[新聞] 梵蒂岡官員籲抵制即將上演的達文西密碼

看板Catholic作者 (梭哈沒在怕的啦)時間18年前 (2006/05/12 02:12), 編輯推噓1(101)
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Check this out.. 不過應該是不會有官方的禁止聲明出現吧... http://0rz.net/a71n6 梵蒂岡官員籲抵制即將上演的達文西密碼 2006-04-29 10:30/夏明珠 梵蒂岡的一位官員呼籲天主教徒一起來抵制即將上演的「達文西密碼」,因為這 部電影污衊了天主。 教宗本篤十六擔任教廷教義部長期間,是本篤副手的蒙席「阿馬托」,今天在主 業會創設的聖十字大學發表演說時,對台下聽眾表示,他希望大家一起來抵制達 文西密碼,因為這部電影裡不但充斥著對天主教的詆毀,對於基督、福音及教會 的歷史和宗教理論的陳述,也有諸多訛誤。 阿馬托蒙席說,要是達文西密碼寫的是可蘭經和伊斯蘭教,恐怕早就引起全世界 穆斯林公憤了,現在就因為它寫的是天主教,才可以繼續輕鬆消遙。阿馬托不是 第一個公開呼籲抵制達文西密碼的,去年義大利一個主教也提出抵制「達文西密 碼」小說的呼籲,不過,在故事中被描寫成陰謀背後主導者的主業會,卻相當節 制,一直沒有對小說或是電影提出太嚴厲的抨擊,因為梅爾吉勃遜的電影「受難 記」是一個很好的教訓,罵得愈兇,電影就愈賣。主業會要求電影的發行公司, 在片頭特別註明故事純屬虛構,新力公司還沒有回應,不過新力的發言人曾經不 只一次表示,達文西密碼本來就是一部小說。 http://0rz.net/b61kg "Boycott Da Vinci Code film": top Vatican official By Philip Pullella Fri Apr 28, 11:10 AM ET ROME (Reuters) - The Vatican stepped up its offensive against "The Da Vinci Code" on Friday when a top official close to Pope Benedict blasted the book as full of anti-Christian lies and urged Catholics to boycott the film. The latest broadside came from Archbishop Angelo Amato, the number two official in the Vatican doctrinal office which was headed by Pope Benedict until his election last year. Amato, addressing a Catholic conference in Rome, called the book "stridently anti-Christian .. full of calumnies, offences and historical and theological errors regarding Jesus, the Gospels and the Church." He added: "I hope that you all will boycott the film." The movie, which is being released by Sony Pictures division Columbia Pictures, stars Tom Hanks and premieres next month at the Cannes film festival in France. Sony Pictures is the media wing of Japanese electronics giant Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news). Amato said the book, written by Dan Brown, had been hugely successful around the world thanks in part to what he called "the extreme cultural poverty on the part of a good number of the Christian faithful." The book has sold over 40 million copies. The novel is an international murder mystery centered on attempts to uncover a secret about the life of Christ that a clandestine society has tried to protect for centuries. The central tenet of the book is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children. In his address to the group, Amato said Christians should be more willing "to reject lies and gratuitous defamation." He said that if "such lies and errors had been directed at the Koran or the Holocaust they would have justly provoked a world uprising." He added: "Instead, if they are directed against the Church and Christians, they remain unpunished." Amato suggested that Catholics around the world should launch organized protests against the "The Da Vinci Code" film just as some had done in 1988 to protest against Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ." LATEST BROADSIDE Amato's broadside was just the latest blast against the book and the film. Just before Easter, another Vatican official railed against it at an event attended by Pope Benedict, branding the book and its film version as just more examples of Jesus being sold out by a wave of what he called "pseudo-historic" art. Catholic group Opus Dei has told Sony Pictures that putting a disclaimer on the movie stressing it is a work of fiction would be a welcome show of respect toward the Church. In the novel and film, Opus Dei is characterized as the latest in a series of secretive groups that worked over the centuries to obscure truths about Jesus Christ. Opus Dei is a controversial conservative Church group whose members are mostly non-clerics and are urged to seek holiness in their everyday professional jobs and lives. It has rejected criticisms that it is secretive and elitist. With the movie's opening less than a month away, Opus Dei and other Christian groups have been sponsoring Web sites and events telling people the novel should not be believed. The book is a thriller in which the main characters must uncover clues they hope will lead them to an important religious relic. Their adversary is an Opus Dei member. ※ 引述《FTOI (夢想意味的是,行動)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《jokker (風動水月)》之銘言: : : 教廷有可能發布禁令,要求信徒不要去看這部電影跟小說 : : 請問大家對這個禁令有什麼看法呢?? : 以我個人的淺見, : 不太可能有這樣的文件發布, : 因為以當前文化、知識的傳布速度和管道, : 大家都很清楚發這樣一紙禁令, : 對事情並沒有幫助。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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