[外電] Kevin Garnett takes on big responsib …

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http://0rz.tw/4949Z By Tony Massarotti BIRMINGHAM, Mich. - The NBA Finals are just two wins away now, and you cannot help but get the feeling Kevin Garnett finally has decided to take more of this upon himself. In the NBA, only championships can validate the greatest players. Maybe that is why Garnett now seems like a man on a mission. 現在距離總冠軍賽只剩下兩場勝利,你不能不感受到KG有了把更多擔子扛在肩上的決心 。在NBA,只有那座冠軍盃能夠真正證明球員的偉大,而這也是為什麼KG看起來如此使命 必達的原因。 "He's never played in the Finals. He understands it. You've got to do it now," said Celtics guard Sam Cassell, who knows Garnett as well as anyone currently connected with the team. "You can't wait because who knows what may happen next year. You've got to go after it while it's in sight." 「KG從來沒有打進總冠軍賽過,他很清楚,他現在就要做到。」外星人說:「你不能等, 因為誰知道明年會發生什麼事?當機會在你眼前時你就得努力抓住它。」 Yes, the Finals are in sight now, though it really should come as no surprise; after all, it is much easier to see when you are on the shoulders of a man who is basically 7 feet tall. The 6-foot-11 Garnett is averaging precisely 24 points, 11.7 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.3 blocks and a steal in the first three games of the Eastern Conference finals. The Detroit Pistons have had such difficulty containing him that it is enough to make their coach flip. 是阿,總冠軍賽就在眼前,但這實在不該讓人感到意外;畢竟,你是站在7呎男人的肩膀上 ,事情應該更容易才對。 6'11"的KG在東區冠軍的前三戰平均貢獻24分11.7個籃板3.7次助 攻1.3個火鍋。而且活塞防守KG一直有困難,這已足夠讓他們的教練暴跳如雷。 On Saturday, in Game 3 of this series, Garnett finished with 22 points and 13 rebounds in what was easily the Celtics' most important win of the season. Of his six assists, three resulted in layups or dunks. Garnett is passing a little less and shooting a little more, and that is precisely what the Celtics need him to do at a time when elite players draw the fine line that ultimately will separate the most elite teams. 星期六的第三戰中KG得了22分13籃板,拿下超賽本季最重要的一場勝利。他的六次助攻 中,有三次讓隊友上籃或灌籃得分。KG傳球的次數變少而出手次數變多,當雙方的主力球 員實力只有一線之差時,這正是超賽需要KG挺身而出的時刻,這讓他們與其他球隊拉出差 距。 "I think he's been more determined in the post than he had been in the regular season," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said yesterday as the Celtics went through preparations for tonight's Game 4 at The Palace of Auburn Hills. "I thought during the regular season he would go away from it at times, almost on purpose, to get everybody else involved. But now when he gets it down low, he's looking to score and that's nice." 「比起例行賽,我認為他在季後賽更加果斷了,」河流在昨天的練習中這麼說:「在例行 賽時,他常會把球傳開,且幾乎是刻意地要讓每個人都參與到。但現在當球隊需要他時, 他就會去得分,這是好事。」 Dismissive of any attention that puts the individual before the team - Bill Belichick would love this man - Garnett currently is shrugging off his recent play as nothing more than him being "more aggressive." That humility is one of the great paradoxes of his personality. On the one hand, Garnett is a naturally intense competitor with the build and ferocity of a praying mantis; on the other, he is level-headed, rational, articulate and thoughtful. KG不理會任何讓他成為焦點的眼光,不去想他最近的表現,彷彿沒有任何事比他變得更積 極來得重要。謙虛是他矛盾的特質之一;一方面來說,KG是個天生的競爭者,有著像是合 掌螳螂的體格和兇猛特性 (居然說KG像螳螂@@…);而另一方面,他則是個冷靜、理性、 善於表達而且心思細膩的人。 What Garnett is, too, is indisputably real, the kind of rare superstar who scurries to pull up a fallen teammate (he does this all the time) and almost never calls attention to himself. Oh, he is part entertainer, to be sure, but the Celtics would just as soon see him embrace the spotlight now because it certainly appears as if the Pistons have no answer for him. KG也是個無庸置疑的真男人,他是少數幾個會急著把走下坡的隊友拉起來 (一直都是這麼 做),而且幾乎從不爭光的超級巨星。喔,當然啦,還有一部分的KG是很會娛樂大家的, 而超賽也將會看到KG持續成為燈光的焦點,如果活塞還是找不到對付他的辦法的話。 But when you have the range of skills Garnett possesses, who does? 不過也不能全怪活塞,當你有KG這麼全面的進攻能力時,誰會有辦法? "Oh, he has an ego. You have to have an ego to be good in this league," Cassell mused. "Kev, he's a great teammate first and foremost. He's intense. He enjoys his teammates. But when it's time to play basketball, he becomes another person. His intensity level goes high. His gas goes high. He's just ready to play basketball. Sometimes it may rub other people the wrong way. Me knowing Kevin as long as I have, I think he's a little crazy, myself. But he makes it work." 「喔,他很自負。而在聯盟中你必須自負才能成為頂尖球員。」外星人若有所思地說:「 首先,Kev是很棒的隊友,他真的很認真,也熱愛他的隊友。但到了比賽時,他就會變身為 另一個KG:他的專注力提升,燃料加滿,小心!他準備好要比賽了!有時候他這樣會惹毛 其他人。認識Kevin這麼久,我覺得他是有一點瘋狂,但他讓他的瘋狂發揮很好的效果。」 Garnett has made it work lately, especially, going back to the Cleveland series. It was in a Game 4 loss at Cleveland that Garnett took just 13 shots, scoring 15 points, when the message truly seemed to get through to him. We need you to do more. Garnett has since averaged 22.7 points a game to go along with 10.3 rebounds, and he has averaged 17.5 shots a game. That last number is despite a 5-for-13 effort in Game 7 of the Cavs series, when Paul Pierce scored 41 points on 23 shots from the field and another 12 from the free throw line. KG最近讓他的瘋狂奏效,是在對騎士的系列戰中特別明顯。在克里夫蘭被騎士打敗的第四 戰,KG只投出13球得15分,賽後所有的箭頭都指向KG:「我們需要你做更多。」 而在那場 比賽之後,KG平均每場得22.7分,10.3個籃板,平均出手17.5次。而且這數字還是有將KG 在第七戰中投13僅中5的成績算進去。該場比賽PP獨得了41分。 Excluding that contest, Garnett has taken no fewer than 21 combined shots from the field and line since Game 4 in Cleveland, a span during which the Celtics have gone 4-2. There have been no blowout losses like the Game 3 loss in Cleveland, and the Celtics' first home loss of this postseason was followed by Saturday's masterpiece in which Garnett led the way. 如果那場比賽不算,KG從第四戰之後的出手都不少於21次(投籃加罰球),超賽的戰績是4勝 2敗,也沒有像對騎士的第三戰那樣再被打爆;並且在季後賽的主場首敗之後,緊跟著 而來的就是星期六在客場,由KG領銜的傑出表演。 "I think it's more him," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said when asked about the obvious change in Garnett's play. "We have talked about it, but it's always him. We have told him, 'We're throwing it down there for a reason and there are times that you have to be completely selfish as far as scoring. Your instincts will tell you to pass, but you shouldn't tell yourself to pass until you see it. You should think of scoring (first).' " 「我覺得這樣比較像他,」當被問到KG明顯的改變時,河流這麼說:「我們已經談過了, 但還是得要他自己做決定。我們一直告訴他 "我們傳球給你是有理由的,在得分上有時你 必須完全地自私。你的直覺會叫你傳球,但除非你看到傳球的時機,否則別傳。你要先想 的應該是如何出手得分。"」 Said Garnett: "Just aggressive, nothing more, nothing less than that. Every time I've got a one-on-one, try to take it. Other than that, trying to make plays for my teammates." KG說:「要打得更有侵略性,就是這樣,沒別的。每次當我一打一時,我會試著吃下它 ,要不然就是製造機會給隊友。」 If only it were all that easy. 如果事情都如此簡單就太好了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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nogoodlaugh:轉錄至看板 KevinGarnett 05/26 21:30

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八推~~KG魂~~ㄗㄍㄐ 借轉~
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79推~~KG魂~~ㄗㄍㄐ      KG的後仰無解!!
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