[分享] 《探險活寶》特輯:用友誼和歌聲的力量

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《探險活寶》特輯:用友誼和歌聲的力量突破關卡! 原始圖文網址: http://www.niusnews.com/index.php/main/view/4399/130111001 http://www.niusnews.com/=3ph0301 http://www.niusnews.com/=303fag2 在這扇門前,阿寶和同伴們的感情被考驗,彼此都發覺得自己的真心, 同心協力打開了一扇固執的門,也度過了友誼的難關。 最讓影迷瘋狂的一個橋段,莫過於泡泡糖和吸血鬼這兩個調子總是不合拍的兩人, 經過了這一次危機也交成知心朋友。 在這振奮人心的一幕中有兩首好聽的歌,來回顧一下吧! 《I'm Just Your Problem我只是妳的問題》: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gPbPkOVkM08
《I'm Just Your Problem我只是妳的問題》MIX版: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_UuWb1krp-4
《I'm Just Your Problem我只是妳的問題》Rebecca Sugar’s demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RrwLI-oNrNk
歌詞: La da da da da, 啦噠噠噠噠 I'm gonna bury you in the ground, 我要把妳埋在地底下 La da da da da, 啦噠噠噠噠 I'm gonna bury you with my sound, 我要把妳埋沒在我的歌聲中 I'm gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face, 我要把紅色從妳的粉紅臉頰中吸光 (真是害羞) I'm gonna... 我要… Princess Bubblegum: Marceline, that's too distasteful! 泡泡糖:Marceline,這真是太討人厭了! Marceline: Oh, you don't like that? Or do you just not like me?! Marceline:哦,妳不喜歡嗎?還是妳根本就是對我有意見? Sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess, 抱歉我沒把妳當神侍奉 Is that what you want me to do? 那是妳想要我做的事嗎? Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect, 抱歉我沒把妳當個完美的人對待 Like all your little loyal subjects do, 就像妳的臣民做的 Sorry I’m not made of sugar, 抱歉我不是糖做的 Am I not sweet enough for you? 對妳來說我是不是不夠甜? Is that why you always avoid me? 那是不是妳躲避我的原因? That must be such an inconvenience to you, 對妳來說一定很不方便吧! Well... I’m just your problem, 好吧,我只是妳的問題 I’m just your problem, 我只是妳的問題 It's like I'm not, even a person, am I? 就好像我根本不是人,對吧? I’m just your problem 我只是妳的問題 Well, I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to justify what I do 我不應該批判我的所作所為 I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you 我不需要對妳證明任何事 I’m sorry that I exist. 抱歉我存在 I forget what landed me on your blacklist, 我已經忘記我為何上了妳的黑名單 But I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you, 但我不必當那個主動和好的人 So... why do I want to? 所以…為什麼我要這麼做? Why do I want to... 為什麼我想這麼做… To... bury you in the ground, 把妳埋在地底 And drink the blood from your... Ugh! 然後把妳的血喝乾…呃! 《Best Friends in the World世界上最好的朋友》: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3AyzYq2hClo#!
《Best Friends in the World世界上最好的朋友》Rebecca Sugar’s demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1WdtIvKbmxg
歌詞: Everyone... Bubblegum... I'm so dumb... 大家…泡泡糖…我真傻 I should have just told you 我真應該直接告訴妳 What I lost... was a piece of your hair! 我遺失的…不過就是一撮妳的頭髮!(居然收藏女生的頭髮) Now it's gone; gone forever, 現在它不見了;再也找不回來 But I guess, what does it matter 但我想也沒差了 When I just... just had all of you there? 我何時能再和你們齊聚在一起呢? Oh, I just had all of you there with me, my friends... 噢,我只是想和你們齊聚一堂,我的朋友們… If you're even my friends. 如果你們還是我的朋友 speaking to the door: You like this? This is what was missing! The truth! 阿寶對門說:你喜歡這首歌?這就是我們所缺少的──真相! What am I to you? 對你們來說我是甚麼? Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother? 是笑話一則,是妳的騎士,還是好夥伴? What am I to you? 對你們來說我是甚麼? Do you look down on me 'cause I'm younger? 你們是否因我年紀小而看不起我? Do you think that I don't understand? 你們覺得我不懂嗎? I just wanted us together and to play as a band, 我只是想要大家在一起,像個樂團般演奏 Last night was the most fun I've ever had, 昨晚是我生命中最快樂的時光 Even liked it when the two of you would get mad... at each other. 即使妳們兩人對彼此發怒 Oh, you a-a-a-a-are my best friends in the world. 噢,你們是我在世界上最好的朋友 You a-a-a-a-are my best friends in the world. 你們是我在世界上最好的朋友 That's ri-i-i-i-ight, I'm talking about the two of you girls, 是的,我在說妳們兩個女生 And you, Jake. 還有你,老皮 I wanna sing a song to you and I refuse to make it fake. 我想對你們唱一首歌,沒半句假話的歌 What am I to you? 對你們來說我是甚麼? Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother? 是笑話一則,是妳的騎士,還是好夥伴? What am I to you? 對你們來說我是甚麼? Do you look down on me 'cause I'm younger? 你們是否因我年紀小而看不起我? Do you think that I don't understand? 你們覺得我不懂嗎? I just wanted us together and to play as a band, 我只是想要大家在一起,像個樂團般演奏 I'll forget that I lost a piece of your hair, 我會忘記我遺失了一撮妳的頭髮 I'll remember the pasta that we shared... over there. 但我將記得我們在此地共享的時光 Ah ah, you a-a-a-a-are my best friends in the world. 啊啊,你們是我在世界上最好的朋友 You a-a-a-a-are my best friends in the world. 你們是我在世界上最好的朋友 And that's ri-i-i-i-ight, I'm talking about the two of you girls, 是的,我在說妳們兩個女生 And you, Jake. 還有你,老皮 I wanna sing a song to you and I refuse to make it fake. 我想對你們唱一首歌,沒半句假話的歌 Make no mistake, 不做錯事 I'm gonna sing a song that feels so real, it'll make this do-o-o-or break! 我要唱出我的真實感受,讓這扇門開啟! 註:妞編輯翻譯歌詞僅供參考,影片上傳者並非妞新聞,如經移除請見諒。 這些畫面出現在第3季第10集《What Was Missing》,這集的起承轉合抓著觀眾的心走, 最後彼此信任的力量讓人感到安心,越看越喜歡他們了。 看了這一集,難怪會有人把吸血鬼和泡泡糖兩個女孩配一對。 http://www.niusnews.com/=3fag433 Source: rebeccasugar http://www.niusnews.com/=3g4hv44 Source: pommerose 歌曲方面,阿寶的Beat box好可愛喔,唱歌也很好聽。 Marceline出專輯的話我一定會支持的,你呢? Source: adventuretime.wikia -- 有些時候 十分空虛 但很快就被墮落填滿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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