[閒扯] 'Title Town' is going green for this parade

看板Celtics作者 (我是愛美麗)時間16年前 (2008/06/19 20:26), 編輯推噓6(600)
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上篇太興奮忘了寫內容就貼了 (暈) http://0rz.tw/064j2 Boston Globe It is almost rote now: the duck boats, the huge crowds, the security plans. Championship parades have become so routine in Boston that Mayor Thomas M. Menino came up with another nickname for the city yesterday: "Title Town." 幾乎已經成了一套公式: 鴨子船、群眾、和安全管制。 由於冠軍遊行已經變成波士頓的慣例,昨日市長 Thomas M. Menino 為波士頓起了一個 新的匿名: "Title Town"。 Today, Boston will celebrate the first NBA championship for the Celtics in 22 years, and officials expect the city to be awash in green as hundreds of thousands of fans line the victory parade route from the TD Banknorth Garden to Copley Square in the Back Bay. 今天波士頓將要為二十二年來首度拿下NBA總冠軍的隊伍慶祝,遊行的路線 從 TD Banknorth Garden (Celtics 主場)到終點站 Back Bay 的 Copley Square。 相關單位表示今天整個城市應該會被上千名球迷染成一遍綠色。 Boston Celtics players, owners, and staff will board more than a dozen duck boats from Boston Duck Tours and set off at 11 a.m. on what officials predict will be a two-hour ride. Two flatbed trucks will carry the Celtics dancers, former Celtic greats, and championship trophies from past years. Boston Celtics 的球員、經營團隊和工作人員將乘坐數艘鴨子船,上午十一點出發 ,預計整個活動將會長達兩小時。Celtics 啦啦隊員和歷屆球員將會搭乘貨車,帶著 歷屆獎盃加入遊行的隊伍。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 來不及翻 重點就是三個小時候就要遊行啦! 我也要準備出動! 可能會興奮到昏到在路邊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/19 20:39, , 1F
06/19 20:39, 1F

06/19 21:04, , 2F
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06/19 21:58, , 4F
請問要去哪才可以看到遊行? 我指線上或電視
06/19 21:58, 4F

06/19 22:03, , 5F
06/19 22:03, 5F

06/20 00:10, , 6F
06/20 00:10, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #18Mb1d49 (Celtics)