[外絮] The Tony Allen Dos and Donts List

看板Celtics作者 (瓶子不是這樣看低)時間14年前 (2009/12/16 20:27), 編輯推噓27(27029)
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新聞出處:http://celticshub.com/2009/12/15/the-tony-allen-dos-and-donts-list/ 作者:Zach Lowe There’s something I should make clear: I want Tony Allen to succeed. And not only because I just bought a flat-screen TV and would like it to last at least a few weeks before I hurl my remote at it. 我必須先聲明一些事:我希望TA能夠成功,不只是因為我最近買了一台新的電視以及我 不希望在未來幾個禮拜內把它給砸了。 For now, we are stuck with TA. Yes, he has an expiring $2.5 million contract that could be packaged before the trade deadline with one or more of the C’s other expiring deals, but that’s going to be more difficult to pull off than most fans understand. 現在,我們真的與TA有代溝了。他有著2.5M的合約,當然可以在交易期限以前交易他。 不過這會比大多數球迷所瞭解的還難以推動。 For now, TA is going to play double-figure minutes for this team while Marquis Daniels is hurt. His success would help the second unit, reduce the burden on Ray Allen and Paul Pierce and give the C’s a player who could diversify their offensive arsenal by getting to the foul line. It would also be a nice coda to a career until now defined by bizarre injuries, shady off the court connections, sloppy dribbling and maddening brain cramps. 從這陣子開始TA將要有著十幾分鐘的上場時間,為了補丹丹的空缺。他的位置很重要, 如果能成功,那將可大大紓解雷槍與PP的壓力,而且也能是另一位C's能上罰球線的球員 。對他來說也會是他生涯中美妙的一個章節,畢竟之前可是飽受傷痛、而且讓人覺得他靠 不住、懶散的,甚至會令人腦羞。 It was in this spirit that I introduced the Official Tony Allen Dos and Donts List after Monday night’s game. Right now, it only has six items. 所以囉,我要正式公佈Tony Allen "要做的" 以及 "不能做的" 事情。 Here is my mission for readers: Let’s build on this list. Together, we can guide Tony Allen into being a successful player. This is not meant to poke fun at TA (honest). Many, many players with far less raw talent have built productive careers by recognizing their limitations and doing only what they are good at. We need Tony to do this. The team needs him to do it. 這是我為了讀者所要做的任務:找出並建立這個清單。 只要做到這些事,Tony就可以成為一個成功的球員。這絕對不是故意在開他的玩笑。 有很多很多的球員就算沒有先天好的技能仍舊可以創造不錯的生涯數據,只要知道自己 的極限以及作應該做的事情。 我們也希望Tony能作到,因為這隻球隊現在需要他。 Below is the original (and very short) Tony Allen Dos and Donts List. Please add your own suggestions in the comments. We’ll pick the ones we like best and add them to the official list, which I can only assume will one day either be in the Smithsonian next to the Declaration of Independence or revered like the golden tablets that told Joseph Smith to found Mormonism. 下面是這份清單(很短XD),你可以在回覆裡提供意見,或許我會增加覺得有道理的意見。 Remember: The goal is not to insult Tony. We’re here to help. 記住,這真的不是要嘲笑Tony,我們是來幫忙阿。 THE ORIGINAL TA DOS AND DONTS LIST DO: Post up smaller players DON’T: Try and do anything beyond the basics while running a screen/roll DO: Throw entry passes. It is an underrated skill, and he is good at it. DON’T: Drive to the basket if doing so involves more than one defender. DO: Defend the best wing player on the other team for a few possessions each game DON’T: Foul that player as he shoots a jump shot with less than five seconds on the shot clock. That’s it. Go to work. 原始的: 該做的:遇到比自己小一號的對手就盡量貼上去。 不該做的: 當在作擋切時亂做多餘的動作。 該做的:做好傳球的動作。這是他被低估的一項能力,他其實可以傳的不錯。 不該做的:禁區裡不只一位防守者時,硬是要殺進去。 該做的:每場比賽裡盡量都去防守對方最好的搖擺人。 不該做的:對方進攻時間剩下不到5秒時,當他出手時你還去犯規。 好吧,這是目前我能想到的。 -------- 可以去跟他說不要運球嗎XD -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ▂▂ ██ █▆ █▆█ █▋ ██▆ ▊█ █▆▆ ██ ██ ███ ▊█ ██▆ █▊█ ██▋ ██▆ ▊██ ▆▆█ ██ ███ ██ ▊██ ██▆ R by ωaterζantasy -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/16 20:35, , 1F
Don't touch the ball
12/16 20:35, 1F

12/16 20:36, , 2F
重點就是不要腦充血 !!
12/16 20:36, 2F

12/16 20:38, , 3F
1樓好酸XDDD 不要運球就好了
12/16 20:38, 3F

12/16 20:41, , 4F
if u get ball,just wait right there,somebody will
12/16 20:41, 4F

12/16 20:42, , 5F
help u soon
12/16 20:42, 5F

12/16 20:46, , 6F
12/16 20:46, 6F

12/16 21:22, , 7F
12/16 21:22, 7F

12/16 21:22, , 8F
keep drinking your gatorade
12/16 21:22, 8F

12/16 21:43, , 9F
12/16 21:43, 9F

12/16 21:44, , 10F
12/16 21:44, 10F

12/16 21:45, , 11F
12/16 21:45, 11F

12/16 21:45, , 12F
12/16 21:45, 12F

12/16 22:58, , 13F
12/16 22:58, 13F

12/16 23:15, , 14F
All you need to do is to "change" your "brain,"
12/16 23:15, 14F

12/16 23:17, , 15F
not to adopt your mind!(喔這樣好像裱很慘XDDD)
12/16 23:17, 15F

12/16 23:27, , 16F
他的傳球真的被低估 他的切傳是可以練起來的
12/16 23:27, 16F

12/16 23:27, , 17F
All u have to do is join the lakers,
12/16 23:27, 17F

12/16 23:29, , 18F
and make urself on the Finals, thank you
12/16 23:29, 18F

12/16 23:34, , 19F
be 才對
12/16 23:34, 19F

12/16 23:40, , 20F
12/16 23:40, 20F

12/16 23:42, , 21F
其實TA目前的狀況是挺不錯的 他處理球必須再細膩一點
12/16 23:42, 21F

12/16 23:43, , 22F
12/16 23:43, 22F

12/16 23:43, , 23F
YKuan大別在意~大家只是開開玩笑>"< 我在之前的推文
12/16 23:43, 23F

12/16 23:43, , 24F
酸TA是正常的 要不作者為什麼會寫第一段呢?
12/16 23:43, 24F

12/16 23:43, , 25F
12/16 23:43, 25F

12/16 23:44, , 26F
12/16 23:44, 26F

12/16 23:44, , 27F
員 好壞還是要分明阿 一昧的挺並不是好事
12/16 23:44, 27F

12/16 23:44, , 28F
12/16 23:44, 28F

12/16 23:49, , 29F
12/16 23:49, 29F

12/16 23:55, , 30F
12/16 23:55, 30F

12/17 00:08, , 31F
12/17 00:08, 31F

12/17 00:27, , 32F
他的體能真的很優, 技巧也有, 就是腦子不好使
12/17 00:27, 32F

12/17 00:28, , 33F
12/17 00:28, 33F

12/17 09:09, , 34F
12/17 09:09, 34F

12/17 09:49, , 35F
空有天賦 卻缺乏籃球智商
12/17 09:49, 35F

12/17 09:52, , 36F
12/17 09:52, 36F

12/17 09:53, , 37F
12/17 09:53, 37F

12/17 09:58, , 38F
Don't dribble on the court
12/17 09:58, 38F

12/17 13:46, , 39F
DO: 上場前先打鎮定劑.....
12/17 13:46, 39F

12/17 14:31, , 40F
12/17 14:31, 40F

12/17 14:43, , 41F
每次想到TA, 我的腦子裡都會出現一隻非常興奮, 流著
12/17 14:43, 41F

12/17 14:44, , 42F
口水, 被主人河流抱著, 但四隻腳還是凌空狂奔的狗...
12/17 14:44, 42F

12/17 14:45, , 43F
12/17 14:45, 43F

12/17 14:45, , 44F
裡的Odie, 我不是要罵他, 但是他真的給我這種印象XD
12/17 14:45, 44F

12/17 14:46, , 45F
附帶一提, Garfield對Odie這種行為的評價是:
12/17 14:46, 45F

12/17 14:47, , 46F
12/17 14:47, 46F

12/17 16:10, , 47F
12/17 16:10, 47F

12/17 18:47, , 48F
12/17 18:47, 48F

12/17 21:01, , 49F
12/17 21:01, 49F

12/17 21:18, , 50F
12/17 21:18, 50F

12/17 22:13, , 51F
12/17 22:13, 51F

12/17 22:31, , 52F
要低調哪比的上 總版的某某阿
12/17 22:31, 52F

12/18 01:07, , 53F
12/18 01:07, 53F

12/18 03:02, , 54F
XD 我知道他在低調
12/18 03:02, 54F

12/18 11:18, , 55F
還是別故意玩低調比較好 看看之前最愛玩的S跟M隊
12/18 11:18, 55F

12/18 11:18, , 56F
12/18 11:18, 56F
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