn Rovers 15. Bolton Wanderers 16. Liverpool 17. Manchester United 18. Wigan Athletic 19. Reading 20. Fulham -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Santos 來自: (01/13 16:10)

01/13 16:09, , 1F
我覺得牛鈴隊最吵 鈴鈴鈴的真的吵死人了
01/13 16:09, 1F

01/13 17:45, , 2F
01/13 17:45, 2F

01/13 19:25, , 3F
01/13 19:25, 3F

01/13 19:27, , 4F
01/13 19:27, 4F

01/13 19:34, , 5F
樓上不怕被打嗎? XD 這是vitalchelsea轉來的喔...立場會偏
01/13 19:34, 5F

01/13 19:35, , 6F
01/13 19:35, 6F

01/13 19:41, , 7F
01/13 19:41, 7F
※ 編輯: Santos 來自: (01/13 19:46)

01/13 19:48, , 8F
XD 我還是不要亂轉好了。
01/13 19:48, 8F

01/13 19:49, , 9F
01/13 19:49, 9F

01/13 20:26, , 10F
01/13 20:26, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #17YSO5ah (Chelsea)