[情報] rumor---勇士與騎士交易後續

看板Cavaliers作者 (Mr.Vengeance)時間17年前 (2007/07/29 21:33), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Warriors: Waiting on Anderson? By Preetom Bhattacharya Jul 28, 2007, 19:32 Possible trade talks between the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cav aliers regarding Drew Gooden have not moved along very swiftly, an informed source close to the situation told Basketball News on Saturday. "There's not hing really substantial there," the source said, but did admit that Gooden's name has been mentioned in various trade rumors. 騎士跟勇士之間關於Gooden的談判進展很慢。「還沒有任何正式確定的部分談出結 果」消息來源說。 League sources indicated on Thursday that Gooden may be moved to the War riors for the Traded Player Exception the Warriors acquired in the Jason Ric hardson trade on Draft Night. Such a move would provide the Cavaliers with n eeded financial flexibility to re-sign Anderson Varejao and Sasha Pavlovic, both restricted free agents. The Cavaliers payroll is just $3-million below the newly set $67.865-million luxury tax threshold; after deals are dished o ut to Varejao and Pavlovic, the team could be about $5- to $6-million over t hat threshold, paying a dollar for dollar tax on the difference. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert has reportedly given GM Danny Ferry permission to go into luxury tax territory to field a winner, but it is yet to be seen whether Ferry actu ally does this. 騎士如果要簽V跟Sasha就會付豪華稅,老闆准許Ferry跨過門檻,但是Ferry會不會 照著做就不得而知。 Trade talks with the Warriors may not pick up until an offer is made to Varejao, forcing the Cavs hand into making a decision. With the market offic ially slowing down now that all the teams with capspace have made their move s, Varejao is unlikely to get a deal for more than the Mid-Level Exception, an offer the Cavaliers would very likely match. The Warriors could very well be the team that makes that initial offer to Varejao. 為了迫使騎士加快談判腳步,勇士說不定會開出一張全額中產給大V。這個夏天的自 由市場動靜已經趨緩,有薪資空間的球隊都用掉了,騎士應該會樂於match勇士的offer 。 The dilemma for Varejao now becomes whether he should play for a smaller salary next season on a one-year qualifying offer from the Cavaliers (making him an unrestricted free agent next season) or if should accept a long-term mid-level deal now. Varejao's camp expected to sign a deal similar to the one Darko Milicic received, which was a three-year, $21-million contract. Expecti ng that kind of money next summer could prevent Varejao from signing an MLE d eal this summer. 關鍵在於大V能不能接受今年只拿135萬,明年成為不受限FA,或者領長一點的中產 約。目前大V陣營想要的是米粒拿的那種三年2100萬的約。 The Warriors could use either Varejao or Gooden after being manhandled in the paint by the Utah Jazz in the Western Conference Semifinals. Both players could provide the hustle in the paint that the Warriors desperately need - al though the team added Brandan Wright in the draft, his thin frame might not a llow him to bang in the inside effectively. 這段說勇士拿到Gooden或大V之後可以頭好壯壯,打倒西區強權。 Cleveland may not give Gooden up for nothing more than the exception, wit h the deal hinging upon the Warriors sending something over for a second roun d pick in a separate deal. Possibilities on that front could be Sarunas Jasik evicius or Patrick O'Bryant,both of whom do not seem to fit Don Nelson's syst em and could be contributors for the half-court oriented Cavaliers. 騎士不會就只拿個TE,可能會拿第二輪選秀權或球員,例如Sarunas Jasikevicius 或 Patrick O'Bryant這種老尼用不太到的。 ============================================================================= 我的看法:這樣真的能逼騎士快點行動嗎?作者自己也知道現在是大V那邊想要的 超過中產,但勇士最多也就只能開全額中產,所以騎士幾乎一定會很高興的match,最 後變成勇士幫騎士省錢又省談約時間。 當然也可以解釋成勇士用這招逼騎士跨過豪華稅門檻,那就要看騎士是否真的怕豪 華稅怕的要死了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/30 08:57, , 1F
07/30 08:57, 1F

07/30 08:57, , 2F
連進攻走位都會跑錯= = 真不知道他來做什麼的Orz
07/30 08:57, 2F

07/30 16:08, , 3F
07/30 16:08, 3F

07/31 05:47, , 4F
07/31 05:47, 4F

07/31 09:18, , 5F
賽隊太威了 雷槍和狼王我們也都曾有興趣過 結果....
07/31 09:18, 5F

07/31 10:40, , 6F
07/31 10:40, 6F

07/31 13:13, , 7F
07/31 13:13, 7F

07/31 19:49, , 8F
我怎麼一直覺得.騎士簽約金好像都跟實力不合.= =
07/31 19:49, 8F
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