[外電] Eyes on the clock

看板Celtics作者 (ar~shawn~)時間13年前 (2011/05/19 10:46), 編輯推噓9(1018)
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Eyes on the clock The Celtics have given every indication that their aging core of Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnett will return next season for what's likely one final run at an NBA title. There's already been talk about adjusting their roles and lessening their minutes, and the latter might be most important for Garnett, who turns 35 in two days and is the one with the most NBA miles on his tires. 種種跡象表明,老賽三老頭將繼續合體並試圖最後一次衝擊總冠軍,已經有言論開始討論三 老頭的腳色定位及出賽時間,而其中出賽時間對於將滿35歲(美國時間19號)的KG而言是最重 要的問題。 As crucial as Garnett has been to the Celtics over the last four seasons -- particularly on the defensive end -- coach Doc Rivers has always been adamant about keeping his minutes in check, with the hopes of preserving him for the playoffs. In each of his four seasons with Boston, Garnett has averaged less than 33 minutes per game during the regular season, with a 32-minute night (if not less) being ideal in Rivers' mind. Typically, Garnett will play the first eight minutes or so of the first and third quarters, retreat to the bench to rest, and return for approximately the final eight minutes of the second and fourth quarters. But Rivers said on Monday that minute pattern wore on Garnett over the course of the most recent campaign, and he'll look to make an adjustment going into next season. 身為老賽過去四年尤其是在防守端上的關鍵人物,河流一直對他的上場時間斤斤計較,並希 望他能在季後賽有更多的體力,在來到超賽的四賽季裡,KG的場均上場時間少於33分鐘,而河 流心中理想的的上場時間是32分鐘,在通常的情況下,KG會在第一節及第三節的前8分鐘上場 ,然後回到板凳上休息,並在第二節以及第四節的最後8分鐘回到場上。不過河流在週一時提 到,這樣的時間模式在最近的比賽中消耗了KG,而他將在下個賽季作出調整。 "Kevin Garnett, for example, instead of playing him two stints in a half, which is equal to 32 minutes, you have to play him three five-minute increments, to let him play with his power, give him a little rest, bring him back in," Rivers told Boston sports radio WEEI (850 AM). "I think substituting him that way will keep him fresher, longer. I thought the longer minutes, you know, even six, seven, eight minutes in a row, over the year, caught up to him, so I want to change that." "對KG而言,用以前的方法讓他打32分鐘,還不如以5分鐘為單位,讓他打得更有能量,並讓他 得到休息,"河流在上地方體育電台節目WEEI時表示。"我想這樣的調度方式可以讓他打得更 有能量,更持久()。我想讓KG一整年持續上場不管6、7、8分鐘將會累垮他,所以我想要改 變這種方式。" Rivers might also have to explore the idea of strategically resting Garnett over the course of next season, perhaps holding him out of the second night of a back-to-back on occasion or sitting him in the midst one of one of those daunting four-games-in-five-nights stretches that teams often find themselves fighting through. 河流可能在下個球季也要想出策略來讓KG得到更多的休息,或許是讓他在背靠背的第二場休 息,或是在密集賽程中打一休一。 Strategically resting players in the NBA isn't necessarily a new concept. Just look at San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, who, for years, has been emphasizing needed rest for some of his best players over winning regular-season games, and has been particularly mindful of the minutes of another of the NBA's best big men in Tim Duncan. 策略性的休息再NBA並不是甚麼新鮮事兒,看看馬刺隊的教頭波波,多年來他讓自己最好的球 員在季賽得到充分的休息,並且斤斤計較聯盟另一個偉大的大個子TD(a.k.a. 石佛)的上場 時間。 Popovich said during the 2009-10 season that keeping Duncan around the 32-minute mark is usually his goal, noting that playing him closer to 40 minutes would hurt him come playoff time. In terms of giving Duncan extra rest during the season, consider Jan. 13, 2010, when, with the Spurs in the middle of a five-games-in-seven-nights stretch, Popovich held him out of a 109-108 victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder, after Duncan had played 40 minutes the previous night in a 105-85 win over the Los Angeles Lakers. 波波在09-10賽季設定了石佛的出賽時間以32分鐘為目標,而通過石佛的特別休息條款,2010 年1月份馬刺隊在7天5戰的密集賽程中,讓石佛在以109-108擊敗雷霆的比賽中休息,並在下 一場比賽上場40分鐘率領球隊以105-85擊敗洛杉磯湖人隊 Duncan, who played a career-low 28.4 minutes per game this past season, has been receptive to the strategy employed by Popovich, and the Celtics will have to hope that Garnett and his "If I can walk, I can play" mindset will be as agreeable, should they employ a similar plan next season. 石佛波波的策略下本季場均出賽時間是生涯新低的28.4分鐘,而老賽將希望KG以及他那 "只要我還能走路,我就能上場"的信念能夠同意老賽在下個賽季應該會採取跟波波類似的做 法。 When asked last Friday if the C's would be open to a Popovich-like approach with Garnett, general manager Danny Ainge said: "Yeah, maybe so. Yeah." 當在上週五被問到老賽會不會對KG採取類似波波的做法時,Ainge表示:"是啊,也許會吧。" The Celtics understand the playoffs are what matter most for a club with championship aspirations, and having their key guys fresh for the postseason games gets more important with each passing year. There were mixed results on that front with Garnett in the most recent go-around. After playing just 31.3 minutes per game during the regular season, Garnett helped the Celtics skirt by the Knicks in the first round, and after two subpar performances in Games 1 and 2 in the second round against the Heat, he exploded for 28 points and 18 rebounds while playing 38 minutes in Game 3. But as a result of that exertion, Garnett couldn't stay fresh for Games 4 and 5, and his production wavered, particularly in Game 4 when he played 41 minutes and finished just 1 of 10 from the field, finishing with seven points. In Game 5, Garnett scored 12 points and grabbed five rebounds in the first quarter, but scored only three points and pulled down just six rebounds over the final three frames. 老賽明白對於總冠軍的渴望而言,季後賽是最重要的一環,而其中保持關鍵人物的體力變得 比過去任何一年都來的重要。本季場均出賽時間31.3分鐘的KG在季後賽第一輪幫助球隊橫 掃了尼克隊,而在第二輪對讓熱火的第一及第二場比賽表現欠佳後,KG在第三場比賽出賽38 分鐘並得到了2818籃板幫助球隊取得勝利,但如此拼命的結果是,在第四及第五戰中KG無 法保持他的能量,他在第四戰出賽了41分鐘卻只有7分,10投1中的表現,而在第五戰的第一節 他拿下了125籃板,但是在最後的三節裡只得到了36籃板。 On Monday, Rivers dismissed the idea of Garnett being injured in the final game of the Heat series, reiterating that he was simply low on energy. 河流在週一時駁斥了關於KG在最後一場比賽受傷的說法,並重申他只是單純的累了。 "No he wasn't [injured]," Rivers told WEEI. "I just thought Kevin gave so much in Game 3, I never thought he could get that energy back. You could see it and there's not a lot we could do about it. But we needed him on the floor, obviously." "不,他沒有受傷,"河流這麼告訴WEEI。"我想他只是在第三戰氣力放盡了,我從來都不認為 他可以在接下來的比賽中恢復。你可以看得出來我們對於這種情況素手無策,但很明顯的我 們還是需要他在場上。" Having seen the effects of lengthy minutes firsthand, preservation of his key players will reside near the top of Rivers' priority list next season, in what might be the final run for guys like Garnett, Allen, and Pierce as nightly go-to players. As for current priorities to help sustain his aging core, Rivers couldn't stop stressing the need for the Celtics to add more talent this summer . 三老頭時代的後期,保持他的主要球員處於巔峰狀態將是河流在下個賽季的主要目標,至 於目前的主要目標,河流一直強調老賽必須在今年夏天添加更多的人才。 "I don't know if it's the final run for them as players, but for them being great players every night, I think Father Time wins every time, he never loses, " said Rivers. "So, we're going to try to preserve them the best we can, and again that's why I keep going back to we have to add the right guys, so we can do that. And the right guys that fit our team -- that's important as well." "我不知道這是不是他們球員生涯的最後一季,但他們每晚都是如此偉大的球員,我想歲月總 是不饒人的,"河流說道。"所以我們將盡我們最大的努力去維護他們,而這也是為什麼我一 直強調要添加合適的新血,這樣我們才能達到這目標。以及讓新血融入我們的團隊,這也很 重要。" 新聞出處(必填):ESPNBoston http://tinyurl.com/3mv3okv 作者:Greg Payne -- 激情、能量、創意-公務員KG即將現身? 讀書心得:RayRay體力真好...and打禁區好累Orz --           ~GM們的戰國              June, 2011 in NBA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/19 10:48) ※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/19 10:51) ※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/19 10:51)

05/19 10:53, , 1F
有點小花 不過感謝翻譯
05/19 10:53, 1F

05/19 11:16, , 2F
05/19 11:16, 2F

05/19 11:22, , 3F
RayRay體力好歸體力好 還是要有人幫他分擔阿
05/19 11:22, 3F

05/19 11:29, , 4F
以現有薪資來看內線真是難補~= =
05/19 11:29, 4F

05/19 11:40, , 5F
學波波幹嘛? 沒看到打養生籃球 打到往生了?
05/19 11:40, 5F

05/19 11:55, , 6F
05/19 11:55, 6F

05/19 12:02, , 7F
把內線拆掉 去換人一堆的2 3號位 現在該承受苦果了
05/19 12:02, 7F

05/19 12:04, , 8F
3號沒有一堆啊= =
05/19 12:04, 8F

05/19 12:06, , 9F
2 3號可以換著打 有莎莎 wafer等人都被冰著
05/19 12:06, 9F

05/19 12:07, , 10F
交易後green有時還要補到4號 3號位PP反而比以前更累
05/19 12:07, 10F

05/19 12:37, , 11F
05/19 12:37, 11F

05/19 13:09, , 12F
換一堆23來沒用到+1 豪華的板凳區
05/19 13:09, 12F

05/19 13:12, , 13F
有種挖東牆補西牆的感覺 休賽期快磨合吧
05/19 13:12, 13F

05/19 14:39, , 14F
得到的結論是KG還會打:p 太好了
05/19 14:39, 14F

05/19 16:53, , 15F
05/19 16:53, 15F

05/19 20:02, , 16F
不要冰人就會有新血注入 = ="
05/19 20:02, 16F

05/19 21:41, , 17F
季賽可以這樣打 那季後賽咧 還不是只能照樣操老人
05/19 21:41, 17F

05/19 21:41, , 18F
要保護KG與其在時間上限制 不如替他找幫手來分擔工作
05/19 21:41, 18F

05/19 21:42, , 19F
又要防守又要籃板還要進攻 KG很難像TD那麼好命啦
05/19 21:42, 19F
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