[外電]KG trade would rob Celtics of identity

看板Celtics作者 (反將一軍)時間11年前 (2013/03/02 21:19), 編輯推噓15(1501)
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新聞出處:SL.COM 作者:Lee Jenkins Kevin Garnett declared "I bleed green," when asked about his reluctance to waive his no-trade clause. 當被問到是否願意放棄交易否決權,凱文賈奈特聲明,“我淌綠軍血。http://ppt.cc/02ML 原文連接 LOS ANGELES -- The NBA's old flagships gathered under one roof Wednesday night, the Lakers having lost a piece of their soul, and the Celtics wondering if they will as well. Kobe Bryant strode to center-court with microphone in hand and pointed at the suite traditionally occupied by Lakers owner Jerry Buss, empty except for a single illuminated chair. "We are all -- all -- spoiled by his vision and his drive to win year after year after year," Bryant said. Kevin Garnett stood about 15 feet away, head bowed, clapping slowly. 洛杉機 -- 周三晚上NBA最老牌的兩支旗聚在一堂,湖人隊失去了半片靈魂,而綠衫軍 人們則在思索着是否願意失去他們的靈魂。 科比-布莱恩手持着話筒佇立在球场中央,指着 原本属于老板杰里-巴斯的包廂,那兒除了一把孤獨的、耀眼的椅子以外空空如也。“ 我们所有人- 所有人- 都被他年復一年的遠谋和好勝心所寵壞了,”布莱恩说。 凯文賈奈特就站在15英尺以外,躬着頭缓缓地拍着手。 There is no comparing the Lakers anguish with the Celtics anxiety, except the best organizations are families and the departure of any cherished member leaves a hole. So it was two years ago during a road game in Denver, when the Celtics shipped Kendrick Perkins to Oklahoma City, and players broke down in the locker room. "We still talk about that trade," Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo said. "It still seems like we're trying to replace Perk." 你無法将湖人的痛苦和Celtics的焦慮進行比較,除了這兩個最好的组織都像是大家族一 样,而任何一位被深爱着的成员的离开都会留下一个空洞。那还是两年前在丹佛打客場時 的事情了 當肯特里克-帕金斯送到奧克拉荷馬时,球員們在更衣室里哭成一片。 “我們現在還在討論那次交易,”綠軍控衛朗多说,“我们似乎一直在試圖找 人彌補(帕金斯留下的空缺) The NBA salary cap leaves no space for sentiment, which is why the Celtics should probably move Garnett at today's trading deadline, and shed a three-year contract awarded to a 36-year-old power forward. Sure, the Celtics won seven games in a row after Rondo tore his ACL, but they are not a legitimate contender without him, and they're better off plotting for the future. So goes the Moneyball rationale, which can underestimate how much one 36-year-old means to the identity of a basketball team, if that 36-year-old is Garnett and that team is the Celtics. 聯盟的工資上限是鐵面無私的,也许在今天交易截止之前塞爾提克也該將賈奈特也送走, 抛下属於這位36歲老将的三年大合同。當然,綠军在朗多受傷之後迎來了一波7連勝, 但缺少了他的綠軍並不能算是一位合格的競争者,為未来籌謀是個更好的選擇。 這就是就會產生魔球效應,即人們會開始低估以為36歲老將對於一支球隊靈魂的重要性, 這支球隊便是塞爾提克,而這位老將便是賈奈特。 The video tribute for Buss was jammed with pictures from the 1980s, reminders of a time when the Lakers and Celtics met every June, and the players didn't like each other. You often hear that the new generation has gone soft, but you never hear that about the Celtics. They rarely list anyone as a game-time decision with a minor injury. They don't glad-hand opponents in warm-ups. They don't forgive Ray Allen for signing with Miami. 獻给老巴斯的纪念片裡充斥着80年代的照片,提醒着人們那时候每逢6月便拔刀相戰綠軍 和紫金軍團,以及兩隊球員有多麼不喜歡彼此。你總會聽到现在的球員越來越軟弱, 但你從不會這樣的言論是針對一名塞爾特人的。他們幾乎不會把任何球員列入“赛前觀察 ”名单;他们不會在热身时與對方球員握手示意; 他們也不會原諒與邁阿密簽约的雷-阿倫。 Before a game in November, the Nets did call the Celtics soft, loud enough to hear through the locker room wall at TD Garden. Rondo responded by shoving Kris Humphries into the seats. There is a pride among the Celtics that trickles down from Garnett. He is the one who buys suits for rookies, cheats off his man when a teammate is getting torched, and declares "I bleed green" when explaining a reluctance to waive his no-trade clause. One former Celtic mused that the club does not need to worry about grooming another leader as long as Garnett remains on the roster. 在十一月的一場比赛前,篮網隊曾稱Celtics為軟弱,並响到讓北岸花園球場大墙之後的 绿军更衣室都聽得見。Rajon Rondo 便將韓弗里斯推入場邊的椅子作為回應。 這是從凯文-賈奈特身上傳遞下来的身為塞爾特人的驕傲。 他就是那個给新秀球員買西装的男人;他就是那個當隊友被打爆時晃飛防守者的男人; 他就是那個當被問及是否願意放棄交易否决權時 ,毫不猶豫地說“我淌綠軍血”的男人。一位綠军名宿曾略带思索地表示 任何一支球隊不需要大費周章地培養下一位領軍人物,只要他們陣中還有凯文-賈奈特。 "He will never roll! He always pops!" Garnett hollered after a practice in December, while watching video of the Bucks pick-and-roll with five young Celtics spread around him. He punctuated every sentence with profanity. He sounded as if he were screaming. "But he wasn't," said Celtics rookie Jared Sullinger. "He was just talking. It only looks like he's yelling because he's so intense." The Celtics adopt his edge, which helps explain their defiant surge after the injury to Rondo. Bryant's sensibilities are similar, but he has been unable to galvanize the Lakers the way Garnett did the Celtics. "他檔完不會切進來的,他總會在原地拔起投籃! "當賈奈特在隊内訓練结束后和5名绿军年輕球員一起觀看公鹿隊檔拆配合的錄像時, 他發出了這樣的抱怨。他對每字每句都發足了重音,就像是在咆哮一样。 “但他並没有那樣,”新秀賈里德-薩林傑說,“他只是在说。 他之所以看起来在咆哮只是因为他的情感太强烈了。”Celtics领悟了加内特的鐵血,因 此他們在失去朗多後變得更加桀傲不馴。kobe的情感很像賈奈特,但他無法像KG 那樣治煉自己球隊的文化。 I wrote a story about Rondo in this week's magazine, and during a 90-minute lunch before Christmas, he discussed why Garnett is adored by teammates even if he is despised by adversaries. Rondo reminisced about how, when Garnett and Allen joined Paul Pierce in 2007, they shouted at him for the ball and he had to keep track of everybody's shots so no one ever took too many or too few. "But K.G. never did that," he said. Rondo described how, when the Celtics are tiring in the fourth quarter, Garnett's voice lifts them even if his shots don't. "Nobody talks like K.G.," he said. "'Right here on the pick! Get rid of the ball!' It's intimidating." Rondo mentioned that he often struggles to sleep after games, so he watches Celtics replays at 2 a.m., and looks for someone to call at 4. "K.G. is always up," he said. 我在這周曾寫過關於朗多的一篇文章,在聖誕前的一次一個半小時的午餐中,朗多 和我討論了為什么即使賈奈特的厭惡者如此憎恨K.G,他依舊被隊友所敬愛着。 朗多回憶起了當年KG和Ray剛加入到Paul-Pierce的球隊時他們是如何向他吼着要球, 而他必須時刻記住大家的出手次数以保证没有人會得到過多或者過少的出手權。 “但賈奈特不是這樣的,”朗多说,他描述了當在第四節比分膠著時, 賈奈特的聲音是如何鼓舞全隊的。“没有人能像K.G.那樣說話”,他說“ ‘就在這個掩護之后,把球傳出去!’這是非常氣勢逼人的。 ”朗多提到他在賽後經常無法入睡,便在凌晨兩點的时候還在觀看 CELTICS的影片,並嘗試在凌晨四点的时候找個人打打電話。“K.G.總是還没有睡,"他說 Celtics coach Doc Rivers insists he doesn't know what the team will do today and cracked that "We're going to trade them all" after a 113-99 loss to the Lakers on Wednesday night. It makes sense to pursue the prospective deal that would send Garnett to the Clippers for Eric Bledsoe and DeAndre Jordan -- Garnett would probably even waive his no-trade clause, given that he owns a house in Malibu -- and jettison Pierce as well. But they wouldn't be the Celtics anymore if they made that trade, at least not as they've been defined since '07. 綠衫軍教練道格-里弗斯肯定他不知道球隊將在今天有何動作,但他很快粉碎了在周 三以113-99的比分輸给湖人隊之後傳出的“他們(綠军)會將所有人都交易出去”的流言 。 一個可以期待的關於KG和快艇的Eric Bledsoe以及 DeAndre Jordan的交易似乎是 合理的 -- KG甚至會放棄他的交易否決權,鑒于他在馬里布有一套房子 -- 並同时抛 棄皮爾斯。但他們將不再是一直Celtics隊,至少不會像是從07年起他們被定義的那樣 At 3 p.m. ET, the Celtics will know if they are going to keep their aura and their backbone. However difficult it may have been to replace Kendrick Perkins, there is no substitute for Kevin Garnett. 在東區下午三點,CELTICS會想出他們是否決定摘下罩在頭上的光環並送出他們的脊椎。 即使他們在困難重重之後找到了代替肯特里克(帕金斯)的辦法,這個世界上並没 有任何東西能夠代替凱文-賈内特,NEVER。 --------------------- 這是交易大限前 記者所寫的 我覺得很棒 我改了一些翻譯 -- 有兩種人不談戀愛﹕ 一種人是 誰 都看不上﹐另一種人是誰都看不上 有兩種人最容易被甩﹕ 一種人不知道什麼叫做愛﹐一種人不知道什麼叫做愛這些人都是原先喜歡一個人﹐後來喜歡一個人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sport0472001 來自: (03/02 21:23)

03/02 21:34, , 1F
03/02 21:34, 1F

03/02 21:34, , 2F
03/02 21:34, 2F

03/02 21:35, , 3F
隊的文化....so true !
03/02 21:35, 3F

03/02 22:06, , 4F
03/02 22:06, 4F

03/02 23:02, , 5F
這世界上沒有任何東西能夠代替KG Never!
03/02 23:02, 5F

03/02 23:22, , 6F
好文 推推推!
03/02 23:22, 6F

03/02 23:31, , 7F
03/02 23:31, 7F

03/02 23:53, , 8F
03/02 23:53, 8F

03/03 00:07, , 9F
KG如果不是對灰狼心灰意冷 也是死命的守住灰狼
03/03 00:07, 9F

03/03 01:58, , 10F
03/03 01:58, 10F

03/03 03:07, , 11F
03/03 03:07, 11F

03/03 03:32, , 12F
03/03 03:32, 12F

03/03 03:52, , 13F
03/03 03:52, 13F

03/03 13:24, , 14F
kg應該還是屬於狼血吧 這樣明尼蘇達會很桑新喔
03/03 13:24, 14F

03/04 02:27, , 15F
03/04 02:27, 15F

03/04 11:57, , 16F
03/04 11:57, 16F
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