[外電] What we've learned about the Celtics

看板Celtics作者 (望月飛華)時間13年前 (2010/11/30 11:44), 編輯推噓34(3407)
留言41則, 36人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
趁空大致作了翻譯 新聞出處(必填): Boston.com http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/gallery/11_28_10_month/ The Celtics are 12-4 after the first month of the NBA season, a record even the greediest Celtics fan can't gripe with. But beyond November wins and losses, we've learned some truths about this team -- both good and bad -- that could be indicators of potential playoff success. Read on for five early revelations on the 2010-2011 Celtics. 季賽的第一個月以後,塞爾蒂克的戰績是12勝4負,一個最貪心的塞迷也沒法兒抱怨的 好成績。但是,在整個11月的勝敗之外,我們已從這支球隊身上認識到一些或好或壞的 事實,可以拿來當作季後賽潛力的觀察指標。下文將指出在本季初,五個關於塞隊球員 們的發現。 1. They're fragile First the bad. Delonte West's freak wrist injury is the latest setback, but it likely won't be the last. Both Shaquille and Jermaine O'Neal have missed time this season with knee injuries, the latter injury something that could cause Jermaine O'Neal problems all season. West will be out at least three months, while Kendrick Perkins won't return to action until January or February. With their depth thin, the Celtics' starters are likely to play more minutes, increasing their chances of getting injured as well. As long as everyone's healthy in May and June it shouldn't matter, but will they be? 1. 他們是脆弱的 首先是壞消息。Delone West的腕傷是塞隊新近遭逢的挫折,但傷兵問題看來還沒完沒 了。Shaq和小歐因為膝傷在本季缺陣良久,小歐最近這次的傷還可能困擾他一整季。 West最少要休息三個月,Kendrick Perkins則得等到明年一、二月才有可能回到場上。 由於坐板凳的都跑去做復健了,老塞的先發球員看來都得負擔更多的上場時間,而這同 時也增加了他們受傷的風險。只要明年五、六月能夠全員健康,那麼這就不會成為什麼 大問題。但到了那時候,老塞們當真都能夠持盈保泰嗎? 2. Rondo's a star Rajon Rondo busted out during last year's playoffs, but it didn't take Rondo long to raise his status this season. He opened with 17 assists against the Miami Heat on national television, then dropped 24 assists on the Knicks three nights later. The Celtics point guard is averaging 14.2 assists on the season, and he'll be an All-Star lock if he keeps up that pace. Playing with an aging group, the young Rondo is quickly becoming his team's best player. 2. Rondo是顆星 軟豆在上季季後賽受了傷,但這並不妨礙他本季的狀況調整。他在開季對上熱火的全國 轉播比賽當中繳出17次助攻的佳績,然後又在三天後對上尼克的比賽裡面送出了24次。 這位塞隊的得分後衛,本季平均每場有14.2個助攻,繼續保持這種表現,他鐵定會被選 進明星賽。在一支上了年紀的球隊當中,年輕的軟豆正迅速成為隊上最好的球員。 3. It's harder than it looks Can we finally start giving Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnett some credit for sacrificing individual glory to come to the Celtics? And while we're at it, how good of a coach is Doc Rivers? LeBron James (left) and Dwyane Wade have provided an example of what can go wrong when NBA superstars join forces. The Heat are 9-8 and third place in the Southeast Division. Quite simply, they look like a mediocre basketball team. They may eventually put it together, but consider what it means that the Celtics already have. And after the season's first month, it's clear this group of Celtics still has what it takes to make another run. 3. 沒那麼簡單 現在,我們終於可以開始給老皮、雷槍、KG一些讚揚了吧?他們犧牲了個人榮耀,成就 了塞爾蒂克。與此同時,我們或許還得想想,Doc Rivers是個多麼好的教練。LeBron James跟Dwyane Wade的例子,已經示範了當NBA的超級巨星湊在一起的時候,事情可以 變得怎樣糟糕。熱火現在9勝8負,東南區排名第三,說得直接點,他們看來就像一支二 流籃球隊。最終,他們或許會共同渡過難關,但這意味著他們得到那個時候,才會擁有 現在的塞爾蒂克所擁有的東西。而經過本季的第一個月,賽爾蒂克的團隊表現證明了, 他們仍舊擁有那些,可以讓他們繼續往下衝刺的東西。 4. KG's back It was sometimes painful to watch Garnett last year, but anyone who's seen him play this season knows Garnett is a different player. A full year removed from knee surgery, Garnett has flourished in 2010, averaging 15.7 points and 9.3 rebounds. His ups? They're back. So are the highlight-reel alley oops from Rondo. 4. 狼王歸位 上季看著KG帶傷打球是令人難過的經驗。但是,無論是誰看到KG本季的表現都會明白, 他已經與上季截然不同。一個遠離膝蓋手術的完整球季,KG已開始活躍在場上,場均 15.7分、9.3籃板。他找回了過去在空中的身手,就像那些在highlight裡面從Rondo手 上接過來的Alley oops一樣,狼王回來了。 5. Paul Pierce never left He's in the best shape of his life, he just passed 20,000 career points, and -- most importantly -- he seems happy. Paul Pierce is leading the Celtics in scoring once again. His game seems to be ageless, conserving energy with his terrific footwork and patented step-back jumper, then exploding down the lane for dunks. This Paul Pierce can help the Celtics win a championship. 5. Paul一直都在 他正處在生命裡的最佳狀態,他剛剛突破了生涯的第兩萬分--最重要的是,他看起來 很快樂。老皮正在帶領塞爾蒂克再一次走向勝利。他的比賽表現看來不受年紀影響,仍 舊保持著能量,以及那老球皮的步法和後仰跳投,時不時還能炸開一條路衝進去灌籃。 這樣的Paul Pierce,能夠幫助塞爾蒂克,拿下一座冠軍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/30 11:53, , 1F
推5.嚕~ XD
11/30 11:53, 1F

11/30 12:16, , 2F
11/30 12:16, 2F

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11/30 13:16, 11F

11/30 13:56, , 12F
第五點~~~ KU魂!
11/30 13:56, 12F

11/30 14:46, , 13F
感謝翻譯 提供一點小意見:第4點裡的His ups? They're
11/30 14:46, 13F

11/30 14:46, , 14F
11/30 14:46, 14F

11/30 14:47, , 15F
back...ups是get-ups的簡稱 在籃球文章裡泛指各類的
11/30 14:47, 15F

11/30 14:48, , 16F
高空動作 表示一個球員能跳 而不是黏在地板上 這段是
11/30 14:48, 16F

11/30 14:49, , 17F
11/30 14:49, 17F

11/30 14:50, , 18F
的KG) 個人意見 參考一下~
11/30 14:50, 18F

11/30 15:28, , 19F
11/30 15:28, 19F

11/30 15:32, , 20F
It's all about 18!!!
11/30 15:32, 20F

11/30 15:41, , 21F
It's all about 18!!!
11/30 15:41, 21F

11/30 15:57, , 22F
真的是!It's all about 18!!!
11/30 15:57, 22F

11/30 16:16, , 23F
what about ray?
11/30 16:16, 23F

11/30 16:38, , 24F
推 感謝 (搭滅絕師太歌是哪招XD
11/30 16:38, 24F

11/30 16:43, , 25F
KG's back!
11/30 16:43, 25F

11/30 17:25, , 26F
但Ray的上場時間還是過長無解啊> <
11/30 17:25, 26F

11/30 17:30, , 27F
11/30 17:30, 27F
※ 編輯: penheart 來自: (11/30 18:10)

11/30 18:01, , 28F
11/30 18:01, 28F

11/30 18:12, , 29F
11/30 18:12, 29F

11/30 18:13, , 30F
感謝指正 我對英文術語不熟 很謝謝板友的解說~
11/30 18:13, 30F

11/30 18:22, , 31F
KG's back!
11/30 18:22, 31F

11/30 18:33, , 32F
11/30 18:33, 32F

11/30 18:37, , 33F
11/30 18:37, 33F

11/30 20:14, , 34F
喔喔喔 <( ‵▽′)-σ_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▄▅
11/30 20:14, 34F

11/30 20:39, , 35F
11/30 20:39, 35F

11/30 22:46, , 36F
11/30 22:46, 36F

11/30 22:52, , 37F
KG's back!
11/30 22:52, 37F

11/30 23:16, , 38F
It's all about 18!!!
11/30 23:16, 38F

12/01 00:25, , 39F
12/01 00:25, 39F

12/01 15:36, , 40F
12/01 15:36, 40F

04/18 21:13, 5年前 , 41F
04/18 21:13, 41F
文章代碼(AID): #1Cz7CYVO (Celtics)