[外電] Davis moves closer to returning to court

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WALTHAM - As much as he wants to blend in with the rest of the guys at the Sports Authority Training Center, Glen “Big Baby’’ Davis realizes things are different. His teammates have labored through 14 games, absorbed elbows, collided with mammoth men setting screens, and withstood criticism en route to a rocky 10-4 start. Davis, on the other hand, has spent the past month rehabilitating a broken right thumb sustained in a fight with a friend the night before the season opener and has been unable to play. Davis has been working arduously with his left hand and trimming down his weight. And his exile is coming close to an end. The burly forward said yesterday he is set to get his cast removed Dec. 2, and from there he will work to strengthen his hand and return to the court. “It’s tough to watch the games, knowing that you can help, knowing that you could be the deciding factor of the game,’’ he said. “It’s tough man, so I am excited to get back and get this cast off and start helping my teammates out.’’ There was great anticipation regarding Davis’s potential impact this season after he proved such a key reserve down the stretch last season. But the Celtics are growing impatient waiting for Davis and Tony Allen to come back from injuries. Davis almost certainly will become a primary role player at forward and center when he returns. Coach Doc Rivers said he has been proud of Davis for keeping his weight down during his downtime. Davis reported to camp in the best shape of his short career and his team could have used him during Sunday ’s 107-105 overtime victory over the New York Knicks. In the past month, Davis has worked on strengthening the left hand with dribble drills and hook shots. He has been forced to do many things with his weaker hand. “I’ve been writing a lot with my left hand, trying to get control and things like that,’’ he said. “Eating with my left hand. Doing a lot of things. ’’ While Davis was talking to reporters, Rivers passed by and commented that Davis hadn’t “done anything in a month.’’ “I’ve been trying to stay consistent as far as keep burning [off weight],’ ’ he said. “I am just trying to get a good sweat every day. Once I get my cast off, I will go even harder and try to get back into game shape.’’ Reaching game shape for a big man is a difficult accomplishment after a month of basketball inactivity. It could take weeks for Davis to log extended minutes. “I’ll have some time to do things because I don’t think they are going to put me in the rotation that fast,’’ said Davis, who averaged 7 points and 4 rebounds in 76 games last season. “While I am sitting around waiting for my turn, I am going to make sure I get in shape when my opportunity comes.’’ Davis, who was fined but not suspended for the fight, did not want to comment on his relationship with Shawn Bridgewater, the friend who punched him in the Oct. 26 incident. Give knee a break Kevin Garnett is tiring of questions about his surgically repaired right knee. The veteran forward customarily spends nearly an hour following games getting massaged and dressed. There were reports that Garnett was getting treatment on his knee after Sunday’s game. That was not the case, he said. “Look, I am not [going] to answer no more knee questions, they are getting old,’’ said Garnett, who finished 4 for 15 from the field Sunday. “You know what I am dealing with here. I said [Sunday] that no one in this league at this point at 14 games is at 100 percent. I get worked on even when I didn ’t have surgery. It’s just game rituals and stuff like that. I always get treatment before games. If you see Paul [ Pierce] and [Rajon] Rondo, they get massages before games. My ritual is not different from that.’’ Garnett also said he was a little insulted that the Knicks allowed him to shoot open jumpers because he was struggling. “When I see them not rotating to me, that’s like a smack in the face,’’ he said. “At some point, I think I work on my game enough and a lot so at some point, I figure I am going to hit a couple of these.’’ Keep shooting Rivers said he wants Rondo, who has struggled with perimeter shooting as well as free throw shooting all season, to shoot when he is open. Rondo was left open for a 3-pointer that could have won the game in regulation but missed it. Teams are laying off Rondo because he has yet to prove he can hit mid-range jumpers consistently. While he wants his point guard to continue the flow of the offense, Rivers said he also wants Rondo to be more assertive offensively. “He missed one late in [Sunday’s] game but it was great,’’ Rivers said. “ He just stepped into the shot, but those will go in for him.’’ 新聞出處(必填): http://tinyurl.com/y9ljs2c 作者: Gary Washburn --陸文翻譯-- Waltham——在Glen“Big Baby”Davis迫切渴望重回賽場,同他的隊友們打成一片的時候 ,他發現一切似乎和以往不同了。他的隊友們已經經歷了14場艱苦的比賽,賽場上充滿了 肉搏,鐵肘,錚錚鐵漢們的掩護以及額,飽受質疑的10勝4負的開局戰績。 而今天的主角,Baby呢,則在慢慢地復健著自己在揭幕戰開打前與一位“朋友”打鬥時受 傷的右指。不過他不忘借此機會好好磨練自己的左手技巧以及繼續保持自己好不容易減下 來的體型~ 而且,他真的要回來了~可愛的寶貝昨天表示他將去除石膏的時間基本定在12月2日,屆 時他將繼續恢復自己的受傷手,爭取早日回歸賽場。 “唔,只能觀看比賽很不好受,尤其是當你明白自己能對球隊有所幫助,當你有能力成為 決定比賽進程的關鍵因素時”——Baby,“這很不好受,因此,能夠回來,去除該死的石 膏,開始幫助隊友實在是太讓人激動了。” 球隊在見證了Baby上賽季末段的驚艷表現後,對他本賽季的表現期待有加,但是球隊同時 也對他和Tony Allen漫長的傷病恢復期有些急不可耐了。 Baby在回歸之後幾乎肯定能在前鋒和中鋒位置上扮演重要角色。主教練Doc表示他對Baby 在恢復期依然能減輕體重感到十分高興。據報道,他現在處於短暫職業生涯中體型最好的 階段。 過去一個月中,他一直在加強他的左手運球技巧以及小勾手。由於受傷,他不得不經常性 地使用自己的非慣用手。 “呵呵,過去這段時間,我一直用左手寫字,試著去控制和使用自己的左手,吃飯啥的都 是用的左手額”——Baby。 不過在Baby對記者誇誇而談的時候,Doc提到說Baby其實在這一個月中倒也沒有“幹太多 事情”。 “這段是間,我只想保持燃燒熱量的持續性(減肥),我只想快快樂樂,隨心所欲過好每一 天~不過一旦我去掉石膏,我會更加努力的訓練,爭取早日回歸適應比賽的體型。” 對一個一個多月沒有怎麽打球的大個子來說,要想回歸適應比賽的體型可是需要付出很大 的努力。這意味著,屆時Baby在數周內都得加班加點,額外特訓才行了~ “我想球隊也不會這麽快就讓我進入輪換陣容,因此我將有足夠的時候充分回復。我將耐 心等待屬於我的機會,我要保證當我得到上場機會時,我的身體處在合適的狀態。”—— 上賽季Baby在76場比賽中場均能拿下7分,4板。 Baby由於那次打鬥被球隊罰款但是並沒有被禁賽。在接受采訪時,他表示,他不願意對那 位和他發生鬥毆的“朋友”Shawn Bridgewater發表評價。 關於KG膝蓋的問題,就請消停點吧 Kevin Garnett已經厭倦了記者們對他剛康復的膝蓋喋喋不休的提問。這位已經征戰了多 年的老將現在每場賽後都要花上將近一個小時接受按摩以及沐浴更衣~。不過有媒體報道 ,KG在周日比賽後對膝蓋進行了些治療。 “事實並非如此。”他表示。 “這麽說吧,我不想再回答任何有關我膝蓋的問題,這都已經是過去時了,再問你就out 啦。你知道我接受的按摩是什麽性質。我早在周日就說過,在這個聯盟中沒有哪一個球員 可以在14場比賽中後身體沒有任何任何毛病,零部件完全處在100%的狀態。即便在我沒有 接受手術的時候,我也會在賽後接受按摩。這只不過是比賽的一部分而已。我在賽前也經 常接受類似的處理。如果你仔細觀察的話,你會發現Paul和Rondo也都會在賽前接受按摩 。我說做的和他們沒差。” KG還表示,他對尼克斯看到他為自己糟糕的手感苦苦掙紮,而采取放任其在空位投籃的策 略感到有那麽點些許的受侮辱…… “當我看到他們輪換防守都無視我時,我感覺像是被迎面扇了一耳光。。。有時候我會想 我對比賽已經足夠投入,做的已經夠好。但是以後我也許還有遭遇這樣的情況。” 射,給我射 Doc表示他希望今日深深受中投和罰球困擾的Rondo在空位的時候放心大膽的投!Rondo在 常規時間時曾經獲得足以終結比賽的完全空檔三分出手機會,可惜他沒有把握住。 球隊最近有時會在關鍵時刻將他留在板凳上,因為他還需要證明他已經具備了持續把握中 投機會的能力。不過Doc希望他的控位可以繼續保持他在進攻端的流暢性,同時他希望 Rondo在進攻端應該表現的再強硬,再自信些。 “是的,他在最後時刻投丟了,但是那很棒,他還是應該堅定不移的投,只要他敢於出手 ,進球總會到來的。”——Doc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/26 04:27, , 1F
RAY呢 讓他多射一點 好嗎
11/26 04:27, 1F

11/26 08:31, , 2F
Sheed呢 讓他節制一些 好嗎 XD
11/26 08:31, 2F
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