[外電] Celtics-Clippers talks... (Woj的原文)

看板Celtics作者 (小雨)時間11年前 (2013/06/16 21:11), 編輯推噓43(44131)
留言76則, 43人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Celtics-Clippers talks to send Doc Rivers, Kevin Garnett to L.A. stall 10 hours ago Adrian Wojnarowski http://ppt.cc/diRo Discussions over a blockbuster deal to send Boston Celtics star Kevin Garnett to the Los Angeles Clippers – with Doc Rivers as coach – reached an impasse on Saturday afternoon, league sources told Yahoo! Sports. The Clippers are willing to part with center DeAndre Jordan and a first-round draft pick for Garnett – and the rights to hire Rivers – but so far have refused to include Boston's desire for point guard Eric Bledsoe into the package, sources said. 米國時間星期六下午 傳出KG+Doc要到快艇的消息 快艇願意用DeAndre Jordan和首輪簽換 但是就是不願放手Bledsoe (http://ppt.cc/b~3I 01:35) Since the February trade deadline, Bledsoe had been a part of talks for Garnett, and more recently, Rivers, but that changed Saturday morning, league sources said. The Clippers were no longer willing to part with Bledsoe, sources told Y! Sports. If the deal completely falls apart, Celtics management and Rivers are still committed to his return to Boston as coach. first-round pick, but all involved believe that Bledsoe's inclusion into the package would get a deal done. 其實二月的交易期限前,就有Bledsoe換KG的消息了 甚至最近還加進了Doc (然後我還把SAS當笑話看… -_-) 不過米國周六早上因為一直不放手Bledsoe還是告吹了 Boston general manager Danny Ainge has requested Bledsoe and a second Celtics and Clippers management – as well as Rivers – want a finality to these discussions in short order, sources involved told Yahoo! Sports. No one involved has shown an appetite for these talks to linger without resolution. 雙方制服組(包括Doc) 都希望可以至少下個結論 不要再眉來眼去但是卻沒有結局 (ㄟ球迷也很累的好嗎= =+) Garnett, 37, will waive his no-trade clause to leave Boston only if Rivers joins him as coach, sources said. Rivers still needed to talk to Clippers star Chris Paul about his free-agency plans this summer, sources told Yahoo! Sports. It is believed that the arrival of Rivers and Garnett would be the final moves needed to assure Paul to re-signing with the Clippers in July. 37歲的KG,只願意在Doc底下打球 Doc也需要跟真正的快艇幕後老大CP3討論今夏的自由市場 大家都知道只要這樣才能留住CP3的心 Rivers has three years and $21 million left on his Celtics contract, but doesn't want to stay in Boston unless the Celtics are willing to bring back Garnett and Paul Pierce to avoid rebuilding for another year, sources said. Boston will not let Rivers coach or work anywhere in the NBA for the duration of his contract without compensation, sources said. Doc本人呢還剩下一筆三年21M的合約 但Doc不會留在豆城,除非制服組留的住KG和PP (根本就是生命共同體阿) 而老賽制服組如果真的要大拍賣 不可能讓別人佔到便宜的 The Clippers have shown a willingness to give Rivers a contract extension that's competitive with his Boston salary, sources said. Throughout this awkward process, Boston has told Rivers that it still wants him to return as coach should the Clippers discussions never reach fruition, sources said. 快艇那邊還很願意幫Doc加薪,用比老賽更多錢吸引Doc加盟 雖然事情都演成這樣了, 老賽還是跟Doc說:我們還是希望你回來當我們的教練(揪咪) 這也是事情卡的不上不下的原因之一 -------以下跟我們無關分隔線------ While the Clippers had the wistful thought of trying to arrange a sign-and-trade to acquire Dwight Howard for Bledsoe and Blake Griffin, the Lakers have flatly rejected the idea, sources said. "They'll never do it," one source with direct knowledge of the conversations told Yahoo! Sports. 快艇還能努力的想要用Bledsoe和Griffin換草莓獸 但(老奸巨猾的)湖人怎麼可能讓你這樣做呢? So far, the Lakers have rejected every possible sign-and-trade scenario for Howard, sources said. The possibility of trading him within the Staples Center is probably the least palatable scenario of all should they be forced to lose him for nothing in July and finally do agree to a sign-and-trade possibility. 目前為止,湖人拒絕所有S&T 草莓的選項 Bledsoe can be a restricted free agent in 2014 and it will be difficult to pay him a market value with Paul on the roster. Bledsoe 2014年變成RFA,有點難留住人囉 -- CP3:端上好菜來! 快艇DM:(擦汗) -- 我想我來放一下原文好了 順便偷渡一點心得文:p 由Context可以看出來 Doc和兩老已經變成生命共同體了(惺惺相惜...) 然後安吉絕對不會在交易中吃虧 我也很好奇 不知道Rondo對這個交易的感覺如何呢? 我個人是偏向 反正明年一定不上不下的 戰績不會過好但也爛不下去 那兩老就再留一年吧 理智上當然不會排除大破大立 但情感上怎麼可能說再見就再見呢? 我也還沒機會去TD Garden朝聖阿~~~ (因為去波士頓的時都是休賽期間> <) 唉老實說 這幾年一場一場比賽這樣跟 真的很開心可以在賽版一起支持這支球隊 但現實就是球員都會老的 球隊還是要繼續競爭 球員會來來去去 球迷也會來來去去 無論是駐版N年超資深版友(像是x版主ㄈ大P大) 或是08年跟著KG Ray來的球員迷 或是這幾年漸漸受到團隊籃球、傳統精神吸引的新朋友 或是很無聊愛海巡的路人甲乙丙 真的很高興live文可以跟大家一起經歷那麼多 雖然逐年越來越忙 但不知從何開始Celtics版已經是生活的一部份拉 真是有幸07-08跟上了最榮耀的時刻 現在這支(號稱是KG時代的)賽隊 真的要準備隨時都要say goodbye了 趁有甚麼重大消息發生前 大家還沒跑掉前XD 來跟各位版友說聲謝謝\( ̄︶ ̄)> 也打從心裡對著球員說謝謝 (以後無法再推文:帥阿老皮 一定不能適應阿~~~) 如果這個夏天 安吉真的玩大的話 要遷徙的朋友也別嫌棄偶爾回來坐坐XD 一不小心好像打太多= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rainingdayz 來自: (06/16 21:12)

06/16 21:14, , 1F
如果Doc PP KG都走了加上RR回來的時間還不確定
06/16 21:14, 1F

06/16 21:14, , 2F
06/16 21:14, 2F

06/16 21:15, , 3F
Bledsoe 是到期約沒差 也許像版友說的是來頂RR不再
06/16 21:15, 3F

06/16 21:15, , 4F
06/16 21:15, 4F

06/16 21:16, , 5F
06/16 21:16, 5F

06/16 21:16, , 6F
而且其實對快艇來說也是有利的 Bledsoe如果下季表現
06/16 21:16, 6F

06/16 21:17, , 7F
跟這季差不多 續約價絕對不低 快艇不一定留的住
06/16 21:17, 7F

06/16 21:17, , 8F
另外如果KG跟Doc是CP3指定的話 即使被搶Bledsoe能續
06/16 21:17, 8F

06/16 21:18, , 9F
06/16 21:18, 9F

06/16 21:20, , 10F
我應該是假設RR復原進度不會太慢 但可能太樂觀
06/16 21:20, 10F

06/16 21:34, , 11F
06/16 21:34, 11F

06/16 21:40, , 12F
06/16 21:40, 12F

06/16 21:58, , 13F
06/16 21:58, 13F

06/16 22:03, , 14F
06/16 22:03, 14F

06/16 22:56, , 15F
06/16 22:56, 15F

06/16 22:56, , 16F
06/16 22:56, 16F

06/16 23:11, , 17F
06/16 23:11, 17F

06/16 23:21, , 18F
06/16 23:21, 18F

06/16 23:23, , 19F
06/16 23:23, 19F

06/16 23:31, , 20F
其實PP KG 跟河流都過去 CP3留不留都沒差了吧
06/16 23:31, 20F

06/16 23:32, , 21F
06/16 23:32, 21F

06/16 23:32, , 22F
以河流的戰術系統搭配兩老 只要有Bledsoe就很好用了
06/16 23:32, 22F

06/16 23:44, , 23F
沒CP3那LAC根本沒談交易的動機好嗎= =
06/16 23:44, 23F

06/16 23:46, , 24F
06/16 23:46, 24F

06/16 23:58, , 25F
06/16 23:58, 25F

06/17 00:00, , 26F
推 跟著KG來到這裡 真的每天逛賽版是生活中的一部分
06/17 00:00, 26F

06/17 00:01, , 27F
換個角度想 安吉要留Doc 勢必得留兩老 這樣也不賴
06/17 00:01, 27F

06/17 01:11, , 28F
哭哭 就算PP走 應該還是會持續關注超賽 一起加油
06/17 01:11, 28F

06/17 02:09, , 29F
06/17 02:09, 29F

06/17 02:39, , 30F
06/17 02:39, 30F

06/17 07:57, , 31F
推 雖然我也是08年才來的
06/17 07:57, 31F

06/17 11:41, , 32F
06/17 11:41, 32F

06/17 12:08, , 33F
生命共同體 T^T
06/17 12:08, 33F

06/17 12:21, , 34F
06/17 12:21, 34F

06/17 12:22, , 35F
06/17 12:22, 35F

06/17 12:22, , 36F
06/17 12:22, 36F

06/17 12:38, , 37F
06/17 12:38, 37F

06/17 12:38, , 38F
06/17 12:38, 38F

06/17 13:29, , 39F
06/17 13:29, 39F

06/17 13:30, , 40F
06/17 13:30, 40F

06/17 13:49, , 41F
06/17 13:49, 41F

06/17 14:07, , 42F
我從跟KG來 現在也成了所有人的球迷ˊˋ包含總耶
06/17 14:07, 42F

06/17 14:08, , 43F
06/17 14:08, 43F

06/17 14:10, , 44F
06/17 14:10, 44F

06/17 14:15, , 45F
06/17 14:15, 45F

06/17 16:24, , 46F
已哭 還有敬愛的briㄉ
06/17 16:24, 46F

06/17 17:19, , 47F
懷念 帥阿老皮!!!!
06/17 17:19, 47F

06/17 17:35, , 48F
06/17 17:35, 48F

06/17 17:37, , 49F
06/17 17:37, 49F

06/17 17:37, , 50F
06/17 17:37, 50F

06/17 18:15, , 51F
在心裡的某方面 我會認定Rondo是新一代C's頭目
06/17 18:15, 51F

06/17 18:15, , 52F
所以 要是CP3過來,心理作祟 會認定血統不純...
06/17 18:15, 52F

06/17 18:35, , 53F
06/17 18:35, 53F

06/17 18:35, , 54F
06/17 18:35, 54F

06/17 20:39, , 55F
06/17 20:39, 55F

06/17 21:14, , 56F
Love Celtics,因為曾經有過感動,所以就算兩老退休
06/17 21:14, 56F

06/17 21:14, , 57F
06/17 21:14, 57F

06/17 21:43, , 58F
06/17 21:43, 58F

06/17 21:58, , 59F
06/17 21:58, 59F

06/17 23:48, , 60F
06/17 23:48, 60F

06/18 00:00, , 61F
淚推 我是跟著三巨頭來的 但我走不了了 好愛這裡
06/18 00:00, 61F

06/18 01:13, , 62F
06/18 01:13, 62F

06/18 03:02, , 63F
06/18 03:02, 63F

06/18 07:51, , 64F
06/18 07:51, 64F

06/18 07:52, , 65F
06/18 07:52, 65F

06/18 07:54, , 66F
06/18 07:54, 66F

06/18 07:55, , 67F
06/18 07:55, 67F

06/18 09:02, , 68F
DocKGPPRayPerkins 08冠軍隊徹底解散 再見了超賽
06/18 09:02, 68F

06/18 09:25, , 69F
撐著撐著也還是到了這個時刻 不過過去幾年的感動
06/18 09:25, 69F

06/18 09:27, , 70F
是不會忘的 很羨慕馬刺三巨頭還可以再拼一次冠軍
06/18 09:27, 70F

06/18 10:12, , 71F
06/18 10:12, 71F

06/18 10:12, , 72F
06/18 10:12, 72F

06/18 11:16, , 73F
跟著KG來但現在也走不開+1 如果KG去快艇 我就變
06/18 11:16, 73F

06/18 11:17, , 74F
成狼迷+賽迷+艇迷了 綠軍給我的感動實在多了
06/18 11:17, 74F

06/18 11:17, , 75F
RR+AB+小綠+Sully 好好長大~
06/18 11:17, 75F

06/19 00:18, , 76F
06/19 00:18, 76F
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