[外電] And then there was one

看板Celtics作者 (小雨)時間11年前 (2013/07/20 23:01), 編輯推噓27(2702)
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And then there was one Pierce, KG lament leaving Rondo behind, cite hurdles ahead for C's leader By Chris Forsberg | ESPNBoston.com Updated: July 19, 2013, 10:06 PM ET 只剩下Rondo一人 (這是一篇Forsberg是以Rondo為主的文章,看看KG和PP離開後給了Rondo什麼建議, 當然交易發生後,大部分的人都focus在兩老的狀況,但其實Rondo也是要面對很多轉變的 。) 在四月底,老賽季後賽瀕臨淘汰邊緣時, KG, PP 和 Rondo在TD Garden的沖澡間有長長的對話, 他們那時候已經意識到,這可能是KG和PP最後一場穿著綠制服的比賽。 NEW YORK -- After the Boston Celtics were pushed to the brink of playoff elimination in late April, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo held a lengthy huddle in the shower area inside the team's locker room at TD Garden. After the powwow, there was a sense that the trio might have been pondering the future and the potential that Garnett and Pierce were playing their final games in a Celtics uniform. 而兩個月後,這成為現實了。 在六月底的選秀會晚上,Celtics和Nets做了一筆大交易, 包括了九名球員和三支選秀簽。 That became a reality two months later when, on draft night in late June, the Celtics and Brooklyn Nets agreed to a franchise-altering nine-player, three-draft-pick swap. KG和PP這周四在Barclays Center被介紹為Nets的一員後, 他們和Jackie MacMullan有一段很長的訪談, 他們被問到,他們的那位被留下的brother。 KG嘆口氣, “ ’Do ‘Do…” (這是KG自己對Rondo的暱稱吧) (請發音ㄉㄡ不是ㄉㄨ) After formally being introduced as members of the Nets on Thursday at the pristine Barclays Center, Garnett and Pierce sat down for a joint interview with ESPN Boston's Jackie MacMullan (a snippet aired Thursday night, while a longer segment will run starting with Sunday's 10 a.m. SportsCenter on ESPN2). Asked about the brother they are leaving behind, Garnett sighed, "'Do, 'Do," invoking his familiar nickname for Rondo (the last syllable of the point guard's last name). KG繼續說道, “這整個轉變,我的天,我們從陌生人開始,然後結合在一起成為兄弟。” Rondo曾說過,在隊上KG是他最好的朋友。 “我們是兄弟,我曾經這樣告訴過Glen, Kendrick, Tony Allen, 還有Eddie House和 James Posey,我們之間是彼此相連的。” (譯按:好多老朋友的名字QQ) "This whole transition, man, we came in as strangers and bonded as brothers," said Garnett, a person whom Rondo has previously suggested was his closest friend on the team. "And I say that with Glen [Davis], Kendrick [Perkins], Tony Allen, with Eddie House and [James Posey], just a connection with what it is. “當Ray上個夏天離開我們時,對在場的每個人都很難消化,然後我們看到Doc想去快艇, 那就真的是要把我們拆散的時機了。” “一步一步的,就像你看到浪要打來了,而現在我們(兩老)也要走了,所以你就可以想像 ’Do (Rondo)現在是怎麼面對這股浪打到他眼前。” “我當然有跟他(Rondo)連絡,我跟他說了什麼將會發生,我確定他也很努力在面對他所 需要面對的,也包括他的復健(二月開刀ACL)。” "When Ray [Allen] left [for Miami last summer] it was hard for everybody there. We saw Doc [Rivers] leave [for Los Angeles last month], that blew us out of the water. It's kind of like looking up at the wave coming. And now we're here so I can only imagine what 'Do's going through. Obviously, I reached out to him, told him what I was going to do or whatever. I'm sure he's dealing with whatever he's dealing with, obviously he's trying to get back with [rehabbing from ACL surgery in February]. “無論怎麼看整件事情,這對他(Rondo)是很不幸的, 我必須從他身上奪走,我們曾經建立的brotherhood, 就這樣的,從他身邊帶走了。” “我現在只能這樣看了,雖然我失去了一個隊友,但是我有一個一生的摯友。” "Whatever that whole universe and his world is presenting to him... It's unfortunate. I had to take away that, what you have established as a brother and as a brotherhood amongst each other, is what you take away from it. Although I'm losing a teammate, I have a friend for life. And that's how I look at it." 除了KG外,PP最近也有跟Rondo連絡, 身為我們永遠的隊長,甚至在三巨頭形成時就坐鎮綠衫軍的老皮, 特別給了Rondo一些建議。 Pierce said he talked with Rondo recently and, having been the leader on a team in transition before the Big Three was assembled, Pierce dispensed cautious advice about what lies ahead as Rondo rehabs his knee and the Celtics rehab their roster. PP說, “現在他(Rondo)是傷兵,我跟他說,今年有可能會是他整個籃球生涯最辛苦的一年, 無論是精神上還是生理上,” “生理上,你正在經歷復健, 精神上,你曾經是個勝家,但是你現在卻必須處於可能敗多於勝的局面,” “我跟他說,你現在就是球隊的領袖了,我和Kev (KG)都不會在你身邊了。” "Right now, he's injured and I told him this is probably going to be the toughest year of your whole career, mentally and physically," said Pierce. "Physically, you're dealing with an injury. Mentally, you know nothing but winning since you came into the league... You may be put in a situation where you may not win a lot of games. You have to be a leader now, you know me and Kev are not there anymore. “你必須撐過這些時候,我(PP)曾經經歷過這些, 我跟他(Rondo)解釋我是如何熬過去的, 我就是靠著一股我就是全聯盟最強的球員這股氣是生存的, 現在,Rondo可能要面臨一樣的情況,可能一年、兩年、誰知道會多久呢? 但是你一定要做好精神上的準備, 而這些就是我給他的建議,我們討論的事情。” "You have to go through these times. I've been through them. I explained to him how I went through it. I feel like, I'm one of the best players in the league and now... [Rondo is] going to be in that situation for maybe one year or two years, who knows? But you have to be mentally prepared for it, and that's some of the things we talked about." PP還在猜Rondo什麼時候會完成復健歸隊, PP稍早有表示他猜Rondo可能需要十二月、一月之後才歸隊,但誰知道呢? Pierce might simply have been speculating, but he had noted earlier on Thursday that Rondo is "probably not going to be back until probably December, January, who knows?" 如果年底才能復原,那可是會影響安吉接下來所做的決定, 畢竟之前球隊和Rondo設定的目標是趕上開季,大家普遍是比較樂觀。 That'd be a change of plans considering that Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge has suggested both the team and player have eyed a return for the start of the season. That's something Ainge echoed earlier this month while noting that the team and training staff were encouraged with Rondo's rehab thus far. 安吉曾表示要球隊看Rondo的狀況慢慢來, 開季前訓練營看狀況慢慢來,但應該是可以趕得上第一場比賽。 Ainge did admit that the team might have to take it slow with Rondo during training camp starting in late September, but said being ready for opening night in late October was a reasonable goal. 這個計畫還是躁進了一點, 畢竟Rondo二月才開刀的,如果要趕開季, 那Rondo真正休息的時間就共八個月左右而已。 That's still an aggressive timeline considering Rondo had surgery in February and would be little more than eight months removed from surgery for that partially torn ACL by opening night. PP和KG也曾經提示Rondo要好好復健慢慢來, 但可能對Rondo有點難,尤其是, 他才剛觀看完2012-2013球季最後三個月場次的比賽(季後賽QQ), Rondo怎麼可能按耐得住呢? Pierce and Garnett hinted that they have suggested to Rondo to take it slow, maybe noting that there's little rush to get back for a team in transition. But after sitting out the final three months of the 2012-13 season, it's going to be hard to keep Rondo pinned down. Rondo休息久一點,就算有可能提高樂透籤機率, 但是球員們和教練們都表示過:我們不會TANK! 老將(拿很多錢很爽的那位)表示他仍然相信C’s有足夠的才華可以競爭。 Even if it might help Boston's rebuilding process to lose games and deliver a higher draft pick, both players and coaches have been adamant this offseason that the team will not tank. Returning veterans have defiantly suggested that they believe the Celtics can still contend with the talent coming back. 如果我們夠懂Rondo的話, 就知道他會在逆境中有爆發力,會證明給所有人看的。 If we know one thing about Rondo, he's at his best with a chip on his shoulder. And it ought to be a huge rock by the start of the year. 有一件事情是確定的,這位27歲的Rondo將會是這個年輕隊伍的領導人, 他也會是這支球隊的支柱,球隊將建造在他之上, 他也不再將有安全網,三巨頭和Doc曾經給他的支柱, 甚至那些老朋友在離開C’s前就盡力傳承火炬給這位小老弟了。 One thing is certain: This is a monster year for 27-year-old Rondo, a chance to show that he can be the leader of a young squad and cement himself as the foundation upon which the next iteration of the team will be built around. No longer does he have the safety net of the Big Three or Rivers to aid him, even if those veterans suggested they passed the torch to him long before their departure. 在Rondo合約剩餘的兩年中,他將準備領他下張大約, Celtics到時候也要決定,要依照那張約以Rondo為中心打造球隊嗎? 安吉曾表示他接受任何(不吃虧)的交易, 但這季完全沒有想要交易Rondo的念頭(低點也是賣不掉的), 制服組顯而易見地也很期待Rondo這季的表現。 With two years left on Rondo's extension and with the point guard staring at a big-money contract with his next deal, the Celtics have to make a decision soon on whether they will pay to build around Rondo. Ainge has suggested he is willing to listen to offers, but has no plans to trade Rondo this offseason. The Celtics are clearly intrigued to see what Rondo can do in this situation. 這次PP和KG驚天動地的交易, 大家別忘了,這麼深刻一個很大的原因是他們也留下了Rondo, PP和KG的確情感上也很想要在老賽退休,在生涯最後幾年跟Rondo一起打球。 但是這不會發生了,當兩老在軍備充足的Brooklyn準備衝擊總冠軍, Rondo這小老弟必須留在Boston處理球隊迷霧般的狀況。 Part of what made moving on so difficult for Pierce and Garnett was what they left behind. Both had dreamed of retiring in green and assumed they'd play out their final days alongside Rondo. It won't happen, and while they get to chase a title with a loaded Brooklyn roster, they leave Rondo to a much murkier situation in Boston. 這絕對會是Rondo對困難的一季,但也是他證明自己是領導人的機會。 This most certainly will be the toughest season for Rondo. But it's also one that could define him as a player and a leader. His friends are gone and it's up to Rondo to fill their shoes. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/20 23:08, , 1F
07/20 23:08, 1F

07/20 23:09, , 2F
07/20 23:09, 2F

07/20 23:13, , 3F
07/20 23:13, 3F

07/20 23:13, , 4F
一生的朋友Q_Q P不愧是經歷過黑暗期的人,好有經驗
07/20 23:13, 4F

07/20 23:14, , 5F
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07/20 23:17, 8F

07/20 23:22, , 9F
07/20 23:22, 9F

07/20 23:23, , 10F
感謝翻譯 Rondo加油!
07/20 23:23, 10F

07/20 23:29, , 11F
Let's go Rondo!!
07/20 23:29, 11F

07/20 23:41, , 12F
07/20 23:41, 12F

07/20 23:44, , 13F
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07/20 23:49, , 14F
推KG跟PP想留下 但同時又明白球隊該重建了
07/20 23:49, 14F

07/20 23:54, , 15F
推 希望阿豆帶著KGPP的精神扛起球隊!!!
07/20 23:54, 15F

07/21 00:04, , 16F
證明自己的時刻到囉 阿豆加油吧
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07/21 00:37, , 17F
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07/21 00:37, , 18F
依然是他呢? 如果這樣搞,應該很多人都會哭吧XD
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07/21 03:55, , 19F
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07/21 14:55, , 22F
小牛釋出Bernard James 安吉可以簽簽看
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07/21 16:30, , 23F
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07/21 18:40, , 24F
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07/21 20:31, , 25F
不要再簽人了吧 現在一堆人要練了
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07/21 20:46, , 26F
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07/21 21:12, , 27F
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07/22 09:28, , 28F
推 兩老受訪直接打爆一堆可笑嘴臉 希望RR順利復出
07/22 09:28, 28F

07/22 21:15, , 29F
07/22 21:15, 29F
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