[情報] 史密斯周中觀點:"崩塌"?

看板Chelsea作者 (射門。得分。歐冠)時間17年前 (2007/05/10 14:00), 編輯推噓12(1316)
留言20則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1022735,00.html http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=66458&extra=page%3D1 Giles Smith's Midweek View 吉爾斯·史密斯周中觀點 Wed, 9th May 2007 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / fall_ark Columnist Giles Smith surveys the field of play at the end of a hard-fought championship contest - and finds debris difficult to find. 我們的專欄作家吉爾斯·史密斯在這場漫長艱苦的冠軍爭奪賽結束之後,仔細地調查比 賽的場地--他並沒有發現什麼"殘骸"。 A banner across the top of the one of the newspapers the other day read 'How Manchester United won the title and how Chelsea crumbled'. 前兩天有份報紙在一版頭條上這麼寫著:"曼聯因何封王,切爾西因何崩塌。" Chelsea crumbled? When was that, then? No, tell me, because I completely missed it. I must have dropped my programme and had my head under my seat at that point, because I honestly don't recall seeing a single moment relating to Chelsea this season for which the word 'crumbled' would be even remotely appropriate. 切爾西崩塌了?那這是啥時候的事?我是認真的,因為我似乎完全錯過了這件大事,請告 訴我!我准是在那個時候從座位上滾到地下去了才沒看到電視,因為我當真記不起來曾在 這個賽季裏見過任何一個與切爾西有關的鏡頭,哪怕是非常勉強地能和"崩塌"這個詞搭上 關係。 So what was this alleged crumbling? Who were the crumbled, and who were the crumblers? And where are the crumbs? 那這所謂的崩塌是什麼?崩塌的是誰,肇事者又是誰?以及,崩塌後留下的殘骸呢? Maybe it was an oblique reference to the injury crisis that dogged us to an almost comical degree throughout. Great big chunks kept falling off our first team squad - huge pieces of structurally critical granite, like John Terry and Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini and Ricardo Carvalho, and vast lumps of decorative cornicing, like Joe Cole and Arjen Robben - so that the building looked as if a bomb had hit it most of the time. And every time we put one of the fallen chunks back up, two others fell off somewhere else. But the place still didn't crumble. On the contrary, it held astonishingly firm. 或許這是在暗指我們所遭遇的傷病危機--這傢伙不遺餘力地緊緊跟隨了我們一整個賽季, 簡直要讓人為它的執著發笑。體積龐大的"建材"從我們的一線隊裏紛紛跌落:一大塊一大 塊對穩定建築結構如此重要的花崗岩呀--像是特里、切赫、庫迪奇尼和卡瓦略,一整堆一 整堆裝飾性的屋簷橫楣呀--像是喬·科爾和羅本,讓這整幢建築在絕大多數時間裏都有如 剛被炸彈襲擊過了一樣,並且每當我們安回一塊剛弄好的建材時,就有兩塊新的從其他 地方掉下來。但是,即使如此,這支球隊沒有崩塌,恰恰相反,它依舊巍然屹立而不倒。 Carling Cup winners? FA Cup finalists? Champions League semi-finalists? Second in the league? Only definitively out of the title race in the third last game of the season - and with only the width of Jens Lehman's middle finger preventing us from making it interesting for even longer? Sorry, this is crumbling? 聯賽杯冠軍?足總杯決賽?歐冠四強?聯賽亞軍?直到賽季的倒數第三場比賽才退出榜首 的爭奪--而假如不是差了萊曼中指的那麼一點點長度,我們完全有可能把懸念留到更後? 請原諒我魯莽了,可你管這叫"崩塌"? Maybe it was a reference to the four points we dropped at home over Christmas. OK, that was a bit flaky. It wasn't crumbly, though. There's a big difference between flakes and crumbs. And we recovered from the flakiness, in any case, and came back firmer. 可能這個詞是在指我們在聖誕期間主場丟掉的四分,好吧,那兒的確有點脫落的樣子,但 和崩塌可沒關係,畢竟脫落下的薄片和崩塌後的殘骸大有不同,更何況我們在經歷了那層 "蛻皮"之後,反而變得更加穩定與堅固。 I'm wracking my brains here. Did we crumble at Anfield in the league? Hardly. We had no central defenders and a goalkeeper back from a near-death experience and trying out a crash helmet for the first time, so, by rights, any half way decent team would have reduced us to the condition of broken digestive biscuits within half an hour. 我想得腦袋都要痛了,我們會不會是在聯賽做客安菲爾德時塌了?應該不是,那時我們場 上沒有一名100%的中後衛,而把守大門的是一位剛從死亡邊緣回來、第一次嘗試戴上頭盔 來進行比賽的門將,因此,客觀地說,任何一支水平一般的球隊都完全可以在半小時內把 我們弄得像消化餅乾一樣破破爛爛。 As it was, to their eternal embarrassment, Liverpool managed only two goals against us that afternoon, and one of those a speculative and suspiciously freaky long-ranger from Jermaine Pennant, who has shown no signs of being able to do anything similar since. 結果,足以讓利物浦人永世蒙羞的是,他們在那個下午竟然只進了我們兩個球,而其中彭 南特的那個詭異遠射還極有運氣球的嫌疑,你看看,從那場比賽之後,他什麼時候還踢出 過這樣的球來? Maybe the crumbling, then, happened on the same ground more recently, in the Champions League semi-final. Hardly, though. Outplayed them over the two legs and lost on penalties. No crumbs there. 那,說不定這"崩塌",是發生在不久之前歐冠半決賽時的同一片場地上?還是不像,前後 兩回合都壓著對方最後輸在點球上,這也不能算崩塌。 Highbury on Sunday - was that the crumbling referred to? Well, we had to beat Arsenal and we didn't. It wasn't about crumbling, though. It was partly about lacking key personnel, as usual. But it was mostly about losing a goal and a player at the end of a first half we had dominated, only to come back out and witheringly dominate eleven men, away from home, eventually scoring an equaliser to go unbeaten for the 12th consecutive Premiership match. Which is to say, just under one third of the season without defeat. Chins up, as Jose Mourinho graphically suggested. 星期天在海布裏--是不是崩塌在這時候?的確,我們得贏下阿森納卻沒能做到,不過這與 崩塌也無關,而和往常一樣,與缺少關鍵球員有關,但最讓人銘記的莫過於,在上半場局 勢占優的情況下被罰下一人並一球落後、然後在客場靠十名球員毫不留情地壓著對方十一 名亂、最後扳平比分並取得第十二場英超的不敗戰績,而十二場,只比一個賽季的三分之 一少那麼一丁點,所以抬起頭來吧!正如穆帥身體力行提議的那樣。 So tonight, as usual, I will stand to applaud out the team. And some of that applause, I don't mind admitting, will be for United, as they pass through our right and proper guard of honour. You've got to applaud them, haven't you? 所以今晚,一如往常,我會起立、鼓掌歡迎球隊從通道中出來,而那掌聲中的一部分--我 不介意說出來--將會給予曼聯,就在我們球員風度翩翩地列隊致敬、他們從那兒經過之時 。你當然得為他們鼓掌了,對不對? It's about losing with dignity and acknowledging the side that was good enough to finish ahead of you in the contest which is the only true measure we have of a team's worth - the league. And, of course, Gary Neville being injured makes it that much easier on the night. 因為即使失敗,也不能失去我們的高貴,正是因為失敗,我們才更要承認那支在一場最能 衡量球隊團體價值的賽事--聯賽中--以足夠優異的成績排在我們前面的對手。當然,加里 ·內維爾因傷不能出陣會讓今晚變得更加輕鬆。 In any case, Sir Alex Ferguson unequivocally commands our respect. I certainly hope I'm that active, mentally and physically, when I'm 86. 不管怎樣,弗格森爵士顯然值得擁有我們的敬意,我真的挺希望,等到我86歲的時候 (史叔,弗爺爺才66啊- -),還能保持像他那樣身體與精神上雙重的積極與活力。 All in all, then, as the team runs out for the penultimate time this season, and for the first time since the dream of a third consecutive league title so poignantly ended, I fully expect to find myself tearing up. That won't be crumbs, either; it'll be a big lump in my throat and a heap of respect for these players in blue. And you may also catch the bright and steely light of optimism in my eye. Because if that was the year of the crumble, then think what this team might do when it actually pulls together. 總而言之,既然今晚我們的隊伍將在本賽季倒數第二次參加比賽、也將在賽季中第一次背 負起英超三連冠夢碎的沉重,我毫不懷疑自己將有被撕碎的痛楚,但,那仍然不會是崩塌 ,而將是在我喉頭的一腔熱血、和對這群藍衣戰士們無上的敬意。而你也可能在我眼中捕 獲一絲樂觀的銳利、明亮的光芒--假如今年的表現能被稱作"崩塌"的話,那當這支隊伍真 正不懼風雨、凝結為一時,將會給這世界帶來怎樣的奇觀呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/10 14:45, , 1F
推這個 只是拿了一個冠軍 還在看能不能雙冠 全世界卻要搞的
05/10 14:45, 1F

05/10 14:46, , 2F
好像Mourinho多差 這隊伍多慘 不過是沒三連冠 以後多的是
05/10 14:46, 2F

05/10 15:05, , 3F
05/10 15:05, 3F

05/10 15:26, , 4F
看過他的多篇專欄 最恨利記的說 感覺很奇怪 @@
05/10 15:26, 4F

05/10 15:29, , 5F
05/10 15:29, 5F

05/10 16:40, , 6F
這就是衛冕冠軍的待遇阿 大家都等著你摔下來..
05/10 16:40, 6F

05/10 16:40, , 7F
不過現在他們可以去找新柯冠軍了 :D
05/10 16:40, 7F

05/10 18:23, , 8F
05/10 18:23, 8F

05/10 20:36, , 9F
寫的好熱血 XD
05/10 20:36, 9F

05/10 20:39, , 10F
05/10 20:39, 10F

05/10 20:59, , 11F
05/10 20:59, 11F

05/10 21:08, , 12F
05/10 21:08, 12F

05/10 21:23, , 13F
其實大家等著 Chelsea 摔下來,不是只因為 Chelsea 是冠軍
05/10 21:23, 13F

05/10 21:24, , 14F
還因為老闆是俄羅斯人、老闆不惜一切代價支持 Chelsea、
05/10 21:24, 14F

05/10 21:24, , 15F
老闆很多錢... 嗯... 所謂欲加之罪何患無詞
05/10 21:24, 15F

05/10 22:16, , 16F
05/10 22:16, 16F

05/10 22:33, , 17F
錯字, 總是希望
05/10 22:33, 17F

05/11 21:21, , 18F
05/11 21:21, 18F

05/11 21:24, , 19F
反而沒那麼恨 XDD
05/11 21:24, 19F

05/11 22:34, , 20F
唧﹗原來我是經典的藍軍球迷 <( ̄︶ ̄)>
05/11 22:34, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #16GhJtK4 (Chelsea)