[外電] 憨佛表示想留在波士頓重建

看板Celtics作者 (仙人掌)時間10年前 (2014/01/22 12:20), 編輯推噓22(22011)
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新聞出處(必填):http://tinyurl.com/msuwmbr 作者:Kurt Helin 以下為個人翻譯,如有翻譯不當的地方請不吝賜教! Kris Humphries says he wants to stay in Boston 憨佛表示他想留在波士頓 In a few weeks, close to the trading deadline, Kris Humphries could be playing in another uniform in another city. 幾周後,就是交易截止日了,而憨佛也可能在別的球隊展開他的新生涯。 Humphries is upping his trade value with his play since becoming a starter in Boston, averaging 9.7 points and 9.1 rebounds a game plus doing all the dirty work inside he is known for. Actually, most people know him more for his now-over marriage to Kim Kardashian and his stint on reality television (how did she come out “the good wife” in this again?), but on the court he has long been a solid, grinding power forward that a lot of teams could use. That and his expiring $12 million contract make him trade bait. 不過憨佛在最近調為先發後更用成績提升自己的價值,每場平均9.7分與9.1個籃板更包辦 所有髒活。事實上,在美國大家認識憨佛主要是因為他和名實境秀演員Kardashian的72天 婚姻關係(他們閃電結婚,憨佛並以價值兩百萬美元、20.5克拉的鑽戒向她求婚,不料這 段婚姻只維持了72天即閃電離婚。)但在球場上,憨佛可是個強硬且刻苦耐勞的大前鋒。那 即將到期的1200萬美元大約也讓他成為不錯的交易籌碼。 But he likes what is being built in Boston and would like to stay there. That ’s what he told the Boston Globe. 但他喜歡波士頓現正發展的一切並想繼續為塞爾提克效命,以下為他與波士頓環球報的訪 談。 “I want to be a part of this whole, building this team and doing all that stuff with the new coach and all that, I want to be here,” he said. “You never know if they want you or they don’t want you or what their plans are, but I like Boston, my teammates. I’m just getting a chance to play with Rondo a little bit now.” "我想成為塞爾提克的一份子,想參與重建、跟隨新教練等等,不管怎樣,我仍想留在這 。你永遠不知道球團會不會留你,也不會知道球隊的發展計劃為何,但我喜歡波士頓與我 的隊友,而我最近也得到與Rondo一同奮戰的機會。" Rajon Rondo and Humphries had their moments on the court — last season when Humphries was in Brooklyn he committed a hard foul on Kevin Garnett and Rondo stepped in for his teammate. Rondo和憨佛曾在場上有些過往...上個賽季當憨佛還在籃網隊時,曾在比賽中對KG犯規且 順勢推了KG一把,而Rondo為了表達不滿與憨佛產生衝突,兩人皆被判離場,這也導致 Rondo連續助攻上雙的紀錄止於37場。(資料畫面:http://tinyurl.com/k6w25rg ) But the NBA is a business and they both know that. Now Rondo and Humphries are good if you ask Humphries. 但NBA就是場生意,現在憨佛表示他與Rondo有著不錯的關係。 “Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I never liked him until I got here,” Humphries said. “And then it took me a minute to like him once I got here. He’s a competitor, even if he’s not scoring points, he’s getting assists, he can really rebound for a point guard, and defensively I was surprised what he was doing in the first quarter [Sunday]. "我不想跟你們說謊,但在來這裡之前我確實不喜歡Rondo。"憨佛說。 "但來到波士頓後,我開始對Rondo有了好感。他是個十足的戰士,就算無法得分仍能送出 助攻,而他的籃板能力在控衛裡也是數一數二的。而他在禮拜天對魔術的比賽中,我對他 在第一節的防守表現印象十分深刻。" “The more he plays, the more we’re going to grow as a team. Someone new comes back, he’s gotta figure out how to do the most he can in 20 minutes, it ’s kind of tricky, and I think you can expect better from him and better from us as we keep going here.” "隨著Rondo上場時間增加,我們的團隊也逐漸成形。當你傷後復出回到場上,你必須想想 你在場上的二十分鐘最多能做到些什麼,而這永遠不簡單。我想你可以對Rondo與我們之後 的表現有更多期待。" It is possible the Celtics do not find a new home for Humphries at the deadline, that is still a big contract to take on for a role player. They’ll shop him, we’ll see if there are any buyers. 但塞爾提克仍有可能為憨佛找個新東家,畢竟1200萬美元對一名角色球員而言仍嫌太多。 他們可能會兜售他,就讓我們看看會有多少買家吧! Wherever he plays next season he is going to take a healthy pay cut. Safe to say he will land wherever the most money is offered, and after that where he feels comfortable. 但不論他到哪裡,可以預料他的新合約不會再像現在這麼的佛(籃網球團給得太佛啦),想 當然爾他十分有可能會到願意給他最多薪水的球隊,但他仍有可能會待在一個他就是他尬 意的地方。 That could be Boston. Stranger things have happened. 而那也有可能是波士頓,畢竟世事難料。 ___________________________________________________________ 不管他那高的不合理的薪水,這季看憨佛打球蠻開心的,或許沒有特別卓越的能力,但努 力打球的拼勁大家都看得到。雖然不確定明年會不會再看到他再身穿綠衣賣命,但假如他 願意減薪留下(當然也要看球團願不願意),身為賽迷,我十分歡迎! #Forever green, because Green Runs Deep. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jasonlin1993 來自: (01/22 12:25) ※ 編輯: jasonlin1993 來自: (01/22 12:29)

01/22 12:34, , 1F
可惜PF的人選 太多了,可以的話 我也想留他
01/22 12:34, 1F

01/22 12:45, , 2F
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01/22 13:08, , 3F
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01/22 15:30, , 15F
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01/22 15:36, , 16F
好感度增加,憨佛留下來!!! 但要降薪XD
01/22 15:36, 16F

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01/22 16:06, , 18F
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01/22 16:07, , 19F
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01/22 16:26, , 20F
現在才發現憨佛是04梯14順位,15順位是Big Al XD
01/22 16:26, 20F

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01/22 20:37, , 27F
便宜的話我OK 但我覺得簽複數年可能會有點卡卡的
01/22 20:37, 27F

01/22 20:45, , 28F
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01/23 01:50, , 29F
借這篇問一下 為啥季初他不受重用阿 有傷???
01/23 01:50, 29F

01/23 02:27, , 30F
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01/23 04:43, , 31F
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01/23 09:48, , 32F
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01/23 09:51, , 33F
錯篇 哈哈
01/23 09:51, 33F
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