[專欄] 莫里尼奧回擊克魯伊夫

看板Chelsea作者 (老臭蟲沒拿社區盾)時間18年前 (2005/10/10 18:16), 編輯推噓11(1101)
留言12則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/p/2005-10-10/08441809282.shtml http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2005-10-10/14191810036.shtml 兩篇中譯截長補短 穆裏尼奧挖苦克魯伊夫:4球完敗米蘭 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005年10月10日 新浪體育 穆裏尼奧是一個錙銖必較的人,從切爾西與阿森納、利物浦的兩次交鋒中,以及他與溫格 和貝尼特斯的口水戰中就能發現,葡萄牙狂人對勝利有種近乎瘋狂的追求。即使對頭已經 遠離競技場,但只要是批評過他的人,穆裏尼奧也要想盡一切辦法為自己討回公道。這一 次被穆裏尼奧點名批評的人也是足壇大師級人物,荷蘭傳奇球星兼巴賽隆納教父克魯伊夫   9天前,克魯伊夫在接受英格蘭BBC的採訪時指責穆裏尼奧只考慮保住自己的帥位,而 不顧及球迷的感受和足球本身的娛樂性。他還特意舊事重提,用穆裏尼奧被歐足聯禁賽的 事例教訓葡萄牙人: "頂級教練更需要懂得尊重他人。穆裏尼奧那次針對裏傑卡爾德的舉 動很不好,不是一個好的典範。"   針對克魯伊夫的批評,穆裏尼奧親自執筆,用一篇極具攻擊性的文章實施"戰略反擊"。 西班牙《世界體育報》刊登了這篇文章。大意如下:   "不妨請讀者們做個假設:率領波爾圖奪取歐洲冠軍聯賽冠軍後,我選擇激流勇退,將 所有注意力轉移到高爾夫球和批評其他人的工作上面去,說不定後面這個 "嗜好"還能讓我 開間諮詢公司。如果這不是假設而是事實的話,那麼我的'美麗生活'早就開始了。事實是 我既沒有沉溺在高爾夫球場,也沒有對別人的工作指手畫腳。   這樣的生活,倒是和克魯伊夫的生活很像。在離開巴賽隆納俱樂部後,他讓所有人都 記住了他是歐洲冠軍隊的主教練,而不是1支兩次要在最後1輪憑藉別人擊敗或打平競爭對 手才奪冠的主教練。當然,還要忘記他是如何在一場冠軍杯決賽中被同樣"實用主義"的卡 佩羅4比0擊潰。   穆裏尼奧的筆頭和他的嘴巴一樣厲害,字字句句都戳中了克魯伊夫的痛處。1974年, 克魯伊夫領軍的荷蘭國家隊在世界盃決賽中輸給了德國隊, 93-94賽季,他親手組建的夢 之隊巴賽隆納在冠軍杯決賽中輸給了卡佩羅執教的AC米蘭,也為兩年後他與巴賽隆納分手 埋下了伏筆。1996年,克魯伊夫正式交出巴賽隆納帥印,從此告別了執教生涯。   穆裏尼奧接著寫到:   "克魯伊夫從1996年開始專注於高爾夫球和批評別人;從1996年開始濫用球迷因其球員긊時代的偉大才賦予他的權利;從1996年開始他拒絕接觸過現代足球;從1996年開始我就直 等待他教給我們足球,我將謙虛的學習。因為我永遠不想停下,我要不斷進步。"   "但是他無法向我傳授如何成為一名冠軍教練,因為我已經三次贏得聯賽冠軍,而且從 來沒有靠對手罰丟點球而幸運奪冠 (編者注:93-94賽季,拉科在必須獲勝才能贏得西甲冠 軍的情況下錯失點球機會,被瓦倫西亞逼平,最終將冠軍拱手讓給了克魯伊夫率領的巴賽 隆納)。他獲得過聯盟杯冠軍、冠軍杯冠軍,這些獎盃我也都獲得過。他還能教我什麼?我 可不想學會如何在冠軍杯決賽中輸個0比4。奪取聯盟杯冠軍時,我的球隊在決賽中攻進5粒 漂亮進球,冠軍杯決戰,我的球隊又以3-0完勝對手,上賽季登上英超霸主寶座,切爾西打 破了英超歷史上勝利場次最多的記錄,甩開第二名數十分,留下了許多精彩的破門鏡頭。"   "十年了,我們始終在等待聆聽那些人的教誨,如果可能的話,到英超來做給我們看吧 ,別忘了,現在是21世紀。"(黎璐) 原文出處 http://www.portugoal.net/MourinhoColumn/MourinhoWk5a.htm Cruyff's wisdom After winning the Champions League with Porto I could quite happily have called it a day and wiled away the hours playing golf and criticising the work of others. It could have been the start of a beautiful story, but this is not and will never be my story. It sounds more like Johan Cruyff's. After leaving Barca he has managed to remind everybody that he was European Champion and help people forget that whenever he won the Spanish League it was on the last weekend and only because of other results - in Tenerife and in Coruna - not to mention the fantastic final when Milan, led by the pragmatic Capello, thrashed Cruyff's team 4-0. Since 1996 Cruyff has played golf and criticised others; since 1996 he has manipulated and used the power conferred to him by the fact he was a fantastic football player; since 1996 he refuses to re-enter the new reality of modern football; since 1996 football has been waiting for his teachings. I want him to come and teach me. I say it in all humility. I want him to teach me to be a better coach, because I don’t want to stop learning. But he can't teach me to be champion because I've done that three times, and I never had to rely on Djukic missing a penalty in the last minute of the last match. He can't teach me to win the UEFA Cup because I've done that; he can't teach me to be European Champion, because I've done that… And I don't want him to teach me to get battered 4-0 in a Champions League final, because I don't want to learn that. I won the UEFA Cup in a spectacular 5-goal final, I won the Champions League 3-0 in the final, I won the Premiership with a record number of victories, my team is leading the Premiership with the highest number of goals scored. May Cryuff come. Football has been waiting for him for ten years! And, if possible, may he come to the Premiership, where maybe he will learn that he is in the 21st century! Astonishing Anfield (抱歉,以下尚未有中譯) I've never seen that before and I have to take my hat off to them. Liverpool were losing 4-1 at home, and Anfield was proudly singing the club anthem. Astonishing! I was missing Ricardo Carvalho at the highest level. After the match against Sunderland I told him in my office: “You're making my life easy, playing like that. Del Horno comes back and you're out in the cold. Then you'll be crying! ” The next day it was recuperation training for those who had played and development training for the others. Ricardo asked to train, certainly thinking about the two matches against Liverpool. In the Champions League match he put in an excellent display, with just a single mistake in a dead-ball situation, and a few fouls whistled by a strict referee in his battle against Crouch. In the following game he played a staggering match - tight on Crouch's movement, first to the ball every time, perfect timing in his jumping and marking, winning everything in the air. He brought the ball out of defence and didn't fail a pass. He maintained absolute concentration and, together with Terry, intelligently pushed the team ten metres up the pitch to escape the danger coming from second wave attacks. A spectacular match that makes my selection difficult. These are the kind of difficulties I love – having players at their best. That is where players should do their talking - on the pitch! And obviously, playing like that… they have to play. Hard times at Sporting Sporting are going through hard times and the search is on for scapegoats. It's normal, and as ever the coach has to bear the brunt of the criticism. But is he the only guilty party? When Liedson worked in a supermarket in Brazil, if he had insulted the manager, would he be working the next day? Wasn't this great player also partly responsible for the defeat against Halmstad due to his absence [For internal disciplinary reasons]? Wasn't he also largely responsible for the defeat at Pacos de Ferreira due to his prematur recall and the consequent negative affects in terms of cohesion and harmony in the squad? Shouldn't the captain and other senior players attack negative attitudes, giving the coach the best possible chance of success? Shouldn't the board take some disciplinary measures into their own hands, thus alleviating the onus on the coach? Is it normal that when Peseiro left the changing room at Pacos de Ferreira under a torrent of abuse, Liedson was handing out autographs to the fans? Shouldn't the Sporting fans direct their frustration in more than one direction? In some countries it's always the same people who have to pay the price. It's always the same ones who come out fighting and it's always the same ones who go into hiding or watch idly by as the ship goes under. ~~~ 進行編輯當中,這篇專欄也成為BBC FIVE LIVE廣播得頭條新聞XD ~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/10 18:45, , 1F

10/10 18:55, , 2F
\O/ 這才是原文! 可是看不懂XD
10/10 18:55, 2F

10/10 18:59, , 3F
10/10 18:59, 3F

10/10 19:03, , 4F
哈 我正這麼想~~~ 我來找看看
10/10 19:03, 4F

10/10 19:08, , 5F
http://www.record.pt/index.asp 眼花@@看不出在哪~
10/10 19:08, 5F

10/10 23:18, , 6F
10/10 23:18, 6F

10/11 00:38, , 7F
10/11 00:38, 7F

10/11 00:47, , 8F
10/11 00:47, 8F

10/11 13:54, , 9F
10/11 13:54, 9F

10/14 11:09, , 10F
10/14 11:09, 10F

10/14 11:10, , 11F
10/14 11:10, 11F

01/14 13:03, , 12F
01/14 13:03, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #13IZzWwl (Chelsea)