[外電] 沒有KP的Game7

看板Celtics作者 (知命用命不認命)時間14年前 (2010/06/17 13:20), 編輯推噓24(24010)
留言34則, 29人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
新聞出處(必填): 官網新聞 http://tinyurl.com/283gp8m 作者: Peter F. Stringer Celtics.com June 16, 2010 LOS ANGELES - When Kendrick Perkins boarded the team bus to Wednesday's practice with a pair of crutches, reality set in for the Boston Celtics. They'd be facing Game 7 of the NBA Finals without their enforcer, the anchor of their defense and biggest defensive presence in the paint. 美西周三,KP隨隊登上前往練球場館的巴士,他的那雙拐杖讓超賽得面對現實 這場G7超賽將失去了禁區的中流砥柱--KP. (~___~) When Paul Pierce took to the podium before Wednesday's practice at Staples Center to address the loss of Perkins, Pierce said that the team knew after Tuesday game that they'd be facing Game 7 without their center. But rather than dwell on the loss, Pierce said the injury just means that someone else, anyone else, would have to step up if the Celtics are going to win their 18th World Championship. 周三在Staple Center進行練習前,超賽有個簡單的記者會宣布這個消息, 記者會上PP表示全隊在周二比賽後就已經知道G7他們的中鋒將無法參戰. 不過PP表示,傷兵就傷兵沒甚麼好說的,想要第十八個冠軍,頂上來就是了! "We've got Big Baby, we've got Rasheed [Wallace], and if possible we've got Shelden Williams. We've got guys capable of coming in there," Pierce said. "All we ask is one game as hard as you can go for tomorrow. We have guys who can fill in and get the job done." PP說" 我們有大寶貝,Rasheed,甚至有可能的話S.Williams也算進來, 這些人都是有能力加入戰局的." " 一切我們要的就只有盡全力爭取明天的那一勝, 我們有人可以補上然後把事情搞定." As for Perkins himself, he told the press he had a torn MCL and PCL in the right knee, but he has yet to have an MRI and according to Coach Doc Rivers, and there's no official diagnosis at this point or determination on whether or not surgery will be needed in the offseason. The only definite at this point is that he can't play in what would have been the biggest game of his career, and understandably, he's not taking it well. 有關於KP自己,他告訴記者他傷到右膝MCL和PCL (這邊提供google到的資料: http://hkoa.org/translated/knee%20ligament%20injury.html 內側旁系韌帶(Medial Collateral Ligament MCL)是 連接股骨和脛骨和提拱內側膝蓋的穩定。 (Posterior Cruciate Ligament PCL) 位於往膝蓋的後方稱後十字韌帶) 目前還沒照MRI然後河流也表示官方診斷尚未出爐無法決定球季結束到底要不要開刀 唯一可以確定的是KP無法參加這場很可能是他生涯最重要的一場賽事 (湖人超賽宿命對決,18TH冠軍,9X梯名將的對決,100%的破功對決...等等,X!) "Physically I'm in pain. I hurt my knee pretty badly. I'm out for tomorrow, so there's nothing I can do about it," Perkins said when he met the media at the Staples Center Wednesday afternoon. But more than any physical pain that Perkins may be suffering, he was more inconsolable about the missed opportunity to help his team in Game 6 and Game 7. 週三下午,面對媒體時KP說: "我現在肉體上很疼痛,膝蓋真的傷很慘,明天我不能打了,無能為力" 但除了肉體上的疼痛,更讓他有苦難言的是他失去機會在G6 G7幫助他的球隊. "Game 7 of the Finals, Game 6 of the Finals, couldn't help your team," Perkins said. "Can't do nothing but sit on the side and encourage guys to play better and play well. I'll probably never get this opportunity again to even make it back to the Finals. Physically I'm doing better than I am mentally." KP說 " 冠軍戰的G7, 冠軍戰的G6, 不能幫助自己的球隊..... 甚麼都不能做只能坐在旁邊激勵隊友打得更好..... 也許以後我就沒像這次機會重返冠軍賽了 膝蓋的痛可以撐住,但是心酸卻是擋不住的.....(個人體會請鞭小力點Orz)" As the Celtics' leader, Rivers was staying upbeat about his team's chances, shorthanded or not. He said he had yet to decide who would start in Perkins' place. Rasheed Wallace and Glen Davis are the obvious choices. Davis told reporters that the "Ticket Stub" would be back, while Wallace, when asked how the C's would make up for Perkins' absence, said simply, "play." 身為超賽的頭頭河流還是樂觀地認為超賽有機會,無論人手夠不夠. 他表示他還沒決定誰要頂替KP,當然Rasheed和大寶會是明確的選項. 大寶告訴記者冠軍還是會入手的,而當記者問Rasheed該如何補上KP的缺 Rasheed說 : "打球阿." Meanwhile, Rivers got the message across that Game 7 is still an opportunity to win it all, despite the challenge of facing the contest without Perkins. 同一時間,河流對於G7仍表示有機會獲勝,儘管將面對沒有KP的挑戰 "You know, you can never take for granted a season, a game, and especially a Game 7 of a Finals," Rivers said. "You never know if and when you're going to be back in that position. And so when you get in that position, you want to take advantage of it." 河流說:" 你知道的,你不可能把一整季,一場球,尤其冠軍賽G7,甚麼都當理所當然" " 你不知道你是否或是哪時候還能再回到一樣的位置,所以當你在這個時點上 就該好好利用它." 心得: 傷了KP就傷了吧...G4史瑞克傳奇的時候KP也是在場下 Rasheed都沒再怕了,河流應該也有腹案萬一KP不能打怎麼辦 本來KP就6支T了,現在是受傷不能打,跟G6吃T7被禁賽其實意思差不了多少 少了KP大伙就燃燒小宇宙大幹一場吧,有冠軍可拿就放手一搏, 人擋殺人,佛擋殺佛!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/17 13:22, , 1F
06/17 13:22, 1F

06/17 13:24, , 2F
真的 看KP這樣我也好難過
06/17 13:24, 2F
※ 編輯: viking0518 來自: (06/17 13:25)

06/17 13:25, , 3F
06/17 13:25, 3F

06/17 13:26, , 4F
06/17 13:26, 4F

06/17 13:27, , 5F
Go Go Celtics!Perkins不能上,大家要連他的份努力!
06/17 13:27, 5F

06/17 13:28, , 6F
06/17 13:28, 6F

06/17 13:29, , 7F
推~ 打球啊!
06/17 13:29, 7F

06/17 13:31, , 8F
06/17 13:31, 8F

06/17 13:32, , 9F
人擋殺人,佛擋殺佛!!BOS,BEAT LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06/17 13:32, 9F

06/17 13:34, , 10F
感覺阿伯要爆發了! sheed~~~~~~~~!!!
06/17 13:34, 10F

06/17 13:52, , 11F
06/17 13:52, 11F

06/17 13:54, , 12F
三元 結果最後一投我沒投進追平3分 波士頓奪冠
06/17 13:54, 12F

06/17 13:54, , 13F
06/17 13:54, 13F

06/17 13:55, , 14F
06/17 13:55, 14F

06/17 13:58, , 15F
06/17 13:58, 15F

06/17 14:07, , 16F
06/17 14:07, 16F

06/17 14:11, , 17F
06/17 14:11, 17F

06/17 14:17, , 18F
06/17 14:17, 18F

06/17 14:41, , 19F
Let's Go Celtics
06/17 14:41, 19F

06/17 15:05, , 20F
06/17 15:05, 20F

06/17 15:28, , 21F
Celtics 必勝!!(真的不希望看到不懂籃球的球迷慶祝!)
06/17 15:28, 21F

06/17 15:51, , 22F
06/17 15:51, 22F

06/17 15:57, , 23F
所以明天先發會是sheeeeed 嗎
06/17 15:57, 23F

06/17 16:06, , 24F
06/17 16:06, 24F

06/17 16:48, , 25F
06/17 16:48, 25F

06/17 16:59, , 26F
加油 啊
06/17 16:59, 26F

06/17 17:52, , 27F
會不會明天先發是.....丹丹= =
06/17 17:52, 27F

06/17 17:54, , 28F
明天先發還是KP 上來跳球就下去 士氣大振
06/17 17:54, 28F

06/17 18:05, , 29F
受傷是MCL跟PCL PCL是後十字韌帶
06/17 18:05, 29F

06/17 18:31, , 30F
將士用命 背水一戰
06/17 18:31, 30F

06/17 19:28, , 31F
06/17 19:28, 31F

06/17 20:56, , 32F
06/17 20:56, 32F
※ 編輯: viking0518 來自: (06/17 23:42)

12/10 12:51, 5年前 , 33F
大伙燃燒小宇宙大幹一場 https://daxiv.com
12/10 12:51, 33F

04/18 21:03, 5年前 , 34F
三元 結果最後一投我沒 http://yofuk.com
04/18 21:03, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1C6R2G7O (Celtics)