
看板Cate作者 (The Rotten Age)時間9年前 (2015/02/14 16:42), 9年前編輯推噓25(25026)
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暌違一年的電影活動正式起跑 記者會上百分之80的話題都找上她,逗得記者樂開懷 紅毯女神再顯風範,那件難掌握的紀凡希美到不行 現在連影評都開得很好...這種好運勢怎麼辦到的喔... 新版灰姑娘的整體評價不錯 除了特效假假被小詬病外,大部分都認為這是一個聰明的改編版本 在設定上也與時共進,不是強調女性柔弱,需要被救援的角色 電影的華麗服裝可以直接領取明年奧斯卡(Sandy Powell今年還做了CAROL的服裝) 所有的影評都點出凱特布蘭琪的選角與演出是電影的最大亮點 (以下影評關於阿姐的都以原文表示,心想阿姐版大家英文都看得懂呴) The Playlist (B+) it can, and does surprisingly well, by approaching the story with a sincerity and sweetness that defy cynicism, and by casting Cate Blanchett. But as so often with Disney films, this one is owned by its villain. Cate Blanchett, jaw-dropping in an Easter Parade's worth of amazing costumes (that 2016 Oscar should just be wrapped up and mailed to Sandy Powell now), is the ace up the film's fitted satin sleeve. Striking catlike poses and oozing poison when required, she is also given a little humanity, including a surprisingly dorky, vulgar laugh that suggests just how studied and artificial her elegance is. One scene in which she tells her life story like she's the heroine of a "once upon a time" tale, does in two minutes what "Maleficent" couldn't do in two hours: it helps us understand her character's brokenness without declawing her one bit. (這段還鞭了一下裘莉的黑魔女,黑魔女電影兩個小時裡不斷打苦情牌說明主角有多苦, 但灰姑娘兩分鐘就搞定) It's so good in fact, that it will no doubt extend this myth's influence even further, so it can inform even more female rescue fantasies, and ensure that a whole new generation of young girls, like so many generations before them, grow up wanting to be princesses. Fingers crossed this time, though, that just a few of them grow up wanting to be Cate Blanchett instead. (救命,這段又大讚阿姐,要少女們以後不要當公主,要當凱特布蘭琪) Hollywood Reporter Looking the very picture of soignée 1940s-style chic in Sandy Powell's extraordinary costumes, Blanchett reinvigorates the textbook villainess both with her delicious cruelty and her gnawing resentment. "Love is never free," she says bitterly as she contemplates her own narrowed choices and exposes her ruthlessness. Blanchett pulls off a superb balancing act, making the stepmother archly amusing with her world-weary imperiousness, but also giving her a tang of desperation and tiny hints of a less refined woman beneath all the manufactured poise. While her mission is to secure her daughters' future along with her own, her barely disguised disdain for those idiotic brats lends additional underlying pathos to her malice. Powell's mixed-period costumes, with their astonishing range and inventive design flourishes, are up there with Ferretti's work creating a visual orgy. Blanchett's drop-dead glamour is at the top of the list, with her daughters' gaudy gift-wrap ball gowns at the deliberately vulgar low end. (Their coordinated ensembles throughout are a hoot.) (凱特再度被讚美在這個角色裡融入細膩的深度,她在表面的惡毒中可以看出是掩飾她的 脆弱) Variety Such a lavish approach is not without its drawbacks, as it can inadvertently serve to make the human cast feel almost plain by contrast. Only Cate Blanchett, who plays the imperious Lady Tremaine, fashion-plate stepmother to ash-covered orphan Ella (“Downton Abbey’s” Lily James), seems fit to hold her own against such extravagant costumes and sets — and none of the outfits are more formidable than Blanchett’s elaborate wardrobe of brilliant green gowns, stunningly designed to complement the butterfly-lit star’s ginger locks and ruby-red lips. With eyes wide, brows arched and her mouth in a permanent scowl, Blanchett blends aspects of Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck and Marlene Dietrich into an epic villainess, so deliciously unpleasant one almost wishes the film were focused more on her. (好萊塢黃金年代惡女三大神主牌被請出來比較,還表演是融合這三天后) Cine-Vue However, the film's strongest asset is Blanchett's performance as the wicked stepmother. Constantly dressed to the nines, the simple manner in which she turns Cinders into a submissive slave through passive aggression is a joy to behold. Despite Blanchett's resplendent performance and the comforting assurances that are inherent with any excursion into the reliably innocuous Disney universe it's tough to overlook the fact that there's something depressingly antiquated about Branagh's dazzling fairytale and its regressive sexual politics. ScreenDaily But it’s also a delightfully clear-eyed adaptation of Charles Perrault’s fable of goodness triumphing over adversity, which brings psychological depth to characters like Cate Blanchett’s magnificent, believable stepmother, and even provides a little geopolitical context for the story’s fantasy kingdom, without forfeiting the magic - both supernatural and romantic - that has made Cinderella such an enduringly necessary tale for generation after generation. Guardian None is an accusation you could fairly level against Cate Blanchett’s splendid Lady Tremaine. A tart-tongued beauty with a traffic-stopping wardrobe inherited from the personal archives of Edith Head – not to mention an evident knack for hosting a mean poker party – she’s plainly the biggest catch in the entire kingdom. One wonders what he could do with other, gutsier Disney princesses, particularly with the brilliant Blanchett to keep them on their oh-so-dainty toes. (衛報看來直接呼籲大家去獵捕阿姐,誰撈到誰賺到) 電影預期評價大概就是開7分(滿分10)左右 Metacritic大概是60幾分,對於一部這種類型的電影算是非常好的了 評價意外沒大倒,大家可以放心吃飯睡覺了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cate/M.1423903368.A.32A.html ※ 編輯: paulik (, 02/14/2015 16:50:15

02/14 17:38, , 1F
影評好的太誇張了吧! 這不是只是迪士尼電影嗎XDD好爽 不過
02/14 17:38, 1F

02/14 17:38, , 2F
02/14 17:38, 2F

02/14 18:55, , 3F
本版直接忽略聖杯影評就知道 不想多提 反正只是打醬油
02/14 18:55, 3F

02/14 20:26, , 4F
02/14 20:26, 4F

02/14 23:42, , 5F
02/14 23:42, 5F

02/15 00:20, , 6F
雙提名太夢幻 但是如果真以迪士尼童話電影提名 實在太屌
02/15 00:20, 6F

02/15 00:37, , 7F
02/15 00:37, 7F

02/15 01:26, , 8F
02/15 01:26, 8F

02/15 03:14, , 9F
柏林影后出爐了,資深英國女星Charlotte Rampling 奪下,Wee
02/15 03:14, 9F

02/15 03:14, , 10F
02/15 03:14, 10F

02/15 03:14, , 11F
02/15 03:14, 11F

02/15 03:28, , 12F
夏嬤一如預期拿影后 要看哪家發行商拿下發行權 如果是SPC
02/15 03:28, 12F

02/15 03:28, , 13F
02/15 03:28, 13F

02/15 03:30, , 14F
Weekend超好看 讓我都想去Nottingham一趟
02/15 03:30, 14F

02/15 04:43, , 15F
Rampling!!!不枉費我愛她這麼久!Georgy Girl!
02/15 04:43, 15F

02/15 04:43, , 16F
02/15 04:43, 16F

02/15 04:44, , 17F
02/15 04:44, 17F

02/15 04:48, , 18F
Never Let Me Go裡面戲份雖然不多,但每次出場的戲味
02/15 04:48, 18F

02/15 04:48, , 19F
02/15 04:48, 19F

02/15 04:53, , 20F
02/15 04:53, 20F

02/15 04:53, , 21F
02/15 04:53, 21F

02/15 04:53, , 22F
02/15 04:53, 22F

02/15 05:03, , 23F
查了一下美國發行商是Sundance Selects,哭(眼神死
02/15 05:03, 23F

02/15 13:43, , 24F
02/15 13:43, 24F

02/15 16:22, , 25F
02/15 16:22, 25F

02/15 16:51, , 26F
Looking第二季還沒追 我迷戀英國招風耳猛男Russell Tovey
02/15 16:51, 26F

02/15 16:52, , 27F
45年被Sundance Selects買下不是好事 片商都做藝術片
02/15 16:52, 27F

02/15 16:53, , 28F
根本不懂奧斯卡行銷 夏嬤奧斯卡機會受到影響 但只要入圍
02/15 16:53, 28F

02/15 16:53, , 29F
還挺有機會可以拿 但是柏林影后也很少跟奧斯卡掛勾
02/15 16:53, 29F

02/22 01:51, , 30F
02/22 01:51, 30F

02/26 17:23, , 31F

02/26 17:24, , 32F
冰雪短片預告 只有看灰姑娘才看得到喔
02/26 17:24, 32F

02/26 17:24, , 33F
厚顏無恥的宣傳伎倆 但是肯定有效!
02/26 17:24, 33F

02/26 18:32, , 34F

02/26 18:32, , 35F
02/26 18:32, 35F

02/26 20:56, , 36F
02/26 20:56, 36F

02/26 22:03, , 37F
02/26 22:03, 37F

02/26 22:53, , 38F
天啊好三八的笑聲 希望票房好 直接續拍後母獨立電影
02/26 22:53, 38F

02/26 22:54, , 39F
02/26 22:54, 39F

03/01 22:47, , 40F

03/01 22:47, , 41F
03/01 22:47, 41F

03/01 23:44, , 42F
樓上 0:20的Cate好可愛 XDDDDDDDDDD
03/01 23:44, 42F

03/02 12:55, , 43F
03/02 12:55, 43F

03/02 13:52, , 44F
伊莉莎白一自己跳舞 續集看別人跳舞 到了灰姑娘就在旁邊搞笑
03/02 13:52, 44F

03/02 13:55, , 45F
03/02 13:55, 45F

03/02 14:13, , 46F
03/02 14:13, 46F

03/02 14:54, , 47F
03/02 14:54, 47F

03/09 17:34, , 48F
已經說了一陣子的,搬到美國的事~ http://ppt.cc/O3Ls
03/09 17:34, 48F

03/09 19:41, , 49F
電影事業說要休息一陣子 現在好像要準備舞台劇 她又不是
03/09 19:41, 49F

03/09 19:41, , 50F
阿雀姐 電影根本有一搭沒一搭地拍
03/09 19:41, 50F

03/09 22:06, , 51F
舞台劇 那趕快拿東尼!!!!
03/09 22:06, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ktmg8Cg (Cate)