[外電] 老賽2010-11賽季回顧 Part2

看板Celtics作者 (ar~shawn~)時間13年前 (2011/05/28 13:22), 編輯推噓5(502)
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2010-11 Season Recap: Part 2 By Marc D'Amico May 24, 2011 BOSTON – The second half of the Boston Celtics' season began in the exact fashion that the first half did, with six wins in their first seven games after the All-Star break. That record, however, wasn't what caught the nation’s attention. 老賽在下半季開始時維持了上半季的火熱,在明星賽後的7場比賽中贏了6場比賽。 然而這並不是全聯盟關注的焦點。 In a shocking move at the trade deadline, Danny Ainge and the Celtics decided to part ways with their starting center, Kendrick Perkins, in order to solidify their talent on the wing. Perkins was traded to Oklahoma City, along with Nate Robinson, in exchange for Jeff Green, Nenad Krstic and the rights to a future Los Angeles Clippers first-round pick. 在交易截止日,Ainge讓人驚訝的把囧臉跟跳豆交易到雷霆隊,換取小綠及捲毛加上 快艇的第一輪選秀權來補強老賽在側翼的深度。 The trade was scrutinized throughout the national media because it was the first time in the current Big Three era that Boston had traded away one of its core players. Perkins had been the starting center for what was now the fourth consecutive season with this group, which, when healthy, had never lost a playoff series. He was the rock that solidified the team's interior defense. 這筆交易引起了媒體的關注,因為這是老賽在三巨頭時代第一次有核心成員被交易 ,囧臉在過去四個賽季一直都是老賽的先發中鋒,當他健康時,老賽沒有輸過任何一 個季後賽系列。 But the damage that was left on Boston's wing after Marquis Daniels' spinal injury was simply too much to cover with a Band-Aid. The Celtics could have looked into the free agent market and brought in an inexperienced wing player, but that plan would not have played out well against the likes of Carmelo Anthony, LeBron James and the rest of the league's elite wing players in the playoffs. 這筆交易是丹丹脊隨受傷後為補強側翼而不得不進行的權宜之計,儘管Ainge還是可 以從自由球員市場找一些沒有經驗的球員補強,但這樣的作法對於季後賽要防守瓜瓜 及李柏榕這樣的球員沒有幫助。 Those superstar players gave Ainge no choice but to make a splash with a trade at the deadline, and he did so be reacquiring a mega-talent that he had originally drafted with the fifth overall selection in the 2007 NBA Draft. Boston selected Green with that pick and then traded his rights to the Seattle SuperSonics as part of a deal for the now all-time 3-point king, Ray Allen. 這些怪物球星讓Ainge別無選擇只能在交易截止前做這筆交易,他找回了原本老賽在 2007年用第5順位選回來並拿來交易現任三分球王Ray的籌碼-小綠。 This season's trade involving Green was completed on Feb. 24, just minutes ahead of the deadline. When it was a done deal, everyone around the country understood that the Celtics were expecting Green to become a legitimate backup to Paul Pierce on the wing, while giving Doc Rivers a ton of versatility in terms of lineups. 這筆交易在2月24號完成,就在交易截止前的幾分鐘。當交易完成時,大家了解老賽 此舉是期望小綠可以成為PP的有力後援並讓河流可以有更靈活的調度。 The side plot, however, was that the weight of the world was placed on the shoulders of Shaquille O'Neal and Jermaine O'Neal to hold down the center position with Perkins out of town. Ainge and the Celtics' medical staff were confident that the two O’Neals would be healthy for the stretch run of the season despite their mid-season injuries. 而這筆交易是建立在尖歐可以在囧臉離開後繼續鞏固老賽的禁區,儘管尖歐在本季都 先後進入過傷兵名單,但Ainge和老賽的醫療團隊還是對尖歐可以健康出賽充滿信心。 Shaq was rehabbing an injured right Achilles that had been bothering him since Feb. 1, when he left a game against the Kings in Sacramento. He had played fantastic basketball to that point, and Boston expected him to fully recover from the injury, which was originally perceived as a day-to-day setback. He would return for only five minutes of game action prior to the playoffs. 歐肥剛從在2月1號左阿基里斯腱的受傷中復原,老賽希望他能夠復原得更好,所以在季 賽前他每場只有出賽5分鐘。 Jermaine O'Neal was even more of a question mark because he underwent a left knee arthroscopy on Feb. 5. That knee had been bothering him all season long and limited him to only 18 games prior to the surgery. Boston believed he would be back in time for the playoffs, but in the meantime the center position would be left to the incoming Krstic. 而小歐的問題更大,他在2月5號進行了膝關節鏡手術,在手術之前他本季只出賽了18場 ,膝傷困擾了他整個球季,但老賽還是期望他能夠在季後賽歸來,而在此期間,老賽先發 中鋒的重任,就落到新同學捲毛的身上。 There was no other center on the active roster at the time of the trade because Ainge also dealt rookie Semih Erden, along with Luke Harangody, to the Cleveland Cavaliers in a move geared toward opening up roster spots for free agent veterans. Daniels, who would not play for the remainder of the season, was traded to Sacramento in a similar roster-clearing move. 老賽此時的名單中沒有其他的中鋒了,因為Ainge為了清出薪資空間來簽市場上的老將 將鵝蛋交易到騎士隊,並將丹丹交易到國王隊。 And so a brand-new Celtics team came together on Feb. 26 in Los Angeles for the team’s third contest after the All-Star break. Veteran free agents Troy Murphy, Sasha Pavlovic and Carlos Arroyo would also be brought on board during the ensuing week, but the first step with a new group was taken against the Clippers. 他們組成的新陣容後的第一場比賽是在LA出戰快艇,在那之後的一週內,老賽陸續和大鼻 、莎莎、阿漏油等老將簽約。 The Celtics couldn't have asked for much more in that first game with their new teammates on board. They finished with a win over the Clips, and Green and Krstic made solid contributions. Krstic scored nine points and grabbed six boards, all of which were offensive, in his starting role, and Green chipped in seven points off of the bench. 老賽在第一場比賽不可能要求新同學太多,但他們還是為贏得比賽做出了堅實的貢獻, 先發的捲毛在這場比賽拿下了9分6籃板,而且6個都是進攻籃板,而板凳出發的小綠則是 拿下了7分。 On that night, and over the course of the next couple of weeks, the new duo would continue to show off their talents. They were able to play with comfort and confidence during that time frame, and each eclipsed the 20-point barrier in their first six games with the team. 在那場比賽及之後的幾週,新同學持續展現他們的才華,他們打的得心應手並充滿自信, 在其間的6場比賽裡他們每場比賽為球隊貢獻20分。 Once the Celtics began to filter in practices during their hectic late-season schedule, all of the positives began to slowly drift away. It all began on March 9, when the lowly Clippers came to town and knocked off the C's in the TD Garden, 108-103. 而當老賽開始嘗試新陣容的可能性,一切就有點不同了,這是從對快艇以108-103輸球的 比賽開始。 That contest coincided with the team's onslaught of practices and cram-sessions that were aimed at teaching its new players the offensive and defensive schemes as quickly as possible. Whatever happened from that point on left Boston in a similar situation to what it experienced during the tail end of the prior season. 這場比賽的目的是讓新同學在季賽結束前,盡量適應老賽的攻守節奏。 Beginning with that loss to the Clippers, Boston finished the regular season by winning just 10 of its final 21 games. Several of those losses were unsettling, coming at the hands of sub-.500 teams like the Clippers, Nets, Bobcats, Pacers and Wizards. 在輸給快艇後,老賽在賽季剩下的21場比賽裡只贏了10場,其中還輸給了一些勝率不 滿五成的球隊。 The late-season struggles dropped Boston out of the top seed in the East, where it had been perched above its competitors for nearly the entire season. With the Chicago Bulls playing red-hot down the stretch behind eventual MVP Derrick Rose, the Celtics were left in a dead heat with, coincidentally, the Miami Heat, for the second seed in the East. 老賽在球季後段讓出了幾乎盤據了一整季的東區龍頭寶座,取而代之的是MVP玫瑰帶領 的公牛隊,而老賽只能跟熱火隊爭奪第2種子。 Earning the second seed would hold great significance because it would result in home court advantage in the second round of the playoffs. The two teams met on April 10 in Miami with the second seed essentially on the line. 取得第2種子的意義非常重大,它代表了季後賽至少到第2輪的主場優勢。 Boston entered that contest having won all three prior contests of the season against the vaunted Heat, but the two teams entered the game with identical records. Whichever team won the contest would have a one-game lead for that second seed in the playoffs, with two games remaining on each team’s schedule. 老賽在這場比賽前隊熱火是三戰全勝,而這場比賽不管誰獲勝,都將在接下來的兩場 比賽中以一場勝差領先對方。 Had the Celtics won the contest, it would have essentially guaranteed them home court in the second round. They already owned the tie-breaker, which meant Miami would have needed to win both of their final two games, combined with two losses by Boston, to overcome a one-game deficit in the standings. 如果老賽贏球,那基本上就是第2種子,而熱火必須要在剩下的兩場比賽全勝,而老賽必 需全敗才能逆轉。 Everyone knew the importance of that April 10 game, as well as the fact that Boston had handled Miami consistently throughout the season. But only one team showed up to AmericanAirlines Arena that Sunday afternoon, and it wasn't the Celtics. 大家都知道這場比賽的重要性,但只有一支球隊能夠在美航球場帶走勝利,但這支球隊 不是老賽。 Miami blew Boston out of the building and eventually won the contest by a score of 100-77. The Celtics hung around in the first half, but trailed by double-digits for nearly the entirety of the second half en route to their demoralizing loss. 老賽最後以100-77大敗給熱火。 That defeat at the hands of the Heat left the Celtics in a slight state of shock. How could they allow a team that they had controlled in three prior games this season to dominate them? More importantly, how could the C's get back to their roots and turn their ship around before the playoffs began? 這場比賽震驚了大家,他們怎麼會讓一支三連敗給他們的球隊主宰他們?更重要的是,河流 要怎麼讓球隊回復狀態。 Doc Rivers had an answer to that question, and he made it blatantly obvious the following night when his team was back in action against the Wizards in Washington, D.C.. Rivers announced before the game that his Big Four of Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo would all sit out the final two games of the regular season in order to heal themselves for the playoff push. That rest gave the group a full week off before their first playoff game. 河流在接下來的比賽給了明顯的答案,他在接下來兩場比賽讓四巨頭休息。這讓他們季後 賽之前有了一週的休息時間。 In the meantime, lesser-known Celtics were afforded the opportunity to shine. Green delivered a monster game of 20 points and 15 rebounds against the Wizards, while Jermaine O’Neal, in just his sixth game back after knee surgery (and his first back-to-back) dropped in 15 points and 13 boards. 在此期間,鮮少有機會的同學得到了機會,小綠在對巫師的比賽中拿下了20分15籃板,而小 歐在他術後回歸的第六場比賽得到了15分13籃板。 Boston lost that game by one point in overtime, but Rivers' decision seemed as if it was the perfect one. Though his team missed out on the second seed with a loss that night, his stars got their rest and his secondary players were able to locate their rhythm. That trend continued two nights later when the C’s knocked off the Knicks in the regular season finale. All five of Boston’s starters, including Jermaine O'Neal, did not participate in that game. 雖然老賽這場比賽在OT中以一分之差落敗,但河流的決策看起來是很完美的,雖然球隊痛失 了第2種子,但是主力球員得到了休息,而替補球員找到自己的節奏,在最後一擊敗尼克的比 賽中先發球員和小歐都沒有上場。 The Celtics did not lose three consecutive games at any point during the regular season, and that allowed them to finish with a 56-26 record, a six-game increase from the prior season. That record landed them in the third seed in the Eastern Conference, which would pit them against the sixth-seeded Knicks in the first round of the playoffs. 老賽在本季從來沒有三連敗過,並得到56-26的紀錄,比上一季多了6場勝場,最後以第三種子 的身分進入季後賽對上第6種子尼克。 Though Boston did not play well down the stretch, there was a fresh feeling surrounding the organization in anticipation of the playoffs. With a week off to heal their bodies and practice, the Celtics were priming themselves to make another improbable run to the NBA Finals after a disappointing end to the regular season. 新聞出處(必填):ESPNBoston http://tinyurl.com/3ekol9r -- 大意就是,下半季很背 丹丹受傷後不得以送走Perk(哭哭) 尖歐又一直待在傷兵名單 然後新同學的磨合又不是很順利 最後還從第一種子落到第三 慘~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ▋ ◤ ▋▋ ▋ ◢█ ███ █ ▋▋▅ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ▋▋ ◢█◣ ▋█◣ ◢█◣ ▋ █ ▋▅ █ █ █ █ ▋▋ ▉ ▋ █ ▋▋ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ███ █ ▋▋ ◥█◣ ▋ █ ▋▋ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ █ █ █ ▋◥█ ▇▇◤ ◥██◣▋▋ ◥██◣▋█◤ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ ◥█ ██▋███ ▇ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/28 13:52, , 1F
05/28 13:52, 1F
※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/28 14:55)

05/28 15:11, , 2F
05/28 15:11, 2F

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05/28 20:14, , 6F
所以你會有這季不如上季的錯覺. 其實只差在禁區而已.
05/28 20:14, 6F

05/28 21:28, , 7F
05/28 21:28, 7F
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