[情報] Ballack hitting his stride

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http://bbs.chelseafc.net.cn/viewthread.php?tid=54391&extra=page%3D1 Ballack hitting his stride Friday, 27 October 2006 by Michael Harrold from London 翻譯:easysky As one great German sportsman applied the brakes to an illustrious career last weekend, another was easing up through the gears. For Michael Schumacher, a thrilling last race in Brazil gave Formula 1 fans a fitting snapshot with which to remember him by; in London, a first Premiership goal from Michael Ballack offered Chelsea FC supporters a tantalising taste of things to come. 上週末,當一位偉大的德國運動員為他多姿多彩的職業生涯拉下剎車閘的時候,另一 位卻正調整好了出發的齒輪。對於邁克˙舒馬赫來說,巴西站 — 令人激動的最後一 站比賽為F1迷們留下關於他的永久記憶;而在倫敦,邁克˙巴拉克的首個聯賽入球, 則使切爾西的球迷們強烈地感覺到有什麼事即將發生了。 'Incredible experience' “難以置信的經歷” The goal was simplicity itself, but the ease with which Ballack stole in unnoticed to turn in Didier Drogba's cushioned header says much about the danger that lies ahead for opposition defences. After ensuring victory against Portsmouth FC, Ballack was brought off to rapturous applause, giving him time to savour the moment. "It's always very special to enter a new league and join a new team," Ballack told uefa.com. "Scoring my first Premier League goal and then being cheered by the fans at Stamford Bridge was an incredible experience." 進球本身沒有什麼特殊之處,但是巴拉克靈巧地出現在無人盯防的區域頂進德羅巴的 頭球擺渡,這已經足夠說明他對對手的防線是多麼地危險。確立了對樸茨茅斯的勝利 後,巴拉克被替換下場,接受球迷們的熱烈歡呼,這也給了他回味這一美好時刻的機 會。“參加一個嶄新的聯賽,加入一支新球隊,總是感覺很特別。”巴拉克對歐足聯 官網說,“打進我的首個英超入球,並且在斯坦福橋接受球迷的歡呼,真是令人難以 置信的經歷!” Adjusted well 適應良好 Ballack has adjusted well to the pressures of London. He has been helped in part by the team ethic at Chelsea where, in a squad packed with stars, there is less focus on the individual. It contrasts to his position as Germany captain, and previously at club level with FC Bayern Munchen and Bayer 04 Leverkusen, where the media spotlight shone on him alone. Of Germany's top sportsmen, only Schumacher has spent longer in the public eye. Can they learn from each other? "That's really hard to say. Both of us are athletes, but our sports are entirely different. Schumacher competes alone, while I am part of a team. 對於倫敦生活的壓力,巴拉克適應得很好。在某種程度上,切爾西的團隊理念幫了他 不少忙,這支球隊滿是明星,因此投射到個人身上的目光自然就少了。這和他在國家 隊,以及之前在拜仁和勒沃庫森時的情況截然不同,在那裡,他總是媒體聚焦的對象 。作為德國頂級的運動員,只有舒馬赫有著比他更長久的生活在公眾目光下的經歷。 那麼,他們是否彼此取經呢?“這很難說。我們都是運動員,但是我們從事完全不同 的項目。舒馬赫獨自奮鬥,而我是球隊裡的一員。” 'Focus' “關注” "If he has a bad day, nobody can help him and he loses. If I have a bad day, ten other team-mates may have a good one and we might win after all. That makes it hard to compare our situations. Regardless, I often ask myself how individual athletes repeatedly manage to motivate themselves one hundred per cent to achieve their goals. This experience can certainly help a team player, because in team sports, there are times when you have to take a back seat to help the team and its game plan. In contrast Michael Schumacher is always focused on his performance and solely dependent on himself." “如果比賽日他的狀態不好,那沒人可以幫他,他會失敗;而如果我狀態不好,但我 的10名隊友可能並不這樣,最終我們仍會獲勝 — 這些情況讓我們很難比較。不過, 我經常問自己,從事個人項目的運動員們,是怎樣反覆地激發自己直到100%的良好狀 態,實現他們的追求,這樣的經驗可以幫助一個團隊選手。在團隊項目裡,有時候為 了整個戰術計畫,你不得不退到配角的地位幫助球隊。相反,邁克˙舒馬赫必須時刻 關注自己的表現,也只能依靠他自己的表現。” Stop-start 斷斷續續 Bayern won the German title in three of his four years at the club. It is a measure of how important Ballack was to them that they are now enduring their worst Bundesliga start in 13 seasons. Chelsea fans have quickly taken to the tall, elegant 30-year-old, whose precise passing oils the Blues' powerful midfield engine. There is a perception, though, that Ballack is only just finding his stride. The Germany captain was injured in his first competitive match for the club, the FA Community Shield loss to Liverpool FC, and was sent off when the two sides met again last month. After a stop-start beginning to life in London, Ballack concedes England has not seen the best of him yet. 他在拜仁的四年裡,球隊獲得了三次聯賽冠軍,而現在他們正經歷著13年來最糟糕的 聯賽開局,這個對比充分說明了巴拉克對於拜仁是何等重要。而在這裡,切爾西球迷 很快就接受了這個高大、優雅的30歲球員,他精準的傳球彷彿是給藍軍強大的中場發 動機注入了潤滑劑。這是球迷們的感覺,而巴拉克,還在尋找他的節奏。德國隊隊長 在他為藍軍出戰的第一場正式比賽(社區盾)中受傷,接著又在上個月和利物浦的再 次對決中被紅牌罰下。他在倫敦的新經歷就是這樣斷斷續續開始的,他認為,英格蘭 還沒有見到最好的他。 'Enormous potential' “無窮的潛力” "There is still room for improvement," he said. "It will take some time for me to fully integrate, but of course I'm trying my best in every game. It doesn't matter how many goals I score or whether I'm the best player or not. All that matters is that our team is improving gradually. We have enormous potential and we must learn to realise it. Our starts in the Champions League and the Premier League have been OK, but we can play much better football and that's what we're aiming for." “還有進步的空間。”他說,“我需要更多的時間來徹底融入球隊,當然在我參加的 每一場比賽裡,我都竭盡全力。我打進了多少球、是不是最佳球員,這些都不重要, 重要的是我們的球隊在一點點地進步。我們有無窮的潛力,而我們必須學會怎樣才能 把它完全發揮出來。球隊在冠軍聯賽和英超的開局都很不錯,但是我們可以踢得比現 在好得多 — 這是我們努力的目標。” 'High aims' “更高的目標” Jose Mourinho has Chelsea aiming high and Ballack is enjoying working with the dynamic Portuguese manager. "Each coach is different," he said. "This is another new experience for me. He is a very young coach, but he has a great personality and an amazing impact on the team and the media. There are only a few coaches who enjoy such a standing. He has already won the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup and so is extremely self-confident, but at the same time perfectly prepared." Like Ballack, Chelsea have been adjusting to change this season with Mourinho switching between 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 formations. "We'll need time to get used to the various systems. It takes a lot of practice, and you can't expect everything to work out straight away. So far things have gone well, but we have high aims and expect to play even better." 穆里尼奧為切爾西設定了很高的目標,而巴拉克很樂意和這位活力十足的葡萄牙教練 一起工作。“每個教練都是不同的。”他說,“這對我又是一種全新的體驗。他是個 很年輕的教練,但他有著了不起的個性,對球隊和媒體影響力驚人。只有為數不多的 幾個教練能達到他那樣的高度:他已經獲得了冠軍盃和聯盟盃,因此他極其自信,但 同時準備工作也很充分。”和巴拉克一樣,整支球隊都在適應這個賽季的新形勢 — 穆里尼奧的陣型在442和433之間不停地轉換。“我們需要時間來適應不同的陣型,而 這需要很多練習,你不能指望每件事都可以輕易取得成功。到目前為止形勢還不錯, 但是我們有更高的目標,我們希望能夠踢得更好。” 'Boost' “信心大增” Mourinho's side are joint top of the Premiership as they vie for a third straight title. They also laid down an important marker in the UEFA Champions League with victory against holders FC Barcelona. Ballack and fellow new recruit Andriy Shevchenko were signed to give Chelsea the edge in Europe, and are already producing results. "Defeating Barcelona was vital and has given our confidence a real boost, especially as we played such good football. We were highly concentrated and it was a great game to watch. 穆里尼奧的球隊目前在聯賽裡位居前列,這是他們連續第三年向冠軍發起衝擊。而當 他們戰勝衛冕冠軍巴塞羅納後,自然也就成為冠軍盃的熱門競爭者。切爾西引進巴拉 克,以及他的新伙伴舍甫琴科,就是為了在歐洲戰場上取得好成績,而現在已經產生 了效果。“戰勝巴薩對我們十分關鍵,這讓我們信心大增,尤其是,我們踢了那麼漂 亮的一場球。我們全力以赴,這是一場偉大的比賽。” 'Tremendous' “影響巨大” "Every season you have about two or three very special matches and this one against Barcelona was one of them. If you win such a crucial clash, the boost is tremendous. Barcelona, though, are certainly the favourites in their next two home games against Chelsea [on Tuesday] and Bremen, particularly as they also lost against Real Madrid and have something to prove. As for us, we can wait and see. The pressure on us is much less as we beat Barcelona in the first leg. Now the pressure is on them and it will be hard for them to reach the next stage." “每個賽季都有兩到三場十分特殊的比賽,而這次對陣巴薩就是其中之一。如果你贏 得了這場關鍵的對決,那麼對你的信心影響巨大。當然,在接下來兩場主場對切爾西 (週二)和不來梅的比賽裡,巴塞羅納有一定的優勢,尤其是當他們輸給皇馬後發現 還有進步的空間。對我們而言,我們可以靜觀其變。既然已經搶先戰勝了巴薩,那麼 我們的壓力就會小得多。現在壓力在他們一邊,他們會很難進入下一階段的賽事。” 'Career goal' “職業生涯目標” Ballack has been to the UEFA Champions League final once before with Leverkusen in 2002, but it was Zinedine Zidane who put on a show that day to win the crown for Real Madrid CF. Could this be his year? "There's still a long way to go. It would be great to get to the Champions League final and win the title with Chelsea. Winning the Champions League is one of my biggest career goals, but for the time being I am focusing on other things." There is a long season ahead. Unlike Schumacher, Ballack is just getting the show on the road. 巴拉克曾在2002年跟隨勒沃庫森進入冠軍盃決賽,但是那天齊達內的精彩演出為皇馬 贏得了獎盃。今年會是他嗎?“我們還有很長的路要走,能夠和切爾西一起進入決賽 並最終奪冠將會非常美妙。贏得冠軍盃是我職業生涯最重要的目標之一,但是此時此 刻,我更關注其他事情。”漫長的賽季在等待著他。和舒馬赫不同,巴拉克的演出, 才剛開始。 -- Mourinho.... O! Always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, you're indestructible, always believe in Mourinho... O! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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10/31 19:24, , 4F
看完了只覺得Balla真的很會說話= ="
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文章代碼(AID): #15HZoicG (Chelsea)