[外電] 老賽2010-11賽季回顧 Part1

看板Celtics作者 (ar~shawn~)時間13年前 (2011/05/26 11:22), 編輯推噓10(1000)
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2010-11 Season Recap: Part 1 By Marc D'Amico May 20, 2011 BOSTON – The Boston Celtics coined the marketing slogan "All About 18" during the summer months heading into the 2010-11 NBA season. They were fresh off of a devastating loss in Game 7 of the previous season’s NBA Finals and were hell-bent on creating a monster during the offseason that would take home the organization’s 18th championship banner in June of 2011. 老賽在2010-11的夏季提出了"All About 18"的口號,那時他們剛在總冠軍系列賽血戰7場落 敗並且一心想要在休賽季期間打造一支可以在明年為球隊帶回第18面冠軍旗幟的怪物勁旅 。 Boston's summer began and ended with promise regarding that goal, leaving the Celts in prime position to make yet another run at that elusive banner. They re-signed several key players, including Paul Pierce and Ray Allen, and added other proven veterans throughout the remainder of the summer who would undoubtedly make a difference. 這是老賽一整個夏天的目標,為了讓老賽可以繼續為總冠軍奮鬥,他們跟幾個重要的球員續 了約,包括PP及Ray,並且補充了一些歷戰的老將。 The opening months of the NBA season let the other 29 teams know that the C's weren't over the hill, and that their questionable moves over the summer, such as signing an aging Shaquille O'Neal and a troubled Delonte West, weren't as questionable as some thought. It all began on Opening Night, in what may have been the most anticipated season opener in the history of the NBA. 開季的一個月裡老賽讓聯盟其他29支球隊了解到老賽並沒有走下坡,而他們在夏天那些讓人 質疑的動作,像是跟老化的歐肥和陷入困境的小西簽約,並不像人們所質疑的那樣。一切都 是從可能是聯盟史上最受矚目的開幕戰開始的。 The summer of 2010 was, to put it simply, the most anticipated free agency period in the history of sports. With numerous high-profile players floating around in free agency, competing for a title was up in the air; all a team needed to do was use its cap space to lure in the necessary pieces. 簡單的說,2010年的夏天的自由球員市場可能是運動史上最令人期待的,隨著多位眾所矚目 的球星出現在市場上,球團們要做的事就是用自己能用的薪資空間去吸引球隊必要的拼圖加 盟。 As we all know by now, Miami, and Pat Riley in particular, did just that. A 47-35 team that made the playoffs in 2010 was able to bolster its lineup by retaining its prince of the city, Dwyane Wade, and also adding the reigning two-time MVP, LeBron James, and an All-Star power forward in Chris Bosh. 而其中做得最好的莫過於熱火隊與神算子,這支在2010年賽季以47勝35敗進入季後賽的球隊 先留住了邁阿密之子杜恩偉,然後吸引了兩屆MVP得主李柏榕及半明星前鋒BO許的加盟。 Miami quickly became the most notable -and despised- team in the league, and that only added to the intrigue of the Opening Night game between that retooled Heat roster and the reloaded, hungry-for-a-banner Celtics. 邁阿密迅速地成為聯盟最受人關注及最被人鄙視的球隊,而這讓重新改組的熱火隊及整裝待 發的老賽間的開幕戰顯得勾心鬥角。 The reigning Eastern Conference champions made a statement on that night by clobbering the Heat for the majority of the 48 minutes of game time. Miami was limited to just nine points in its first quarter of the season, and the Celtics led by as many at 19 points in the second half en route to an 88-80 victory. 東區衛冕冠軍老賽在這場比賽裡完全痛擊了熱火一頓,在球季開始後的前12分鐘裡,熱火只 得到9分,老賽在下半場靠著最多領先19分的優勢終場以88-80擊敗了熱火。 That momentous victory was the springboard to a 6-1 start to the season for Boston, in which it knocked off five teams that had made the playoffs the prior season. Four of those teams made the playoffs again in 2011, so the start of the season was no fluke. 這場勝利開始了季初6勝1敗的成績,其中五隊在去年進入過季後賽,而這五隊中的四隊在今 年都再次打進季後賽,這樣的開局是沒有僥倖的。 What may have been the Celtics's most difficult road trip of the season, in terms of quality of opponents, began at the very end of their 6-1 start. That sixth win came against the Thunder in Oklahoma City, where Boston’s bench shined and helped the team pull out a 92-83 victory. 從板凳出色的表現幫助球隊已92-83在客場擊敗雷霆後,老賽開始了本季最艱難的客場之旅 。 Boston then took on Dallas, Miami and Memphis on the road, respectively, to close out the difficult four-game road stint. All four of those teams would eventually advance to at least the Conference Semifinals in 2011. 隨後老賽到達拉斯,邁阿密,曼菲斯作客出賽,這四支球隊在今年季後賽至少都闖進了第二輪 。 The C's finished that road trip with a 3-1 record, with the only loss coming to the Mavericks by a slim margin of just two points. Dirk Nowitzki hit the go-ahead jumper in that game with just 20 seconds remaining on the clock to seal the victory for Dallas. 老賽最後以3勝1敗的戰績結束了艱難的客場之旅,而唯一輸掉的是在最後20秒被德佬投進超 前分並以兩分之差輸掉的比賽。 That loss, however, did not sour the Celtics' trip, because they bounced back three nights later with a second victory in as many tries against the Heat, this time in Miami. 這場比賽的失利並沒有影響老賽接下來在客場的表現,他們在三天後作客邁阿密的比賽中, 盡全力的再度擊敗了熱火。 This contest was closer than the first, with a final score of 112-107, but the same story played out: Boston outplayed and outmuscled Miami from start to finish. Ray Allen lit the Heat up for a season-high 35 points, Rajon Rondo dished out 16 assists and the Celtics limited Miami to just 30 points in the paint. 這是場比上一場更接近的比賽,但同樣的故事又再度上演了,老賽從這場比賽一開始就在各 個方面都壓制著熱火,Ray拿下本季新高的35分,Rondo則是送出了16次的助攻,而熱火在禁區 只得到了30分。 Speaking of Rondo, who finished with 17 dimes in Boston's victory over Memphis to close out that road trip, he was the engine that propelled the Celtics to their hot start of the season. And he was racing at record speeds. Rondo was s o dominant at the start of the season that he was consistently mentioned in the league's MVP talk, which is saying something considering the star-studded era the NBA is currently in the midst of. 談到Rondo,他在作客曼菲斯的比賽中以17次助攻的表現幫助球隊以勝利來結束這段客場之 旅,隨著Rondo開季以來的精采表現,甚至有言論談到他可能成為本季的MVP人選。 Rondo's hot start to the season included a triple-double against the Knicks that included 24 dimes. He was just the second player in NBA history, along with Hall-of-Famer Isiah Thomas, to record a triple-double with at least that many assists. Rondo's incredible play at the onset of the season also led to 82 total assists (16.4 per game) in Boston's first five games of the season. During that streak, he tied John Stockton for the most assists ever in a team's first three games of the season (50), and then set new records for most assists through four games (67) and five games (82). Rondo的絕好調還包括了對尼克傳出24次助攻的大三元表現,在這之前達成同樣成績的只有 名人成員Isiah Tomas,Rondo開季的神奇表現讓他在前五場比賽就傳出了82次助攻,他先是 追平了老史的前三場比賽50次助攻的紀錄,然後又創造了前四場67次級前五場82次助攻的紀 錄。 With Rondo playing at a nearly unstoppable level and his teammates shooting the ball at a league-best rate, the Celtics continued their hot play and eventually rattled off a 14-game win streak that spanned from Nov. 22 to Dec. 22. The most memorable victory of that streak was a 118-116 triumph over the Knicks, who also entered the contest with a lengthy win streak. Pierce hit a step-back jumper with 0.4 seconds left on the clock to win the game. Amar'e Stoudemire went on to make a 3-pointer at the buzzer to seemingly win the game for New York, but the basket was ruled no good upon video review. 在Rondo無人能擋的表現下,超賽的團隊投籃命中率是全聯盟最高,並在11月22號至12月22號 的期間拿下14連勝,其中最讓人印象深刻的是PP對尼克那顆0.4秒的絕殺三分球。 Despite several injuries to key players from the end of December until the All-Star break, including setbacks to Rondo, Kevin Garnett, Shaq, Jermaine O'Neal and Delonte West, Boston continued to rack up the wins and milestones. 儘管在12月底到明星賽前,包括Rondo,KG,歐肥,小歐,及小西都進過傷兵名單,但他們還是將 勝場數不斷地推進。 The first half of the season was highlighted by the East's top record, at 40-14 , and a few moments in the Garden that no Celtics fan will ever forget. 上半球季老賽取得了東區最佳的戰績,而有幾個時刻是綠血人們永遠也不會忘記的。 First, on Nov. 3 against the Milwaukee Bucks, Pierce notched his 20,000th point on a few throw with 13.3 seconds left in an 105-102 overtime victory. A signature moment of his career will forever be remembered with the image of him standing at the free-throw line after the make, with his head lowered and his arms raised high into the air with peace signs spawning off of each of his hands. The crowd roared around him with a standing ovation, saluting the captain with one of the loudest cheers of the season. 首先,PP在11月3號隊公鹿的比賽中,在OT時間剩下13.3秒時在罰球線上達成了生涯20000分 的里程碑,並幫助球隊以105-102贏球。在那一刻,PP低下頭高舉雙手並擺出Peace的手勢的 畫面將會成為PP職業生涯中的經典圖騰,並永遠被人們記得,在場的球迷全都起立為隊長鼓 掌歡呼,這是本季最喧譁的時刻之一。 Another memorable moment came on Feb. 10, when the Los Angeles Lakers came to town. A perfect subplot surrounded the contest between the league's two biggest rivals. Allen was on the verge of becoming the all-time 3-point king, and the man he was chasing, Reggie Miller, was broadcasting the game for TNT. 另一個難忘的時刻是在2月10號,在神米為TNT轉播湖人隊作客TD花園世仇對決的比賽中的另 一段插曲,Ray將要在這場比賽嘗試成為NBA歷史上的三分球王。 Allen hit his first 3-pointer of the game with 4:13 left in the first quarter to tie Miller’s all-time record of 2,560. The big bucket, however, came with 1:47 remaining in the period, when he rose up from the right wing and swished a trey to put himself in a class of his own. Ray在第一節剩下4分13秒時投進他第一顆三分球,並追平了神米2560顆三分的紀錄,然後在 剩下1分47秒時投進了那顆屬於他自己的三分球。 The moment was incredibly special, with Allen and Miller sharing a hug along the sideline and Allen's family sitting along the baseline to celebrate while the game momentarily stopped. There could not have been a soul in the building without goosebumps, and that included Kobe Bryant. 這真是不可置信的特別時刻,當Ray和神米擁抱及Ray的家人在邊線觀眾席為他慶祝時,球賽 瞬間暫停了,在場的人,包括黑曼巴在內沒有人沒有從靈魂起雞皮疙瘩的。 The same cannot be said for the third memorable moment of the first half, which left everyone in the Garden praying for the health of one of Boston's players. 而令人難以言喻的第三的時刻則是屬於一個大家為他的健康祈禱,已經離開球隊的球員的。 While taking on the Orlando Magic in a nationally televised contest on ABC on Feb. 6, Marquis Daniels drove to the basket near on right baseline in front of Boston's bench and collided with Orlando guard Gilbert Arenas. The collision came at the 11:01 mark of the second quarter, and it couldn't have been more frightening. 在2月6號出賽奧蘭的比賽中,丹丹在一次往底線切入的過程中受了傷,這真是太可怕了。 Daniels' head bumped into Arenas' chest as he attempted to drive by the defender, and Daniels quickly tumbled to the parquet and lay there motionless for several minutes. After being attended to by the team medical staff, Daniels , who had experienced neck issues in the past, was taken off of the court on a stretcher. He was later diagnosed with a bruised spinal cord. 丹丹在試圖越過防守他的魔術隊後衛探員時,頭部撞到探員的胸部,隨後馬上倒在地上動也 不動的持續了好幾分鐘,在經過防護員檢查之後,丹丹被抬上擔架送往醫院。之後他被診斷 為脊髓撞傷。 Boston's first half of the season featured a plethora of positives that all contributed to Doc Rivers and his coaching staff being able to lead the Eastern Conference All-Stars in Los Angeles, including four of their own players . That injury to Daniels, however, threw the positive aura off kilter. 老塞上半季的表現讓河流成為東區明星隊的教練,並率領4名子弟兵參加LA舉辦的全明星週 。 The Celtics hoped for the best when his injury first occurred, but as time played its course, the facts became painfully obvious, and they weren't good. Daniels' ability to return to the court dwindled by the day, and that left Danny Ainge in the precarious position of figuring out what the next step was in the Celtics' pursuit of Banner 18. 關於丹丹的傷勢,老賽本來一直保持著樂觀,但後來痛苦的事實已經越來越明顯,丹丹回到場 上的機率越來越低,這讓Ainge在找出對於幫助球隊贏得第18面冠軍旗的下一步處於風雨飄 搖的處境。 新聞出處(必填):ESPNBoston http://tinyurl.com/3wyqmjv -- 充滿紀錄及美好回憶的上半季 丹丹加油!! -- ▋ ◤ ▋▋ ▋ ◢█ ███ █ ▋▋▅ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ▋▋ ◢█◣ ▋█◣ ◢█◣ ▋ █ ▋▅ █ █ █ █ ▋▋ ▉ ▋ █ ▋▋ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ███ █ ▋▋ ◥█◣ ▋ █ ▋▋ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ ▋ █ █ █ █ ▋◥█ ▇▇◤ ◥██◣▋▋ ◥██◣▋█◤ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ ◥█ ██▋███ ▇ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/26 11:28)

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推 上半季感覺很美好
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