[轉錄][外絮] 波士頓重簽搖擺人Daniels

看板Celtics作者 (静かな日々の階段を)時間14年前 (2010/07/23 11:40), 編輯推噓19(1907)
留言26則, 17人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CIF-dnp ] 作者: swordmr20 (花吃魷魚麵) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 波士頓重簽搖擺人Daniels 時間: Fri Jul 23 10:34:12 2010 http://sports.espn.go.com/boston/nba/news/story?id=5402771 The Celtics continued reassembly of last season's roster Thursday, re-signing Marquis Daniels for the 2010-11 season. The seventh-year swingman agreed to a one-year, $2.5 million contract, his agent, Mark Bartelstein, confirmed to ESPN.com Thursday evening. Signed with the biannual exception last summer, Daniels was regarded as a potential steal coming off a season in which he averaged 13.6 points, 4.6 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game in 54 appearances for the Indiana Pacers. But Daniels tore a ligament in his left thumb early in the 2009-10 season and never found a role upon returning to the lineup. He averaged 5.6 points, 1.9 rebounds and 1.3 assists per game over 51 appearances, but played sparingly late in the season and through the playoffs. Daniels suffered a concussion in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals against the Orlando Magic and missed much of the NBA Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers. He logged a mere four minutes in Game 6 of that series. A return engagement in Boston seemed unlikely, but the departure of Tony Allen, who signed a three-year deal with Memphis, left Boston dangerously thin on the wings. In a free-agent market that offered little in the way of impact bodies, particularly with Boston able to offer only the veteran minimum, the Celtics appear willing to roll the dice again with Daniels. The Celtics boasted non-Bird Rights with Daniels, allowing them to re-sign him for up to 120 percent of his 2010-11 value. With a one-year pact, he'll get another shot at showing he can be the type of player who commanded upward of $6.8 million in Indiana. Meanwhile, Boston gets a low-cost player with high-reward potential and a reputation as a solid defender, something they'll sorely miss without Allen. Daniels is an oft-injured player who has missed fewer than 20 games in a season just once (playing 74 games for Indiana in 2007-08). Of 574 possible regular-season games since he's come into the league, Daniels has sat out a whopping 172 of them. But when healthy, he's one of the most versatile wings in the league (he played a lot of backup point guard for Boston at the start of the 2009-10 season) and can defend the opposition's best player when Paul Pierce or Ray Allen is not on the floor. The Celtics have now re-signed Pierce, Ray Allen, Nate Robinson and Daniels this offseason, keeping the core of their near-championship team together even on a tight budget. Boston used its midlevel exception to sign Jermaine O'Neal to a two-year contract and he's likely to begin the season as the team's starting center as Kendrick Perkins recovers from offseason ACL surgery. When Perkins returns, O'Neal could slide into a reserve role similar to the one occupied by Rasheed Wallace last season. Wallace suggested to the Celtics that he planned to retire after Boston's Game 7 loss to the Lakers in the Finals. It remains unclear if he's pondering a potential return, or simply allowing the Celtics to shop his contract on the offseason trade market. The Celtics also signed rookies Avery Bradley (19th overall in 2010 draft) and Semih Erden (60th overall in 2008 draft), bringing them to 12 players under contract for the 2010-11 season. ------- 去年受傷歸隊後就比較少上場的丐幫幫主Marquis Daniels 已經同意波士頓給的一年2.5M的合約 在印地安那時期 Daniels平均13.6分,4.6個籃板和2.1次助攻 Daniels過去有許多次受傷的紀錄 波士頓表示 他們認為Daniels這次簽的合約 是一次低成本但高回報的投資 而Daniels的防守讓他們不必想念Tony Allen 另外這幾個禮拜以來 塞爾提克也搞定了PP 雷槍 Nate等人的合約 甚至也補進了小歐 目前Perkins需要韌帶開刀以及靜養 在開季前會先讓小歐扛先發 等到KP回來時再讓小歐回到上一季噓蛙扮演的腳色 噓蛙也還在猶豫到底要回來打球 還是乾脆退休讓波士頓充分利用它的合約 新秀方面他們簽下了這次選秀會選來的Avery Bradley 以及08年所選的Semih Erden -- Jerhyn: Jerhyn: llewod: llewod: nony69: 什麼東西藏在 黑黑長長 如果三十公分 那就打開褲檔 海綿體寶寶 ●> 我的褲子裡 \●/ 又臭有毛 ●/ 是你的願望 讓大鵰飛翔 海綿體寶寶 < m@ \/ 海綿體寶寶 ) 海綿體寶寶 ) 海綿體寶寶 ) 海綿體寶寶 海綿體寶寶 ~● /\ /\ ψQSWEET 海綿體~~~寶寶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 10:35,
07/23 10:35
※ 編輯: swordmr20 來自: (07/23 10:37)

07/23 10:36,
I don't care.
07/23 10:36

07/23 10:37,
I don't care.
07/23 10:37

07/23 10:38,
相較之下C's只補小歐,又走了Tony Allen....
07/23 10:38

07/23 10:38,
07/23 10:38

07/23 10:38,
07/23 10:38

07/23 10:38,
07/23 10:38

07/23 10:39,
07/23 10:39

07/23 10:39,
07/23 10:39

07/23 10:40,
07/23 10:40

07/23 10:40,
這隻簽回不錯啊 BOS今年GM表現不錯 老將都降薪簽 還
07/23 10:40

07/23 10:40,
補到小歐 其實算不錯了
07/23 10:40

07/23 10:41,
07/23 10:41

07/23 10:41,
07/23 10:41

07/23 10:41,
東西區各8隊就沒辦法洗戰績啦!! XD
07/23 10:41

07/23 10:41,
07/23 10:41

07/23 10:42,
小歐? 問問熱火迷吧
07/23 10:42

07/23 10:42,
好好認真扛就OK吧 而且今年的薪水沒有去年那麼銷魂XD
07/23 10:42

07/23 10:42,
07/23 10:42

07/23 10:43,
小歐只要壓力不大 應該....會有最強的一年...
07/23 10:43

07/23 10:43,
小歐...... 反正是替補用 季中不ok交易掉就好啦!!
07/23 10:43

07/23 10:45,
小歐當年蓋大歐的那一幕 超帥
07/23 10:45

07/23 10:46,
07/23 10:46

07/23 10:46,
小歐替補禁區還算不錯拉 後場比較麻煩
07/23 10:46

07/23 10:46,
07/23 10:46

07/23 10:47,
Tony Allen走,是不是還差一個搖擺人替補?
07/23 10:47

07/23 10:47,
Ray PP Daniels三人輪值?
07/23 10:47

07/23 10:48,
搖擺人替補的話 看看鐵牛會不會回來
07/23 10:48

07/23 10:49,
目前還有一個在夏季聯盟掙扎的Gearld Green
07/23 10:49

07/23 10:49,
鐵牛今年就很少用了 不期不待
07/23 10:49

07/23 10:49,
07/23 10:49

07/23 10:50,
07/23 10:50

07/23 10:50,
07/23 10:50

07/23 10:50,
Green也別期待了 我看比賽 他還是不太能在nba生存
07/23 10:50

07/23 10:50,
07/23 10:50

07/23 10:50,
灌籃王別期待了 夏季聯賽打得超級.....鳥
07/23 10:50

07/23 10:53,
Avery Bradley 很有天分防守也不錯 會是能用的棋...
07/23 10:53

07/23 10:54,
說到Gearld Green 另外一位McCants好像也在失業
07/23 10:54

07/23 10:54,
07/23 10:54

07/23 10:55,
波士頓根本不用新秀後衛 去年有個大學大四喜的也丟了
07/23 10:55

07/23 11:01,
今年應該不想用也得用了... 適合且真的算不錯人才
07/23 11:01

07/23 11:03,
07/23 11:03

07/23 11:05,
07/23 11:05

07/23 11:05,
07/23 11:05

07/23 11:06,
MD今年的狀況實在是謎 完全沒有他在溜馬的狀況
07/23 11:06

07/23 11:06,
07/23 11:06

07/23 11:07,
07/23 11:07

07/23 11:07,
在溜馬機會相對多啊 成績比較容易出來
07/23 11:07

07/23 11:08,
07/23 11:08

07/23 11:08,
07/23 11:08

07/23 11:09,
有機會上場的時候 還是沒甚麼融入感覺 很冏
07/23 11:09

07/23 11:10,
07/23 11:10

07/23 11:13,
MD就是個節奏怪異的球員 有好有壞 看怎麼使用了..
07/23 11:13

07/23 11:16,
去年PP受傷 變TA打先發 MD就是主要替補2.3號了
07/23 11:16

07/23 11:19,
i don't care e e e e e i don't care e e e e e
07/23 11:19

07/23 11:20,
Daniels菜鳥年曾經單場30pts 也有過14-9-9的準大三元
07/23 11:20

07/23 11:21,
當年好像跟Josh Howard合稱「小牛二醜」...印象中XD
07/23 11:21

07/23 11:25,
我覺得他長的有點像BOSH= ="
07/23 11:25

07/23 11:27,
07/23 11:27

07/23 11:27,
M.Daniels是好球員 1~3號都能打
07/23 11:27

07/23 11:28,
Josh Howard找到工作了沒啊XD
07/23 11:28

07/23 11:30,
07/23 11:30

07/23 11:38,
好奇Josh 的價碼不知道會多少..
07/23 11:38

07/23 11:40,
借轉 感謝
07/23 11:40
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 12:28, , 1F
07/23 12:28, 1F

07/23 12:40, , 2F
....冰不怕 真有膽識...
07/23 12:40, 2F

07/23 12:57, , 3F
不會在冰了 因為快沒人可以用了= =
07/23 12:57, 3F

07/23 13:01, , 4F
簽了又不用 在簽有屁用唷.. 還不如簽別人 x的
07/23 13:01, 4F

07/23 13:02, , 5F
07/23 13:02, 5F

07/23 14:45, , 6F
07/23 14:45, 6F

07/23 14:45, , 7F
07/23 14:45, 7F

07/23 15:14, , 8F
上季季初是TA被冰很慘 結果丹丹受傷時 TA打得不錯
07/23 15:14, 8F

07/23 16:09, , 9F
拜託別冰了 河流請努力善用丹丹!!
07/23 16:09, 9F

07/23 16:23, , 10F
丹丹好像也蠻容易受傷 有次大寶被肘擊臉部暈過去
07/23 16:23, 10F

07/23 16:26, , 11F
同場丹丹莫名奇妙傷了腿 休息的場數還比大寶多..= ="
07/23 16:26, 11F

07/23 16:27, , 12F
07/23 16:27, 12F

07/23 19:27, , 13F
07/23 19:27, 13F

07/23 19:31, , 14F
07/23 19:31, 14F

07/23 19:37, , 15F
07/23 19:37, 15F

07/23 21:40, , 16F
他能發揮的話 其實還比Barnes強的感覺
07/23 21:40, 16F

07/23 21:43, , 17F
哀 沒TA了 至少再補個6-7以上的SF吧
07/23 21:43, 17F

07/23 22:02, , 18F
07/23 22:02, 18F

07/23 22:18, , 19F
希望小AI還有機會 做夢
07/23 22:18, 19F

07/23 22:25, , 20F
07/23 22:25, 20F

07/23 23:59, , 21F
07/23 23:59, 21F

07/24 07:42, , 22F
07/24 07:42, 22F

07/24 08:08, , 23F
07/24 08:08, 23F

07/24 08:54, , 24F
07/24 08:54, 24F

12/10 12:55, 5年前 , 25F
丹丹好像也蠻容易受傷 https://daxiv.com
12/10 12:55, 25F

04/18 21:07, 5年前 , 26F
丹丹好像也蠻容易受傷 https://moxox.com
04/18 21:07, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1CIGygqh (Celtics)