
看板Catholic作者 (西那蒙)時間11年前 (2013/02/17 16:29), 編輯推噓3(309)
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2013年2月4日星期一 2013/2/4 (Mark5:1-20) 圖:  http://i.imgur.com/561Id7M.png
瑪爾谷福音5:1-20 他們來到海的對岸革辣撒人的地方。耶穌一下船, 即刻有一個附邪魔的人,從墳墓裏出來,迎著他走來, 原來那人居住在墳墓裏,再沒有人能捆住他,就是用鎖鍊也不能, 因為人屢次用腳鐐和鎖鍊將他捆縛,他卻將鎖鍊掙斷, 將腳鐐弄碎,沒有人能制伏他。 他晝夜在墳墓裏或山陵中喊叫,用石頭擊傷自己。 他從遠處望見了耶穌,就跑來,跪在他前,大聲喊說: 「至高天主之子耶穌,我與你有什麼相干? 我因著天主誓求你,不要苦害我!」 因為耶穌曾向他說:「邪魔,從這人身上出去!」 耶穌問他說:「你名叫什麼?」 他回答說:「我名叫『軍旅』,因為我們眾多。」 他再三懇求耶穌,不要驅逐他們離開此地。 那時,在那邊山坡上,有一大群豬正在放牧,他們懇求耶穌說: 「請打發我們到那豬群,好讓我們進入牠們內。」 耶穌准許了他們;邪魔就出來,進入了豬內。那群豬約有二千, 便從山崖上直衝到海裏,在海裏淹死了。 放豬的人就逃去,到城裏和鄉間傳報開了;人都出來看是發生了什麼事。 他們來到耶穌跟前,看見那個附魔的人,即為「軍旅」所附的人, 坐在那裏,穿著衣服,神志清醒,就害怕起來。 看見的人就把附魔的人所遇到的事,和那群豬的事,都給他們述說了。 他們便請求耶穌離開他們的境界。 當耶穌上船時,那曾附過魔的人,懇求耶穌讓他同耶穌在一起。 耶穌沒有允許他,但對他說: 「你回家,到你的親屬那裏,給他們傳述上主為你作了何等大事, 怎樣憐憫了你。」 那人就走了,在十城區開始傳揚耶穌為他所作的何等大事, 眾人都驚奇不已。 1 They reached the territory of the Gerasenes on the other side of the lake, 2 and when he disembarked, a man with an unclean spirit at once came out from the tombs towards him. 3 The man lived in the tombs and no one could secure him any more, even with a chain, 4 because he had often been secured with fetters and chains but had snapped the chains and broken the fetters, and no one had the strength to control him. 5 All night and all day, among the tombs and in the mountains, he would howl and gash himself with stones. 6 Catching sight of Jesus from a distance, he ran up and fell at his feet 7 and shouted at the top of his voice, 'What do you want with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God? In God's name do not torture me!' 8 For Jesus had been saying to him, 'Come out of the man, unclean spirit.' 9 Then he asked, 'What is your name?' He answered, 'My name is Legion, for there are many of us.' 10 And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the district. 11 Now on the mountainside there was a great herd of pigs feeding, 12 and the unclean spirits begged him, 'Send us to the pigs, let us go into them.' 13 So he gave them leave. With that, the unclean spirits came out and went into the pigs, and the herd of about two thousand pigs charged down the cliff into the lake, and there they were drowned. 14 The men looking after them ran off and told their story in the city and in the country round about; and the people came to see what had really happened. 15 They came to Jesus and saw the demoniac sitting there -- the man who had had the legion in him -- properly dressed and in his full senses, and they were afraid. 16 And those who had witnessed it reported what had happened to the demoniac and what had become of the pigs. 17 Then they began to implore Jesus to leave their neighbourhood. 18 As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed begged to be allowed to stay with him. 19 Jesus would not let him but said to him, 'Go home to your people and tell them all that the Lord in his mercy has done for you.' 20 So the man went off and proceeded to proclaim in the Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him. And everyone was amazed. ◎單字: proceed *v. 進行, 繼續進行, 繼續下去, 開始, 著手, 出發, 發出, 出於 proclaim *v. 宣佈, 公告, 宣言, 表明, 贊揚 mercy *n. 仁慈, 寬恕, 幸運, 應感謝的事物, 恩惠, 默西(女子名) possess *v. 持有, 占有, 具有, 使擁有, 克制, 支配, 迷住 --possessed *a. 鎮靜的、附魔的 implore *v. 懇求, 哀求 properly *adv. 適當地, 正當地, 嚴格地 de'moniac *a. 著魔的, 惡魔的; n. 著魔的人 cliff *n. 懸崖, 峭壁, 絕壁 charge *v. 控訴, 控告, 告發, 加罪於, 使充滿, 收取(費用);     n. 指控, 費用, 衝鋒, 電荷, 炸藥, 主管, 被托管人, 囑咐 feeding *n. 飼養, 吃, 輸送; a. 逐漸強烈的, 供給飼料的, 攝取食物的 herd *n. 獸群, 人群, 牧人; v. 群集, 使成群, 放牧 earnestly *adv. 認真地, 熱心地, 正經地 legion *n. 軍團, 軍隊, 眾多的人 torture *n. 拷問, 折磨, 歪曲, 曲解; v. 拷問, 折磨, 使痛苦, 歪曲, 曲解 shout *n. 呼喊, 喊聲; v. 呼喊, 喊叫, 嚷, 高喊 gash *n. 砍得很深的傷口, 很深的裂縫; v. 砍入, 深切 howl *v. 咆哮, 狂吠, 呼嘯, 狂喊著說; n. 吠聲, 號叫 snap* v. 咬斷, 猛咬, 爭奪, 拉斷, 使有啪啪聲, 厲聲說, 亂射, 用快照拍攝, 咬, 撲 , 抓 fetters *n. 枷鎖 secure *a. 無慮的, 安心的, 安全的, 可靠的, 保險的;     v. 固定, 獲得, 保證, 使安全, 保護 unclean *a. 不潔淨的, 不純潔的, 行為不檢的 disembark *v. (使)起岸, (使)登陸 ←→ embark *v. 乘船, 上飛機, 搭載, 著手, 從事 ◎心得: 簡直是zombie電影、或恐怖片(e.g.大法師之類)的場景... 耶穌在這故事裏,確實做了驅魔。 關於驅魔,除了『康斯坦汀:驅魔神探』(Constantine)這種比較娛樂性的, 我自己看過『現代驅魔師』(The Rite)這部電影 (還不錯看,不會很恐怖,安東尼霍普金斯演老神父演得很好), 講一位理性懷疑惡魔真實存在的年輕神父, 如何從原本認為惡魔只是「象徵與譬喻」的存在, 到真的相信世界上有魔鬼的過程。 電影演得很戲劇化(畢竟是電影),有一個高潮迭起的故事。 但原著的書, http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010481995 不是小說,是報導文學,有點像個報告,那位神父的故事,也只佔一小章。 書是由一位(印象中,好像不是教友的)記者,經過很多訪談後撰寫的, 從外教人的立場去整理,最後沒下什麼定論,只是有很多證詞。 我看這篇福音,覺得… 即使沒附魔,現代人內心的躁亂,也很不少。 如果一個惡魔,對應到一頭豬,那就兩千個惡魔附身在一個人身上, 這真的很多。 (我猜2000不是實數,應該就跟「成千上萬」一樣,不是真的這麼多頭豬,  但總之表示很多。) 假如一個煩惱算一個惡魔,好像內心有著兩千個煩惱那種感覺。 鄉民們也曾用枷鎖制服附魔的人、也曾阻止他用石頭打自己, 不管是為了自衛還是溫情,至少是關心他的 (雖然無可奈何之餘,把他隔離在墳墓區)。 但耶穌安慰與滌淨那個人的身心後,鄉民不是歡喜祂為自己的同鄉,做了這件事, 而是感到害怕,請耶穌離開。 這種心態,不是很高貴,但卻可以體會,畢竟人們害怕自己不理解的事。 那個被治癒的人,想離開這個地方,跟隨耶穌修道,但耶穌給他別的任務, 要他回去親友中,重新融入人群,並且以自己的經驗作見證 ...這就成為他新的該走的路了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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02/18 00:32, , 9F
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02/18 00:32, , 10F
很審慎的。我還做過摘要,有興趣的人可以來信索取 XD
02/18 00:32, 10F

02/18 01:03, , 11F
plz 寄給我 感恩~
02/18 01:03, 11F

02/18 10:57, , 12F
已收錄至精華區 z-16-4-35 :)
02/18 10:57, 12F
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