[情報] 舍甫琴柯加盟!

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間18年前 (2006/06/01 09:28), 編輯推噓16(1602)
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http://bbs.qieerxi.com/viewthread.php?tid=40814&fpage=1 Shevchenko transfer completed Wednesday, May 31, 2006 翻譯:水之哀傷 Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Andriy Shevchenko has signed from AC Milan for a club record fee. 藍軍官方宣布已經和米蘭前鋒舍甫琴柯簽下了一份合同,其轉會費將創俱樂部紀錄。 Shevchenko completed a medical and agreed personal terms at Stamford Bridge today (Wednesday). He has signed a four year contract. 今天(週三)舍甫琴柯在斯坦福橋完成了例行體檢以及個人合同細節的商討,並簽下 四年合約。 The former European Footballer of the Year said: “I am here for the challenge and the excitement of playing in the Premier League. I am going from one big club to another and joining a team of champions. 這名前歐洲足球先生說:“我到這裡來接受新的挑戰,能夠在英超踢球我感到非常的 激動。我從一家豪門轉會到另一家,而且還是聯賽冠軍。 “There is a right moment to join a football club and I think I have arrived here at the perfect time. The Champions League has to be a realistic target for next season but it is not just about the Champions League. Chelsea is going for their third Premiership as well and I like the club's mentality of wanting to win every game they play. “我希望自己來的正是時候,選擇了一個好的東家。下個賽季我們要參加冠軍聯賽, 而且切爾西要向他的連續第三個冠軍目標看齊。俱樂部有著強烈的奪冠欲望讓我感到 非常高興。 “I have followed Mr. Mourinho's career carefully for the last few years and have been hugely impressed with the way he manages. He puts team ethic before individual expression which is the way I believe great teams are created. Had money been my motivation for coming, I would probably have stayed in Milan. “最近幾年裡面,我關注了莫里尼奧先生所帶的隊伍,他的執教能力給我留下了非常 深刻的印象。他把隊伍的利益放在第一,捨小取大,打造了一支偉大的藍軍。如果是 為了錢而來到倫敦,那我寧可繼續留在米蘭。 “I am pleased that Chelsea managed to conclude everything before the World Cup - I can go to Germany with a clear mind and proud to be a Chelsea player.” “我很高興切爾西可以在世界盃前搞定一切 — 這樣我可以專心打比賽,而且我為自 己是一名藍軍球員而自豪。” Chelsea manager and first team coach, Jose Mourinho, said: “Today is a day when the dream became reality. Andriy has always been my first choice for Chelsea since I arrived. Before it was not possible, now it is for real. He has great qualities, ambition, discipline, tactical awareness and of course he is a great goalscorer. 切爾西主教練莫里尼奧說道:“今天我們的願望終於實現了。自從我來到藍軍之後, 安德伊曾經是我想引進球員的首選。在此之前我們沒有實現這個願望。他是一名非常 出色的前鋒,有著出眾的技術,求勝的欲望,嚴明的紀律,良好的戰術素養。 “I did not need to meet with him to convince him about Chelsea, in the same way we did not need to talk a lot about why I wanted him. Everybody knows him as a player, tactically he can play in the Chelsea system no doubt. “我沒有必要和他介紹關於切爾西的事情,同樣我們沒有必要討論太多關於為什麼我 選擇了他。他是名家喻戶曉的球星,他肯定可以融入切爾西的戰術體系中。 “Milan is a big club, a great club, but for him to leave Milan for Chelsea is a big statement about where Chelsea is. He is a champion and he is joining a team of champions. I have already spoken to some of our players and they are looking forward to playing with him. Great players want to play with other great players.” “米蘭是家豪門俱樂部,而他的轉會無疑也讓切爾西很大程度上增加了知名度。他是 冠軍球員,現在即將加盟冠軍球隊。我已經告訴了我們的球員他即將到來的消息,他 們也非常期待與他合作。這是偉大球員之間的合作。” Chief Executive Peter Kenyon added: “This is another proud day for Chelsea. The signing of Andriy, following on from Michael Ballack and Solomon Kalou shows the ambition of Chelsea. The deal is a new club transfer record and is a straight cash deal. We are delighted to have signed one of Europe's greatest goalscorers. 首席執行官肯揚隨後說道:“這又是一個藍軍值得驕傲的日子。在先後簽下了巴拉克 和卡勞之後,安德伊的簽約展示了我們更高的目標。本次簽約的轉會費創下了俱樂部 的新高,不涉及任何球員的交換,僅僅是現金支付。我們非常高興能夠簽下當今歐洲 最偉大的前鋒。 “Andriy has an unparalleled record in the Champions League, international matches and Serie A.” “安德伊有著無與倫比的歐洲冠軍聯賽進球紀錄,以及國家隊和意大利聯賽的優秀紀 錄。 Chelsea will formally present Shevchenko at a media conference after the World Cup. Shevchenko is due to meet up with the Ukrainian World Cup squad tomorrow (Thursday). 切爾西將在世界盃之後,就舍甫琴柯的轉會事宜正式召開新聞發布會 。舍甫琴柯將在 明天(週四)返回烏克蘭國家隊備戰世界盃。 Shevchenko began his professional career at Dynamo Kiev in his Ukraine homeland, winning five league titles and two national cups in five seasons between 1994 and 1999. 在1994到1999的五年期間,舍甫琴柯效力於家鄉的球隊基輔迪納摩,並從此開始了他 的職業生涯。期間贏得了五個聯賽冠軍以及兩個國家盃賽冠軍。 He came to prominence across Europe when scoring a first-half hat-trick in a Champions League win against Barcelona at Camp Nou in the 1997-98 season. The season after, he spearheaded Kiev into the semi-finals of the competition. The giants of AC Milan came calling, paying a transfer fee of $26 million. 97-98 賽季在諾坎普,冠軍聯賽對陣巴塞隆納的比賽中,烏克蘭人在上半場就完成了 帽子戲法。那個賽季他帶領著基輔迪納摩創進了當年的半決賽。於是意甲豪門AC米蘭 看中了他,用2600萬美元完成了這筆轉會。 Shevchenko's debut Serie A season ended with the player topscorer, having found the net 24 times in 32 appearances. He was the first non-Italian to achieve such a feat in his first Serie A season. His Champions League debut for Milan came at Stamford Bridge in a 0-0 draw. 來到意甲的第一年就以32場比賽進24球的紀錄成為了聯賽最佳射手。並成為了非意大 利籍球員首年出戰意甲的最好紀錄。他在米蘭參加的冠軍聯賽的賽初次登場就是和藍 軍在斯坦福橋的那場 0-0 的平局。 The Champions League would eventually provide a major career highlight, the striker scoring the winning penalty in a shoot-out in the Final. That was against Juventus at Old Trafford in 2003. He followed this up by scoring the winning goal in the UEFA Super Cup - the opposition, Jose Mourinho's Porto. 冠軍聯賽上的表現也非常出色,02-03 賽季在老特拉福冠軍聯賽的決賽中,米蘭和尤 文圖斯以點球互決勝負,最終舍甫琴柯以一個決勝性的點球幫助米蘭取得了冠軍。隨 後他又在歐洲超級盃的比賽裡進球,並戰勝了莫里尼奧當時的波爾圖。 He finished top of the scoring chart in Serie A for the second time in 2003-4, with same total as four years earlier - 24 goals in 32 matches - helping Milan to end a wait of four years for the league title. 次年 03-04 賽季的意大利甲級聯賽中,他再次以四年前同樣的紀錄 — 32場進24球, 獲得了當年的最佳射手。並幫助米蘭在四年之後重新奪得了聯賽冠軍。 In December 2004, Shevchenko was named the European Footballer of the Year. 2004年12月,他被評選為歐洲足球先生。 In total with Milan he won one Serie A title, one Champions League, one European Super Cup, one Italian Cup and one Italian Super Cup. 在米蘭的七年裡,他總共獲得了一個聯賽冠軍,一個歐洲冠軍盃冠軍,一個歐洲超級 盃冠軍,一個意大利盃冠軍以及一個意大利超級盃冠軍。 There was disappointment in the Champions League Final against Liverpool two years ago when a penalty shoot-out brought defeat, Shevchenko this time missing the decisive kick. 遺憾的是兩年前在冠軍聯賽對陣利物浦的決賽比賽中,舍甫琴柯卻倒在了點球面前, 最終失去了這次冠軍。 The season just gone saw milestones passed. He became Milan's second all-time topscorer after netting against Treviso in February and a goal against Lyon in the Champions League quarter-finals made it 52 goals in 90 games in that competition, a record including qualification games. His nine goals in the tournament this season was bettered by no-one. 剛剛結束的本賽季是他的一個里程碑。在二月對陣 Treviso 聯賽的進球,以及歐洲 冠軍聯賽1/4決賽對里昂的進球之後(包括資格賽在內,總共90場比賽52個進球), 使他成為了米蘭歷史上進球第二多的前鋒。本賽季的九個歐冠進球無人匹敵。 He scored 173 times for Milan in 296 games. 他在米蘭效力的296場比賽中總共攻入了173個進球。 This summer Shevchenko will captain Ukraine in their first World Cup Finals. He scored six times during qualification and his overall international record stands at 28 goals in 63 matches. 今年夏天他將代表烏克蘭,以隊長的身份參加他們的首次世界盃之旅。在世界盃預選 賽中,他攻入六個進球。這使得他的國家隊紀錄增加到了63場比賽28個進球。 Shevchenko 個人資料 Name: Andriy Mykolayovych Shevchenko Born: September 29, 1976, Dvirkivschyna, near Kiev Height: 1.83 m (6ft) Weight: 72kg (11.3st) Career History 職業生涯介紹 Chelsea Football Club 2006 - 2006年轉會 Chelsea Sets Chelsea transfer record 創造 Chelsea 轉會歷史紀錄 AC Milan 1999 - 2006 1999-2006 年效力 AC Milan Second highest scorer in Milan's history with 173 goals in 296 games European Footballer of the Year 2004 Serie A Championship: 2004 Serie A Top Scorer: 2000, 2004 Italian Cup: 2003 Champions League: 2003 European Super Cup: 2003 296場173球成為俱樂部歷史上次席射手 2004年歐洲足球先生,2004年聯賽冠軍 2000、2004年聯賽最佳射手,2003年意大利盃 2003年歐洲冠軍聯賽冠軍,2003年歐洲超級盃 Dynamo Kiev 1994 - 1999 94-99 年效力於 Dynamo Kiev Made professional debut in 1994 and netted 94 goals in 166 games for Dynamo Ukrainian Championship: 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995 Ukrainian Cup: 1998, 1996 1994年職業聯賽初次登場,166場比賽94球 1995-1999連續5年烏克蘭聯賽冠軍 1996,1998年烏克蘭盃賽冠軍 International 國際比賽 Captain of the Ukrainian national team and has scored 28 goals in 63 internationals 烏克蘭國家隊隊長,63場國家隊比賽28個進球 European Record 歐戰紀錄 Set the competition record with 52 Champions League goals in 90 games 90場歐洲冠軍聯賽52個進球 http://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-NEWS/ShevSigning.JPG
簽約照 -- 以伊露維塔的名為證發誓 — 若有誰敢奪取屬於我們的藍色之魂,不論對方是天使 、惡魔、男人或女人,包括尚未出生者,若有任何的生靈,不論偉大或渺小,是善 還是惡,我們都將懷著復仇與憎恨之心直追到天涯海角,直追到世界結束之日。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/01 10:44, , 1F
歡迎!XD 希望以後中場們好好服務服務舍普琴科!!!
06/01 10:44, 1F

06/01 10:50, , 2F
06/01 10:50, 2F

06/01 11:13, , 3F
Drogba好好照顧女球迷= =+
06/01 11:13, 3F

06/01 11:46, , 4F
06/01 11:46, 4F

06/01 11:52, , 5F
06/01 11:52, 5F

06/01 12:33, , 6F
06/01 12:33, 6F

06/01 12:46, , 7F
06/01 12:46, 7F

06/01 13:07, , 8F
歡迎歡迎 特別歡迎
06/01 13:07, 8F

06/01 13:52, , 9F
06/01 13:52, 9F

06/01 13:55, , 10F
06/01 13:55, 10F

06/01 14:18, , 12F
合得真像,不過馬上要換球衣了 XD
06/01 14:18, 12F

06/01 18:29, , 13F
06/01 18:29, 13F

06/01 18:31, , 14F
是三星 不過球衣換ADIDAS 哈~
06/01 18:31, 14F

06/01 23:36, , 15F
06/01 23:36, 15F

06/02 00:42, , 16F
06/02 00:42, 16F

06/02 00:44, , 17F
06/02 00:44, 17F

06/02 00:46, , 18F
06/02 00:46, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #14VaAtf1 (Chelsea)