[外電] Ainge: Perkins' health a concern

看板Celtics作者 (其實我很帥)時間13年前 (2011/03/04 18:31), 編輯推噓13(1307)
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Ainge on Big Show: Perkins' health a concern http://tinyurl.com/4juemwr 基本上就是PERK想要比較長比較大的約,而安吉在兼顧球隊現在的同時, 也要保有球隊未來重建的競爭力,權衡之下有了交易。 除此之外,安吉個人情感上相當擔心PERK的傷勢 (﹋﹏﹌)... --------------------------------- Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge joined The Big Show to talk about the trade that sent Kendrick Perkins to Oklahoma City and how he sees the new pieces fitting for his team. Ainge reitterated that there were a number of factors that led to the trade including the financial ramifications of a new contract for Perkins, who would have been a free agent after this year, as well as the chance to add players who can help the Celtics win this year. But Ainge was also concerned about Perkins' knees. "I was worried about Perk's health," Ainge said. "Perk was not the same player coming off the knee surgery and then he had the sprained knee ligament against Golden State that was going to put him out for a few more weeks. There was some concern there." Ainge added later in the interview, "There's one thing I would never question with Kendrick is his integrity, his character, his work ethic. He's a great young man and individual, but I've never seen a guy come back what they were especially as quick as he came back. He came back, which is to his credit. That tells you what kind of character he has. That was an amazing feat. He didn't just have an ACL tear. He had an MCL partial tear. he had a meniscus tear in the same knee. But he was not the same player, then he had the injury against Golden State in the other knee. So, yeah. Of course there's doubt." 安吉非常肯定PERK的天分、努力和毅力,但也擔心PERK的傷勢。 (如果安吉所言不假,PERK傷的還不輕......) Ainge said that while the trade does help with their future rebuilding efforts, he never would have done the deal if he thought it would have cost his team a chance at winning a championship this year. "I would have never done that if I thought we were taking a step backwards for this year," Ainge said. "With this unique opportunity with the big four trying to win a championship right now, if I thought we were taking a step back I would have sacrificed that for a chance to win this year." Ainge also said that he talked with Perkins' agent over the All-Star break and tried to convince them to sign an extension with the team, but that they were determined to test the market. Perkins later signed an extension with Oklahoma City who had more room under the cap to offer a larger deal. "I knew what the open market had in store for Kendrick Perkins so I'm not shocked at all that Oklahoma City gave Kendrick the money that they gave them. That was not something we could do with the payroll we have. That was completely out of the question." 當時PERK拒絕和C's續約,決定去市場上試水溫......最終和雷霆簽約了。 (看看我們那時候給PERK的價碼和現在雷霆給的差多少就好.......╮(﹀_﹀")╭ ) Here are some other highlights from the conversation: On the upgrades to the bench: "Our success this year will be determined more by those four, our four All-Stars more than anyone else. Now Doc [Rivers] looks down the bench and he has a three-year starter that's 24 years old in Jeff Green. A guy that started two years ago on the team with the best record in the NBA at point guard in Delonte West. Troy Murphy who's' been a starter his entire career and is only 30 years old. He looks down the bench and sees nothing but starters." On Jermaine O'Neal: "He looks great. He looks better now than he did in training camp. Jermaine was talking about retirement and wondering if he had it. Tough decisions going back and forth. I think now he wishes he had done the surgery a little earlier. His spirits are up, he's putting the time in, I think we'll have the good Jermaine." Ainge estimated a time-table for his return at around three weeks. 然後,言下之意是小歐可以稍微期待一下嗎......復原的還不錯的樣子...... On Rivers' biggets coaching challenge: "Doc toughest job is the Jeff Green piece. The most difficult transition is going to be Jeff Green because Jeff is so capable of playing so many different things to maximize his talents. he's got so much to offer I think that's Doc single focus seeing the things he can do and how to best utilize him." 河流對小綠期待之高的咧 ~~~~ # -------------------------------------- 希望PERK等傷完全好再上場吧..... 將來有機會還在期待他回來呀...(/ ̄/ ︿ \ ̄\)... ONCE A CELTIC, ALWAYS A CELTIC ~ GOOD LUCK PERK ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (03/04 18:33)

03/04 18:55, , 1F
03/04 18:55, 1F

03/04 18:56, , 2F
Perk當初剛受傷說三場不會上 看來是樂觀了 不過雷霆
03/04 18:56, 2F

03/04 18:56, , 3F
也不是傻瓜 當然會先驗貨 所以應該沒傷太重吧
03/04 18:56, 3F

03/04 19:10, , 4F
03/04 19:10, 4F

03/04 19:13, , 5F
驗傷這簡單的話 我們簽小歐作啥.....
03/04 19:13, 5F

03/04 20:14, , 6F
03/04 20:14, 6F

03/04 20:14, , 7F
03/04 20:14, 7F

03/04 20:26, , 8F
以後要簽人前 先做好健康檢查...
03/04 20:26, 8F

03/04 21:36, , 9F
Green他比較適合小球啦 暫時不適應半場是一定會的
03/04 21:36, 9F

03/04 21:37, , 10F
03/04 21:37, 10F

03/04 22:07, , 11F
03/04 22:07, 11F

03/04 22:11, , 12F
我說得驗傷是指MRI那種 看看有沒有撕裂傷之類的重傷
03/04 22:11, 12F

03/04 22:15, , 13F
03/04 22:15, 13F

03/04 22:47, , 14F
03/04 22:47, 14F

03/04 22:53, , 15F
orz 不是在說Perk嗎 我已經完全沒指望小歐(無視狀態)
03/04 22:53, 15F

03/04 23:06, , 16F
03/04 23:06, 16F

03/04 23:06, , 17F
啊 T_______T
03/04 23:06, 17F

03/04 23:12, , 18F
好像再一周 已經開始參加無碰撞的練球了
03/04 23:12, 18F

03/04 23:21, , 19F
我們這次交易找來的都是先發等級的球員 我看到未來
03/04 23:21, 19F

12/10 13:11, 5年前 , 20F
事實上小歐有做MRI, https://muxiv.com
12/10 13:11, 20F
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