[外電] Game of clue is about to begin

看板Celtics作者 (Be a Green Forever&ever)時間14年前 (2010/06/23 18:46), 編輯推噓9(9012)
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新聞出處(必填): http://tinyurl.com/3xsgwmf 作者: Julian Benbow The first step in what will likely be a long summer for the Celtics comes tomorrow, and in all likelihood, the way they approach draft night will be the first clue as to how they’ll approach the rest of the offseason. Will their primary focus be finding an immediate substitute for Kendrick Perkins, who will be nursing the knee he shredded during the Finals? Will they brace themselves for the possibility of losing Ray Allen to free agency? They’ve spent the past three seasons passing over young talent as they chased championships, but this year they’ll need to make a selection that will be a part of their future. A look at how the draft shapes up for the Celtics, who have the 19th pick: TEAM NEEDS ■A big man who can score and rebound: The need was there even before Perkins’s injury. The Celtics expanded Perkins’s role offensively coming into the season, but after starting off the year hot (11.7 ppg in November, 12.7 in December), his numbers declined (11.2 in January, 8.0 in February, 7.9 in March, 8.3 in April). He sat out the fourth quarters of Games 4 and 5 in the Finals, with coach Doc Rivers choosing Glen Davis’s offense over Perkins’s defense and rebounding (7.6 rebounds, 1.7 blocks). ■A point guard to back up Rajon Rondo: Over the past three seasons, the alternatives have been Sam Cassell, Gabe Pruitt, Eddie House, Stephon Marbury, Lester Hudson, Nate Robinson, Marquis Daniels, and in a pinch Tony Allen. Not a true point guard in sight. Rondo led the Celtics in minutes this season (36.6 per game) and was 26th in the league, and even though he didn’t complain about it, having a viable backup would help keep their new cornerstone fresh. ■An insurance policy for Ray Allen or Paul Pierce: The Celtics will likely try to bring one if not both of them back, but should they lose either of them, the draft will give them some options, from Xavier Henry to Eric Bledsoe to Jordan Crawford. OTHER PLAYERS AVAILABLE ■Solomon Alabi: The 7-foot-1-inch forward decided to leave Florida State after his sophomore season, so the rap is that his game is raw. Still, he swatted an ACC-best 2.3 shots a night, and shot-blocking gives him instant value in the NBA. ■Hassan Whiteside: Another one of the 74 early entries, Whiteside will make the jump after averaging 13.1 points, 8.9 rebounds, and a ridiculous 5.4 blocks in his only year at Marshall. ■Damion James: One of the few seniors you can expect to see taken in the first round, James can score (18 points per game at Texas) and rebound (10.3 per game) from the small forward position. According to an NBA source, the Celtics took a long look at him yesterday in a workout at their Waltham facility. --------------- 關於Rondo替補這點,儘管目前聯盟裡的後衛人才一堆,但要換到其中任一個 感覺都有點難度(除非找中生代或老將),但看一看好像都沒有比較適合的... ,我是覺得留住Nate就夠用了,但他的外線必須再穩一點(Rondo亦同)。 非常同意把大個子球員擺在球隊需要的第一位,我們需要的大個子球員單兵作 戰能力不需要太強(當然很強也很好),只要可以在禁區接到球後可以穩穩的取 分就好,Perkins的防守很好,但他在進攻上可以帶給我們的真的太有限了, 有限到連在籃底下接到球都沒辦法把球輕鬆放進...我們常可以看到Perk在防守 球員離他還有點距離時接到球,卻因為反應太慢(或者是彈跳力不夠)在籃底下 磨到防守球員都已經貼上來了,有的時候可以把球塞進去,但大多都是被蓋... 如果那些球Perk都有把握住,他的平均得分可以提升個2、3分吧... 這也是我比較傾向選Alabi的原因,他的爆發力可能普普,但他有身高,在籃 底下接到球可以輕鬆放進(相信會比Perk輕鬆),而且他還有不錯的投籃手感, 應該很適合我們隊上無私的球風 就怕被前面的球隊欄胡...許我們一個長人吧!! -- 我可以很久不和妳聯絡,任日子一天天這麼過,讓自己忙碌可以當做藉口,逃避想念妳的 種種軟弱;我可以學會對妳很冷漠,但卻學不會將愛沒收,面對妳是對我最大的折磨,這 些年始終沒有對妳說... 伍佰-被動 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/23 18:56, , 1F
選Alabi 的最大好處就是他很認真肯學 畢竟也是從非
06/23 18:56, 1F

06/23 18:56, , 2F
06/23 18:56, 2F

06/23 18:58, , 3F
06/23 18:58, 3F

06/23 19:00, , 4F
我看有人翻譯說Alabi很聰明? 物理很強?
06/23 19:00, 4F

06/23 19:01, , 5F
06/23 19:01, 5F

06/23 19:12, , 6F
06/23 19:12, 6F

06/23 19:13, , 7F
06/23 19:13, 7F

06/23 19:13, , 8F
06/23 19:13, 8F

06/23 19:16, , 9F
06/23 19:16, 9F

06/23 19:17, , 10F
Del Negro
06/23 19:17, 10F

06/23 19:18, , 11F
哦哦 他要來? 當助教?
06/23 19:18, 11F

06/23 19:19, , 12F

06/23 19:20, , 13F
06/23 19:20, 13F

06/23 19:21, , 14F
06/23 19:21, 14F

06/23 19:47, , 15F
06/23 19:47, 15F

06/23 20:29, , 16F
06/23 20:29, 16F

06/23 21:16, , 17F
06/23 21:16, 17F

06/24 00:23, , 18F
06/24 00:23, 18F

06/24 05:30, , 19F
06/24 05:30, 19F

12/10 12:53, 5年前 , 20F
洲來的..只是最大憂慮 https://muxiv.com
12/10 12:53, 20F

04/18 21:05, 5年前 , 21F
04/18 21:05, 21F
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