[外電] Celtics rock the Jazz(加線上看)

看板Celtics作者 (瓶子不是這樣看低)時間14年前 (2009/11/12 18:17), 編輯推噓23(23011)
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來源:celticsblog.com Celtics rock the Jazz A little practice can go a long way. Fresh off of a three-day rest, the rejuvenated Celtics returned to the TD Garden and beat up on the already beaten up Utah Jazz, 105-86. All five of the starters starters, as well as Rasheed Wallace and Marquis Daniels scored in double figures on the night, as the Celtics worked the ball well and got all involved. 休息三天的Boston今天回到主場迎戰爵爵,以105:86留下勝利。先發五人加上板凳兩人 共七人得分達雙位數,讓今晚的比賽很精彩。 "Over the stretch of eight games we barely had any practice time," said Paul Pierce, who scored 13 points while adding six boards and six assists. "So throughout that course sometimes you play, you play, and you really don't practice and you lose some of the discipline that you have throughout the course of practicing before you play." "It's like just revisiting everybody's individual lab," said Ray Allen. "You go in there and mix up your potion, whatever it is... your game together. When you're not in [the gym] for a while you definitely need to get that feeling back to it." "在前8場密集的比賽中,我們很少有自己練習的時間" 得到13分6助攻6籃板的隊長PP說 "雖然你曾經在練習時間訓練過戰術等,但當你一直在比賽而沒有再去訓練的話, 那很容易造成越打越亂。" "這就像再次造訪每個人的個人實驗室一樣" 雷槍說 "你在那邊會作些藥劑的合成實驗. ..不管怎麼說,就是重新整理。 當你有段時間不在體育館時,你絕對需要去把那感 覺找回來。" Doc Rivers could not stress enough how important it was to get back in the gym and work out some of the kinks. It seemed that many of the issues were addressed, as the Celtics held their opponent to 90 points or lower for the eighth time in nine games. The only time they didn't hold their opponent to under 90 points was in the loss to Phoenix on November 6. In fact, the Celtics are the only team in the shot clock era to hold opponents to under 90 points in their first six wins. "I just thought the execution tonight was absolutely fantastic- especially the beginning of the game," Coach Doc Rivers said. "I think we got two or three lay-ups and two wide-open shots to start the game. And the defense, the hands were active." 河流也強調要找回在球場上的感覺。在Boston前9場比賽中有8場是把對方得分壓制在 90分以下的,而唯一一場沒能壓到90的就是輸給太陽的那場。事實上,C's是歷史上唯一 一隊在24秒進攻時間下,能夠在前六場贏球的比賽中把對手都壓在90分以下。 Once again the Celtics jumped all over the opponent in the third quarter, scoring 30 points in the quarter and holding the Jazz to 18. With 3.8 seconds left in the third quarter, Rajon Rondo drove down the court and laid in the ball at the buzzer to give the Celtics a 22-point lead. "It's called get out of the way play," Rajon Rondo joked. "Rasheed stepped up and set a great pick, and left me one on one with the big, and I just tried to get to the rim as quick as possible. It was just good spacing on the floor. Doc brought in shooters so you couldn't leave the corner." It is certainly special when a team has a bench full of guys who can play a significant role in any game at any moment. That has been the case so far this season, as players coming off the bench have stepped up and excelled in their role. Kevin Garnett, who had a game high 18 points tonight, is quick to rave about how happy he is with the bench so far. 又是一場在第三節壓制對手的比賽,而在第三節剩3.8秒,軟豆一個超級超級快速的上籃, 讓Boston帶著22分領先進入第四節。 "這球就叫'別擋著我的路'" 軟豆開玩笑的說 "希蛙的幫忙擋人讓我可以與對方大個子 一對一,而我只是想要儘快的得分而已。 場上還有外線射手,對方無法輕易來補防。" 當隊上的板凳群中充滿著對手不能輕易棄守的球員時,真是一件愉快的事情。KG今晚 拿下18分,不過上場時間算少,但是應該還是很愉快的在板凳上看球。XD "[Marquis Daniels] makes everything so easy because he can hound the ball, he can score, he's a post threat. And Rasheed, he just stretches the defense. The shocker here is probably Shelden Williams. He's rebounding, he's keeping the balls alive, he's perfect for this team. He's that live wire that we need, especially with Glen [Davis] being out and he's came in and filled the void that was lost for a second." "丹丹讓每件事變得很簡單,因為他可以控球、可以得分。而希蛙,他則是讓防守更好 而最讓我驚訝的應該是SW。他的籃板能力,讓這隻球隊更好。他就是我們所需要的板凳 力量,尤其是在缺少大寶貝的時期,他剛好完美的補上這缺額。" The Jazz were clearly outmatched and outcoached for the majority of the game, and they could do nothing but tip their hats to the Celtics on their way out. "In the second-third quarter, they came out, they executed their offense," Jazz Coach Jerry Sloan said. "They do a great job executing their offense and they're very, very, good defensively. They made it tough for us. We turned the ball over for 15 points in the first half... and they just were all over us." "在第二節跟第三節,他們站出來,他們執行進攻" 爵士教頭Sloan說 "他們在進攻方面 做的很好,而且他們的防守非常、非常的好。讓我們很難進攻。我們在上半場光失誤就 失去15分,他們今天的確在我們之上。 " There was a chance that we would not see the Rajon Rondo / Deron Williams matchup tonight because of Williams' back problems, but he was cleared to play after the pre-game shoot around. He ended up scoring 13 points and dishing out seven assists, in a less-than-Williams-like performance, but didn't blame his poor performance on his back. "We all played bad today," Williams admitted. "We all have to play better to win, and we haven't done that on a consistent basis this year- and it's frustrating." "We're soft- and there's no way around it," Williams continued. "We're not playing tough at all. They were quick on loose balls, quick on the floor. They did what you have to do to win. They're a great team. They have a group of guys who know their roles, one through ten." 今晚我們原本有可能看不到軟豆對決小胖,因為小胖有背傷。不過小胖還是加入賽前 的熱身。他最後得了13分並有7籃板4助攻,不過並沒發揮一般水準。不過不能責怪這個 有傷在身的後衛。 "我們今晚打得很差," 小胖承認 "我們必須要好好打才能贏,但我們今年都還沒 有一個持續穩定的表現,這讓人很受挫。" "我們很軟,而且不能這樣下去了。" 小胖繼續說 "我們並沒有展現出硬度。今晚他們在場 上展現的就是你必須要做的。他們是支很棒的隊伍,不管從第一個到第十個球員, 他們都知道他們的角色是什麼,該做什麼。" [影片區] 1.個人表現 來看一看今晚軟豆後場發球完3.8秒上籃的鏡頭吧 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II1Q-vghwBc&feature=player_embedded
只能說超級快得... 2.今天的線上看 Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMd_iaQo6gA
Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6bHSQdWjIA
Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4pCdZhmecc
Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih2QidQO7_c
Part5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEiVUzRt0AE
Part6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU2xKFGQnbA
Part7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvLEOtZlndo
Part8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud8ZoFryuQ4
Part9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo1TPe-bPnQ
3.今日高光 官網的 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZDFgtfONqk
ESPN的 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDvNPFaNz5I
4.賽後記者會 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgZpX9tF14
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11/12 18:18, , 1F
11/12 18:18, 1F

11/12 18:21, , 2F
11/12 18:21, 2F

11/12 18:23, , 3F
11/12 18:23, 3F

11/12 18:41, , 4F
推 不過小胖應該是7籃板4助攻?
11/12 18:41, 4F
的確是作者筆誤吧@"@ 我是照著翻譯的 XD

11/12 18:57, , 5F
感謝上傳的球迷 http://0rz.com/Muqt 2:17有走步嗎?
11/12 18:57, 5F
快攻判斷比較鬆吧..只要動作流暢快攻不會很嚴XD 補小外電,有關軟豆的外線。 Price: Rondo's Shot Will Improve Bill Burt reports: Shooting coach Mark Price says don't expect things to change over night and don't expect miracles. But he says by the time the playoffs come around in April, you should expect Rajon Rondo to shoot the ball better than he ever has before. 投籃教練Mark Price說別期待目前會有什麼改變也別期待奇蹟。但是他又說等到季後賽, 也就是明年4月,你應該可以期待看到軟豆的投籃會比以前好很多很多。 還可以這樣期待歐....XD 要嘛就現在長出來XD ( ̄y▽ ̄)/

11/12 19:45, , 6F
等等,投籃教練是「那個Mark Price」嗎@@?
11/12 19:45, 6F

11/12 19:47, , 7F
11/12 19:47, 7F
補原文連結 http://tinyurl.com/y9tpo2q 我對Price不是很瞭解,所以可能無法回答你的問題XD 連結中應該有說到Price. (第二段部份) 有興趣的人也可以來翻譯XD ※ 編輯: rayensighner 來自: (11/12 19:52)

11/12 20:00, , 8F
11/12 20:00, 8F

11/12 20:23, , 9F
要真是那個price的話 軟豆再沒學好就該死了XD
11/12 20:23, 9F

11/12 20:35, , 10F
11/12 20:35, 10F

11/12 20:44, , 11F
11/12 20:44, 11F

11/12 21:04, , 12F
Mark Price是Rondo自己去找他學的
11/12 21:04, 12F

11/12 21:13, , 13F
沒錯就是那個 Mark "90.4%" Price
11/12 21:13, 13F

11/12 21:13, , 14F
感謝原po整理影片 高光超讚
11/12 21:13, 14F

11/12 21:15, , 15F
11/12 21:15, 15F

11/12 21:18, , 16F
推 "都有碰到框了"……我的嘴角不爭氣地……
11/12 21:18, 16F

11/12 21:51, , 17F
11/12 21:51, 17F

11/12 22:00, , 18F
Price哥哥說話要算話喔 (  ̄ c ̄)y_ζ
11/12 22:00, 18F

11/12 22:04, , 19F
11/12 22:04, 19F

11/12 23:17, , 20F
rock the jazz XDDDDDDDDDD
11/12 23:17, 20F

11/12 23:31, , 21F
11/12 23:31, 21F

11/12 23:48, , 22F
11/12 23:48, 22F

11/13 00:00, , 23F
11/13 00:00, 23F

11/13 00:23, , 24F
11/13 00:23, 24F

11/13 00:24, , 25F
11/13 00:24, 25F

11/13 00:27, , 26F
其實他那個跌倒算是保護自己 因為他不知道下面有沒有
11/13 00:27, 26F

11/13 00:28, , 27F
腳吧 個人覺得那個狀況直直下來有點危險
11/13 00:28, 27F

11/13 00:28, , 28F
11/13 00:28, 28F

11/13 00:29, , 29F
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11/13 00:52, , 30F
11/13 00:52, 30F

11/13 00:52, , 31F
我預期的還要好很多 3.sheed拿來當替補還是太奢持了
11/13 00:52, 31F

11/13 00:55, , 32F
11/13 00:55, 32F

11/13 00:59, , 33F
sheed拿來當替補跟雷槍來當射手一樣奢侈 但很爽
11/13 00:59, 33F

11/13 00:59, , 34F
KP第三段那個籃下芭蕾舞真的是太美了 XD
11/13 00:59, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1A--2uYH (Celtics)