[閒聊] Pujols 'the perfect player' in 11 year

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https://www.mlb.com/news/albert-pujols-early-years-mlb-history In those early years with the Cardinals, Albert Pujols was that player others would stop and watch take batting practice. 在當年效力紅雀的時光裡,Pujols是那種會讓其他打者停下來觀摩打擊練習的球員。 “The thing is, he’s always under control,” Lance Berkman once said. “You almost never see him lunge at a pitch. You almost never see him swing at a ball in the dirt.” 「重點是,他從未失控,」Lance Berkman表示「你幾乎從沒看過他刻意追打任一球, 你也幾乎從沒看過他朝著挖地瓜壞球揮棒。」 To put it another way, Pujols had the rare gift of virtually controlling at-bats the moment he stepped into the batter’s box. Ahead in the count, behind in the count, pitchers never felt comfortable. 換句話說,Pujols有著在打擊區裡操控任何打數的罕見天賦。不論是球數領先還落後, 面對他的投手永遠不會太好過。 “There really was no way to pitch to him,” Berkman said, “because his hands were so quick he could adjust to almost anything.” 「投手要面對他真的是無解,因為他的手反應速度很快,所以他可以對任何情況即時 做出反應。」Berkman表示。 With MLB Network showcasing 10 of Pujols’ signature games for three days beginning Saturday, this is a good time to attempt to put his greatness into some sort of context. 週六起MLB Network會一連三天播放十場Pujols的經典賽事,所以在此對他的偉大事蹟 稍作敘述。 To look at those first 10 seasons, the historical comparisons are names like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and Ted Williams. Whenever Hall of Famer Jeff Bagwell hears comparisons thrown out about other players, he’s reminded to check the Pujols numbers. 綜觀Pujols前十年的成績,歷史上可與其比擬的不外乎為Babe Ruth、Lou Gehrig以及 Ted Williams之流。每當名人堂球星Jeff Bagwell聽到其他球員之間的比較時,他總 會和Pujols的數字來一起比較。 “Don’t overlook Albert,” Bagwell will say. 「千萬別忽略Albert。」Bagwell會這麼說。 He had a front-row seat for Pujols’ first 11 seasons, when the Cardinals and Astros were two of the National League’s best teams and met in the NL Championship Series in 2004 and ’05. (The Cardinals won in ’04, the Astros in ’05.) Bagwell曾坐在搖滾區見證Pujols生涯的頭11個年頭:當時的紅雀和太空人是國聯兩支 勁旅,並曾在2004和05年的國聯冠軍戰交手(紅雀於04年獲勝,05年則是太空人。) “I’m not sure any player has had a better 11 seasons than Albert did when he first came up,” Bagwell said. “His ability to make hard contact and impact games was just amazing. 「我不確定是否有人的生涯頭11球季會比Albert來得好」Bagwell表示「他製造強勁擊 球以及影響比賽的能力實在太不可思議。」 “He also made every player around him better. He put pitchers in high-stress situations, not just against himself, but against the hitters around him in the lineup. Isn’t that the definition of a great player?” 「他也讓他周圍的球員變得更優秀。他讓投手在不管面對他或者整條打線時都面臨一 個高張力的局面,這難道不就是偉大球員的定義嗎?」 Yep, it probably is. 沒錯,幾乎就是如此。 Pujols, 40, played 11 seasons with the Cardinals and was part of two World Series winners before signing with the Angels, his team for the past eight seasons. 現年40歲的Pujols在目前為天使隊效力八年以前曾為紅雀隊效力11年,並為紅雀贏下兩 次世界大賽。 From 2001-11 -- all with the Cardinals -- Pujols led MLB in homers (445) and doubles (455), and his 1.037 OPS was second only to Barry Bonds. Pujols在效力於紅雀的2001-11年間敲出的445轟以及455二壘打皆為大聯盟之冠,而這 段期間的1.037 OPS則僅次於Barry Bonds。 Those 11 seasons include three NL MVP Awards and four other seasons when he finished second to Bonds (twice), Ryan Howard and Joey Votto. To Bagwell’s point, Statcast research by David Adler came up with these historical comparisons: Pujols在這11個球季中贏得了三次國聯最有價值球員、四次票選第二(分別輸給Bonds 兩次、Ryan Howard和Joey Votto各一次)。為呼應Bagwell的論點,David Adler透過 以下的Statcast研究和整個大聯盟歷史做了些比較: ‧ Pujols’ 445 home runs are the most in history in a player’s first 11 seasons, comfortably ahead of 399 by Eddie Mathews. Pujols的445轟是所有球員生涯頭11季全壘打數中最多的,遙遙領先第二名Eddie Mathews 的399轟。 ‧ 455 doubles are tied with Todd Helton for the most in history. 455二壘打和Todd Helton並列史上第一。 ‧ 3,893 total bases are the most in history, with Hank Aaron next at 3,692. 3893壘打數史上第一,第二多的則是Hank Aaron的3692。 ‧ 1.037 OPS is fifth-highest among players with at least 1,000 plate appearances for their first 11 seasons. Only Hall of Famers Ruth, Williams, Jimmie Foxx and Gehrig were better. 1.037 OPS是所有1000以上打席的球員中生涯頭11個球季裡第五佳的累計數字。比他好的 只有名人堂球星Babe Ruth、Ted Williams、Jimmie Foxx和Lou Gehrig。 ‧ 170 OPS+ is 11th-highest all-time and way behind the leader, Ruth at 218. In MLB’s divisional era, only Angels teammate Mike Trout (176 OPS+) has been better. 170 OPS+是史上第11佳,雖然離史上最佳的Ruth(218)有著不小差距。但在分區時代, 只有他的天使隊隊友Mike Trout(176 OPS+)比他來得好。 ‧ 1,291 runs are the most ever, slightly more than No. 2, Ted Williams at 1,275. 1291得分是生涯頭11季裡史上最多,略比第二名Ted Williams的1275還要多一點。 ‧ 915 extra-base hits are the most ever, way more than No. 2, Aaron, at 796. 915長打是生涯頭11季裡史上最多,甚至遙遙領先第二名Hank Aaron的796。 ‧ .617 slugging percentage is fifth-highest, tied with Hank Greenberg, and behind the leader, Ruth, at .712. .617長打率和Hank Greenberg並列史上第五,第一則是Ruth的.712。 Inside the Cardinals clubhouse, Pujols was seen as relentlessly prepared and obsessive in his attention to detail. 在紅雀休息室裡,Pujols總是無止盡地做好準備,並且對任何細節都不放過。 “He was the perfect player,” said his Cardinals manager, Hall of Famer Tony La Russa. 「他就是那個完美球員」他當年於紅雀時的教頭、名人堂成員Tony La Russa表示。 Could Pujols do damage? His home run against the Astros in the 2005 NLCS remains the most infamous in franchise history. Pujols可以造成損害嗎?他在2005年國聯冠軍戰對上太空人時的那支全壘打至今仍是隊 史最惡名昭彰的一發。 Almost 15 years later, Pujols said it’s routine for him to sit down at lunch in Houston and have Astros fans approach him and tell him where they were and what they were doing when he homered. 在那經過15年後,Pujols說他作客休士頓吃午餐時仍會有太空人球迷跑去跟他說他敲出 那支全壘打時他們在哪裡幹嘛。 “I know it’s a compliment,” he said, “but I have to remind them that the Astros won Game 6 and the series.” 「我知道這是個讚美」Pujols說,「但我也得提醒他們最後太空人贏了那場比賽,也贏 了該系列賽。」 When Pujols returned to Busch Stadium last summer for the first time since his Cardinals days, fans had the chance to show him what he’d meant to them. 當Pujols去年夏天在離開紅雀後第一次重返Busch Stadium時,紅雀球迷總算有機會讓 他知道他在他們心目中的地位。 “You were a great teammate,” Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright wrote on Twitter, “you are a great friend, and one of the greatest Cardinals/baseball players to ever live. I don’t know what the record for longest ovation is, but I hope you pass that.” 「你是個很棒的隊友」紅雀投手Adam Wainwright在推特上表示「你是個很棒的朋友, 也是史上最棒的紅雀球員以及棒球選手之一。我不知道史上最長的起立鼓掌紀錄為何, 但我希望你能破那紀錄。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cardinals/M.1588446101.A.B18.html

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