[情報] 亨特不是故意的

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間17年前 (2006/10/17 19:28), 編輯推噓7(706)
留言13則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/chelsea/6053244.stm Sunday, 15 October 2006 Arsenal goalkeeping legend Bob Wilson said he was disappointed by Mourinho's comments and agreed with Coppell that there was no intent shown by Hunt and Sonko. 北倫敦傳奇門將威爾森對莫里尼奧的言論感到失望,他認為那兩人不是故意的。 "I was sad to hear Jose's comments after the game," Wilson told Five Live's Sportweek programme. "Keepers expect to get bumps and bruises, it's part of what we do. We don't want to be protected all the time." "門將被撞來撞去很正常,比賽就是這樣,不需要隨時隨地保護門將。" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=422398 Taylor offers Hunt support By Mark Buckingham - Created on 16 Oct 2006 Former Arsenal keeper Bob Wilson felt there was nothing untoward in the challenge and Professional Footballers' Association chief executive Taylor also subscribes to that view. 球員工會主席泰勒也同意威爾森的說法。 "When I saw the incident I didn't take the view that it was intentional," said Taylor. "Bob Wilson is very cogent on goalkeeping matters and he said that it is part and parcel of the game. "這是意外而不是故意的,威爾森是有經驗的門將,他說的都對。" "Bob has an experienced view on goalkeeping and he saw Hunt trying to move his foot away, but catching Petr Cech with his knee - the ball was there go to for and he did his best to avoid him." "亨特是要移開他的腳的,但膝蓋不小心撞到切赫,亨特已經盡全力避開了。" Meanwhile, referee Mike Riley has defended himself against accusations he ordered Cech to crawl off the pitch after he was hurt. 萊利也否認他要切赫爬出場。 A spokesman for the referees' body Professional Game Match Officials said: "Mike Riley has told Keith Hackett that he did not request Petr Cech to leave the field of play. As is the strict protocol with head injuries, he stopped play immediately to get medical attention on as soon as possible. "萊利沒有要求切赫出場,而且因為是頭部受傷所以立即停止比賽。" "He realised the gravity of the situation and told the stretcher bearers to take Petr Cech off by the shortest possible route instead of following normal protocol and going around the perimeter of the pitch." "他知道情況有多嚴重,所以要求擔架人員用最短的路徑送出場外。" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=422370 Contrite Hunt denies Cech intent By Lewis Rutledge - Created on 16 Oct 2006 Reading's Stephen Hunt has denied deliberately trying to injure Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech. The 25-year-old believes replays support the claim that he did not try to harm Cech with his knee. 亨特否認他蓄意傷害切赫,而且認為重播畫面支持自己的說法。 "I can guarantee that I did not attempt to injure Petr, and I am very upset that the collision has resulted in such a bad injury," he told Reading's official website. "When Petr slid in to collect the ball, our momentum meant that a collision was unavoidable. "我可以保證我不是故意的,切赫的傷讓我心煩意亂,不過當時的碰撞是不可避免的。" "I think the TV pictures show that the collision was a complete accident, and I'd like to think that my team-mates and opponents throughout my career would say that I'm not the type of player to deliberately hurt an opponent." "電視畫面可以證明那是個意外,我不是那種會蓄意傷害別人的球員。" "Serious injury is the worst part of football and I feel terribly sorry for Petr," he said. "I have written to him to wish him a full recovery." "受重傷是最糟糕的,我感到非常抱歉,我會寫信祝他早日康復。" Reading also issued a club statement defending Hunt against the allegations. 雷丁官方也支持亨特。 "We firmly believe that the collision was an unavoidable accident, a view which is supported virtually without exception by independent media observers," read the statement. "這是起意外,各方媒體觀察也同意這點。" "We respect the right of Chelsea Football Club to ask The Football Association to review the incident, and we would fully co-operate with any inquiry that may take place. "我們尊重卻爾西申訴的權利,也會全力配合調查。" "We have nothing to hide and believe that all the evidence fully vindicates Stephen Hunt." "我們沒有什麼好隱瞞的,所有證據都顯示亨特無罪。" -- “沒有幾人能像他一樣在37歲就累計過百億的財富,沒有幾個人能像他一樣狡黠。” by 俄羅斯《真理報》記者謝爾蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/17 20:45, , 1F
You can't break someone's skull and than say opps!
10/17 20:45, 1F

10/17 20:46, , 2F
That is shit!
10/17 20:46, 2F

10/17 20:53, , 3F
10/17 20:53, 3F

10/17 20:53, , 4F
10/17 20:53, 4F

10/17 21:09, , 5F
門將被撞來撞去很正常喔????什麼跟什麼咧 ...(翻桌 )
10/17 21:09, 5F

10/17 21:23, , 6F
10/17 21:23, 6F

10/17 21:28, , 7F
10/17 21:28, 7F

10/17 21:28, , 8F
"I did not attempt to injure Petr,
10/17 21:28, 8F

10/17 21:29, , 9F
I attempted to kill him."
10/17 21:29, 9F

10/17 21:31, , 10F
可能哼特本來想殺他的 沒想到切賀命這麼硬
10/17 21:31, 10F

10/17 23:52, , 11F
10/17 23:52, 11F

10/18 00:59, , 12F
門將被撞來撞去很正常 所以哪天被撞死只能怪自己命不好
10/18 00:59, 12F

10/18 01:01, , 13F
他就是這個意思吧! #
10/18 01:01, 13F
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