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看板Chelsea作者 (射門。得分。歐冠)時間17年前 (2007/04/14 00:42), 編輯推噓7(700)
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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/2007/04/11/sfnseb11.xml http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=64900&extra=page%3D1 Mourinho deserves better than this 莫里尼奧理應得到更多 By Sebastian Coe 塞巴斯蒂安。科(倫敦奧組委主席) 新聞翻譯:切爾西中文網 / 末日重現 Driving back from Stamford Bridge last Saturday, I listened to the Radio 5 football phone-in. Chelsea, vintage 1970, were every neutral's choice when discussing the most popular teams of that era, although given the pre-eminence of Don Revie's Leeds at the time, that didn't force too many fans to enter a long debate. 從斯坦福橋駕車回家,一路上我聽著Radio 5的"足球連線"。電臺中正在討論哪支球隊才 是這一地區最受歡迎的球隊。1970年輝煌過的切爾西是所有中立者的選擇。儘管備選 答案裏還有曾經風光的里茲聯,這一話題還是讓球迷們沉浸在長時間的爭論之中。 Everybody hated Leeds. Then they hated Manchester United. It sort of comes with the territory when you have won eight Premierships and a clutch of assorted silverware and have the most successful and resilient manager in the history of British football - Sir Alex Ferguson. 人人都恨里茲聯。之後他們都恨曼聯。當一支球隊8次奪得聯賽冠軍,許多的慈善盾杯, 以及擁有英超歷史上最成功,最具活力的教練--阿曆克斯。弗格森爵士,這種憎恨就隨著 地域的不同而慢慢產生。 And in the dying weeks of a season that could end in United parading more trophies, including another Premiership, they all now hate Chelsea. Even Alan Green, one of the few broadcasters who bends a knee to nobody and punctures the game's often cosy cabal of vested interest, was working hard to maintain balance and objectivity. 而在這個賽季剩下的幾周中,賽事激烈。並且可能會以曼聯奪得更多的獎盃,包括聯賽冠 軍而結束,人們現在都轉而對切爾西恨鐵不成鋼了。就連阿蘭。格林,一個從不低頭的人 ,曾屢次揭穿俱樂部高層內幕--也不免要努力保持報導的平衡性和客觀性。 I have been watching Chelsea for very nearly 40 years, a mark I will pass when I take my seat in the Shed end on Boxing Day. The first match was a dream start. A home crowd of 63,000 and a 2-1 win against Arsenal, who have probably been consistently higher than most clubs on the hit list of the 'anybody but' syndrome. This has more to do with the Don Howe-coached Double-winning side of 1971 than the dominance of the Herbert Chapman era of the 1930s. 40年來我一直在看切爾西的比賽,那次在節禮日坐在球場邊看球的經歷讓我記憶猶新。第 一場球是一個夢幻般的開始。63000人見證了切爾西2比1戰勝阿森納。後者在"千萬別遇上 他"症候群的秘密名單上的排名比大部份俱樂部都要高。比起30年代統治球隊的Herbert Chapman,1971年的雙料冠軍教練Don Howe是更大的功臣。 Chelsea's fall from the status of housewives' favourite has been rapid. 切爾西迅速的遠離師奶殺手的定位。 Claudio Ranieri left the club in 2004 to a reservoir of sympathy and genuine affection, if only for his post-match interviews which included in reply to one inquisitor who asked what he said at the interval after one particularly disjointed half of football, replied: "I tell them if you lose I kill you with my bare hands" - probably no idle threat from a Sicilian. 克勞迪奧。拉涅利在2004年離任,他在任期內對切爾西給與了極大的關愛與認同。他在一 次賽後採訪中被問及,在糟糕的上半場後,他在中場休息時說了什麼,他回答說:"我告 訴他們如果你們輸了我會親手殺了你們。"--可能沒有人會認為這是這是一種威脅。 Even his suicidal substitutions when Chelsea were sailing along quite nicely in the Champions League semi-final away in Monaco three years ago were quickly forgiven. But with generous finances from former chairman Ken Bates, it was difficult to disguise under-performance and quirky systems. The new owners arrived and shortly after them, Jose Mourinho, hot from Porto having achieved everything humanly possible and more there. Ranieri described his last season at Stamford Bridge as a 'dead man walking'. Winning the Champions League would not have been enough to save him. 三年前他在歐冠半決賽因為自己的自殺式換人而導致風頭正勁的切爾西被摩納哥隊淘汰, 即使是這樣的錯誤也被很快原諒了。但是考慮到前主席肯貝特慷慨的財政支持,球隊糟糕 的表現和低劣的戰術似乎很難找到辯解的理由。新老闆來了,很快,因幫助波爾多獲得所 有成就而聲名鵲起的何塞。莫里尼奧也來了。拉涅利把他在斯坦福橋的最後一個賽季形容 為"活死人"。就算是獲得歐冠冠軍也不足以讓他留任了。 Despite two Premiership titles - a third not quite as improbable as it seemed before United's defeat at Portsmouth last Saturday - two Carling Cups and the prospect of an FA Cup final appearance at the new Wembley this season, Mourinho was treated to a five-minute second-half chant from the visiting Tottenham fans of 'you're getting sacked in the summer'. And it was all a bit too close to home to laugh off the absurdity of the suggestion. 除了兩次英超冠軍--第三次在曼聯敗給普斯茅斯後也似乎有希望了--二次聯賽杯冠軍,切 爾西這賽季還有希望在新溫布利大球場亮相足總杯決賽。莫里尼奧在出戰托特納姆熱刺時 面對了熱刺球迷長達5分半鐘的"今夏你將被炒"的合唱。而事實上切爾西也幾乎差一點就 要被淘汰,也就無法駁回這些謬論了。 Moments later the hackneyed chant of 'where were you when you were ****' aimed at the Johnny Come Latelys (the people I sit with have changed little since the 1970s) rang out around the ground. For most of us the answer is easy. We were there, there when we were routinely embarrassed by lower league clubs in cup games, beaten 7-0 in the pouring rain in 1978 by Nottingham Forest and condemned again to life in the Second Division and only a couple of years later chasing points to stay there. 不一會兒,那首針對新來者的"當你****時你在哪"又開始在球場上響起來(和我坐在 一起的人們比起70年代來有所改變了)。對於我們大多數人來說,答案很簡單,"當我們 習慣性地被低級別球隊羞辱時,我們就在這裏。"那場比賽我們0比7慘敗在諾丁漢森林腳 下,又一次降入次級聯賽。而在幾年之後,我們仍在為留在次級聯賽在而苦苦追分。 And throughout all this, managers came and went, some serving only a matter of months. Danny Blanchflower was one of them who, on the night we got relegated in Nottingham, started his team talk with a paragraph from James Joyce. 在這期間,教練們走馬燈似地換,有些人僅僅執教幾個月就走了。Danny Blanchflower就 是其中之一,在那個慘敗之夜,他居然還引用James Joyce(愛爾蘭作家)的話作為球隊 訓話的開頭。 Not all Chelsea's managers have left as under-achievers, Eddie McCreadie and, more recently Gianluca Vialli, the most notable examples. For those the gods seek to destroy they first make mad, or in Chelsea's case - and they are not alone, ask West Ham fans - they first sack the manager. 並不是所有的切爾西主帥都是因為成績糟糕而離開的,比如Eddie McCreadie,最近的是 Gianluca Vialli,就因為其他原因離開的最顯著的例子。要麼是自己選擇辭職,要麼是 像切爾西的主教練們那樣被炒魷魚--當然他們並不孤單,問問西漢姆聯的球迷就知道了。 It has been difficult to escape most days of the week the now tiresome rumours about the future of Mourinho at the end of this season, and it's not just fevered press speculation. 人們不可能不知道關於莫里尼奧賽季末去向的種種傳聞,這些傳聞也並不是空穴來風。 His own post-match conferences have left little doubt about mounting tension between him and Roman Abramovich, particularly during the transfer window, and the players have on occasion waded in too with words and body language that have been lapped up by the tabloid newspapers. 莫里尼奧自己在賽後新聞發佈會中也給我們留下了疑問,他與阿布的關係越來越僵,特別 是在轉會視窗打開時那一段時間。而球員的語言或行為間或也會介入進這趟渾水。這又給 了小報們可乘之機。 For most Chelsea fans the last few seasons have been an exhilarating departure from years of frustrating under-achievement. We now have a coach at the top of his game who has brought a focus on and off the training pitch and with it an unprecedented level of success. And yes, sometimes it's not always been pretty and yes, he has had more money to spend than most but as fans of Real Madrid and a cluster of Italian clubs will attest, it needs more than that. 對於大多數球迷來說,在連年戰績糟糕後,上幾個賽季的確是令人興奮的。我們現在擁有 一個能掌控比賽的教練,他能讓媒體把焦點從訓練場上的問題轉移到自己身上,並且取得 了前所未有的成功。是的,有時事情並不是那麼順利,比起其他教練,他也的確花了更多 的錢。但是皇馬球迷或者義大利的大球會會告訴你,這點錢還遠遠不夠。 Mourinho has been good for Chelsea and good for the game. Starting next season without him is unthinkable. 對於切爾西,對於足球運動,莫里尼奧已經十分出色了。沒有莫里尼奧的下賽季簡直就是 無法想像的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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推樓上 XD
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推2F 哈
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