
看板Celtics作者 (請賜我七難八苦)時間19年前 (2005/07/29 12:13), 編輯推噓1(100)
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"Of the teams that showed interest in signing Scalabrine, the Celtics probably had the most insight into his character. Scalabrine has long believed in the wo rk of Jon Niednagel, a.k.a. the Brain Doctor, who serves as a Celtics consultan t. According to Niednagel, Scalabrine shares a similar brain type with the like s of Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. When he played poorly, Scalabrine often cal led Niednagel for suggestions. ''[Niednagel] has helped [executive director of basketball operations] Danny [Ainge] a lot and that will help me a lot," said S calabrine. ''I have very high expectations for myself. When I'm not playing wel l, I'll call Jon and we'll discuss certain things and he'll kind of help me out ." Boston Globe 隊上還有這種顧問阿.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 07/29, , 1F
為什麼有一種神棍的感覺 @@ 07/29, 1F
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