[外電] Rondo, Quirks and All, Leads C's To …

看板Celtics作者 (我們是心碎的小丑)時間15年前 (2008/12/23 00:44), 編輯推噓16(1607)
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軟豆,怪咖一枚,幫助賽爾提克拿下18連勝。 By Chris Sheridan ESPN.com Everyone around the country is going to have a chance to get a closer look at Rajon Rondo on Christmas afternoon in Boston's NBA Finals rematch against the Los Angeles Lakers. 不久的將來,全國所有關心NBA的球迷都有機會更近一步的去認識Rondo ,這位年輕的控球後衛,將在聖誕節的湖賽大戰上成為不小的注目焦點。 And if his current form holds, everyone will respect, admire and appreciate his game even more than they did last May and June. And the annual challenge folks face to come up with some Christmas night small talk while sitting in front of the tube? That may be fulfilled, too, for those who will learn from this column that Rondo has lip balm and headband quirks, too. 如果他能保持目前良好的狀態並且延續到聖誕節大戰後,也許人們會越來越 注意他所應該獲得的尊重、欣賞和感激,甚至一些長期對他保持批評態度的 質疑者,也要開始在螢幕前對自己的判斷竊竊私語起來,不過目前我們只能 這麼觀望,至於目前在閱讀本篇專欄的讀者,我可以告訴你們一些有關Rondo 贏球的小秘密-護唇膏和顛倒的頭帶。 Just how much there is to admire was on full display Sunday evening as Rondo went 9-for-9 from the field in the third quarter -- eight of the buckets coming on layups -- and finished 12-for-14 from the field as the Celtics won their 18th consecutive game, defeating New York 124-105. 要怎麼去形容他在星期日晚上對尼克比賽中的表現?第三節裡他一個人就拿 下了9投9中的成績,其中8個來自上籃,整場比賽他以14投12中26分的職業 新高結束,也帶領賽爾提克拿下18連勝的歷史紀錄。 So who, for those who haven't been keeping a close watch on Rondo, exactly is the crafty right-handed point guard with the knack for getting into the paint, whether to score or rebound, knocking down open mid-range jumpers and breaking down opposing defenses that 99 percent of the time are directing the bulk of their attention toward Rondo's Big Three teammates? 好吧,一些對Rondo相對來講較不熟悉的球迷們,讓我來簡單介紹一下這位狡 詐的右手後衛在球場上的技能,他能快速的切入禁區爭搶籃板、上籃,做出 近距離的跳投,或是破壞對方的防守,但同時更重要的是,他能把原本集中 在三巨頭身上的注意力分散開來。 For starters, he began the night ranked 19th in the league in field- goal percentage (.519), the only non-forward or non-center among the NBA's top 20. He is second in the NBA in steals, eighth in assists, and posted his first career triple-double earlier this month as Boston was in the early stages of what has now become the longest winning streak in franchise history, tying the mark set by the '81-82 team. 另外再提供一些數據給大家參考,Rondo現在在聯盟中命中率的排行19(前20 名中唯一一個非中鋒或前鋒位置的球員),抄截中排行第2,助攻排名第8, 而上個月他演出了生涯中第一次的大三元。 (譯者按:罰球命中率我們當然就自動省略不看了...) "He's like a combo of J-Will (Jason Williams), the way he goes behind his back, Tony Parker, the way he hits his floater, and Gary Payton with the way he plays defense," Paul Pierce said. "He's a rare combo of speed, long arms, toughness, and he rebounds like Jason Kidd at that position." 在被問到Rondo與那些球員相似時,PP這樣形容:「他像是很多球員的混合體, 他的背後假動作讓我想起J-Will,拋投時像Tony Parker,防守時又像Gary Payton,他結合了速度、極長的手臂和堅韌的精神,而且抓籃板的嗅覺可比 Jason Kidd。」 (譯者按:toughness是KG補充的。) Teammate Sam Cassell, showing his age, said the player Rondo reminds him most of is Robert Pack, who few people under 30 have ever heard of. "Pack attacked the basket, and when Rondo attacks the basket like that, for layups, we're an unstoppable team," Cassell said. 老外星人山姆大叔則形容他像Robert Pack(年齡少於30的球迷可能連聽都沒聽 過),他認為當Rondo表現出攻擊籃框的慾望時,幾乎沒有球隊可以擋的住賽爾 提克的攻勢。 Rondo is quirky, too, and we're not just talking about that, ahem, form he shows at the free-throw line (64 percent) and the 3-point line (4-for-14 for the season). 但Rondo同時也非常的古怪多變,哈~只要看看他的罰球就知道了。罰球命中率 只有64%,三分球命中率更是整季只有14投4中。 For one thing, he wears his headband upside down. 有人注意到他的頭帶是上下顛倒的嗎? "The first year I was in the league, I wore it upside down and had a pretty good game, and I didn't know it was upside down until I looked in the mirror after the game." 「第一年我進入NBA時有一晚我就是這麼戴的,然後那一晚我打的相當不錯,直 到比賽結束後我才注意到鏡子裡的NBA標誌上下顛倒了,從此後我便都這麼戴。」 For another, he keeps a tube of Carmex lip balm tucked into his sock every time he plays. 再報一個小八卦,你知道他每次比賽時都在襪子裡藏一條Carmex嗎? (譯者按:Carmex也就是小蜜提護唇膏!超滋潤的~這並不是美妝版吧?) "You know, my lips get dried during the game," he said. 「嗯...我的嘴唇在比賽中容易乾裂。」 You serious? 你在開玩笑吧?Rondo? "Yeah, serious," Rondo said. "Ever since I started doing that, I've been playing well. A few guys know it. A few opponents will joke about it, say 'Lemme get some Carmex.' So, a few people know. I guess everybody is going to know now." 「是真的!而且奇怪的是自從我開始這麼做之後我的表現也變好了,只有幾 個人知道這個小動作,有些對手會拿它來取笑我,像是“我也要擦小蜜提~” 現在我猜大家都會知道了。」 This game looked like it was going to be a laugher for the entire 48 minutes, especially after Boston shot 78 percent in the first quarter and opened a 40-21 lead that eventually ballooned to 23. But Doc Rivers went a little too deep into his bench and perhaps gave his starters a little too much rest, allowing New York to pull within six early in the third quarter before Rondo took over. 對尼克的比賽中,賽爾提克像是不費吹灰之力便取得壓倒性領先,特別當第一節 先發有著78%的命中率時,但接下來Doc也許太願意給替補上場的機會,又讓尼克 把失分追到6分,直到第三節Rondo上場才又把場面控制了下來。 Making the most of New York's inability to defend him off the high pick-and-roll, Rondo repeatedly used his quick first step to get a head start toward the rim for a series of running lay-ins. 利用尼克無法招架賽爾提克擋拆戰術的弱點,Rondo不斷的藉著自己速度上的 優勢搶先切入禁區,完成上籃得分的任務。 The first layup made it 71-63 and began a 14-4 run over a span of 4:20 that put the Celtics ahead by 16. The last layup came with four minutes left in the period before the Knicks made one last run, only to have it snuffed out by Rondo hitting an 11-footer to close the quarter with the Celtics ahead by 11. 第一個上籃讓賽爾提克取得71-63的領先,接下來則是一波14-4的攻勢,短短四分 鐘內,賽爾提克便領先了尼克有16分之多,第三節結束前四分鐘是Rondo最後的上 籃得分,之後尼克嘗試組織一次進攻的機會,但終究還是被Rondo的跳投給澆熄了 希望,第三節終場時賽爾提克領先尼克11分,比分再也沒能被拉小至二位數以內。 The lead never dropped back into single digits at any time in the fourth quarter, allowing Boston to breathe easy down the stretch and to look ahead to Tuesday night's game against Philadelphia, when they'll try to improve their record to 27-2 and surpass the '66-67 76ers and '69-70 Knicks for the best start in NBA history for a team with only two losses. 所以波士頓現在可以好好的喘口氣,好整以暇地等待他們星期二的對手,費城 七六人隊,如果他們再拿下一場勝利,便可以把NBA史上開賽最佳記錄給延長到 27-2,這比過去七六人隊和尼克隊的記錄都要多。 Like his teammate, Pierce, Rondo has been through two of the biggest highs and lows in NBA history, losing 18 straight his rookie season and now winning 18 straight in his third year. 同時也不要忘了賽爾提克在三年內經歷過二次聯盟之最,當Rondo第一年來到 NBA時,他、PP和許多的隊友,必須吞下可恥的18連敗,而現在,賽爾提克正 走向18連勝的記錄,而且沒有停下的跡象。 He is now being mentioned as a serious All-Star contender, and it's tough to see him being left off by the coaches when they vote for the reserves (Dwyane Wade and Allen Iverson have commanding leads in fan balloting). Aside from Joe Johnson and Devin Harris (and perhaps Ray Allen), is there any East guard more equally deserving? 也許以上的的數據,戰績,可以幫助他的名字在全明星賽的討論中更具有競爭 性一些,我們知道Dwyane Wade 和Allen Iverson在球迷票選上遙遙領先,其他 後衛還有Joe Johnson ,Devin Harris 和我們的Ray Allen,但不知道Rondo有 沒有機會坐上全明星賽的火車,和其他東區的明星後衛一較高下? (譯者按:全隊先發只有Rondo沒被提名,哭哭~) "I try not to think much about it,' Rondo said. "There's a lot of talk about it, but the more we get wins, then the more I probably push myself to become an All-Star." 「我試著不去想太多。」Rondo回答,「我知道有許多人在討論全明星的事,我 猜目前如果我們能拿下更多的勝利,那我入選的機率可能就更高一些。」 He sure looked like one Sunday night. 未來的結果如何我們無法預料,但在星期日的球場上,他看來的確像個明星。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 球員迷信千奇百怪,不過在襪子裡放小蜜提,這個是第一次聽到... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/23 00:53, , 1F
全隊先發只有Rondo不能去?? perkins可以去明星塞喔??
12/23 00:53, 1F

12/23 00:57, , 2F
12/23 00:57, 2F
※ 編輯: cyjoe 來自: (12/23 00:57)

12/23 01:10, , 3F
12/23 01:10, 3F

12/23 01:25, , 4F
感覺很詭異的一點 雷槍和軟豆兩人的罰球XD" 同為後衛
12/23 01:25, 4F

12/23 01:47, , 5F
12/23 01:47, 5F

12/23 10:46, , 6F
好文章! 可惜Rondo本季最佳東區球員沒選上
12/23 10:46, 6F

12/23 10:48, , 7F
12/23 10:48, 7F

12/23 11:36, , 8F
12/23 11:36, 8F

12/23 11:38, , 9F

12/23 12:57, , 10F
12/23 12:57, 10F

12/23 15:17, , 11F
12/23 15:17, 11F

12/23 15:18, , 12F
12/23 15:18, 12F

12/23 15:22, , 13F
12/23 15:22, 13F

12/23 16:00, , 14F
我28,不過我記得Robert Pack...XD 彈性很好的爛戰王
12/23 16:00, 14F

12/23 16:00, , 15F
12/23 16:00, 15F

12/23 16:02, , 16F

12/23 16:05, , 17F
扣籃時略微測身高舉右臂的姿勢 的確有相似之處
12/23 16:05, 17F

12/23 16:25, , 18F
樓上1分10秒的地方好猛阿  XD
12/23 16:25, 18F

12/23 17:03, , 19F
12/23 17:03, 19F

12/23 20:15, , 20F
12/23 20:15, 20F

12/23 20:27, , 21F
12/23 20:27, 21F

12/23 21:02, , 22F
12/23 21:02, 22F

12/24 00:51, , 23F
12/24 00:51, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #19JyFGYD (Celtics)