[外電] Is Kevin Garnett Clutch?

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Is Kevin Garnett Clutch? http://www.celticstown.com/is-kevin-garnett-clutch.html by Jay King August 28, 2009 ※ 本文的翻譯除了字面上的翻譯,部分來自本人自行對文意的理解, 若有不妥之處或翻譯錯誤,請在下面推文!感謝~ ※ 本文禁轉。 ----------------------------------- Can a championship hide all of a player’s flaws? Does it make everyone forget a player’s shortcomings? What if that player was his team’s best player and the biggest reason for the largest single-season turnaround in NBA history? 一座冠軍是否足以掩蓋一個球員的不足之處?人們是否因此忘了球員的缺點? 又如果這個球員是球隊的台柱,還幫助球隊取得NBA史上單季進步最多勝呢? In 2008, Kevin Garnett finally won his elusive first championship. But does that championship erase all the skeletons in his closet - all his first-round playoff exits, all the rumors of KG lacking clutch play? 2008年,KG迎來他生涯的第一座NBA總冠軍,這份榮耀是否過於耀眼,耀眼到.....刺眼, 以致人們忽略了光亮背後的陰暗,要知道──在這之前,KG有多年不曾突破季後賽第一 輪,這個男人真的是我們心目中的關鍵先生嗎? Garnett is one of the NBA’s top players, and has been for over a decade. He’s won an MVP and a championship. He’s been named to 12 All-Star teams and nine All-NBA teams. He’s won a Defensive Player of the Year Award, and is widely given credit for restoring glory to the NBA’s most storied franchise. He’s one of the most intense competitors the NBA has ever seen, bringing an unrivaled passion to every game, every play, every second he’s on the court. But is he clutch? KG無疑是NBA的頂尖球員之一,而且一直都是。他拿過例行賽MVP,入選過12次的明星賽 先發和9次的NBA第一隊,還是最佳防守球員。正是因為他,NBA的老牌勁旅得以重返榮耀 ,他是全NBA打球最激情的球員,每一場比賽、每一次的攻守轉換,甚至是每一秒,他全 心全力投入。 然而──這樣的KG是clutch嗎? As far as clutch play goes, there are a few parameters by which to measure clutchness: a player’s performance in the final minutes of close games, a player’s overall playoff performance, and a player’s performance in elimination games. Judging based on those parameters, here’s a study of whether Kevin Garnett is, indeed, clutch… 我們對關鍵時刻的定義如下: 包含比賽勢均力敵時,最後的分數拉鋸時刻,還有季後賽的總體表現、季後賽最後的生死 保衛之戰。 根據以上,我們來看看KG到底是不是關鍵先生...... The Final Minutes of Close Games If you were to judge Kevin Garnett simply by his aggressiveness during the fourth quarters of close games, you’d instantly say he’s not clutch. Garnett isn’t like a Kobe Bryant, or even a Paul Pierce – he doesn’t demand the ball down the stretch to make sure his team wins games. That just isn’t the type of player he is. Garnett would rather play the same way he plays during the first three quarters of games, with selfless ball movement and the patience to take only good shots. 如果單從KG在比賽第四節所呈現的侵略性看來,你會輕易說出KG不是關鍵先生, 但是KG和KOBE、Paul Pierce有著決定性的不同,因為KG不需要一球在手來確保勝利, 這的確不是一個內線球員該有的作為,但KG更願意無私地傳球,耐心等待好的機會才出手, 而他一直以來都是這麼做的。 Because of his reluctance to demand the ball during crunchtime, some people would say he disappears down the stretches of games, that he doesn’t have the killer instinct required to be a fourth-quarter assassin. 正因為KG在關鍵時刻的持球慾望不若其他球員,人們很容易因此認為他不是關鍵先生, 尤其是在比賽第四節的時候,人們難以發現KG該有的殺氣。 And, watching him, they would seem to have a point. When I decided to write this column, I was ready to say that it seemed that Garnett sometimes disappeared down the stretch. Not always, or even often, but sometimes. I was ready to say that Garnett isn’t assertive enough, that he goes away sometimes in the fourth quarter, that he’s sometimes nowhere to be found when the Celtics need a big bucket. 綜觀KG的比賽,以上的論點乍看之下頗有道理,當我(作者)決定寫這篇文章的時候, 我承認KG確實有第四節症候群,但並非常態,只是偶爾。我認為KG有時候還不夠果敢 球隊因此在第四節比賽裡找不到他。 But, according to the statistics, I might be wrong. Here are Garnett’s per-48 min. clutch stats (according to 82games.com) compared to his overall per-48 min. stats (according to whatifsports.com). (NOTE: I could only find the statistics from 2002-2003 on – please forgive me) 然而──數據會說話,我也許是錯的。 以下是KG打球的歷年數據:(年 / 關鍵得分 / 總得分) Year / Clutch Points Per 48 / Overall Points Per 48 2002-2003 30.4 27.2 2003-2004 34.8 29.5 2004-2005 32.1 27.9 2005-2006 32.2 26.9 2006-2007 25.2 27.3 2007-2008 21.1 27.5 2008-2009 25.1 24.4 Garnett has increased his points per-48 min. in all but two seasons. One of the seasons his points per 48 min. dropped, the 2007-2008 season, can be attributed mostly to Garnett’s willingness to defer to the Celtics other great scorers, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. For the most part, Garnett increased his scoring during the clutch, and often by pretty substantial amounts. 截至目前為止,KG只有兩個球季的數字是明顯下降的,其中2007-08球季是受到隊友雷槍和 PP34的影響,KG甘願把更多的出手機會和他的隊友分享。多數時候,KG在關鍵時刻 的得分是增加的,且增加的分數也很有質量。 Either way, he likes to approach the final few minutes of a game the same way he approaches the rest of the game. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Often, teams get out of hand in the fourth quarter with isolations and one-on-one play. Garnett will never bog his team down by focusing too much on one-on-one. 無論如何,KG是一個戰戰兢兢的球員,從未改變,這就是Kevin Garnett,他的(無私) 沒有什麼不好,有的球隊會迷信明星球員的第四節單打獨鬥,但是KG從來不會因為這樣而 拖垮整支球隊So does Garnett disappear at the end of games? The stats say no, the eyes say sometimes. 所以,KG真的經常在關鍵時刻消失嗎? 答案是:不,我們所看到的只是有時候罷了。 But that’s only offensively. On the other side of the court, defensively, there is nobody you’d rather have than Kevin Garnett. He’ll get big rebounds, huge blocks, and he’ll be a disruptive force on every possession. When the Celtics won the championship in 2008, a big reason for their success was the ability to get stops at the most important parts of games, and KG was the biggest part of that success. 不過以上講的都是進攻面,在另外一面,KG是每支球隊夢寐以求的球員!他是一個高大 的搶籃板好手,蓋火鍋同樣出色,他在他的防守區域裡無比強大!塞爾提克在2008年 之所以能封王,其中很大的一個因素就是靠頑強的防守擋下對手的攻擊,而KG正是塞爾提克 防守裡屹立不搖的存在。 Overall Playoff Performance When the 82-game regular season turns into the playoffs, the best players pick their game up one more notch. If Michael Jordan hadn’t won so many championships, would he still be considered the best player ever? No, and it’s because legends are made when the lights are shining brightest, when the pressure is on to either win or spend the rest of the summer fishing. 當整整82場的例行賽結束,進入季後賽,所謂的最好的球員無不繃緊神經。 就以MJ來說,如果他沒有贏得那麼多次的總冠軍,他能被稱作「最偉大的球員」嗎? 答案顯然是否定的,因為只有最耀眼的時刻會成就偉大的傳奇。 而你所面臨的問題不過就是:勝利,或者回家。 So how does Garnett do in the playoffs? I’m going to say that his defense is always the same, whether it’s the regular season or postseason. If anything, his top-notch intensity is ratcheted up in the playoffs, making Garnett even more formidable a defender than normal. So that leaves offense and rebounding. Here’s a chart of Garnett’s production in the regular season versus his production in the playoffs (according to basketball-reference.com)… 那麼KG在季後賽的表現到底如何?我想說的是他的防守始終如一,略優於他的進攻與籃板, 一旦到了季後賽,他的防守強度甚至還會上升,讓他變的比例行賽時還要強大。 下面是相關的數據資料:(由左至右)_ (Year Regular Season Points / Regular Season Rebounds Postseason Points / Postseason Rebounds) 1996-1997 17.0 8.0 17.3 9.3 1997-1998 18.5 9.6 15.8 9.6 1998-1999 20.8 10.4 21.8 12.0 1999-2000 22.9 11.8 18.8 10.8 2000-2001 22.0 11.4 21.0 12.0 2001-2002 21.2 12.1 24.0 18.7 2002-2003 23.0 13.4 27.0 15.7 2003-2004 24.2 13.9 24.3 14.6 2007-2008 18.8 9.2 20.4 10.5 Kevin Garnett’s teams lost in the first round during each of his first seven trips to the playoffs. But, as I would contend and the stats would agree, those failures to advance had a lot less to do with Garnett than they did with his teammates. Even on Garnett’s BEST TEAM in Minnesota, the team that finally broke through by advancing to the Western Conference Finals, they started either Ervin Johnson, Mark Madsen or Michael Olowokandi at center and Trenton Hassell at small forward. KG過去有七年在季後賽第一輪就止步,最好的一次是西區的冠軍賽, KG在這些數據下的隊友分別是:Ervin Johnson、Mark Madsen 和 Michael Olowokandi. That team should never have gone that far, but Garnett was the league’s MVP and the best player in the NBA. And, contrary to popular belief, he has a habit of playing better in the playoffs than he does in the regular season. The proof is in the stats, where Garnett raised his point totals in all but three playoffs and his rebounding totals in all but one. 這樣的陣容實際上不及比賽的競爭強度,但是KG當時是MVP,要知道──和刻板印象 截然不同的是,KG在季後賽的表現實際上是優於例行賽的,他的數據已經非常清楚 顯示,他只有三個球季的得分是季後賽遜於例行賽,籃板數下降更是只有一個球季。 David Berri, author of “Wages of Wins”, had this to say about Garnett in 2006: “And that is the tragedy of Kevin Garnett. Year after year he is the most productive player in the league. And year after year he plays with many players who are not only not average, but quite a bit below average. David Berri (「Wages of Wins」的作者) 在2006年是這樣評論KG的: 這是Kevin Garnett的悲哀,他幾乎每年都是聯盟最有效率的球員,但是他的隊友呢? And those players didn’t magically improve in the postseason. Garnett was stuck playing with below-average players and, though he normally has improved his game in the postseason, his teammates kept him from enjoying team success until he was traded to Boston in 2007. KG的隊友在季後賽的表現並不讓人驚喜,KG受制於他的隊友,即使他提升了自己的數據, 他依然無法在比賽中獲勝,直到他2007年前往塞爾提克,情況始改觀。 Elimination Game Performances When your team’s collective back is against the wall and one loss means you’ re going home for the season, the most clutch players bring their “A” games. You would never expect Michael Jordan to throw a stinker in a Game 7, and he probably never would. 當你的球隊被逼上懸崖,再輸一場就得滾回家釣魚,身為「關鍵先生」的球員可要拿出A級 實力來,你永遠不能期待MJ會在第七場比賽失常,而事實上MJ也從來沒有過。 We all know Kevin Garnett’s teams lost in the first round seven straight years, but how did Kevin Garnett himself do in elimination games? Did he do whatever he could to stave off better teams, or did he passively allow teams to rip victory from his grasp? 我們知道KG有七年止於季後賽第一輪,但是他在季後賽關鍵生死之戰表現怎樣呢? Here are stats from every elimination game Garnett has played in (stats from cnnsi.com, basketball-reference.com, and espn.com). 以下是數據: 1997: Game 3 vs. Houston Rockets – 17 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists 1998: Game 5 vs. Seattle Supersonics – 7 points, 4 rebounds 1999: Game 4 vs. San Antonio Spurs – 20 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists 2000: Game 3 vs. Portland Trail Blazers – 23 points, 13 rebounds, 10 assists Game 4 vs. Portland Trail Blazers – 17 points, 10 rebounds, 9 assists 2001: Game 3 vs. San Antonio Spurs – 22 points, 8 rebounds Game 4 vs. San Antonio Spurs – 19 points, 15 rebounds 2002: Game 3 vs. Dallas Mavericks – 22 points, 17 rebounds 2003: Game 6 vs. LA Lakers – 18 points, 12 rebounds 2004: Game 6 vs. LA Lakers – 22 points, 17 rebounds Game 7 vs. Sacramento Kings – 32 points, 21 rebounds 2008: Game 7 vs. Atlanta Hawks – 18 points, 11 rebounds Game 7 vs. Cleveland Cavaliers – 13 points, 13 rebounds So is that the sign of somebody who doesn’t show up when the lights are the brightest, or are those stats and consistent play the signs of a guy who is going to bring 100% effort every night? Garnett had one real stinker, back in 1998 (when he could have been a junior in college), but after 1998 has only had one game where he didn’t have at least a double-double. He has been involved in 13 elimination games over his career, and has posted double-doubles in 10 of them. He’s averaged 19.2 points and 12.4 rebounds per game over his career during those elimination games (compared to regular season averages of 20.2 points and 11.1 rebounds). 這樣的數據會是球員在關鍵時刻消失了嗎? 數據難道不能說明Kevin Garnett始終如一、每個晚上都百分之一百在為球隊付出嗎? 沒錯,KG在1998年打得真是糟糕,但是在那之後──他僅僅只有一場比賽沒有 double-double。他的職業生涯歷經了13場的季後賽生死之戰,他有10場double-double ,而這13場生死之戰,他的平均數據是平均19.2分、12.4個籃板。 All of which leads us back to our original question: 讓我們再回到那個問題── Is Kevin Garnett clutch? Kevin Garnett 是 clutch 嗎? Being clutch is the ability to raise your level of play during the pivotal moments of a game, the pivotal moments of a season. It’s the skill to calm your nerves when the game, and sometimes the season, is on the line, to stay cool and composed when 20,000 fans are screaming and the game’s outcome is in your hands. It’s the talent to rise to the occasion – to score a bucket when your team needs one the most, to snatch a rebound when your team desperately needs a possession, to put the clamps on your opponent with your team up one and the game clock winding down. 「關鍵先生」需要在關鍵時刻展現自我,保持冷靜,在這種時候,兩萬名球迷正聲嘶力竭的 在替你加油,比賽結果就掌握在你的手上,這的確需要一點天賦──球隊需要你得分、 球隊需要你搶籃板、球隊需要你死死守住僅僅領先的一分直到計時器歸零。 Clutch is why Robert Horry has been mentioned as a possible Hall-of-Famer and why Reggie Miller and Larry Bird’s heroics will never be forgotten. It’s the reason Michael Jordan’s career and exploits will always be untouchable while Karl Malone, the Jordan era’s second-best player, will always be overlooked. It explains why Jerry West is remembered as the NBA’s logo but Nick Anderson, despite an otherwise solid career, will always be remembered for four missed free throws. 這就是Robert Horry有可能進入名人堂的原由,更是Reggie Miller 和 Larry Bird 永遠不會被世人遺忘的原因,當然──MJ被視為籃球之神,Karl Malone被忽略也是 由來於此,就如同大家都知道Jerry West是NBA標誌的範本,但說到 Nick Anderson, 一個擁有不錯的職業生涯的球員,大家卻僅僅記得他的四罰不中。 Tim Duncan, long considered the best power forward in the game, isn’t a guy who demands the ball in crunchtime. Most of the time, Gregg Popovich gives the ball to Tony Parker or Manu Ginobili to create offense rather than dumping it in the post to Duncan. Yet, because of his four rings, Duncan is considered clutch. Tim Duncan向來被視為最出色的大前鋒,他在關鍵時刻也不常持球,Popovich更喜歡 讓Tony Parker 或 Manu Ginobili持球創造機會,而非直接把球吊給TD。 這樣的Tim Duncan手上已經有四枚冠軍戒指,而Tim Duncan被認為是「關鍵先生」。 If he had been stuck with Garnett’s teammates, does Duncan win more than Garnett’s one title? I doubt it, just as I doubt that Garnett would have won any less than four rings if he’d been blessed with Duncan’s teammates. 如果讓Tim Duncan 和 Kevin Garnett交換隊友,TD能比KG多贏得一座冠軍嗎? KG將因此不擁四座冠軍嗎?我對此.......有懷疑。 When it comes to clutch, Kevin Garnett is not Michael Jordan, and he’s not Larry Bird, Jerry West or Reggie Miller, either. But there are very few guys who are. 在關鍵時刻──KG不是MJ,他也不是大鳥、West、或是Reggie Miller,但是這個男人 在關鍵時刻所做的一切,又有多少人能做得到? Just don’t call Kevin Garnett a choker, and don’t say he's not clutch. It wouldn’t be true. 關於Kevin Garnett──真相是,他不是choker,也並非不是 clutch. # -------------------------- GO GO CELTICS ~ GO GO THREE AMIGO ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/06 18:41, , 1F
好久沒看到原po了 你最近好嗎XD
09/06 18:41, 1F

09/06 19:03, , 2F
09/06 19:03, 2F

09/06 19:07, , 3F
09/06 19:07, 3F

09/06 19:17, , 4F
09/06 19:17, 4F

09/06 19:39, , 5F
09/06 19:39, 5F

09/06 19:52, , 6F
好文 我覺得KG的態度是 整場比賽48分鐘都是關鍵時刻
09/06 19:52, 6F

09/06 20:09, , 7F
09/06 20:09, 7F

09/06 21:06, , 8F
09/06 21:06, 8F
nogoodlaugh:轉錄至看板 KevinGarnett 09/06 21:06

09/06 21:11, , 9F
09/06 21:11, 9F

09/06 21:19, , 10F
這篇好阿 我愛KG!
09/06 21:19, 10F

09/06 21:23, , 11F
09/06 21:23, 11F

09/06 21:29, , 12F
別稱呼KG為 choker 但也別說KG不是clutch
09/06 21:29, 12F

09/06 21:38, , 13F
少了個不字 我改一下~
09/06 21:38, 13F
※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (09/06 21:39)

09/06 22:25, , 14F
09/06 22:25, 14F

09/06 22:55, , 15F
09/06 22:55, 15F

09/07 00:10, , 16F
所以等KG健康 還是很強滴~~
09/07 00:10, 16F

09/07 00:14, , 17F
09/07 00:14, 17F

09/07 00:28, , 18F
09/07 00:28, 18F

09/07 00:33, , 19F
09/07 00:33, 19F

09/07 02:30, , 20F
有了溪蛙在禁區搭檔 今年數據會再下修~ 溪蛙也是
09/07 02:30, 20F

09/07 10:52, , 21F
09/07 10:52, 21F

09/07 10:58, , 22F
09/07 10:58, 22F

09/07 10:59, , 23F
09/07 10:59, 23F

09/07 11:00, , 24F
09/07 11:00, 24F

09/07 11:01, , 25F
09/07 11:01, 25F

09/07 11:02, , 26F
09/07 11:02, 26F

09/07 13:59, , 27F
09/07 13:59, 27F

09/07 19:52, , 28F
沒辦法阿 i take five...
09/07 19:52, 28F

09/07 21:47, , 29F
09/07 21:47, 29F

09/07 21:47, , 30F
09/07 21:47, 30F

09/07 21:50, , 31F
09/07 21:50, 31F
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