[外絮] Love昨晚拜訪了波士頓

看板Celtics作者 (thanos)時間10年前 (2014/06/01 09:01), 10年前編輯推噓15(15025)
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Kevin Love visited Boston last night to "see what it's like" Minnesota Timberwolves big man Kevin Love was in Boston last night to "check out the city and see what it's like," according to Dirty Water News. Apparently he visited The Greatest Bar, which happens to be right across the street from the home of the Boston Celtics, TD Garden. Kevin Love昨晚現身波士頓,據《Dirty Water News》的透露,Love說「我只是來瞭解 一下這座城市,看看這座城市是什麼樣子。」他還去拜訪了一間名叫「The Greatest Bar 」的酒吧,就在塞爾提克主場TD花園球館正對面。 Dirty Water News – Kevin Love in Boston all weekend… LOVE IT!!! Right off the plane he headed to The Greatest Bar for dinner up in the mezzanine. He sat in The Greatest Bar with his to buddies for a couple hours and then Rumor has it he headed over to Rumor for a night cap! 《Dirty Water News》-Kevin Love將會待在波士頓一個禮拜耶...太棒了!!! Love下了飛機後就直奔「The Greatest Bar」的私人包廂內用餐,他和他的朋友們待了 數小時。 When asked why he was in town he responded " I’m here to just check out the city and see what it’s like"… Tomorrow (actually today as it’s 2am) he will be walking around the city checking out all the sights . We hear he is headed to Del Frisco’s in this evening (Sat. Night). Sunday he will be going to the Red Sox game. 被問及此行的目的時,Love回答說:「我只是來了解下這座城市,看看這座城市是什麼 樣子。」他說明天他會到處走走,欣賞下各處的風景名勝。他今天晚上將會去Del Frisco 牛排館用餐,週日他會去欣賞一場波士頓紅襪隊的比賽。 Considering the Celtics are rumored to be after Love, it's quite interesting that he's actually here in the city, assuming the photograph was actually taken last night. Perhaps, he's touring the cities of teams that are interested in him or maybe a deal is more finalized than we think it is. Who knows? 考慮到塞爾提克正在追求Love的謠言,他出現在波士頓的這個時機點這真的滿耐人尋味的 ,假設那張照片真的是昨晚拍攝的。也許,他只是去那些對他有興趣的球隊的城市觀光 一下,又或許最後的交易結果會出乎我們預料之外,誰知道呢? It's not worth speculating about -- I know you all will anyway -- but the fact that he's reportedly in Boston for the weekend suggests that something is possibly going down and that the Celtics are a team that's heavily interested in him. 這不值得去臆測什麼,雖然我知道你們還是會胡思亂想,但他出現在波士頓的消息只能 暗示一件事,那就是塞爾提克是一支對他有濃厚興趣的球隊。 http://ppt.cc/1QGi Love看起來真的想去塞爾提克 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401584459.A.E7E.html ※ 編輯: thanos (, 06/01/2014 09:02:07

06/01 10:41, , 1F
06/01 10:41, 1F

06/01 10:44, , 2F
個人認為週末度個假,順便來看紅襪比賽 並不代表什麼
06/01 10:44, 2F

06/01 10:48, , 3F
原po有點翻錯,把"all weekend"翻成"一個禮拜"
06/01 10:48, 3F

06/01 11:17, , 4F
拜託別來 除非他想參與重建兼好好當綠葉
06/01 11:17, 4F

06/01 11:18, , 5F
06/01 11:18, 5F

06/01 11:19, , 6F
無意貶損RR且騎士感覺也留不住KI 所以問問
06/01 11:19, 6F

06/01 11:21, , 7F
06/01 11:21, 7F

06/01 11:21, , 8F
06/01 11:21, 8F

06/01 11:22, , 9F
0% 幾乎沒有新秀會拒絕母隊第1次續約 何況就算KI要走
06/01 11:22, 9F

06/01 11:23, , 10F
RR也只剩一年約 騎士如果真留不住KI 難道就留得住RR?
06/01 11:23, 10F

06/01 11:25, , 11F
06/01 11:25, 11F

06/01 11:25, , 12F
所以有此一問 感謝
06/01 11:25, 12F

06/01 12:14, , 13F
十鳥在林不如一鳥在手 希望RR留下來就很感恩了
06/01 12:14, 13F

06/01 12:25, , 14F
06/01 12:25, 14F

06/01 12:25, , 15F
06/01 12:25, 15F

06/01 14:37, , 16F
Aaron Gordon最近也有來波士頓
06/01 14:37, 16F

06/01 15:07, , 17F
06/01 15:07, 17F

06/01 15:10, , 18F
06/01 15:10, 18F

06/01 15:26, , 19F
06/01 15:26, 19F

06/01 15:27, , 20F
06/01 15:27, 20F

06/01 16:44, , 21F
季後賽表現才是重點 所以Rondo價值是非常高的
06/01 16:44, 21F

06/01 16:52, , 22F
樓上有講到重點 Love最大的爭議在於 季後賽的表現
06/01 16:52, 22F

06/01 16:57, , 23F
我認為如果要搶Love 一定要未來兩年都打進季後賽
06/01 16:57, 23F

06/01 16:57, , 24F
06/01 16:57, 24F

06/01 17:00, , 25F
我自己有個最腦補的陣容 交易Love 送走Green G蛙
06/01 17:00, 25F

06/01 17:01, , 26F
然後自由市場拉甜瓜 最好是說服他只領1500萬左右
06/01 17:01, 26F

06/01 17:01, , 27F
再補個藍領中鋒 簽小AB 大概就差不多
06/01 17:01, 27F

06/01 17:05, , 28F
06/01 17:05, 28F

06/01 17:49, , 29F
沒有質疑RR的價值哦 請勿誤會,只是RR能讓隊友更好
06/01 17:49, 29F

06/01 17:50, , 30F
06/01 17:50, 30F

06/01 17:50, , 31F
所以想說會不會有誘因這樣 但被打臉 呵呵
06/01 17:50, 31F

06/01 17:51, , 32F
喜歡RR但更喜歡塞爾 所以在任何人都可動的情況下問問
06/01 17:51, 32F

06/01 17:52, , 33F
06/01 17:52, 33F

06/01 17:53, , 34F
06/01 17:53, 34F

06/01 19:22, , 35F
06/01 19:22, 35F

06/01 20:26, , 36F
RR 28歲了..如果再五年....
06/01 20:26, 36F

06/02 04:20, , 37F
06/02 04:20, 37F

06/02 06:40, , 38F
http://ppt.cc/kOAG Love和Rondo在紅襪比賽碰頭~~~?!
06/02 06:40, 38F

06/02 06:41, , 39F
06/02 06:41, 39F

06/02 06:42, , 40F
06/02 06:42, 40F
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